The Dragon Ball Z Thread

DBZ Topic # 29: Why Do They Scream So Much?

Hey guys; it's been awhile, but this is something that I have always wondered. If you watch any form of DB, you're bound to see a character ball up their fists, bare down, and scream bloody murder. Detractors of the series say things like, "It looks like they're constipated. Maybe they need a bathroom, lulz". Anyways, whenever a character powers up, transforms, or fires a large blast they scream most of the time. Why is that?

I always thought that it was because, well it hurts. Imagine being all normal then all of a sudden your muscles start bulge and spasm uncontrollably, energy is literally bursting out of your body, and you're pushing yourself beyond any physical limit you've ever set. It has to hurt.

So what do you guys think? Is it pain? Is it posturing? Is it constipation? Tell me why you think they scream. Let me know your opinions.
DBZ Topic # 29: Why Do They Scream So Much?

Hey guys; it's been awhile, but this is something that I have always wondered. If you watch any form of DB, you're bound to see a character ball up their fists, bare down, and scream bloody murder. Detractors of the series say things like, "It looks like they're constipated. Maybe they need a bathroom, lulz". Anyways, whenever a character powers up, transforms, or fires a large blast they scream most of the time. Why is that?

I always thought that it was because, well it hurts. Imagine being all normal then all of a sudden your muscles start bulge and spasm uncontrollably, energy is literally bursting out of your body, and you're pushing yourself beyond any physical limit you've ever set. It has to hurt.

So what do you guys think? Is it pain? Is it posturing? Is it constipation? Tell me why you think they scream. Let me know your opinions.

I always thought that it helped bring their ki out faster or helped it build up. It might have something to do with pain but I've never been completely sold on that. They never seemed like screams of pain, except when Goku goes SS3 for the first time, that one did seem like it hurt.
Short Answer: Its Anime only filler.

Longer Answer: I always assumed that when powering up, especially when channeling large amounts of Ki, they scream as a way to relieve stress. Screaming is more or less probably just a habit to help cope with the amount of stress their bodies are probably going under when gathering enormous amounts of KI. It also probably has to do with emotion. When people get emotional, some might scream to relieve some stress or tension. I figure in DB it's very similar. A lot of power ups do come straight from emotion. Then when you add in transformations, the screams get louder due to the combination of the physical transformation, enormous KI build up and emotion. After all of that, how do you not let out a little scream?
So Super Saiyan Rose is a thing now. I like how they finally have a pink Super Saiyan.

DBZ Topic # 29: Why Do They Scream So Much?

Hey guys; it's been awhile, but this is something that I have always wondered. If you watch any form of DB, you're bound to see a character ball up their fists, bare down, and scream bloody murder. Detractors of the series say things like, "It looks like they're constipated. Maybe they need a bathroom, lulz". Anyways, whenever a character powers up, transforms, or fires a large blast they scream most of the time. Why is that?

I always thought that it was because, well it hurts. Imagine being all normal then all of a sudden your muscles start bulge and spasm uncontrollably, energy is literally bursting out of your body, and you're pushing yourself beyond any physical limit you've ever set. It has to hurt.

So what do you guys think? Is it pain? Is it posturing? Is it constipation? Tell me why you think they scream. Let me know your opinions.

Imagine the amount of pain their bodies must be going through. They're emitting a lot of fire from their bodies, on top of that, they're moving constantly and are using plasma in multiple forms to aid them in their fight (something you need to be very hot to do). In short, they're fighting with damn near black holes. Imagine the amount of stress and pain that causes on their body. If all they do is scream to acknowledge their pain, then the way I see it these guys and gals are straight up warriors.
DBZ Topic #30: Super Saiyan Rose?

Hey DBZ fans! It's the resident Phenom bringing you another topic discussion. Idk if you're all caught up yet so this is a SPOILER WARNING!!! Stop reading now if you're not caught up on Super.

As you well know there is a new big bad in DBS from Future Trunks' timeline called Goku Black. No he's not an ethnic version of Goku for those that don't know. He's just an evil entity taking the form of Goku and he wears black. We don't know for sure who he is yet or how he's taken the form of Goku, but we do know that he's not really Goku because he keeps referring to the Saiyan characters as Saiyans. Making it seem like he doesn't consider himself apart of the race. Anyways, he's already been to the past once and fought SSJ 2 Goku and he lost. In the most recent episode of Super, Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks travel back to the future to face Black. Now the fight with Black actually hasn't started yet, however, in the next episode preview, we see Black transform into his new form which is called Super Saiyan Rose. Yes he has rose colored hair and a rose colored aura. What I want to ask is; what do you guys think of this new form and how he achieved it?

