First World Title #2-- MVP vs Ted DiBiase Jr.

MVP or DiBiase

  • MVP

  • DiBiase

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Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
After realizing that my first Thread about the Simple yet difficult question of Who will win first, was kind of an easy one (Swagger vs Bourne) so I decided to do a 2nd Thread with maybe a little more challenging Match. So for this one your choices are MVP or Ted DiBiase Jr.

Why MVP Will--- WWE made it look like MVP would FINALLY get the push he deserves when they drafted him to Raw and made him come out and go toe-toe with Randy Orton, but have since dropped the ball, now they have him in a feud with Jack Swagger who is destined to be a World Champ, and maybe now could be MVPs time, if the Swagger vs MVP rivalry goes good and gets over with the fans then I can see MVP possibly winning the Rumble or getting mixed up as the New 3rd Face of Raw.

Why Ted DiBiase--- Simple, Hes in Legacy, theve been hinting that hes gonna go Face for about 6weeks now if not more, and what a perfect way to make him face by making the inevitable happen and have him screw Orton out of a Title match, and if I was a betting man Id say it will him winning the Rumble.

My Pick-- Ted DiBiase Jr.-- Why--- Purely because I know, And we all know that he will screw Orton at some point in the near future, and that I really think that He will win the Royal Rumble. I think he will win the Rumble for a simple reason, WWE likes to re-do old things, Legacy is a version of Evolution, Batista hinted that he wanted to leave Evolution thus going into to RR that it was obvious he would win, move forward to 2010 RR and this time it will be Ted DiBiase Jr. Winning the Rumble and going to WM26 to win The WWE Championship.
I think Teddy Jr as well. MVP seems to keep getting closer and closer to breaking into the main event, only to be reminded that he's just not main event caliber material. He works much better as a heel and I think his current run as a face won't last very long. He's pretty decent on the mic, but I just don't see him as a Main Eventer. He's been hanging around in the upper midcard for awhile now and the longer that happens, the less and less likely a World Title would appear to be. See also : Carlito, Shelton Benjamin.
I dunno man, i dont See Ted winning the Royal Rumble getting a main event spot at wrestlemania this year at all. Yeah, they did tease his face turn, but they seemed to only "try it out" to gauge reaction, and then re-cement him as a heel by him slapping his dad. Although he's got a lot of promise, he's still largely unproven so far. He has only won the tag titles (which they seem to be in the running for yet again), and has not even had a run at ATTEMPTING to go for the US/Intercontinental strap yet. I suppose it's not impossible for them to build him to that level within the next 6-7 months, but if thats what they wanna do, they need to GET CRACKING NOW!

I just see Vinny Mac relying on more established "draws" for the main title main events for WM26.

I'll pick MVP first. Yeah, theyve dropped the ball on him a trillion times like crazy, but he's still more established, and as far as the ladder, he is still more believable as a title contender at this point and in the next couple months more than likely than Ted. I think he has the "superstar quality" that Shelton and Carlito (debatable) dont.
When MVP was moved over to Raw and came out the first night to challenge Orton, I thought (like most) that this was their launch site for an MVP main event push and that we would have Orton/Batista, then Orton/HHH, then Orton/MVP depending on if he would be successful in the feud they'd book him in between. That ship sailed, though, and he went down to a midcarder once again. He lost his US title, which seemed like a good sign that he was moving up, but then he spent the next few weeks not appearing on Raw. Now, he's in a feud with Jack Swagger...

I hate saying it, but I might as well....I don't think MVP is ever going to be world champion. They've had chances to give him the Money in the Bank, they've had chances to push him to the main event several times over the past year and a half and they didn't pull the trigger. Now he's on the A show and he's done nothing to elevate his career since the move. MVP's over with the crowd and he's entertaining, but I don't think they find him to be someone that they can rely on financially.

Now, while MVP potentially could be ready for a world title reign, Ted DiBiase isn't. He hasn't even had a time in his career where he was a singles wrestler, let alone a singles champion, so you can't judge how bright his star is until that happens. My guess is DiBiase's inevitable face turn is going to result in a midcard title reign - possibly him being the person to defeat Swagger or Miz when one of them takes it from Kofi. I don't think they're going to be pushing DiBiase directly into the main event from Legacy unless he has that US/IC title when he's still in with them.

MVP is more likely to get a title reign if they just decided to pick between the two right now, but I think we may never see MVP get a world title, in which case DiBiase would be first, as I think he WILL have a world championship to his name at some point. If MVP does have a world title under his list of accomplishments, I wouldn't be surprised if it were some short lived, mediocre reign, much like CM Punk's and Jeff Hardy's.
I would go with Ted DiBiase on this one..reasons:Same as yours.
I do hope everything happens like you say I know he will go on to be a great main eventer possibly within the next year if not then definetly in two I could see him with
atleast two reigns as WWE OR WORLD champ.
How can you even think Dibiase is a contender? Hes part of a team that are essentially jobbers and has never been giving a chance as a singles competitor. If he wins the us or intercontinental championship(which ever is on raw these days) than is see him having slightly more or a possibility but even thinking he has a chance of being in the main event is a joke. In evolution Ortan left first after being a successful intercontinental champion and having his own feuds proving that he can out side of the ones evolution was having.(it wasn't mick foley feuding with evolution it was mick foley feuding with randy ortan) Ortan proved he could be successful as a singles competitor long before he entered the main event scene. Dibiase hasn't shown that at all, all hes shown is he is good as one of those silent guys who follow ortan around and does his bidding.

