The 4-sided ring vs 6-sided ring Discussion thread

Frankly I could care less if the ring is a square, a hexagon, or a dodecahedron. These people thinking the number of sides on the ring has any bearing on the quality of the product clearly had a pretty low opinion of the product to begin with.

That having been said, Hogan shutting up that smarky fucking crowd was beautiful wasn't it? Reminded me why I love Hogan.

i could not have said it better my self THANK YOU HOGAN FOR EVERYTHING


I'm all for Hogan being there and making changes BUT I hate this "good move Hulk" "well dun Hulk" "you're the reason people watch Hulk" stuff. People are goin to turn on him very quickly if he keeps telling fans what to think and self high fiving.

Kenrick looked awesome in that first match, Red looked a little lost and I think it had a bit to do with the ring change, but the way he hit that finisher was awesome

Anyone notice how there was alot of focusing on body parts tonight instead of high impact move after move? Thats Hogans influence for sure
IMO i think the 6 sided was really unique and differnt but it was more sutible for the x division.
four sided its like seeing the same old thing over and over tnas genesis was a great ppv but it seemed like wwe in way. it makes tna look like there trying too hard. but i do think that the four sided ring is good for tna. BUT the x division has lost its unique ness now. so way to solve that problem would be, when spike says you can have another show and tne should move impact to monday with the four sided rind and then have new show on thursday with the x divsion and the 6 sided ring. i do regret paying for tna tonight because of the four sided ring and the way there trying to be a bit old school and wrestleing at a slower pace. i like the total nonstop action with the 6 sided ring.
Bottom line is who REALLY watches a wrestling program because of the number of sides in the ring? WWF/E, WCW, AWA, WCCW, USWA, ECW, ROH, CWF, CWA, PWG, USA PRO, IWA: MS, XPW, and just about 99.999% of wrestling companies have used or are currently using 4 sided rings. Hell even in Europe and Japan thats how its done.

6 sides doesnt equal higher ratings and 4 sides isnt going to lower them. the same people, that say they wont watch TNA anymore because of this will watch thursday and be right back here complaining about every little thing they dont like.

I find it funny how people hate gimmick matches but love a gimmick ring. If a 6 sided ring is that important i say learn spanish, tune in to telemundo and watch AAA. You know the company TNA ripped the 6 sided ring off from in the first place. At least the wrestlers down there no matter their size know how to use it.
To the guy that called me a smark, lol you're a fucking idiot. I never said that it shouldn't have been done. Personally I don't like it, but do understand that they are trying to appeal to the more casual/mainstream yea it had to be done. I was simply generalizing the whole transformation with all the talent that was recently brought in, now the six sides being gone...the only things that them from wwe are divisions and ratings...get the dick out your ass
I also agree that in order to become more mainstream, TNA needed to go to a 4 sided ring. Sure you can claim that they could have kept the 6 sided ring and been "different" or "underground" or something, but they really don't want that, they want to be a major player. The fact of the matter is that most fans will not be interested in a 6 sided ring. If it doesn't work they can always change back, but I fully expect it to stay this way.

As some others have said, I do think it is outrageous that they would have such a big chance without informing talent. There is a BIG difference from a six sided ring to a 4 sided ring. I believe that it's a bit smaller, but the biggest issue is the give of the ropes. I'm sure any professional wrestler can easily adapt - most wrestle in TNA and also wrestle in other organizations or various one shot deals that are 4 sided, never mind the fact that EVERYONE was trained in a four sided ring. While it's probably not too bad, I think it was completely ridiculous that they wouldn't even inform them about it. If I were talent I would be extremely pissed.
The way I see it, this is just Hogan and Bischoff's way of saying that this is how we're gonna show that TNA is better than WWE at their own game. If WWE has a traditional 4-sided ring, then we'll have one too.

By taking one of the things that makes TNA unique away, it just means that they're gonna have to step up on the things they currently have. Although in my opinion, it wouldn't be much considering that the action in the ring runs circles around WWE's product.
Boo this blows who cares if TNA looked second rate if you dont like it dont fukin watch it. i liked the fact that it was different out of the ordinary and less mainstream its like music, underground is always better TNA you sold out god i miss the old days '02-'05 :disappointed:
I am OK with the four-sided ring, but I absolutely loathe the ramp that literally climbs to the edge of the ring apron. Having the ramp end a few feet before the ring apron would have left the open area for high spots like they had previously. That's something I think they'll miss now having to have their guys constantly take spots in the much shorter distance between the ring and the guard-rail surrounding the remainder of the ring.

I am a huge fan, however, of the single entrance ramp again. The fact they had two entrance tunnels prior was incredibly corny, IMO.
After reading through 7 pages of petty bickering about an ascetic feature of the set this is apparently where it stands

FOR 4-Sided: Because it is better! It makes them look legit! Competition! 6 Sides is stupid! No one else has 6 sides!