Do you think it's his own version of SSGSS and only he has it? How powerful do you think it is? Do you think because he's not truly a Saiyan that's why his SSJ form is so different? Has DBS gotten out of control with Saiyan transformations? Let me know your opinions.

Super Saiyan Rose. Such an, interesting case to say the least. Since the form was just introduced we have literally no information on it. Is it a God Tier level transformation in terms of power and status? Is it even a Super Saiyan form? Why Pink? What's the fuck is even going on here?

Its an interesting design. I like the way the Pink kind of shades in with the white to give it a lighter kind of a shade. Looks better than all the darker shades I've seen from fan pictures. The aura looks cool as well. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the look of it. Some people are up in arms over the color choice mostly because they were expecting White. Pink is an odd choice for a villain but remember, Majin Buu was also Pink. Its kind of hard to associate a color like Pink with evil but it worked well with Buu.

Only time will tell to see what the form is actually capable of. For me though, overall first impressions are positive :thumbsup:.
DBZ Topic #31: Favorite DBZ Abridged Quote

It's the Phenom back again with another topic. Look, I know I can't be the only DBZ fan on these here forums that enjoys him some DBZ Abridged from Team Four Star. That shit is funny as hell. Sometimes, I even enjoy watching that over the actual anime. So, what is your favorite DBZ Abridged quote?

I was watching DBZ Abridged here recently, the Freeza saga to be specific, and I heard something I can't believe that I'd missed before. Let me set the scene. Vegeta had just awoken inside the healing chamber on Freeza's ship from his fight with Zarbon and he is destroying minions and Freeza's ship. So Vegeta goes after the 5 Dragon Balls that Freeza had on his ship and all of a sudden it cuts to the Ginyu Force flying through space in their ships. Freeza calls Captain Ginyu, who has the call on speaker and this is what you hear:

Freeza: Ginyu, hurry up double time. Zarbon's really screwed the pooch on this one.

Zarbon: Lord Freeza, Vegeta's really giving us a pounding.

Freeza: I'm coming Zarbon; quick, grab my balls!!!

Ginyu Force: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......

That goes to show you ladies and gents; context is everything. This is one of the funniest things I've seen/heard ever. If you haven't watched DBZ Abridged, you should get on that.

Let me know your favorite quote(s).
DBZ Topic #31: Favorite DBZ Abridged Quote

It's the Phenom back again with another topic. Look, I know I can't be the only DBZ fan on these here forums that enjoys him some DBZ Abridged from Team Four Star. That shit is funny as hell. Sometimes, I even enjoy watching that over the actual anime. So, what is your favorite DBZ Abridged quote?

I was watching DBZ Abridged here recently, the Freeza saga to be specific, and I heard something I can't believe that I'd missed before. Let me set the scene. Vegeta had just awoken inside the healing chamber on Freeza's ship from his fight with Zarbon and he is destroying minions and Freeza's ship. So Vegeta goes after the 5 Dragon Balls that Freeza had on his ship and all of a sudden it cuts to the Ginyu Force flying through space in their ships. Freeza calls Captain Ginyu, who has the call on speaker and this is what you hear:

Freeza: Ginyu, hurry up double time. Zarbon's really screwed the pooch on this one.

Zarbon: Lord Freeza, Vegeta's really giving us a pounding.

Freeza: I'm coming Zarbon; quick, grab my balls!!!

Ginyu Force: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......

That goes to show you ladies and gents; context is everything. This is one of the funniest things I've seen/heard ever. If you haven't watched DBZ Abridged, you should get on that.

Let me know your favorite quote(s).

Not really specific quotes, but I love how Gohan's showing abandonment issues.


So with the recent release of Episode 56, we have come to find out that Black and Zamasu are genuinely 100% not the same. Zamasu is simply the puppeteer while Black seems to be the puppet. I wonder where the relationship between the two started, and also where it will end. Also, could Black be the God of Destruction from Universe 10 and we just not know it?
So Episode 56 of DBS came out today. I was for a good while very impressed with the very subtle and detailed storytelling they had going. The deal with Zamasu and the tea, while bashed over your head like it was WWE, was still very good. Trunks reconnecting with Gohan and seeing he's living his dream was a very touching and so was Vegeta's rage at Black killing Bulma in the future and making his son's life hell again. There was strong teases of Vegeta & Goku HAVING to work together and this episode pushed it.

