The David French Party


Sorry, but I've changed my mind. I'm joining Wrestling Fan's United. I support both David French and WFU views, but I can only join one party, and Killjoy's offer of AAA Sin Limite every week enticed me. I love AAA. <3

I'm more or less a closeted David French member. I will come out if WFU makes a turn for the worse. I promise.
Forgiveness is no longer a virtue of the DFP. Prepare to die in battle, my friend.
The endorsement of the guy with most knowledge regarding WWE's wellness policy and developmental system of anyone on the board? Snag!

Coco The Monkey
Great White Sam
Wicked Valentine
Sanka Coffie
Joe's Gonna Kill You
George Steele's Barber
The God-Damn Batman!
Tin-Tin Rebadowds
The Champ
Kotre Ibushimix
Doubt it. None of us plan to be there when Killjoy's hefty behind rolls over in his sleep.

See you in the general election, ladies.
There is quite the lack of Japanese wrestling discussion in the wrestling spam section. Do you plan on trying to change this?
There is quite the lack of Japanese wrestling discussion in the wrestling spam section. Do you plan on trying to change this?

Why don't you try to do this yourself? It is not as if the leader is the only one who can work to bring the spam sections the respect, or foreigners, that they deserve.
This is the kind of response I was trying to get from Coco... Damn you SNS!

Also, I made a thread on the subject. Perhaps us DFP members could help keep it active to shpw that we can stimulate discussion in the spam sections. I understand that's part of a mod's job, right?
Coco, I propose that during your campaign, you start spouting as much crap you can about how this is a revolution.

Welcome to the team, Rohan.

Champ... If it's Coco M. Punk the people want, it's Coco M. Punk the people shall get.

Sanka, cancel the RVD sigs. Champ makes a good point about the Punk shoe fitting. Not to mention that CM Punk is a hotter topic. Who wants to make group Punk sigs?

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