The Claire Lynch Award for WrestleZone Storyline of the Year

What was the story of the year?

  • Milenko Returns From the Dead

  • WZ Election

  • GSB's Vasectomy

  • Tasty Moves House

  • Bearded Funk's Reign

  • Lee's Main Page Articles

  • Lucy the Bunny

  • Sam's Identity Crisis

  • jmt and His Aint's

Results are only viewable after voting.

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
This poll will be open until December 31st. If there is a tie, the winner will be decided by written votes.

Milenko Returns From the Dead
WZ Election
GSB's Vasectomy
Tasty Moves House
Bearded Funks Reign
Lee's Main Page Articles
Lucy the Bunny
Sam's Identity Crisis
jmt Vehemently Defends his Aint's
Has to be the election for me - the US Presidential had nothing on the debates, controversies, surprises and passions exhibited on these pages!
I know I ask this all the time, but when's the next election?

No, I don't plan to run. I simply intend to Karl Rove that shit.
I'm of two schools of thought here

The University of Milenko's Death: It was the gift that kept on giving and it climaxed with a pretty intense debate regarding whether or not making jokes about his death was horrible or not. Fun for the most part, just the right amount of drama.

The College of WZ Election: It was a month or two of intense, drama packed e-feuding. Rivalries were born, and we did our forefathers proud... in that people were absolutely ripped to shreds. Too bad this story has a very unhappy ending. Seriously, Romeo and Juliet had a happier ending.
What the fuck? Lucy the bunny? Sounds like a short porn film for admirers of beastiliaty. Somebody had a vasectomy? Well, I imagine slicing off your manhood would be quite dramatic. Sam's identity crisis was hilarious. So yes, I'll vote that. Even though hearing about Milenko's child-beating activites was also just merry.
I know it won't win but had to give my vote for Bearded Funk. Their run as champs was insane and Theo needs a award damnit!
What's all this about jmt and his aints? The rest I have at least some kind of idea about, but this one, not a clue.

jmt is a New Orleans Saints fan. They got in a bunch of trouble and he was the only person on the board defending them. I found the whole situation very entertaining.

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