But then Zamasu is standing right by Black and notes the first meeting. Thus, DBS shits it's pants with something totally nonsensical. This makes this version of Zamasu, strictly from Future Trunks' time. How did he meet Goku then? It's two separate Universes. Had it been a future Zamasu travelling to Trunks' Timeline knowing Goku was dead and could use his body, but he doesn't. It's the same Zamasu Beerus & co. visited. And what does that make Black? A brainwashed zombie? And what the fuck happened to Vegeta? He got stabbed. Yet..... It's a flesh wound. Just a completely bewildering episode after some very genuine heartfelt moments courtesy of Vegeta who's been the MVP of this arc.
I think that they're going to explain that it is the same Zamasu by using the Time Rings and saying he traveled to the future.

I really liked this episode. Black and Zamasu have become two of my favorite villians. They're not pushovers and they actually have motivations beyond world domination, revenge on Goku, and I'm just evil so I destroy shit. (Looking at you Majin Buu) They're actually sinister and they're the first villians in a while that are not just fodder for Goku. They're formidable. This past episode really cemented in the ground that Vegeta is full on good. It was great.

Super is definitely rebounding from its earlier bullshit.
I have another quote that I'd like to share with you all from DBZ Abridged. It's Perfect Cell's song. If you haven't heard it, here it is:


Team Four Star is great.
So have you guys watched episode 57 of Super? It was even better than episode 56. Super, imo, has finally found its stride and it has become DBZ level good. The fight scenes these past two weeks have been amazing and the story telling has been exciting and dramatic. Black and Zamasu are amazing villians and are seriously becoming the best villians of all time.

This Future Trunks arc has been amazing and Super has finally become the series that we've been hoping for.
DBZ Topic #32: Gravity Training​

Hey there DBZ fans. Phenom here and this time I want to discuss something that I've thought about ever since I was a kid. Theoretically, could gravity training like the kind done in DBZ be possible?

We've all seen the scenes with Goku training from 10x Earth's gravity all the way up to 100x Earth's gravity. Then there's Vegeta, who got all the way up to 450x gravity. I know gravity that intense wouldn't be possible in the slightest, but would it be possible for us to train at something like 2x gravity up to 10x gravity? Would it just be like weight training without the weights? Could our bodies get used to the higher gravity and then when we returned to our normal environment would we be stronger and faster proportional to the level of gravity that we were in?

What do you think would happen if we found a way to increase gravity? Let me know your opinions.
This must be just a coincidence. It has to be, because I just watched a video that tries to scientifically determine if that the gravity training is theoretically possible. I wonder Phenom, did you perchance happen to watch the same video to get this idea from? I'll post it below.


In short, yes it is possible. Would it kill you? most definitely. Basically the human body isn't meant to handle anything higher than about 10G's(King Kai's planet). Even then, without the proper preparations, you would likely not survive. The video host argues that, comfortably the most humans could handle would be about 3 G's. Fighter pilots and Astronauts are trained to handle higher G's that usually max out at 9 G's. At about 15 G's, you'd pretty much be dead.

Now obviously, for us humans, our body structure's aren't meant to handle such stress and pressure. A Saiyan however; Their bodies are built much more sturdy and can handle to extreme stress of Gravity rooms. Vegeta was seen maxing out at 450x Earths normal gravity. Who knows how much further past that he can achieve now. Us normal humans though, well, we'd probably more or less end up like Yamcha.
DBZ Topic #33: How Strong Was Ultra Super Saiyan?

Hey there DBZ fans. Phenom again with another topic for us to discuss. Ever since first seeing USSJ Trunks go up against Perfect Cell I've always wondered something; how strong is the USSJ transformation?

Ultra Super Saiyan (Which is a fan term. It's officially SSJ Grade 2 or 3 or Ascended SSJ in the dub) is the first SSJ level that goes beyond the regular SSJ. Only Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku achieved this level. All three gained the transformation by training in the Room of Spirit and Time. The level is first seen when Vegeta uses it's lesser form (Grade 2) against Semi Perfect Cell. After Cell is allowed to absorb #18 by Vegeta, becomes Perfect Cell, and then easily dispatches of Vegeta; we learn that the form has an even higher level than what Vegeta had shown as Trunks uses it's highest form (Grade 3) and becomes even stronger than Vegeta. At first glance, it looks like the form is all powerful and badass. The form is characterized by extreme muscle growth and even spikier hair than that of regular SSJ. It made skinny Trunks grow to body building levels in a few moments.

