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I dont think it was a bad move. If I recall right Amazing Red has held the X Division title in the past and he probably wont hold it for too long. Samoa Joe on the other hand is feuding Lashley at the moment. That is a main event feud right there and having the X Division title in the mix there is not really an option. Plus it is not like they made Joe look bad. He pretty much destroyed Red until Lashley took him out and they Red did 2 flippy floppy moves to win.

So all in all I feel like there are a lot of good wrestlers in the X Division who could be holding the belt at the moment. They have Daniels, Homicide, Dinnero, Suicide, Red, etc, etc. They don't really need Samoa Joe in there. Plus I am hoping to see Samoa Joe and Lahley competing for the World title soon.
I must say its great having Red as a champ but iw ould have prefered Joe what i want is a triple threat match for X-Division Championship Joe vs AJ vs Daniels
to replace the mainevent card of AJ i would have Eric Young for his well deserved push and Matt Morgan , Abyss, Foley and keep Angle were he is thats my dream TNA
TNA is, in all honesty, much better at being unpredictable than the WWE and this match definitely proved it. The trouble is...well, I liken this championship win to the championship run that Kofi Kingston recently ended in the WWE. Got a great in-ring performer, solid worker, who nonetheless has little to no character and little to no mic time. Championship often will push a performer into speaking roles, but this is often ignored when it comes to mid-card championships like X-Division, no matter how "important" the management says it is.

That being said, I like Red, I truly do, but they need to give him some mic time and a solid story/feud or nobody will care about him. I said this about Kofi and I'll say it about Red. Unless they get some character development into this guy, all he's going to be is a very energetic and high-flying place-holder until either Suicide or The Pope takes X-Division away from him. If he wants to make a lasting impression, they need a story and right now he doesn't have one.

I like that he's champion, I just hope TNA doesn't make the same mistake with him that they made with Kofi in the WWE.
I'm also really pumped to see Red as the new champ. He can have a great match with any of the other X Division guys and hopefully we will see a return of the faster paced X Division matches.

If they don't start getting the Guns involved in the tag title scene, some Amazing Red vs. Shelly or Sabin matches would be nice.
TNA is, in all honesty, much better at being unpredictable than the WWE and this match definitely proved it.

Just because it was unpredictable doesn't automatically make it good. Unpredictable and genuinely exciting, for instance, would have been placing someone like Hernandez in an X-Division title match and winning. After all, TNA has actually been doing something with him for a while.

The trouble is...well, I liken this championship win to the championship run that Kofi Kingston recently ended in the WWE. Got a great in-ring performer, solid worker, who nonetheless has little to no character and little to no mic time.

While I agree that there's little character development and mic time, Kofi hadn't spent 5 or 6 months working dark matches and/or consistently jobbing to other wrestlers. In the ring, he was built as a solid competitor that was seen as a legitimate threat in the mid-card division. Me, I just have trouble buying into, believe in or caring about a champ that was getting squashed in matched only a few months ago. If the WWE had done the same thing, slapped the US or IC title onto a wrestler that's done little to nothing except job for months on end, say Evan Bourne for instance, without any sort of build up, then the forum would pretty much be up in arms and criticizing the WWE for making a foolish move.
Amazing Red with the X-Division title is a good move. He represents what the X-Division is about right now. Young, high-flyers, with originality and a lot of heart. He doesn't need mic time, his skills speak for him. He is over with the crowd, he is ALWAYS fun to watch. My wife and I stop everything when his match is on because we love to see him wrestle. That counts for a lot. Joe is a fat out of shape man who doesn't need the X-Division title. He got it just to put the MEM over as a dominant stable. Now its time to move on...he has not need for that belt. Let guys like Amazing Red, Dinero, and others working to make a name for their self in TNA run with the title. TNA has enough titles for their stars so they can use the X-Division to build stars. The Legends Title is the 2nd tier title anyway so why the fuss?
I too thought this was well done, and a good move by TNA. Samoa Joe with the X-Division belt just seems pointless right now after having Joe be a dominant part of the main event scene for so long. Not that it's personally his fault, but when he's the X-Division champion, that means less time for the rest of the actual X-Division (like Amazing Red). Amazing Red is a great performer, and he and Joe had a very entertaining match on Impact, but Red getting the title victory was great. I could care less about the Joe-Lashley feud but just having the upset for the title victory with someone as talented as Red was fun to watch. Hopefully Red can have a decent title reign and work in some good defenses against guys like Homicide, Christopher Daniels, and Jay Lethal at a couple of PPVs. Knowing TNA likes to play hotcake with their titles these days though, I doubt Red will hold onto the belt for very long.

Good move though, I liked it, even if this thread did spoil it for me before I actually watched Impact off my DVR.
I loved it and again, thought it was well pulled off. I only hope that they dont screw it up.

It looks like they will though. Red and his title HAS to be on the BFG card. He would make the ultimate x match that little more awesome. but for the title not to be defended on ppv, really would suck.
I'm glad he's champ. The whole way he won it.. that.. clusterfuck..?! Hebner's obviously senile, and forgot the rules. I don't like the way Amazing Red won it, the man could be throw into the main event with this little feud between them and him getting in the middle of it.. who knows. This one's hard to call. Glad Red's champ though.
Red as champ is a good move. It means that the current roster that makes up the X Division is going to actually going to stand a chance at winning it now. As long as Joe was holding on the to the belt he was holding the X Division down. The only reason he had it was because the MEM had all the gold . Now with the MEM slowly deteriorating I believe it goes well with the story. I cannot believe that the ref allowed Lashley to come into the ring and fight Joe though. In what promotion or wrestling business anywhere is that okay?

Anyways..Red is going to hopefully have a half decent reign and keep the belt for a few months. Hopefully this leads to more airtime for the X Division and hopefully some more wild and crazy spots from Red and other X Division stars. After all that is why I like the X division....it consists of wrestlers that are very talented yet can pull off these amazing spots. I suppose that is why Red is " The Amazing Red " .

I'm glad he is the champ I am just upset with how he won it.
I'm glad that Amazing Red won the TNA title. Samoa Joe, to his credit, does have moments where he can credibly compete with some of the X Division wrestlers, but he just doesn't fit in with the other X Division wrestlers. It was like a majority of the X Division went on pause while he was champ.

Amazing Red should have a good reign, and I hope he makes a great champ. I think he's going to have some good solid matches ahead of him.
So, Don West is now Amazing Red's manager or something? When I saw Don and Red backstage doing an interview, I expected Red to get the mic and actually show us his promo skills. Instead, he acted more like an eager or nervous kid doing nothing but laugh a little, lick his lips, nod his head and say "Yeah, can't wait man." I guess Red is back to jobbing if he loses his title at BFG, which the chances for that are very high.
Yeah, I never usually watch TNA at all but recently, I have been watching it and really enjoying it. The first match that I saw tonight on Impact was the highlights of the match between Amazing Red and Samoa Joe. I couldn't believe that Amazing Red won the match but after watching his match with Suicide, I can see why they have decided to push Red. He is so athletic and amazing to watch. He is like Evan Bourne... Only better.

I was genuinely shocked by the fact that he won the match but I think that this will add some really good matches to the fray. As I say, I do not watch TNA often and only watched it tonight because nothing else was on. However, after the match with Red ans Suicide, I may have to start watching it more often. Red is a great competitor and I am very intrigued to see where he takes it.
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