FOR 6-Sided: TNA needs 6 sides! It's unique! 4 Sided is a cop-out to the old!

What has any of this got to do how the actual product will come off? It's just a shape! Logically they could only do 4 shapes without greatly distorting the ring size and a triangle would limit the ring space too much so really just 3... a square, hexagon, or octagon. Either way all it comes down to is where the ring posts and ropes are, THAT'S IT!

What about the real concerns TNA has? What about creative still slacking off or not functioning well with the talent at least? With this new era in TNA we were promised that the actual product would improve and although a few things have improved (AJ Style's championship push) overall we still have storylines and pushes fading away week by week, like with World Elite/British Invasion, or how about one a little more recent like Bobby Lashley's 2 or 3 week domination-heel gimmick? Yeah at the ppv HE gets attacked and put out, yeah THAT really makes sense. But no none of these should be concerns the Shape of the goddamn ring should.

It's just a set! Square, hexagon, or octagon each will have pros and cons; it's silly to make such a big concern about it instead of other actual concerns of the product.

WWE used to have to lug around a gigantic fist to every Smackdown event. I didn't hear anyone bitching when they took that down or when first debuted it. Oh yeah, because it doesn't really matter.

Is a 4 sided ring going to back the Nasty Boys any better? No. Is it going to take 15 years off Hall and Nash? No. Will a 6 sided ring destroy WWE in ratings? No. Will a 6 sided ring bring more people to the show? No, probably not. In the end it just ends up being an opinionated argument about which one looks better.
I don't think the ring should have any impact on whether the viewer watches the product or not? I don't necessarily prefer a particular type of ring and I am more concerned with what happens inside it. I don't think switching to a 4 sided ring is going to make much of a difference. I don't think the ring made TNA look like a second rate company at all. It's having the show in the same arena, having generic music, and poor production makes it look second rate.People who didn't like TNA at all aren't going to start watching just because everything is in a 4 sided ring. If they have ppv's like tonights it's not going to matter how many sides a ring has. What happens inside the ring is what is important. I think people just like to use this as another excuse to complain about TNA.
First off I like the way the ring looks, reminds me of when TNA first started when it was the show that you could not miss. And guess what they used the four sided ring then too.

I enjoyed the six sided ring but after a while it became just that...a ring. If someone has an issue with the ring and will not watch or enjoy it as much because it's a four sided ring and not six, then you are no longer allowed to call yourself a wrestling fan. You are officially a gimmik lover and that is all. The in ring action should be all that matters as well as the stories, not what a damn ring looks like or how many sides the thing has.
Week by week, they also inch closer to competing with the WWE as well. The four sided ring was a great step. Why do smarks bitch about stupid shit like this? It's very unflattering of yourself. It will make the show better, provide better view of in-ring action, and it's just the first of many changes. Get used to it. It's going to be happening a lot.

why do you constantly try and insult people who have a different opinion? most people who have said stuff about liking the 6 sided ring seem to be like me in the fact that they will still watch TNa even though they would prefer the 6 sided ring, it seems to me like ur as much or more of a smark against the 6 sided ring than I am the 4 sided ring. Just because I liked the 6 sided ring does not make me, or anybody else a smark. as for "bitching" you are bitching about us voicing our opinion, and isnt our opinion what these boards are for? we know change is gunna happen, we will like some of it and we wont like some of it and thats the facts.

and I agree with what everyone else said, its just a ring its not a big deal, however do u expect people not to discuss their opinion on it just because its not the most important thing on the show? it still effects the show and everybody has an opinion on it
I liked the 6 sided ring, but 4 sided will be fine. It's still the same wrestlers, which is why I like tna. I just really hate that new ramp. Also I think they need to back the seats back a row or two. It looks way too tight between the ring and the fans.
and I agree with what everyone else said, its just a ring its not a big deal, however do u expect people not to discuss their opinion on it just because its not the most important thing on the show? it still effects the show and everybody has an opinion on it

I don't think anyone said not to discuss it. What's at issue is this dumb ass "It's what made TNA unique, now they're just a WCW clone" horse shit. It's every bit as stupid as the "I didn't watch because the ring was 6 sided" horse shit.

It doesn't. Fucking. Matter. They can wrestle in a hovering, flaming, vibrating sphere for all I fucking care. It's just a ring. It's absolutely NOT what makes TNA unique and it never was. What makes TNA unique and sets them apart from their current competition is that they're a WRESTLING organization. They call themselves TNA Wrestling, they call their guys Wrestlers, and they fucking WRESTLE. It makes me proud to call myself a wrestling fan. I was NEVER proud to call myself a Sports Entertainment fan.

