SummerSlam: Undertaker vs. Edge

Well it's pretty obvious to me that Edge was buried again...literally.

I don't think he was buried at all

Last month it was HHH, and now it's Undertaker. The best performer in the business has been forced to job to the two biggest politicking cowards in pro wrestling and I don't like it one damn bit.

It added fuel to the Vickie/Edge buildup having Triple H go over Edge like that with Vickie interfering, and the Undertaker was returning at the 2nd biggest show of the year and it was his specialty match. Edge won TLC at One Night Stand.Undertaker should've won at SummerSlam in HIAC. I will agree Edge is the best performer in WWE right now though.

If Copeland is going to get disrespected like this, I think he should just quit and head for Hollywood. No use putting his body on the line any further.

Then who will you rely on to complain about being buried???

Same old shit from Vince and the WWE.

I totally agree same shit they been delivering all year quality Main Events and Intriguing Storylines that make you log onto WZ forums to discuss them with people.
Loved the match.Each spot was awesome and Edge played the physcho bastard role to perfection.Taker played the payback role to perfection as well.I loved the ending with Taker turning round as if he though Edge hadn't experinced enough pain.Then the chokeslam through the ring was the ice on the cake.Followed by the flames I think that moment will be remember for years to come-the move that ended one of the most epic feuds of the 2000's.

Question is where does Taker go from here?Its too so for HHH.Umaga is injured.Jeff is feuding with MVP.Maybe its Kozlovs time to step up to the lime light?
Haha, Edge was buried???
He pretty much dominated most of the match. Lose to the Undertaker and the spot in the end doesnt mean he is buried.
If Edge was dominated the whole match and then lost and got burned, now that would have been buried.
Yeah the WWE really went out on the limb there to "bury" Edge, you know, the guy that dominated most of the match, the guy that smiled the entire time while in the Cell with the Undertaker, the guy that after getting beaten to a pulp, still tried to get back up to piss te Undertaker off. Yup, that guy really got buried out there.

Foreshadowing, Edge said he was going to hell for the last few weeks, and the Undertaker sent him to hell. It's not burying Edge, Edge lost ZERO Credibility during the cell match, in fact, if anything he gained a ton more credibility.

This match delivered, and this is hands down feud of the year, without question. It may very well be a top five contender for feud of the decade. Within reason, these two have had 3 matches that should finish 1, 2, 3 in the Match of the Year debates this year. WM 24, TLC and Hell in the Cell, these two delivered, and delivered damn good in all of these matches. Not since Mick Foley has someone been a thorn in the Undertaker's side like Edge, and Edge has gained a ton from this feud.
The whole angle was designed in a way that Edge had to go down...with WWE moving towards PG oriented programming and targeting a younger audience, Edge had to go down...he's cheated on his wife, assaulted her while she's in a wheelchair, and screwed Taker for months! How hard is it to grasp this?

The hero had to prevail, and the match was brilliant, easily the best they've had together and probably the single best cell match ever with the exception of the very first one and it's a close call between those two.

Edge came out of this looking awesome, not buried...he worked a helluva match and so did Taker.
Yes, anyone thinking Edge was "buried" has got to be on drugs, or a blind fan boy. If anything, Edge was further solidified here. He dominated the vast majority of the match, and gave The Undertaker, the RETURNING Undertaker, the devil incarnate himself, all he could handle, in Hell in the Cell. You cant ask for much more.

On to the match. Beyond epic. Just amazing. Im a tad disappointed we didnt see a blade job, but thats picking nits, as we saw a pretty decent amount of LEGIT hardway bleeding, from Edges back, and Takers forearm. Sick spots all around, great brutality, great pacing throughout. Stand alone for match of the year. 10/10
The match didn't disappoint. This should be the match of the year capping off what should be the feud of the year. Spear through the cell, chokeslam through the tables, chokeslam through the ring and the fires of hell. It just had it all, I really look forward to where Smackdown goes from here. Remember, Taker still needs to get his revenge on Vickie for stripping him of the WHC and banishing him.

I see a feud with Trips heading to Survivor Series. I just hope this shitty PG rating they're going for doesn't make everything so bland.
That was a great match. It is only 2nd for match of the year to their TLC match at One Night Stand, and this finished off one of the best feuds we've had this decade. The fire coming out of the ring closed it off wonderfully, adding the effect that he really sent him to HELL LMAO...great spot.

Like Mighty said it would be nit picking put I would have loved to see a blade job, possibly leading to a crimson mask (Remember Mick Foley said this could be the most violent match ever!) but this was still an awesome match. 10 out of 10 hands was the reason I bought the ppv and it really delivered.

