The 4-sided ring vs 6-sided ring Discussion thread

If you're gonna miss the six sided ring, well, I'm sure it will be a pay per view special in the future or something.

Now that TNA is trying to be big league, it is about time that they LOOK Big League.

I approve of the new ring 100%. TNA is definitely going the right direction.

Now, where the hell has Jeff Hardy been?
First of all, the safety aspect of going from 6-Sided to 4-Sided is overblown. Most TNA guys actually wrestle in different independants or over in Japan where the vast majority use......a 4-Sided Ring.

The issue for me is how they went about doing it. When I was watching a little bit of the PPV over at a friends house, the first thing that came to mind was how little room there was at ringside. WWE gives about 7 feet, TNA you got about 6 with the old six sided ring, now it seems to be even less.

Another thing I don't like is that there is now that elevated platform for entrances. TNA is built around action that happens to take place there, and some of it happens to be of the high spot variety. They just eliminated that.

People are talking about how the 6-Sided Ring made TNA look Minor League, sorry, that isn't what made TNA look Minor League to me. The fact that they run most of their televised shows out of the same damn building does that for me. The fact that their world title, with it's multitude missing studs does that for me.
Look, almost every Indy and Major uses 4 sides, if you go to 4 sides, your talent will need less time to adjust, so quality matches will happen faster, so in order to keep quality up, it was a brilliant idea, especially if your talent can still do indy shows.
Sure, that's an easy one to explain. I'm not suggesting that they don't sign any WWE cast-offs, I'm merely suggesting that they don't hire cast-off after cast-off after cast-off, to the point whereby they forget about the talent that they have been trying to develop from within for the last seven years.

Focus on AJ, Joe, Daniels, Abyss, Sting, Beer Money, etc.,. Rather than over the last two weeks, bringing in Kennedy (and having him beat Abyss), Morley (and having him beat Daniels), Hardy (who you know is going to get pushed to the moon). Bringing in Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Moore, Jordan, Waltman, Hall, the list goes on and on of cast-offs who were deemed to not be worth the WWE's time and were thus future endeavoured, yet have become the focal point of TNA. Sure, bring in Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Angle, and a few others to attract the casual and mainstream audience. But don't bring in Spanky as a "mystery opponent" with all the hooplah, the same Spanky who was dismissed as irrelevant by the WWE.

If TNA isn't able to establish it's own identity, they're screwed. When WCW mounted their challenge, they had Jericho, Show, Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio, and a lot of others who either originated in WCW, or for sure established themselves there. If TNA cannot do something similar, and need to build their success on what WWE considers failures, they are in big trouble.

they brought in quite a few recently ur right things are changing but dont judge it before it plays out, yea a few of the new-to-tna, ex-WWE guys beat TNA guys tonight. what do u expect? then to hire new talent and automatically bury them with TNA talent? that sounds to me like WWE's Alliance angle, and we know how well that turned out for the money WWE was paying for their former WCW talent. in order to build ur homegrown younger talent they have to be in an interesting back and forth fued, which means your "wwe cast-offs" have to win some matches against ur homegrown TNA talent, which is what they seem to me to be planning on doing with the Daniels/morley, Anderson/Abyss, as well as The Band/Beer Money. If they were not using these WWE cast-offs to build new talent we would be seeing a Morley&Anderson/The Band fued, but we arent we are seeing the older talent fued with the younger talent so the younger talent gets more recognition
I thought the new and improved impact zone looked good. It made it seem more legit, and in my opinion made the place look a lot bigger than it actually is. Good move, and in a month people will have forgotten the 6-sided ring anyway
Okay, so this officially pisses me off. First off to people saying "smarky smarks who don't know whats best for the business". Well, the fans are the ones who decide what we like and don't like, and if we like the 6 sides, then keep it. Don't tell us what is better for the company and for your fans, let us tell you. We are the company, if we don't support you, you make no money, and you go under. And the six-sided ring was good. It made TNA look unique. If you're flipping through and see a ladder match in a four-sided ring you think, "more WWE stuff". If you see a Ultimate X in a six-sided ring, you think "this is different". The four sided ring made for better angles, better spots, a differnet type of match flow, and something different than what the mainstream has always offered. And Hogan comes in and gets rid of the ring because he thinks he knows whats better for the company than the die-hard TNA fans? He may know the business, but the fans make the business. Without having fans watching your product, there is no since in doing this business. Sure, casual fans (my uncle is one like this, by the way) may think that the ring sucks, but if they want to let a ring that they can grow to get used to turn them back to a WWE product that alienated them in the first place, then fine. It's a few number of people, and TNA can grown without them. The ring is what brings that original fanbase to the table. If you gain that 0.5 in viewers that you got on 1/4, and they stay when you switch the ring, but you lose, say, that 0.7 of original fans that don't like the change because the ring was one of the things that brought them to TNA, then you are down to 0.8 ratings. is that better than the business? Nope, didn't think so. You just hurt the show. Bring back the six-sided ring, and if you lose 0.2 and a half of the viewers that tuned in on 1/4 because of the ring, but the other half stay, you still increase ratings, helping the company. So, I sya the six sides should stay.
Glad they did this. I've never been able to take them seriously because of that ring. I thought Hogan's promo on it was spot on.
I enjoyed the 6-sides...until more than four people got into the ring. Then it just felt really small and crowded.