THAT'S what fucking matters. So yeah, discussing the ring is fine. Acting like the 6 sided ring was somehow the physical, inanimate incarnation of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, however, isn't.
I like many people, enjoy TNA for the wrestling. While I enjoyed the six sided ring it wasnt a deal breaker to lose it. I've been to plenty TNA shows down in Orlando, and most of their PPV's on the road.

What's aggrevating me right now is all the hate on the TNA crowd. All this Smark this Smark that crap. If you dont like the crowd in Orlando, get out of your mothers basement and go to a show. Make a difference. If you dont go to the shows, your opinion about the crowd doesnt mean much because your the ones sitting at home, not supporting financially.
What a decision to debut the start of a new era for the company at a PPV coincidentally named "Genesis", and it all happened by removing two sides from a hexagon. TNA has found a solution when they divided by zero with this logic and decision to go more traditional, because professional wrestling has been built upon the foundations of the squared circle.

Not only did I notice the ring shape, but the style of wrestling used during the matches at the PPV. Everything had been slowed down a lot more than we are usually used too when you cross the line to TNA, and instead of high impact, fast-paced, over-the-top wrestling... you get a more precision-based environment where the heels have a chance to gain some heat and work the crowd, the matches becoming more believable as it fits more to a reality-based theorem (e.g. crazy spots aren't followed immediately by easy kickouts) and there is more time to develop everything that goes on in the ring. Don't believe me? Take the Kurt Angle/AJ Styles match for example, or the Desmond Wolfe/D'Angelo Dinero match.

This is more than ridding of two extra sides, this is about making themselves exactly like the WWE so they can beat them at their own game. They haven't got the restriction of being classified as a gimmick company anymore with the six-sided ring and can take their wrestlers to the next level. Guys like AJ have the moveset to go at a slower pace than before to deliver some great matches, and considering the talent within the company... I can only imagine what they could accomplish with the right direction.

Not only this, but did anyone stop to think that having the older guys like Nash and the Nasty Boys could have a more positive impact with this new-found, yet old school tradition for TNA? These guys wrestled four sides, slow paced. Not six sides, fast paced. This will be easier for them to wrestle matches and bring something more to the plate as it better suits their style.

I applaud the change to four sides. TNA has the talent to better what WWE does on a weekly basis in and out of the ring... and I hope that they realise this instead of letting guys like Sean Morley get the better of people such as Daniels, and more like Beer Money looking much more of team than the Band.
What's aggrevating me right now is all the hate on the TNA crowd. All this Smark this Smark that crap. If you dont like the crowd in Orlando, get out of your mothers basement and go to a show. Make a difference. If you dont go to the shows, your opinion about the crowd doesnt mean much because your the ones sitting at home, not supporting financially.

The TNA crowd in general isn't so bad. I generally appreciate their enthusiasm, the frequent chanting, and the fact that they're pretty evenly split on who they pull for in most matches. I like those things.

You have to admit though, tonight, that was the worst crowd I've personally ever witnessed at a wrestling event. Calling them smarks doesn't even begin to cover it. Smarkiness, I can generally overlook. These guys weren't just smarks though, they were complete assholes. TNA put on a solid PPV for us tonight, and the live crowd rewarded them with childishness.

Quite frankly, I'd rather see them go on the road even if they have to wrestle in bingo halls and tarp up entire sections than see them stay in Orlando if that's the kind of crowd they're going to draw. Anyone who was in that building tonight should be ashamed of themselves for behaving that way on global pay-per-view television.

Oh, and BTW, no one in that building was "supporting financially"... if you've been there, you know. Admission is free. I, on the other hand, paid $35 for the privilege of watching that PPV. And don't hand me the "they bought merchandise" argument either. I bought 4 t-shirts off their website a month ago.
Oh, and BTW, no one in that building was "supporting financially"... if you've been there, you know. Admission is free. I, on the other hand, paid $35 for the privilege of watching that PPV. And don't hand me the "they bought merchandise" argument either. I bought 4 t-shirts off their website a month ago.

For the PPV's and major shows (like Jan 4th) the only way to get into the "free show" is to be inside the park (and be on the VIP list) which is $80 and $15 to park. So the fans are paying to get into the show, just not paying TNA directly. I dont know if TNA gets a percentage of that money or not. For the PPV's they have been having to turn away fans who arent in the park. Universal Studio guests get priority.

I dont see that crowd tonight as the "worst ever". They made their opinion known at the beginning, found the powers that be didnt care, and dropped it. I watched this show at home, but from some text messages I recieved tonight a good bit of the regular crowd are talking about skipping the next round of tapings as a way of making their feelings heard. Will it work? Probably not, but at least they'll feel like they tried.
Idk why there are people saying that four sides will suddenly make TNA so much better. It won't. Just as people saying four sides will make it so much worse are blowing it out of proportion as well.