Two minor minor minor tweaks I would have liked:
1) blade job
2) more than one tombstone to take out Edge. He went crazy so I think it would have been nice to see him kick out of the tombstone since he kicked out of the last ride. Or maybe finish him off with a tombstone on the steps or chair to show that it takes A LOT to finish off a psychotic Edge.

But that would just be me nagging....I was a complete fan boy the whole time I watched this match (for both of them)...I also marked out for the Undertaker like I was 10 years old....awesome
Well shit, now that he's lost to both HHH and Undertaker, where the hell does that leave him? First he is not good enough to be the champ again, now he's not even the number one contender. And to top it all off, he essentially got killed last night.

So what happens to him when he comes back, be the crazy guy wandering the halls? Fighting for the Divas title? The guy hasn't had a positive result since Night of Champions, and the night after that, he had to job to put that worthless sack of crap CM Punk over. If that's not being buried I don't know what is.
ok enough with the edge being burried
all his loses recently have been built around the vickie edge storyline
with her getting payback and making edge relise he is gonna regret everything he has done
its not anything to do with edge getting killed or wwe punishing him or anything.
its a part of the storyline.

once edge and vickie get back OR that storyline finishes with them, edge will bounce back right to the main event spot.

just relax and remember its nothing to do with wwe destroying edge or anything
I love how the fanboys assume that any loss, in a huge PPV no less, signifies their favorite wrestler is being "buried" somehow. Look. Generally, in wrestling, someone wins, and someone loses. It happens. Hulk Hogan lost, Andre the Giant lost, Randy Savage lost, Ric Flair lost, Steve Austin lost, the Rock lost, and yet...they are some of the greatest legends to ever get in a wrestling ring. Losing does not equal burial. Do you seriously think that Edge is being overlooked? Hello...he has been the focus of Smackdown's most important storyline, his match with the Undertaker got top billing on the card, over Triple H's title match, how is that being buried? Was Undertaker buried when Vickie "fired" him in the first place? Hell no. There is simply no way that they are gonna have Undertaker return, have the match be a Hell in a Cell, one of his specialty matches, and fail to get revenge on Edge...That doesn't mean Edge is gonna somehow end up stuck in a feud with Brian Kendrick or Fit Finlay. After a match like last night, while officially there was a winner and a loser, the entire audience at the arena, and those watching at home got a fantastic match, which means nobody lost anything. Edge didn't lose a single bit of prestige by losing to the Undertaker. ITS THE FREAKING UNDERTAKER!!! Had he lost a HIAC match against Hornswaggle, okay, start the Edge being buried chants...but, damn...losing to the Undertaker? No shame in that, at all.
I love how the fanboys assume that any loss, in a huge PPV no less, signifies their favorite wrestler is being "buried" somehow. Look. Generally, in wrestling, someone wins, and someone loses. It happens. Hulk Hogan lost, Andre the Giant lost, Randy Savage lost, Ric Flair lost, Steve Austin lost, the Rock lost, and yet...they are some of the greatest legends to ever get in a wrestling ring. Losing does not equal burial. Do you seriously think that Edge is being overlooked? Hello...he has been the focus of Smackdown's most important storyline, his match with the Undertaker got top billing on the card, over Triple H's title match, how is that being buried? Was Undertaker buried when Vickie "fired" him in the first place? Hell no. There is simply no way that they are gonna have Undertaker return, have the match be a Hell in a Cell, one of his specialty matches, and fail to get revenge on Edge...That doesn't mean Edge is gonna somehow end up stuck in a feud with Brian Kendrick or Fit Finlay. After a match like last night, while officially there was a winner and a loser, the entire audience at the arena, and those watching at home got a fantastic match, which means nobody lost anything. Edge didn't lose a single bit of prestige by losing to the Undertaker. ITS THE FREAKING UNDERTAKER!!! Had he lost a HIAC match against Hornswaggle, okay, start the Edge being buried chants...but, damn...losing to the Undertaker? No shame in that, at all.
I saw summerslam and the hell in a cell match it was simply amazing, i mean EDGE gave it all he could and for all you people who say edge is getting "buried" did you even see the match? I mean it was edges first time in a hell in a cell match and he and the undertaker really put on a great match but losing to one of the greatest professinonal wrestlers of all time there isnt any shame in that i mean edge didnt even need help i mean it was the damndest thing ever saw but losing to the undertaker isnt bad at all knowing the undertakers experience and how long his career is edge still gave it all he got but losing to the undertaker isnt bad but why would they let edge win after he won the TLC match and undertaker returned after 3 or 4 months to get revenge so please tell me why edge would win?
What an amazing culmination of one of the best feuds in a long time. I love how they incorporated parts of their feud in this match such as the camera and TLC elements. The spots were awe inspiring and flawless. I'm so glad they actually went outside of the cell too. The ending was the best post match celebration ever, only ruined by JR's lack of interest. Nonetheless, it was an amazing sight.