I'm a fan of the 4-sides and personally, i'm glad it's changed.

Now after that ppv, they just need to change the booking :)
:thumbsup: I have been waiting a long time for them to return to a 4-sided ring!
This is probably one of the most positive things Hogan and Bischoff have done in TNA so far. It certainly looks much nicer than the other one, that's for sure. The problem with the 6 sided ring wasn't the fact that it was "unique" or took up more room, the problem was that it looked so unorthodox and awkward to the average wrestling fan. It made the Impact Zone feel kinda second-rate. With a 4-sided ring, you still do tons of spots and have great matches, but its traditional and just "feels right" to wrestlers and fans.

Imagine if WWE had debuted a 6-sided ring on RAW tomorrow. You'd be like:wtf:
It would feel weird and stupid. So I'm glad TNA went to a 4-sided ring. Now if they can continue this string of good acquitions and concepts, maybe we'll see some positive things for TNA in '010.
One last thing though: I dont like how they connected the ramp to the ring like they did in the early WCW. To me it takes away some important spots from X-Division guys. I know AJ had a beautiful dive over the top tonight, but I like seeing some room inbetween the ring and the barriers.
I do think that the four sided ring had a positive impact, pun not intended. It seemed like all the wrestlers tonight seemed more comfortable in that ring. It also looked a lot better on the TV because of the wider viewing area. It is less obstructive on camera and it must be lest obstructive viewing in the impact zone. It also gave us the traditional camera angles that we have grown accustom to from the WWF and WCW.

Desmond Wolfe looked a lot better in that ring, because his skill set works better in that type of ring (Lairet, Tower of London). AJ looked a lot better in the traditional ring too. Giving him some room to move around and still hitting all the moves was pretty awesome.
Even so who the hell made Hogan god of TNA? The fans made TNA! If anyone gets to decide to change it should be up to the fans, not some piece of crap geriatric meglomaniac.
Dude you obviously are not watching the show so how can you say anything? If you were watching the show you would know that what I meant is that the smark chants died down, and they ended up going back to enjoying the show.

What I am saying is that there are smarks at shows, and sometimes the workers are afraid to address them. This is why some people sometimes say smarks ruin the show...that is because we are used to seeing the smarks rant and chant without the workers acknowledging them. Hogan acknowledged them, and basically told them that this is the direction the company is going in. You may not like it now, but it is good for the long run.

You have no idea what you're talking about and need to at some point watch the promo I'm talking about if it ever makes its way to the net, and you'll see it was a great way to introduce the 4 sided ring. TNA is now officially competition. That 6 sided ring was a joke.

Edit: Kurt Angle vs Aj Styles for the first time in the 4 sided ring is there best match ever. Wow it looks so damn good. They are doing things that couldn't be done in the 6 sided ring because of the angles they had to work with.

