The Doctor's Office

Not bad, not bad. Been a lazy bum today more or less. Class later. Maintenance guys came in and placed a dehumidifier in the living room for some reason while I was asleep. Might play a videogame or actually write an article for a news thing, dunno.

Oh yeah, I write news stories now. Took a semester off of radio to focus on schoolwork, will have to reapply near the end of it but I don't doubt I'll get my show back over the summer. But yeah,news stories, had a few brief bits published in the Dayton Daily News, hoping to get this story on the website once I edit it up a bit.

Life's pretty good in general, really.

How're you? And this applies to anyone reading the thread. What's up, everyone?

That's awesome, man. I've been in and out of class most of the day, looking forward to bumming around when I get home.

What kinds of news stories are you writing? I've always wanted to try my hand at sports writing (just as a hobby), but I never really even tried -- unless you count the one article I wrote for my middle school paper, haha.

I'm doing pretty well. I mean, it's just the usual daily grind, but I'm enjoying my classes and just having a nice time all around. I'm getting pretty excited for March Madness, so that's someone to look forward to.
Not bad, not bad. Been a lazy bum today more or less. Class later. Maintenance guys came in and placed a dehumidifier in the living room for some reason while I was asleep. Might play a videogame or actually write an article for a news thing, dunno.

Oh yeah, I write news stories now. Took a semester off of radio to focus on schoolwork, will have to reapply near the end of it but I don't doubt I'll get my show back over the summer. But yeah,news stories, had a few brief bits published in the Dayton Daily News, hoping to get this story on the website once I edit it up a bit.

Life's pretty good in general, really.

How're you? And this applies to anyone reading the thread. What's up, everyone?
The Doctor's office is open again? Good news. Welcome back, Doctor.

1. Maintenance guy just snuck in your living quarters and put in a dehumidifier? That's cool. Having a Ninja Maintenance guy sounds sweet.

2. Last I heard you were still in a dormatory. Since dorms are just one room (and you mention a living room) I can assume your living arrangements have changed?

3. Glad to hear lifes good. I was surprised when I checked my subscribed threads and saw this, as it has been dormant for quite some time. Long time no see.

4. Life's OK, have a cold, had my car stall on an overcrowded expressway on Friday afternoon. Scary-ass shit.
So you are a fan of Slee Z?
Yup. Only suggestion would be to change up the theme to be a little more unique. Love the Ladies Man theme, but it is pretty generic. I could help you find some sleazy music if you wanted. Looking forward to his debut, even if it is a while away.
I'm glad that The Doctor's Office is still open. I've got a strange rash on my genitals...
And I'd be happy to inspec- Wait, no.
The Doctor's office is open again? Good news. Welcome back, Doctor.

1. Maintenance guy just snuck in your living quarters and put in a dehumidifier? That's cool. Having a Ninja Maintenance guy sounds sweet.
Yup, pretty cool actually. My roommate must have called in the water damage or something.

2. Last I heard you were still in a dormatory. Since dorms are just one room (and you mention a living room) I can assume your living arrangements have changed?
Yes indeed. Got a pretty cool apartment on campus and a roommate that isn't nuts and doesn't hide criminals under my bed. In fact, we get along pretty well. Nice guy, keeps to himself. Love the apartment, too, despite its problems. It's great having my own kitchen.
Life's OK, have a cold, had my car stall on an overcrowded expressway on Friday afternoon. Scary-ass shit.
Shiiiit. See, this is why I let other people do my driving for me, despite having my license.
That's awesome, man. I've been in and out of class most of the day, looking forward to bumming around when I get home.

What kinds of news stories are you writing? I've always wanted to try my hand at sports writing (just as a hobby), but I never really even tried -- unless you count the one article I wrote for my middle school paper, haha.

I'm writing two articles, one on AES for an eFedding blog, and a real article for the Dayton Daily News on an anime convention that happened in Columbus recently. You can check out my first draft of the story here: and if my final draft gets published I'll be sure to link it.

I'm doing pretty well. I mean, it's just the usual daily grind, but I'm enjoying my classes and just having a nice time all around. I'm getting pretty excited for March Madness, so that's someone to look forward to.
That's great man. I'm enjoying my classes as well, amazing what a world of difference that can make. Still can't help but feel a little useless for the times I've either gone to class and taken nothing in or just slept through my classes, but hey I get good test scores and I get my work done, so no harm done, eh?
Yup. Only suggestion would be to change up the theme to be a little more unique. Love the Ladies Man theme, but it is pretty generic. I could help you find some sleazy music if you wanted. Looking forward to his debut, even if it is a while away.

