Ted DiBiase Jr. another wasted talent?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am really dissappointed to see who could be potentially one of the best in the business wasted like he is just now.

Would like to hear ideas from everyone on what should be done with him to get him back in the spotlight, what storylines should he get involved in? who would he work well with for a rivalry/feud? What gimmicks/characters could he inherit??
I saw no problem with him 'inheriting' his father's Million Dollar Championship belt.

Carrying that thing around was practically a 'Please Hate Me' sign for his dad and would be for him as well.

Have him 'pay off' other heels and have folks do his dirty work en route to actually getting some wins!

Have him at the head of the long-rumored 'Fortunate Sons' stable, or at least be a part of it.

There are plenty of legacies (among many others) in career limbo due to repeated failures by the so-called 'Creative Department'.

One real criticism I now have is the apparent lack of a 'good guy bad guy scorecard'.

Did nobody bother to pay attention to the fact that the company has about twice as many heels as it does faces?

Given recent mistakes and the ongoing 'wanna-be celebrity' routine from the front-office, this shouldn't surprise me.

Ted Dibiase is a solid mid-level talent with plenty of upside. He should be getting better treatment than the recent squash-jobs.
DiBiase's problem is that he's extraordinarily bland. His promo work is subpar at best and he just hasn't done anything to make anyone give a damn about him.

DiBiase has a bland personality and that's a big problem. He comes across as bland and one dimensional and, truthfully, he always has. Why should the fans care about him or get behind him when there's no reason to? If the fans don't care about you, it doesn't matter how athletic you are or how good you look. To paraphrase something that Stone Cold said this past Monday on Tough Enough, there are a million mechanics in wrestling and few superstars.
DiBiase's problem is that he's extraordinarily bland. His promo work is subpar at best and he just hasn't done anything to make anyone give a damn about him.

DiBiase has a bland personality and that's a big problem. He comes across as bland and one dimensional and, truthfully, he always has. Why should the fans care about him or get behind him when there's no reason to? If the fans don't care about you, it doesn't matter how athletic you are or how good you look. To paraphrase something that Stone Cold said this past Monday on Tough Enough, there are a million mechanics in wrestling and few superstars.

I think it's hard to be anything other than bland when you get zero time for fans to get to know you and your character.

And I blame the company for the epidemic of 'bland', 'uninteresting' wrestlers struggling to get noticed.

When John Cena demands 1/3 of every show and Randy Orton another 1/3, the rest of the roster fights for any crumbs remaining.

Some guys get referred to as 'spot monkeys' because they're trying to cram as many spots into the 5 minutes they get for their match. And why do they get only 5 minutes? Because the rest of the show is devoted to the same 3 or 4 guys' segments each and every week.

I think wrestlers like Ted Dibiase among many others incorrectly get the blame for mistakes that managemnet is making and pay the price in many cases.

My opinion anyway.
Ted DiBiase has had numerous times to showcase his charisma and every opportunity he gets, he fucks up. Hell, he was even given a slight push in 2010 when he appeared in the Elimination Chamber and eliminated Randy Orton - a top guy not only on RAW but in the WWE. The WWE has even put him in one of their movies and no one gave a shit. He's boring. The "he never gets time so you can't say he's bland" excuse doesn't work here. He's been given time, and even then, he failed.

There's a reason they've held him back so much, his charisma is really lacking, and he is incredibly bland. He just doesn't seem to care enough to do anything to help himself. In my opinion, he needs a total repackaging. Send his boring ass to FCW for a year and give him something to do. Or bring his brother in to help him a bit. The only thing Ted has going for him would be his look, and the name DiBiase.

There's no doubt, if it weren't for Ted's last name, he'd be let go. He's god aweful.
I don't see how he could be a wated talent ... I mean he was given opportunities on a silver platter. He was given the "push" as opposed to Cody Rhodes who had to create his own gimmik from scratch w/o any support.

Debiase was given the Milliondollar Belt, Maryse, Vrigil, the sympathetic face tease againts Orton last year, a US Title Feud with Daniel Bryan, etc. He wasn't wasted he was given so many chances and just didnt click.
I am really dissappointed to see who could be potentially one of the best in the business wasted like he is just now.

Would like to hear ideas from everyone on what should be done with him to get him back in the spotlight, what storylines should he get involved in? who would he work well with for a rivalry/feud? What gimmicks/characters could he inherit??

He is absolutely terrible! Can't talk, no personality, no charisma, nothing! He's terrible. He only has a job because of his name.