Edge in no way was buried here. He looked pretty damn good against a returning Undertaker and he never backed down once. Not a lot of people can say that. The ending of the match finally allows Edge to take some time off. Afterall, his shoulders need some rest after carrying the weight of Smackdown on them. =P
Well shit, now that he's lost to both HHH and Undertaker, where the hell does that leave him? First he is not good enough to be the champ again, now he's not even the number one contender. And to top it all off, he essentially got killed last night.

So what happens to him when he comes back, be the crazy guy wandering the halls? Fighting for the Divas title? The guy hasn't had a positive result since Night of Champions, and the night after that, he had to job to put that worthless sack of crap CM Punk over. If that's not being buried I don't know what is.

So essientially what you're saying is that Edge's losing streak means that he is currently being buried? By your logic that would also mean that John Cena's current losing streak... He's lost to JBL and Batista... means that he is being buried. You can't have a person constantly win over and over again, unless that person is Triple H, because they become to dominant of a force. Edge will again start to win and you will see that he wasn't buried he just had to lose those matches.

He came out looking stronger in the Hell in the Cell match then anyone could have ever expected and if that's creatives way to burying a character they are doing it completely wrong.
He came out looking stronger in the Hell in the Cell match then anyone could have ever expected and if that's creatives way to burying a character they are doing it completely wrong.

Exactly. Its not about who wins or loses, its about putting on a fantastic show for the audience. Edge came out of Summerslam with more respect for his ability to put on a hell of a show, and that is all that matters. In matches like that, that completely blow expectations out of the water, who wins and loses simply doesn't matter. From now on, when Adam Copeland surfs the web in his time off, and happens to come across a wrestling site such as this one, and goes to the forums, and looks at the numerous threads about what the 2008 match of the year should be, he will see his match with the Undertaker listed frequently, and he will know that he did his job right. That is all that matters. Its not about who wins and loses, its about who entertained the fans. Edge succeeded in doing his job, making the main event of Summerslam a match that will be talked about for at least the next year, if not for many years to come. Just like it doesn't really matter who won between Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat at WMIII, all that matters is that it is widely considered one of the greatest matches in North American wrestling history. (Steamboat won, btw) You remember the match, not necessarily the outcome. All that matters is the answer to this question:

Are you not entertained? If this match entertained the hell out of you, who won and who lost is completely irrelevant.
I totally agree that Edge is not being buried. Especially if he sticks to being psycho Edge, then it's a matter of months before he's back in the title picture.

The match itself was fantastic...... It annoyed me when the crowd were booing cause they moved the match back into the cell. NO they didn't go on top of the cell but it DOESN'T MATTER. They used, 2 ladders, 2 tables, the ring steps, (technically) 3 announcer tables and god knows how many chairs. and of course, edge going through the ring. After a match like that, it shouldn't bother you if they didn't go on top of the cell.
Exactly. Its not about who wins or loses, its about putting on a fantastic show for the audience. Edge came out of Summerslam with more respect for his ability to put on a hell of a show, and that is all that matters. In matches like that, that completely blow expectations out of the water, who wins and loses simply doesn't matter. From now on, when Adam Copeland surfs the web in his time off, and happens to come across a wrestling site such as this one, and goes to the forums, and looks at the numerous threads about what the 2008 match of the year should be, he will see his match with the Undertaker listed frequently, and he will know that he did his job right. That is all that matters. Its not about who wins and loses, its about who entertained the fans. Edge succeeded in doing his job, making the main event of Summerslam a match that will be talked about for at least the next year, if not for many years to come. Just like it doesn't really matter who won between Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat at WMIII, all that matters is that it is widely considered one of the greatest matches in North American wrestling history. (Steamboat won, btw) You remember the match, not necessarily the outcome. All that matters is the answer to this question:

Are you not entertained? If this match entertained the hell out of you, who won and who lost is completely irrelevant.

you make an excellent point...Randy Savage lost to Steamboat in one of the best wrestling matches ever and certainly the best of its era and it was Savage who rose to mega-star status off of that loss, not Steamboat.

the loss meant nothing because Savage was a tremendous above average entertainer and he rose to the top...Steamboat was a great worker but he did not have what Savage had, or what Edge has.

same goes for Bret Hart who lost the IC belt to Bulldog at the biggest Summerslam event ever in England...Bret was World Champ within 2 months of that loss..