You stated what you saw, and you're interpretation of it. I've heard different from others who have watched the show. I already know that I disagree with your interpretation, because I disagree that there are 'smarks' out there; groups of people who pay money to attend wrestling shows for the sole purpose of disagreeing with whatever they are shown, just to piss off the talent and a few people in the IWC. There are no smarks, only fans. Not all fans agree on what they want to see, and not all express themselves in the same way. Sometimes fans boo things because they genuinely don't like them, or cheer things because they genuinely do. And other fans decide to call them 'smarks', because they want to convince themselves that those peoples opinions are somehow inferior to their own. The facts are, some TNA fans paid money to see the show, and expressed themselves at something they didn't like. Should they cheer something they don't like, just to play along? If the theory behind 'smarkdom' is that absolutely everything about pro wrestling should be scripted, including the audience, than I guess that makes me a smark. And a proud one.

You also have no idea of what the people in the audience were thinking or what their reaction was to the Bischoff/Hogan comments. By stopping chanting, did that mean they were thinking to themselves "wow, EB is completely right. I guess I'm a stupid smark and I'll shut up now"? Were they going to continue to chant throughout the entire show? Maybe they got the message that EB and Hogan were aware of how they felt, and didn't care. Maybe they got tired. It says absolutely nothing about them embracing the 4 sided ring. I'll give EB and Hogan credit for actually acknowleding the concerns of the paying customers, but I reject any notion that their comments somehow shamed or humiliated the crowd into silence. They stated the case for a four sided ring; good for them. But my original point - that the only customers that TNA has direct access to seemed to not be in favor of the change - stands. That may change in the future, but for now it is the case.

A ring is a ring. 4 sides, 6 sides, 32 sides, 3 sides, who seriously cares? It's a matter of asthetic preference and the performers familiarity with it, and nothing more. Yourself and Hogan and EB prefer 4, while a vocal live audience prefer 6. Yes, the word of Hogan and EB rules, and we will all have to get used to it or stop watching. Personally I won't stop watching over the sides in the ring, because it's irrelevant to me. That doesen't mean that everyone will prefer it, or that a 4 sided ring is by default 'better' or preferred by the majority. As I tried to say, we have NO evidence at all what the majority of wrestling fans actually think about the 6 sided vs 4 sided rings. There's never been an adequate experiment to determine how much the ring and the ring alone affects ratings. This whole thing reminds me of those idiotic 'square vs diamond' shreddies commercials, as in it's pointless.

Oh, and I suppose your account of AJ vs Angle "for the first time in the 4 sided ring is there best match ever" isn't a tad biased? It's a ring; one that neither man has worked in for quite some time. I doubt the match was as good as the one they pulled off on Jan 4, for that reason alone. And if it was, how do you know it's attributable to the ring, and not to their having had the extra practice from Jan 4th? Until theres some evidence to the contrary, I feel that the whole ring argument is a matter of preference. And that it was stupid and dangerous for TNA management to 'surprise' the performers with it and not give them adequate time to make the adjustment before doing a live taping.

Edit: I will say this, if the wrestlers really do work better in the 4 sided ring, than awesome. I'm fine with that. Just give me evidence that it's true. But if this move was done against the wishes of the fans that keep TNA afloat and for no actual physical reason, than it's a bad move. I like TNA, and I want TNA to succeed. That won't happen if they blatantly disregard the audience. Personally, I preferred the 6 sided ring asthetically, but if the wrestling is better with it gone, than good riddance. I am also pleased to hear that they updated the Impact zone somewhat, as I personally found that it looked cheap.
To all the smarks that hate this. I've got three words for you. Too fucking bad. This makes TNA look more credible, it makes them look like a wrestling company, and it makes them look legit. You can see what's happening in the ring better, and my god. It looks fucking amazing too. Stop your bitching, stop your crying. The 4 sided ring is good. It;s going to stay.
If you people are really buying that this Hogan-Bischoff thing is going to work then I haev some swamp land I'd like to talk to you about. The main event was the only thing that kept this stuff form being a complete waste of my $35. Christopher Daniels last month was headlining a PPV now he is jobbing to Val Venis. The WWE has a stranglehold on the mainstream and this industry and TNA won't/can't change that no matter how many 60 year old men they bring in. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to "The Rise of Fall of TNA" DVD due out in 2020 by WWE Home Video.
I was never a big fan of the 6 sided ring myself, i tolerated it because i enjoy the TNA brand. so it was a really nice surprise to see the 4 sided ring come back! all they need to do now is make the space between the rail and the ring bigger so they can have the good out-of-the-ring spots. right now it seems a lot more dangerous diving out of the ring, you could kill yourself if you botch the spot, by smashing your skull on the rail.
To all the smarks that hate this. I've got three words for you. Too fucking bad. This makes TNA look more credible, it makes them look like a wrestling company, and it makes them look legit. You can see what's happening in the ring better, and my god. It looks fucking amazing too. Stop your bitching, stop your crying. The 4 sided ring is good. It;s going to stay.