He's had his chance, numerous chances, and he can't get over. He sucks, get rid of him.
He is an engima,physically he has all the tools anyone could ever need.
name recognition to boot as well!

But he does come across as bland,
A 3rd generation wrestler like him,growing up in and around the biz should know that!
He either needs a mouthpiece or go back to some kind of stable again. He's very one dimensional, he's got all the upside in the world to fucking make it to the top but he doesn't capitalize on it. His former partner is SO MUCH better than he is now and heres another Rhodes that can turn a gimmick to gold (pun intended).
Yeah I agree with what everyone else has said, and add that he was in Legacy too! One of the biggest stables of the past couple years that was supposed to elevate him like Evolution did with Orton. Cody used his time wisely, learnt how to work his angle, playing off the fact that his dad was a fat dude and his brother a weird dude and that he *should* have been the dashing one, only to have it go the way we are currently stealing. DiBiase, however, has just tried straight up stealing his father's persona, down to the same body guard.

You can blame the creative department but DiBiase has been given a lot of time in the spotlight, given current stars like Orton and HoF people like his father to help him along, a gimmick that many have made work for themselves in the past (Del Rio is currently mining it to success), exciting talent to work against (the likes of DX in Legacy, Daniel Bryan a couple months back) and a hot girl on his arm. What more can they do? The guy just isn't interesting.
This is a hard topic because of how many 2nd 3rd or even 4th generation wrestlers are in The WWE everyone expects them to be good or even better then there father grandfather or great grandfather I feel sorry for them look at all the kids of legends and hall of famers who are in the WWE Ted Dibiase Jr His father Ted Sr one of or even the best heels ever Huskey Harris IRS's son look at what there doing to him Joe '' Micheal Mc Gillacutty '' Henning son of Curt '' Mr. Perfect '' Henning and the grandson of Larry ''The AX'' Henning, David Hart Smith son of Davy Boy Smith I could go on and on I don't think Ted Jr is a waste of talent these men and women that are 2nd 3rd and 4th generation of wrestlers It's probably harder for them then the other superstars because they are trying to live up to there fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers legacies.
Personally i think that the only way DiBiase will get back into the spotlight by say Mid 2011, is to send him to Smackdown. DiBiase is getting nowhere on Raw. He had a pretty good run in 2009 and the start of 2010 as a part of Legacy. But that's it. After that you knew he was going straight to the bottom. And it's not because of his in ring ability. So i say send him to Smackdown in the Draft. Let him have say 3-4 months of basic matches. After that put him in a feud with a decent mid-Carder (Kofi Kingston, Kane, Big Show.) After the feud is over, either keep him as a mid-Carder, and put him after the IC title, or make him have that push to the World Heavyweight Championship. That's what i think should be done.
well all i am going to say is Ted Dibiase Jr has alot voltage in him meaning he has was it takes to be a main eventer BUT he does not have the amperage meaning he is not used correctly and not giving that storyline that one big launch that he need to propell him to the main event stat. He has the look, the body, the atheletics, the charisma all in one package. WWE need to find that certain nich and we will have a superstar at hand.
WWE has not had a good twelve months. Wrestlemania this year was poor compared to last year. IN the last year we have lost Sean Michaels, Edge, Matt Hardy and MVP and Chris Jericho doesnt appear to be in a hurry to return. There seems to be very little real talent in the WWE at the moment. Ted DiBiase seems to be treated as the comic relief recently and for me its time for the next generation to be serious contenders. Breaking up legacy was an error I believe. He should at the very least be fighting for the US championship who knows maybe even a face.
The WWE fucked Dibiase. They had him perfectly positioned at the start of 2010 to turn face, they had the crowd baying for him to strike back at Orton and the WWE fucked it up by taking too long to pull the trigger. You can't blame the guy when the WWE has repeatedly fucked him over with bad booking. Everyone felt he has potential when he debuted, nothing has changed.
DiBiase's problem is that he's extraordinarily bland. His promo work is subpar at best and he just hasn't done anything to make anyone give a damn about him.

DiBiase has a bland personality and that's a big problem. He comes across as bland and one dimensional and, truthfully, he always has. Why should the fans care about him or get behind him when there's no reason to? If the fans don't care about you, it doesn't matter how athletic you are or how good you look. To paraphrase something that Stone Cold said this past Monday on Tough Enough, there are a million mechanics in wrestling and few superstars.