MVP on the other hand has been a successful competitor for a long time. He is good on the mic and can handle being in the main event. Out of the two, right now its obvious that MVP will be in the man event championship scene next year while Dibiase will be making his way through the mid card.
Just a quick comment to all those who say DiBiase hasnt been a singles competitor and hasnt gone for a title--

Like I said WWE loves redoing Storylines, This is the New Evolution, DiBiase is Batista, Batista was not really a singles competitor before Evolution, neither was DiBiase. Correct me if im wrong.
Infamous Eric and the rest of you guys its a rumor I don't see him turning face as of yet not until they win and lose the belts thenmaybe Ted Dibiase Jr turns face but it won't happen unless they trick CJ and rest of legacy team up against Jericho beating him up
second possible scenario is EDGE returning and losing their tag titles so he can sell his injury as well as his character turning face!!!
MVP is most likely to get the belt first, however, i think that Teddy will have a much better run and ultimately a much longer stay at the top of the card. WWE will see if MVP is what they thought he was, much like they did with the Orton face turn, give him the big belt for a month to see how he does, then it will be business as usual. what MVP does after that is what will see if he gets the brass ring again. Sadly (or luckily, depending on your opinion) MVP will likely go through the same thing that happened to Kane. Good enough to be there, but not accepted enough to continue to hold the belt. Ted on the other hand, seems to have what it takes, so long as he doesn't just continue to get buried. talk about a guy who needs a win, he is percieved as winner and a possible main eventer even after months of squashes by Triple H and Batista. Don't get me wrong i don't think he should've pinned either of those men clean, but he didn't have to look weak either. All that being said i think after the performance against Orton a couple weeks ago, Ted will begin to be given the opportunity to shine in his matches, which will, in the long run, make him a true world champion
I like Dibiase jr.; he has potential as well as the name but I really don't see him winning the Rumble or the title any time soon. He's only been around for a year and hasn't established himself as a singles competitor yet. He needs to get a reign or 2 with the IC or US belt before being put in that conversation. As a singles wrestler he hasn't even had a real feud yet. He's gotta go out there some nite and call someone out or interfere with a match that doesn't involve Orton to kickstart something cus right now its not there.

Basically on TV all he does is walk out with Orton, do run-ins to jump guys with Orton, get his ass kicked by HHH or Batista during the run-in, put on the most fake-looking stomps and punches I've ever seen, and he looks too rehearsed while on the mic. He's not in enough matches as of late. He had a few tag matches thrown in and the singles match with Orton, but when was his last singles match before that? With Batista before the Bash or something like that..He needs more ring time in a serious manner.

MVP barely gets any pops when he comes out on RAW. I feel bad cus he's really trying and has turned his life around. When he comes out it gets so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

He's a solid wrestler but cuts a slow pace. I'd like to see him pick it up a notch in the ring. He's at least had a few runs with the US title and has been put in some lasting feuds. He's also been around for 4 years and has a better chance if the crowd gets behind him more. Swaggar is the heel and he was getting cheered more than MVP. I want to see MVP do something dirty to become a white-hot heel where he should be cus I think the crowd would get behind his actions more as heel.
It's difficult to say because I don't see any of them as World Championship material at the moment. I like MVP but for some reason I just don't see him as World Championship's hard to say why but I actually think MVP has digressed since coming to RAW rather than progressing. Perhaps it's just because RAW is filled with main eventers that it is hard for MVP to truly get over there but if truth be told he isn't really doing anything other than coasting around the mid card and losing to Jack Swagger.

However, that's not to say that with a little more work MVP couldn't be groomed into a main eventer worthy of the title but at the moment I don't see him carrying the strap any time soon...perhaps a few US title wins first. Also, I think MVP is at his best and is most believable as a heel....there is something about him that I just don't buy as a babyface (a bit like Randy Orton he just seems a bit forced in the role in my opinion)

As for Ted Dibiase, I think he has potential to be a champion but at the moment all people (myself included) seem to be doing is talking about is his potential....sooner or later we are going to have to start seeing it and on a more regular basis, yes we have had glimpses of it but it never seems to be for a sustained period of time.

His mic skills are fair at the moment but he clearly does have personality in there some where...we just don't see it all the time because Orton usually does the talking. Ted does have the tools to make it big but at the moment I think MVP outshines him in the charisma department (an essential component of a successful champion obviously) and probably in the ring too...MVP has had a few entertaining feuds during his time in WWE where he has been able to show case his ability and that is why I would think he is more ready to be a World Champion before Dibiase (since I have to chose between the two) .

However, this is the WWE and things don't always turn out as one would expect...hence why I wouldn't be suprised to see them rush Dibiase into the spotlight and force the title on him, hopefully not before he is truly ready though.

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