The Feud between CM Punk and The Undertaker

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Dark Match Jobber
It seems like WWE is using the death of Paul Bearer as the backbone of their feud heading into Wrestlemania. On a side note, if the family and friends of Bearer are okay with it, then I am too, as I doubt WWE would go out of their way to taint something so fragile. Regardless, with them going forward using this real life tragedy, I was thinking: what did (or do you think) they had planned on doing in the first place had Bearer not passed away?
I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today. The most likely scenario i assume would be Punk saying he wants respect and this is the ultimate way to get it, or maybe how his WWE title reign is more impressive then the Undertakers streak, or this one just popped into my head would be Punk wanting to end the streak so his reign was the most impressive 'Streak' of the modern era.

As callous as it sounds William Moodys death came at an opportunistic time for Vince to capitalise on for storyline purpose making it feel much more personal
Perhaps this is a way for them to have a match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania where the streak isn't the most prominent part of the build up? As important as it is, maybe it can be about "respect"?

Sorry about the wrong placement.
But even if it was about respect it still goes back to the streak as Punk is trying to gain respect for emxing the streak. Thats the only thing the Undertaker is good for these days is the streak. The untimely death of Bearer adds a 'personal' dimension to the rivalry takig some attention away from the streak. I dont think that was Wwes original intention though i think they e just capitalized on . unfortunate situation
If Paul Bearer had not have passed away I think they would have gone down the path of Cm Punk saying he is the best in the world and to finally cement himself as the best in the world he has to end The best streak in the world and defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania.
I think they foreshadowed this on Old School Raw. Punk was saying how his streak ended which means he is going to end Taker's. I'll add to this and say that he would use the "best in the world" meaning he is better than HBK, HHH, Orton etc. If those guys could almost beat Taker than CM Punk CAN beat the Undertaker.

I can't see the heat from Paul Bearer's death lasting till Mania. Maybe next week but the last week will definitely be all about Punk being the best in the world. That is what they need to stress. Punk's actions regarding Bearer's death does not make him more likely to win so stressing that he is "the best in the world" can make it slightly more believable.
This is all being covered in their official WM29 thread. No need for another thread on the same topic.

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