Couldn't agree more. He's one in the long line of generic, bland, formulaic WWE factory product. He looks plain, doesn't have any charisma, can't talk well on the mic, he looks the same as all the other young guys...etc...
WWE has not had a good twelve months. Wrestlemania this year was poor compared to last year. IN the last year we have lost Sean Michaels, Edge, Matt Hardy and MVP and Chris Jericho doesnt appear to be in a hurry to return. There seems to be very little real talent in the WWE at the moment.

I agree that the company has not had a good past 12 months, but I don't see it caused by a lack of talent. I think the problem is in how they are using (or more accurately not using) the talent they do have.

Ted DiBiase seems to be treated as the comic relief recently and for me its time for the next generation to be serious contenders. Breaking up legacy was an error I believe. He should at the very least be fighting for the US championship who knows maybe even a face.

Add him to the list of many names wallowing in obscurity because 'creative' can't do their job.
I was very surprised that after Legacys split, DiBiase is where he is at and I find it disapointing. I honestly thought DiBiase could make it solo and Rhodes would fade away, but it has in fact been the opposite! Cody just put on a phenomenal match at WM that is going to build his rep even further, DiBiase? he has done nada. I see only one last solution to this problem.

I think DiBiase is decent in the ring, some of his matches he has looked pretty good in. However, as everybody else is saying, he sucks at cutting promos. IMO WWe should send him to Smackdown. Maybe through in a face turn, and have him feud with Rhodes. Rhodes could call him out and say how worthless he's been ever since Legacy and how DiBiase had done nothing, even with all the help he's had. He could call him a washup. They could feud and have Rhodes beat him again and again, and verbally assault him every time. Hopefully, the crowd gets behind DiBiase and wants to see him win. Have it climax at a PPV. Rhodes gives DiBiase one last shot to beat him, BUT if DiBiase loses then he must retire. DiBiase has become obsessed with beating him and accepts. If the match is done with enough quality, have DiBiase beat Rhodes in a grueling match, and then maybe he has the respect of the crowd on Smackdown. Hopefully it gives him enough credibility that he can grow into a character along the way.
sorry what more of a push do you think is enough for debiase? Dibiase didnt capitalize his push, the tv time, match time, and promo time when given the opportunity. If you dont prove you're something, then the company will put somebody and take your spot.

Dashing cody rhodes proves everyone wrong and he wrestled his first single match at mania.

You can say rhodes was on smackdown so he has more exposure and flexiblity to do what he wants. But thats a lame excuse because THE MIZ got over on Raw while morrison didnt do anything to elevate himself on smackdown.
I think i actually like Dibiasi I just feel he isn't being used properly. I would really love to see him in the RAW title picture and I strongly believe he has the capability of being a very strong superstar. Now his I feel that he will be used in the short future, hopefully feuding wiht Yoshi Tatsu however to give you a reply on how to repackage him here is what I would do.

I strongly feel that if you were to do anything to his character I would make him a face. I think I could see him feuding with Sheamus for whatever reason. I think if given the proper time this would not only be a good feud but also a good match.

I feel a face Dibiase is what would be best for him. He would need to greatly change the style of his promos but I feel this would be the best route for him.

First step is to get Maryse the hell away from him.
I think it's hard to be anything other than bland when you get zero time for fans to get to know you and your character.

And I blame the company for the epidemic of 'bland', 'uninteresting' wrestlers struggling to get noticed.

When John Cena demands 1/3 of every show and Randy Orton another 1/3, the rest of the roster fights for any crumbs remaining.

Some guys get referred to as 'spot monkeys' because they're trying to cram as many spots into the 5 minutes they get for their match. And why do they get only 5 minutes? Because the rest of the show is devoted to the same 3 or 4 guys' segments each and every week.

I think wrestlers like Ted Dibiase among many others incorrectly get the blame for mistakes that managemnet is making and pay the price in many cases.

My opinion anyway.

DiBiase has been given lots of chances to show what he's got. Part of being a star is that you have to make the most of what opportunities you get. The man simply has no personality, he doesn't have a shred of charisma and those are qualities that the WWE management can't give him. John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, CM Punk, John Morrison, Edge, etc. didn't start out as upper mid-card/main event talent. They worked for it, they pushed themselves, they worked hard and they did their best to not waste the opportunities they got. You can exaggerate how much time Orton & Cena get each week on Raw all you like but it's not WWE's fault that DiBiase has the personality of a jar of mayonaise.

As part of Legacy, he & Rhodes were on television with Randy Orton every week. People started saying that DiBiase will come into his own once he Legacy breaks up. Well, here we are a little more than a year since Legacy ended and Ted DiBiase is every bit as boring and bland as he ever was.

