Ted DiBiase Esquire

Ted Jr's intro last week was very pretty cool and I am very excited to see what is next, hopefully tonight.
What I want to know is the status of Joe Hennig. I would mark out huge if Ted Jr and his father were on the ramp and introduce his partner Joe Hennig (Curt's music hits). Since they were tag partners in developmental, I wonder if they would bring him in. How far along is he?
I beleive Joe Hennig has just been signed to a developmental deal. I was under the impression that he already was, in which case I'd say that there is a pretty big chance of him being Ted's partner. However I can't see the WWE putting Joe staright into a program on Raw 2 weeks after being signed.

If this 2nd gen stable is going to come about it'll most probaly be another new developmental talent like Afa Jr or DH Smith and then a turning Cody.
They're pushing this kid too hard, too fast. I mean, we haven't even seen him in the ring yet, and already he's getting a tag title shot? WTF?

What ever happened to building up a character and letting the fans get to know him a bit before pushing him like an old lady down a flight of stairs?

I understand he is a third gen. wrestler, but just because dad and Grandpa were great, doesn't mean little "priceless" will be. That "priceless" gimmick sucks sour milk in hell, IMO.

I can tell he's NOT going to have his dad's mike skills. Ted Dibiasi could cut a promo with a dull blade. He was great on the mic, and the Million Dollar Man was always a favorite character of mine.

But this kid needs time. Is WWE so desperate for talent? I'm not saying he can't be great, but give it a little time. Orton came up quick and so did the Rock. But, both proved themselves to be great in ring performers, and the Rock may be the best talker of all time.

If you start someone off too quick, you burn them out. Let's see sonny boy wrestle before he goes for a title or appears on a PPV. This kid is going to fizzle out quick if they rush things. And, again, his verbal gimmick stinks. He's feeding off his dad's reputation without building one of his own. He's going to be known as a daddy's boy, and nothing more.

No one says Bob Orton's son. They say Randy Orton. No one says Rocky Johnson's son or Peter Miavia's Grandson, they say the Rock. That's because both men have succeeded in building their own legacy.

Once the fans start saying, "Look, Million Dollar's Son," that'll be the end of him.

Just my opinion, and, like assholes, everyone has one. :D
Personally I am excited at the possibility of a new generation stable. As over used as it was in the mid and late 90's i think that stables help develop new wrestlers. i.e Lex Luger (4 Hoursemen), The Rock (Nation of Domination), Edge and Christian (the Brood) Randy Orton and Batista (Evolution).
I'm curious to see who his partner will be. There is the potential for developmental talent to get a push, but I don't know if two new guys can win the title without ever being seen in the ring. My complete shot in the dark guess is going to be a guy who's just resigned in D'lo Brown. Probably wrong, but worth a shot I think.

I'm more curious to see how Ted Jr settles into the ring work. I mean his mic work has been solid, but a little too reminiscent of Randy Orton at the start. So I'm looking forward to seeing him wrestle
Ted Dibiase Jr has been a little similar to Randy Orton..But I think thats because of his look..If he'd cut those same promos but didn't have a look similar to Orton, I don't think we'd mind.. I'm anxious to see him wrestle.. I keep thinking his partner maybe Duece or a turning Cody Rhodes..If it's NOT a third gen superstar, then maybe Chris Harris..I actually thought JBL since He and MDM have similar gimmicks but a JBL/Dibiase team would be atrocious.

I think Ted Dibiase Jr can be a main player on RAW...He's only being pushed this far because of his last name. It's up to him to live up to it.. But i'm willin to bet he incorporates the Million Dollar Dream in to his arsenal, if not his finisher. He has the look, he has the mic skills, all thats left is to see him in the ring. Then i'll pass judgment.
That promo he done y-day was so lame they have got to lose that priceless gimmick I pray they do not jus become a two man tag hopefully about 3-5 members including deuce, the problem is a stable needs a big wwe challenger say edge, evolution triple h, who are they going to get?.
Predictable on Sunday night, but good, none the less.

Him and Rhodes should make a good team, as long as they are booked well. I would like to see them defend the titles against Hardcore Holly and a partner at GAB. Maybe put D'lo Brown with him, and give it the kind of Veterans -vs- Rookies edge.
That promo he done y-day was so lame they have got to lose that priceless gimmick I pray they do not jus become a two man tag hopefully about 3-5 members including deuce, the problem is a stable needs a big wwe challenger say edge, evolution triple h, who are they going to get?.

Someone brought this up in another thread, but Randy Orton would be the perfect leader for this "2nd generation" stable we've been hearing about. I almost completely forgot that Deuce was Superfly's adopted son so you can add him to the mix. I'm just not so sure that the stable would be viewed as a threat aside from Orton. They'd really have to build up Deuce, Rhodes, and Dibiase hard by the time Orton returns if they plan to act upon this.

Also, I agree with you on the priceless thing. That's five weeks in a row Ted. We get it.
They're pushing this kid too hard, too fast. I mean, we haven't even seen him in the ring yet, and already he's getting a tag title shot? WTF?

What ever happened to building up a character and letting the fans get to know him a bit before pushing him like an old lady down a flight of stairs?

I understand he is a third gen. wrestler, but just because dad and Grandpa were great, doesn't mean little "priceless" will be. That "priceless" gimmick sucks sour milk in hell, IMO.

I can tell he's NOT going to have his dad's mike skills. Ted Dibiasi could cut a promo with a dull blade. He was great on the mic, and the Million Dollar Man was always a favorite character of mine.

But this kid needs time. Is WWE so desperate for talent? I'm not saying he can't be great, but give it a little time. Orton came up quick and so did the Rock. But, both proved themselves to be great in ring performers, and the Rock may be the best talker of all time.

If you start someone off too quick, you burn them out. Let's see sonny boy wrestle before he goes for a title or appears on a PPV. This kid is going to fizzle out quick if they rush things. And, again, his verbal gimmick stinks. He's feeding off his dad's reputation without building one of his own. He's going to be known as a daddy's boy, and nothing more.

No one says Bob Orton's son. They say Randy Orton. No one says Rocky Johnson's son or Peter Miavia's Grandson, they say the Rock. That's because both men have succeeded in building their own legacy.

Once the fans start saying, "Look, Million Dollar's Son," that'll be the end of him.

Just my opinion, and, like assholes, everyone has one. :D

I don't know how you can think that, that is the whole beauty of Ted Dibiasie Jr. he came onto raw and said he'd win those tag titles(which mean nothing atm) and he would get a parterner because everyone has their price.
He is a great inring performer, i've seen him on a few occasions, he has what it takes to hold himself. But he's a heel, he wanted to come in and make a decent bang, only decent because its to do with a title...that means very little. 3 defenses in 10 months or something like that.

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