Edge is a terrific entertainer as well as being a sound worker in the ring and that is what will keep him in the top mix of WWE...the fans all respect his effort and as a character he has made himself an invaluable heel, he's surpassed Jericho,JBL and in my opinion Randy Orton as THE heel of the current wrestling landscape and he's not going anywhere.

he's had his titles for the past couple of years and just because he's going to move away from the title picture for the time being does not mean he's being buried at all. Undertaker went 6 years straight between his first and second title reign from 1991-1997 and 5 years from 2002-2007 when he won it from Batista and it never hurt him one bit...

it's about entertaining the fans and knowing your role in the product, not about winning and losing, it's pre-determined entertainment...Edge played his part and his ultimate role was to be sent to hell at the hands of the man from the dark side...Get over it DerringerEagle!

all that matters is that we, the fans are entertained and the memories we take home with us from the product...

I think Adam Copeland would be pretty annoyed to find out all of his and Taker's hard work last night at Summerslam did was just piss you off and make you bitter.
Epic match. I was really impressed with it. What a great ending to by far one of the biggest feuds of the year. If it has ended. You never know what's happening with the WWE. But yeah, kudos to this feud. The way this has been booked, the way everyone has been used, the way this match ended. It makes me remember exactly why I love the WWE.

You rarely see 2 workers who work together as well as these 2 do. But every match they have is good. If Edge needed pushing anymore, this match did that. What the hell is with all this talk of burying him? I firmly believe if you're saying that you didn't watch the match, you only saw the results. News flash people, if someone loses a match it doesn't mean anything. What matters is what the match itself was like, and their match was AMAZING. Edge looked dominant throughout, as did Taker.
Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about.

The match sucked. We have seen alot less weapons matches with people getting busted open. HOW THE HELL DID THOSE 2 NOT GET BUSTED OPEN AFTER RECIEVING SEVERAL CHAIRSHOTS, CELL SHOTS AND THE CAMERA SHOTS? I mean yes the tables and ladders and going outside the ring was pretty good but now having at least ONE of them bleed really really destroyed the authentic side of the match.
Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about.

The match sucked. We have seen alot less weapons matches with people getting busted open. HOW THE HELL DID THOSE 2 NOT GET BUSTED OPEN AFTER RECIEVING SEVERAL CHAIRSHOTS, CELL SHOTS AND THE CAMERA SHOTS? I mean yes the tables and ladders and going outside the ring was pretty good but now having at least ONE of them bleed really really destroyed the authentic side of the match.

If you watch clearly, Taker's arm was bleeding after Edge speared him through the cell. But yeah, it doesn't takes one to bleed to make it a good match.
Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about.

The match sucked. We have seen alot less weapons matches with people getting busted open. HOW THE HELL DID THOSE 2 NOT GET BUSTED OPEN AFTER RECIEVING SEVERAL CHAIRSHOTS, CELL SHOTS AND THE CAMERA SHOTS? I mean yes the tables and ladders and going outside the ring was pretty good but now having at least ONE of them bleed really really destroyed the authentic side of the match.

WWE is targeting young kids now for the first time in about 12 years and the mandate that Vince handed down is that there is to be less blood-shed in matches and less racy sucks i know but that's what happens when you take your company public and have to answer to a board of directors and's no longer Vince who has final say on everything....remember Muhammed Hassan? Vince was forced to remove the character from TV, he didn't do it willingly.

I'll agree with you that there should have been some blood from all the chairshots, but that by no means means the match sucked! those guys worked their asses off and put on a hell of a match...and Taker did bleed from a legitmate cut on his forearm when he went through the panel of the cage.
I agree with the "kids" angle....It really sucks but honestly....We have seen alot less done to a wrestler and having him busted wide open then what they put each other thru....

Undertaker vs Mankind - Best (HIAC) match ever.
to the ppl asking why there was no blood, let me ask you did those chair shots and camera swings look fake? HELL NO they hit each other hard with heavy objects and the impact alone made everyone clinge. so who cares about the blood aspect. taker got busted up for real, and the same goes for edge.

this match was like the dark knight. dark knight had no blood and it wasnt even R-rated (you caught the pun?) but it still felt dark and intense. same goes for this match.

lol @ one guy starting a rucus about edge being buried. edge basically dominated this match till the last five minutes. he came out looking good.

on a general SS note, i thought from top to bottom this ppv was awesome. every match played its role as best it could and i was pretty satisfied. it gets a solid B+ or even A- from me.

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