When he first transformed; Trunks appeared to have the upper hand over Cell. He was winning and actually beating Cell. Hell, Cell even told him that he had surpassed Cell's own power level. All was not as it seemed, though. As Cell would demonstrate and Goku would flat out tell us, this form had a severe weakness. As a result of the extreme muscle growth, the user's strength and power output were greatly increased. Also, because of the extreme muscle growth, however, the user's speed became limited proportional to their energy increase. So even if the user was stronger than their opponent; what good would it do if they could never successfully attack their opponent? So this form quickly became obsolete.

What I've always wondered, though, is how strong was this form or what was it's multiplier? Cell told Trunks after Trunks powered up to this form, that Trunks was stronger than himself. That didn't matter though, because Trunks could never hit Cell as a result of the the forms speed limitations. Some fans think that this form is as strong as SSJ 2, just without the speed. Others think that it may even surpass SSJ 2. Most fans, however, say that it resides somewhere in between SSJ and SSJ 2, with a multiplier of something like 1.5-1.9. What do you guys think? Is it on par with SSJ 2 just slower? Is it stronger than SSJ 2 and just slower or is it out and out inferior to SSJ 2? Let me know your opinions.
Big News out of the Dragon Ball community today. Shueisha of Japan announced that they will be creating a new department called the "Dragon Ball room". It will specifically and solely be focusing on Akira Toriyamas DB world.

Japanese publisher Shueisha announced during a "new publications project presentation" in Tokyo on Wednesday that it had created a new department called the "Dragon Ball Room" in June that focuses specifically on Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball property. Akio Iyoku, the editor-in-chief of Shueisha's V Jump magazine (where Toriyama and Toyotarō's Dragon Ball Super manga is currently serialized), is heading the new department.

The department is working to provide new ideas for content for Dragon Ball, and to optimize and expand the brand. Iyoku commented that the department is "only thinking about Dragon Ball."

This means we could potentially be seeing new DB content for years to come. New stories, spin offs, movies, games, mangas and so much more. Its way too early to tell exactly what this all means but I'm really excited at all the things we could see. I'v yearned for a more detailed expanded DB universe and I might actually get that this time around.

What do you guys make of this? Could it be good or bad for the franchise? What are you looking to get out out all of this?

Original link follows
I think this is great. Non DB fans fail to grasp exactly how popular DB really is. Picture this, if you will, DBZ ended in Japan in 1995 and GT ended in 1997. By 2005, DB,Z, and GT and all been dubbed and released here in the states, but the series remained so popular, all over the world, that they started releasing box sets of series, video games continued to come out, and they even released a manga version of the anime in Kai. It was so popular that almost 20 years after it ended in Japan, they made 2 new movies (one being Resurrection F, one of the highest selling anime features ever) and a new series. I mean, few things become as popular as Dragon Ball has become.

I think that they've finally realized that if they make it then we will come. As long as they continue to release media in the quality that we're accustomed to, I don't think it could go wrong. Super was iffy there for awhile, but this Future Trunks arc has been one of the very best throughout all of Z. Zamasu has quickly become one of, if not THE, very best villians in the entire series of Dragon Ball.

I love it.
Really enjoying the build/tease of just to what level Zamasu and Goku Black will reach and who will be the one to take them/him down.

I really do not want the Zeno button or the Mafuba to be the end of it. Part of it, yes. But not the sole means of defeating Zamasu and Black.

I fancy the idea of Potara-fused Zamasu Black vs a Fusion Dance SS Blue Gogeta as the climax to the arc, although I do have some issues with that. The Fusion Dance does not last long enough to give us the monumental fight that the Future Trunks Arc deserves, plus SS Blue Gogeta should really be considerably stronger than a fused Zamasu Black, due to the fact that Zamasus is not really that strong compared to the Saiyans - I wonder if a fused Zamasu Black would also be immortal?

I also do not want to see another set of Potara earrings used to form Vegito as they would just have to be separated again, making the 'permanence' of the Potarra pointless.

A combination of Gogeta, Beerus, Whis (we have to see Beerus or Whis at full power at some point) and even Zeno de-fusing Zamasu Black would be okay, leading to maybe Goku dealing with Zamasu through the Mafuba, leaving Vegeta or Trunks to finish off Black - while Future Trunks has much to want to kill Black for, the idea of Vegeta getting to kill 'Kakarot' is too good to pass up for me.
I want to see Whis in action at some point. Idc how that comes about, but I want to see it. I want to see a pissed off Whis more than I want to see any type of fusion again.