Hogan cant be there forever. its all about the fans.
Hogan cant be there forever. its all about the fans.
Are you fucking KIDDING ME DUDE? Jarrett has nothing to do with this. He barely has any stock left in the company, if any at all. I love marks like you. It makes the stupid in the world so much more mundane. You need to realize that wrestling is fake and the owners make the final say.
week by week they get a little closer to becoming an exact replicate of wwe...damn. I just hope they stay the fuck away from whatever wwe is doing to raw:banghead:
week by week they get a little closer to becoming an exact replicate of wwe...damn. I just hope they stay the fuck away from whatever wwe is doing to raw:banghead:

Week by week, they also inch closer to competing with the WWE as well. The four sided ring was a great step. Why do smarks bitch about stupid shit like this? It's very unflattering of yourself. It will make the show better, provide better view of in-ring action, and it's just the first of many changes. Get used to it. It's going to be happening a lot.
Even so who the hell made Hogan god of TNA? The fans made TNA! If anyone gets to decide to change it should be up to the fans, not some piece of crap geriatric meglomaniac.

hogan is the god of tna and more importantly the god of pro wrestling without hogan they would be no wrestling no tna no wwe no nothing hogan made wrestling and im glad he put all them dumm ass fans in there place tonite thank you hogan for bringing back a real ring and making tna ledgit and thank you for getting rid of that PLAY PEN and now tna will maybe be mainstream and not a joke anymore as far as jarrett goes who cares the guy is nothing and he has no power anymore thank god now if hogan will just fire his sorry ass we will be better off send him packing

First off, great points for both sides of this issue. I for one thought the 6 sides was a way to be unique. Six sides of steel always looked more unforgiving than traditional steel cages. Maybe, just MAYBE, they will bring it back for a ppv (but not that red jungle gym from Monday night Raw Nitro iMPACT). 4 sides IS where it all started, so I see where the idea of bringing TNA into a more mainstream, professional era. I do agree that the wrestlers should have been notified of changes, thats for sure. Many moves could be botched with a drastic change like that. Hogan seems to be trying to make authentic changes to bring TNA, so if a 4 sided ring brings TNA to a larger audience, I will bid adieu to the 6 sides. Maybe Hogan will put that one on ebay and the new 4 sided ring was his from the Austrailian tour.... And if he's getting rid of things, lets get rid of that one camera guy near the ring that HAS to zoom in during every punch or move so you can't see it well....:scratchchin:
Brilliant. I never liked the 6 sided ring, because I wasn't used to it having been watching WCW, ECW and WWF prior to discovering TNA. This is great, because all of their new aquisitions who are used to wrestling in a four sided ring are going to feel right at home.

It's just another way that Hogan is stripping TNA of all its originality in order to create his vision of the company and improving it. Just, excellent.
I liked the 6 sides because it was different. But this was a move they had to make. It did effect some of the matches, especially the X division match as they couldnt spring off the ropes, without extended running. It lacked the normal explosiveness

I have a HUGE problem with the ramp. It looks like the stupid thing WCW Nitro had for a while. It ruins the highflying to the outside because there's only a foot or two between the ring and the gaurdrail, so you lose the big spots to the outside
Frankly I could care less if the ring is a square, a hexagon, or a dodecahedron. These people thinking the number of sides on the ring has any bearing on the quality of the product clearly had a pretty low opinion of the product to begin with.

That having been said, Hogan shutting up that smarky fucking crowd was beautiful wasn't it? Reminded me why I love Hogan.

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