Frankly, I don't care that much. The six sides offers something different but it always looked weird to me. They can easily just keep the six sided ring in storage and bring it out every so often as a gimmick ppv kind of thing, similar to how WCW used to use the 3 rings, and then use the 4-sided ring for everything else. There. Problem solved.

The fact that they didn't tell the talent ahead of time, though...that's a bit odd. I'd assume they're all trained in a four sided ring and there wouldn't be any actual danger issues, but still, if I were working for the company and they just did that out of the blue, I'd be a little pissed.

But yeah, this four sided ring being an all-purpose cure or all-purpose destruction mentality is a ridiculous exaggeration.
It's so weird to see TNA with a 4 sided ring. It doesn't feel right, yet at the same time it does. I'm going to give this change a chance though. If it gets TNA more fans who thought "the 6 sided ring was dumb" then I guess it may be for the best because the more new fans they get at this point the better.
I hate the four sided ring and I think everyone should email TNA and tell them so [email protected]

Saying you would prefer TNA to keep the six sided ring is one thing, but saying you HATE the four sided ring is probably one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Wrestling was FOUNDED using a four sided ring. Almost every promotion around the world uses a four sided ring, always have. While I did not really like the six sided ring, I didn't not watch TNA because of it. They probably could have stuck with it and been fine, but switching to a TRADITIONAL ring is not that bad, pal. It's not like TNA is switching to a fucking globe or a mud pit, they are going to a TRADITIONAL ring.
I think most of you are forgetting that TNA used a traditional, four sided ring for their first three and a half years in existence! The six sided ring idea was just stolen from Ultimo Dragon's Torymon promotion in Japan.

I personally thought that the six sided ring did in fact give TNA a different feel to it's programming as opposed to WWE and just about everywhere else. I do not believe it's an absolute necessity for them, but I do prefer it. When you've legitimately been watching pro wrestling as long as I have (20 years) anything differing from the status quo I'll mark for.

After viewing Genesis, I really don't think going back to the 'squared circle' is going to affect TNA in any major way.
hogan is the god of tna and more importantly the god of pro wrestling without hogan they would be no wrestling no tna no wwe no nothing hogan made wrestling and im glad he put all them dumm ass fans in there place tonite thank you hogan for bringing back a real ring and making tna ledgit and thank you for getting rid of that PLAY PEN and now tna will maybe be mainstream and not a joke anymore as far as jarrett goes who cares the guy is nothing and he has no power anymore thank god now if hogan will just fire his sorry ass we will be better off send him packing


Oh cut me a damn break. People on here don't get it. Hogan slammed all of everything TNA was worth while using that 6-sixed ring with his derogatory, negative, shoot promo calling TNA's ring a "Play Pen". That was disrepectful and it was a bitchslap to the TNA iMPACT Zone fans who don't even have to give a flying shit to even show up to accomodate their routine 1,500.

And them firing Jarrett... He founded the damn company and I will respect Jarrett for it no matter what. Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie never ever thought about it to put two and two dollars together and place investment into an idea. As a matter of fact, Dixie is turning very naive and credulous to me with thinking one minute Hogan is TNA's absolute resolution and the next, not knowing whether to trust him according to exclusive reports and how accurate they are.

I can't stand the way how TNA is operating like WCW within the fact that they secretly conceal their concepts and agendas away from the talent, this is ridiculous, you can't leave your talent in the dark on what's going on and take them off guard like that. These risky changes are going to come at a price.

Lastly, I'm so mixed in reaction to the traditional four-sided ring revision, I'm almost clueless at thought. When I took my converter and switched to SpikeTV I got something that was different, and I didn't appreciate it at first. I mean, I didn't like it much initially but then later began to love it. You had six sides, a unique creation deriving from some Mexican promotions. I really liked it even if the camera crew had difficulty with angles. Truthfully however, me as well as a lot of TNA fans and marks out there, are going to have to get accustomed to it. It's part of Hogan/Bischoff's radical movement in trying to shift this industry again.
I still don't see why people hate the six sided ring. UWF in Virginia area uses the Six Sided ring and they get crowds in specifically because of the six sided ring.

It's a unique thing and adds to more gimmick matches. Ultimate X (if there even is one anymore) will be changed for the worse, and to be honest with you, I think Hogan just needs to realize that TNA is not WWE.

I honestly watched TNA from the beginning, and I can honestly say that the six sided ring has given a lot of people more energy, and for some reason, more confidence in what they're doing.

Hogan, of course, had to go and change that. So yeah that's a horrible thing to note.

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