Dan said the same thing, so I'm working on that. I think I found something on Youtube, but I have time to look. I also realized that I didn't say what his attire was. I'll let Dan know when it's closer, but I think I'm going to have him wear flesh-colored trunks with a bow tie on the crotch.
Yes indeed. Got a pretty cool apartment on campus and a roommate that isn't nuts and doesn't hide criminals under my bed. In fact, we get along pretty well. Nice guy, keeps to himself. Love the apartment, too, despite its problems. It's great having my own kitchen.
Come on, you know you miss having a roommate harboring criminals in your room....

not having a kitchen/apartment was a big regret of mine during my college career. makes life so much easier for when you don't feel like eating in the cafeteria/going to the cafeteria.
Shiiiit. See, this is why I let other people do my driving for me, despite having my license.
Yeah, but imagine that happening whilst being unable to do anything about it? At least I was able to get the car to the side of the road safely before restarting it. Had I been a passenger, I would have had to just sit there and pray while being scared shitless.
I remember this place. Still need to post my Bagger Dias application.
Yes. We had a few plans for this cycle but you didn't respond in time. Can't debut you unless you show you'll be around. TOUGH LOVE. HARDHITTING BACKBREAKING.

Speaking of AES stuff, one of the feds just had one hell of a show done in Wrestling Mpire today. I didn't know that game could be so entertaining, and obviously the stories helped. That was fun.
I have to admit, your thread is way better than mine. :icon_cry:
Awww, maybe we can be a tag team. The Doctor and The Dr.
Come on, you know you miss having a roommate harboring criminals in your room....

not having a kitchen/apartment was a big regret of mine during my college career. makes life so much easier for when you don't feel like eating in the cafeteria/going to the cafeteria.
Yep. Even if I mostly make pasta and sandwiches, It's just nice to have food supplies.
Heard you got an apartment Doc. Mine was sweet... until we got new owners, then it went to shit. Hopefully you won't have to experience that.
Luckily, this one is college-owned, so I don't think I'll run into that problem.

Man, rereading the front page of this thread made me remember when SSC, xfear, and I would have long conversations about electronic music. I miss those dudes. Wonder what happened to them?
I like to think that xfear is always watching over us, and will one day return to lead us to the promised land.

Or at least smoke weed with us.

SSC lurks. He's playing fantasy baseball with us.
Luckily, this one is college-owned, so I don't think I'll run into that problem.

Man, rereading the front page of this thread made me remember when SSC, xfear, and I would have long conversations about electronic music. I miss those dudes. Wonder what happened to them?

It's a shame they left, but I see SSC occasionally, and Xfear once in a blue moon. We need another techno thread... here, enjoy this. It's one of my favs.

Excellent. The Electronic Sampler Platter will live on in this thread. In response, I give you this.

SSC repped me today, so he's around. X, on the other hand, hasn't been on the forums in months. I think he got burned out of the forums. I have beef with him.
Doc, it's been awhile since I've had the pleasure to speak with you. How've you been sir?

Oh, and can you catch me up to speed on the major storylines of the forums for the past year or so?

BTW, do you still like hats? I've added some pretty awesome ones to my collection.
SSC repped me today, so he's around. X, on the other hand, hasn't been on the forums in months. I think he got burned out of the forums. I have beef with him.
If it's the same beef I'm thinking of, I still find it funny as a running gag. Obviously it was pretty shitty of him, but it makes for a good punchline. Like his face. Oh, snap.
That was good, Extreme Ways is my fav by Moby. Here's something... guess the movie?

OH man, I'm really enjoying this but can't for the life of me think what movie. On the tip of my tongue and everything. Gah.
Doc, it's been awhile since I've had the pleasure to speak with you. How've you been sir?

Oh, and can you catch me up to speed on the major storylines of the forums for the past year or so?

BTW, do you still like hats? I've added some pretty awesome ones to my collection.

I've been pretty good, and yes I like hats.

As for storylines, uh, not much. People are pretty boring. Dagger Dias got elected to mod, that was pretty hilarious. He then said he'd consider himself a failed parent if his son turned out to be gay. Then he compared his wife to Tifa, unironically. UH, Milenko's back and is still fucking awful. That's about it, really.

Most of my forum time has been either in JGlass's thread or in WZCW. Two fun and chill places. I like eWrestling more than regular wrestling now, though I do love regular wrestling.
It was the second Matrix movie - the cave scene. Here's another one of my favorites; and something that was highly considered for WZCW at one point.

I guessing this beef J has with X, has something to do with him saying he'd meet up with J at some point then never showing or leaving word that he wasn't gonna show.

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