The Boy Who Cried Alt

There once was a poster boy, named Stinger, who was bored as he sat on the couch posting on WZ. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "ALT! ALT! An alt is bothering the posters!"

The posters came running into the thread to help the boy drive the alt away. But when they arrived into the thread, they found no alt. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'alt', poster boy," said the posters, "when there's no alt!" They went grumbling back into the cage.

Later, the boy sang out again, "ALT! ALT! The ALT is back again!" To his naughty delight, he watched the posters come into the thread to help him drive the alt away.

When the posters saw no alt they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'alt' when there is NO alt!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling into the cage once more.

Later, he saw a REAL alt prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "ALT! ALT!"

But the posters thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the poster hadn't returned to the cage. They went into the thread to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"There really was a alt here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "ALT!" Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the cage.

"We'll help you look for the lost rep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

That should teach you a lesson, Stinger. ;)
Wow, somebody remembered. I was thinking of doing a "Christmas" show. So look for it next week. Maybe next Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
Zombie match. First one to be decapitated wins.

Peep vs. Michael Jackson.

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