As far as this arc goes, a fused Zamasu Black vs. SSB Gogeta or Vegito seems to be the path they're headed down. So I see it going like this. Zamasu and Black fuse, leaving Goku and Vegeta with no choice but to fuse. They incapacitate Zamasu Black somehow and either use the Super Dragon Balls to undo the fusions or get Zeno or someone to do it. Then Goku seals Zamasu away and they destroy Black.
DBZ Topic #34: What Is Future Trunks' New Form?​

Hey DB fans, Phenom again with another topic you'll probably ignore. Anyways, we all seen it two episodes ago in Super. Future Trunks transformed and became god level powerful. So, what is his new form and how does it work?

So when Trunks transformed, his hair grew a little, his eyes went white, he grew in muscle mass a little, and he had a blue aura, similar to SSB, inside of his regular golden SSJ aura. Along with electricity. At first I thought that this was just a rage boost, but we've seen him transform into that form at will in the last episode. In the form, he is able to compete with SSR Black and he even held both Black and Zamasu back at one point. So it would appear that he's achieved god level power, but has he become a god? His aura suggests he has.

Is this form SSB for hybrids? Is it SSB2 like some fandom think? Is it just Trunks' take on SSB, specific to him? Let me know your opinions.
Everybody is in a rush to name this new form. False SSB, ultra SSB, Super blue ultra blue blue super saiyan blue! Me, I just think its untapped God Ki he's using. He's been training with Vegeta so he likely got a taste of God Ki and this is probably the first time it's been brought to the surface. With some training and control he might be able seize the power of the god Ki, utilize it and gain SSB with the others.
It seems they are going the way that Black Zamasu combines the possibly limitless strength of the Saiyans with the Dragonball-granted immortality. Essentially, this is a rerun of the ultimate form of Super Buu, immensely powerful and supremely durable with the added ingredient of an almost religiously inspired mission.

Not too often you see light portrayed as the villain.

It would appear that the Saiyans next roll of the dice is Vegito. Perhaps Vegeta's injury means that he has no say in the matter or needs to fuse in order to not die.

The teaser for next week also shows that Zamasu is going to morph in some way, coating one side of his body in the what looks like the energy he used for his blade.

I am glad that Vegeta, Trunks and Goku are not completely outclassed straight away as the combination of Black and Zamasu should not be all that much stronger than two/three Saiyans fighting together, as the rather nice Twin Galick Gun showed. Black had already been surpassed by Vegeta and Zamasu himself was actually quite weak compared to all the other major protagonists.

That said, the combination of Saiyan blood and immortality really is about as deadly as it gets. Basically, every time someone lands a good shot on Black Zamasu, he will heal immediately and then get a power boost... It really is going to take something special to deal with him, whether that is the destructive power of Beerus, the ultimate power of Zeno or sealing him away in somewhere like the Dead Zone.
DBZ Topic #35: Yelling Attack Names​

Hey everyone, it's the SSJ Phenom back with another topic. This is one that I've always wondered since first watching DBZ and other anime for that matter. Why do the characters say or yell the names of their attacks when they use them? Is it required?

Even if you're really not a fan of DBZ and have only seen a few episodes; chances are you've seen someone use an energy attack and yell something in Japanese before hand. From the famous Kamehameha all the way to Krillin's Destructo Disk, most of the time these names are yelled before the attack is used. Why, though? Does the attack have to be summoned? Is it a spell? Honestly, if they didn't constantly yell attack names, they'd probably catch their enemies off guard. Is it a marketing ploy? Does it help them focus?

Why do you think the attack names are yelled? Let me know your opinions.
Барбоса;5603733 said:
The teaser for next week also shows that Zamasu is going to morph in some way, coating one side of his body in the what looks like the energy he used for his blade.

I have seen an interesting explanation about what is happening to Zamasu.

He has been claiming all along that he is a supreme god but as even the children watching the battle between him and the Saiyans have opined, he does not act like a god. Gods in DB are either benevolent or at worst neutral.

Either by choice or not, Zamasu the "supreme god", is in fact becoming the opposite. He is becoming a demon.

That one half of him has suddenly become purple, perhaps after Goku overpowers his light shield, may back this up as purple is the spectrum opposite of green, which seems to be the colour of gods in his universe if he and Gowasu are anything to go by.

We may even get a full transformation as Vegito proves a match for him. It will be interesting to see what kind of abilities this purple corruption might ring - a combination of Buu, Janemba and Bio Broly?

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