Superluchas Exclusive: Christian, WWE & TNA

I loved Christian back in 2004/2005 as much as anyone, but this is about as gross an exaggeration as I've ever read on these forums. Better than Edge on occasion? Maybe. But better than any form of Edge? Come on now :disappointed:

Ok fine. 2002 Edge was pretty awesome.
As far as WWE'S plan goes we will just have to wait and see. But it would be a good move for Christian to go back to TNA. He would make a great TV champion.

A great TELEVISION Champion??

Christian would be straight into the TNA World Title picture, fuck the TV Title. I would love to see Roode v Cage or Aries v Cage for the strap
I read somewhere that Christian wanted to go back to being a midcarder during his final days in TNA. Dunno if it's true or not, although I could see it being true as he did everything in the main event scene by 08, but if he went back now, I'm pretty sure he'd want to be back in the main event scene since it's changed a lot from the last time he was there. Aries vs. Cage, Roode vs. Cage, Storm vs. Cage, Daniels vs. Cage (have they faced off before?), Anderson vs. Cage would all be awesome matches.

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