When the WWE began running the angle with him carrying the Million Dollar Championship and being the "fortunate son", I was interested. One week after the other, however, DiBiase would give the same one dimensional, droning promos that put everyone to sleep. No real emotion to anything he was saying, nothing more than a generic smirk on his face to convey anything resembling emotions, he gets put into a United States Championship feud with Daniel Bryan and nothing comes out of it.

Overall, Ted DiBiase is just a mediocre wrestler that happens to have the same name as one of the best heels of all time.
He will never be a big main eventer, He simply is not exciting enough or as good on the mic as others. He is good in the ring, but that is it. I'm sick of hearing about how the vanilla is being held back or screwed. Just because you can wrestle well does not mean you should be number one. He is ROH good, but not entertaining enough to head line the number one company. You have to have appeal outside wrestling and loads of charisma. It's not like the WWE didn't try, didn't they even give him a movie vehicle that less people seen then knucklehead and See No Evil.
Just like others have stated he is very bland and boring.He even looks uncomfortable cutting promo's just on the mic period.He has had chance after chance I found it hilarious when management got on maryse for not getting him over.Just like dolph vicki helped him get over but he also has personality charisma and ect.
well all i am going to say is Ted Dibiase Jr has alot voltage in him meaning he has was it takes to be a main eventer BUT he does not have the amperage meaning he is not used correctly and not giving that storyline that one big launch that he need to propell him to the main event stat. He has the look, the body, the atheletics, the charisma all in one package. WWE need to find that certain nich and we will have a superstar at hand.

WHAT CHARISMA? Where are you seeing the charisma? When he talks, I go to sleep. Put it this way, I have a 3 year old girl and if im having a hard time getting her to take a nap, all I have to do is get a video of Ted talking and shes out cold in minutes. Please with that charisma crap.

You all can hate Miz all you want but his CHARISMA is what has him at the top. Ted, like many here have said, is flat out BLAND. Bottomline.
DiBiase has been given lots of chances to show what he's got. Part of being a star is that you have to make the most of what opportunities you get. The man simply has no personality, he doesn't have a shred of charisma and those are qualities that the WWE management can't give him. John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, CM Punk, John Morrison, Edge, etc. didn't start out as upper mid-card/main event talent. They worked for it, they pushed themselves, they worked hard and they did their best to not waste the opportunities they got. You can exaggerate how much time Orton & Cena get each week on Raw all you like but it's not WWE's fault that DiBiase has the personality of a jar of mayonaise.

It's not an exaggeration at all. Part of the WWE's continued problems stem from the fact that they revolve too much of every show around too few talents. And Dibiase's 'push' was mishandled from its' very start. They put pieces in place ti make him the Million dollar son and failed to see it through. Then some knucklehead thought it would be a great idea to turn him into a jobber every week. Probably the same idiot who thought they needed to split-up the Hart Dynasty. But I'm sure Kidd and Smith will get the blame for that going badly as well.

As part of Legacy, he & Rhodes were on television with Randy Orton every week. People started saying that DiBiase will come into his own once he Legacy breaks up. Well, here we are a little more than a year since Legacy ended and Ted DiBiase is every bit as boring and bland as he ever was.

Rhodes and Dibiase were nothing more than Orton's lackeys in Legacy, nothing more. Let's not try to turn that group into something it never was. The best thing to happen to Cody Rhodes was getting moved to Smackdown, where he had a chance for some TV time.

When the WWE began running the angle with him carrying the Million Dollar Championship and being the "fortunate son", I was interested. One week after the other, however, DiBiase would give the same one dimensional, droning promos that put everyone to sleep. No real emotion to anything he was saying, nothing more than a generic smirk on his face to convey anything resembling emotions, he gets put into a United States Championship feud with Daniel Bryan and nothing comes out of it.

And ask yourself why nothing came of it? It sure wasn't because they didn't have good in-ring matches. It was because the 'creative' department once again, lost interest and dropped the ball. They had what they needed for a solid mid-card feud and they blew it. Just like they did with Daniel Bryan's IC title reign. Just like they're wasting his talents and Evan Bourne's week-after-week as well.

Overall, Ted DiBiase is just a mediocre wrestler that happens to have the same name as one of the best heels of all time.

I think Dibiase has everything he needs to be a solid mid-card competitor right now, and I think he has the tools to be a main-eventer in the future. I attribute his struggles to a lame-assed 'creative' team that continues to fail at what their job description requires.

That's why RAW is boring and stale, it's why Wrestlemania 27 sucked, and it's why the product is suffering.

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