Stop going after the fans


Leading A Revolution
I may make some enemies by this thread, and I may find some people who agree. This is a topic that happened last year after the rumble, and has popped its ugly head up again, and I am sick of it. . .

Will people stop attacking the fans and calling them crybabies! When people got pissed last year over Bryan, their were plenty of threads about how the fans are acting the spoiled kids not getting what they want and all that kinda crap. Now with the Reigns situation, threads are popping up with people blaming the crowd.

"The crowd was ridiculous, and unfair. They are all a bunch of baby marks who are pissed they didn't get what they want. They're internet darling didn't win the match. Blah blah freaking blah."

The crowd is not to blame for last year and definitely not to blame for last night. The crowd wouldn't have shit on Reigns and the Rumble if WWE did their job right. Maybe if WWE didn't book Roman Reigns, or most of their other baby faces like total garbage sense Summerslam, then the crowd would have been happy to see them win? I agree Reigns has worked his ass off, and it is not his fault at all. If anything it was unfair of WWE to put him in that situation. If WWE got more wrestlers over, then the audience wouldn't turn like that. The WWE wants us to buy into Reigns, yet has done nothing to make us want to! It's like trying to sell a car, and the Salesman tells you nothing good about it. I'm guessing you wouldn't buy it!

The point is don't hate on the crowd for not like anything last night in the Rumble. Hate on WWE. They've book the wrestlers and they booked the flow of that match, and did both so poor, that the Crowd had nothing to care about or cheer for.
But the fans are acting exactly like spoiled kids in their reactions. The rumble this year was actually pretty enjoyable if not for the crowd shitting on it because they knew Reigns were 100% winning after Bryan's elimination.

Stop blaming everything on booking when your favourites don't win and then go back and praise the booking when they do when WWE is doing exactly the same things just with a different wrestler's name at the end of the booking style.

You say the crowd had nothing to care about or cheer for. I say the wrestlers had nothing to make them put on a show since the crowd was shitting on them no matter what.
^ I agree with this guy. Wrestling Fans are obnoxious. There's critiquing the WWE product and then there's throwing a temper tantrum. Fans are throwing a temper tantrum. The WWE can always stand to be more creative when booking it shows but this was a case of our IWC hero didn't win so we're pissed about it.

There's nothing noble about the fans reaction, this isn't a cry for better booking, we just ended the dead season of WWE in the fall. You could have pressed the issue then, you could have pressed the issue years ago. Hell WWE has more promise and potential than it has in a decade.

Things need to change in WWE but it doesn't start and end with Daniel Bryan.

I'm a pretty hopeful wrestling fan, I look at the talent in nxt and the young guys in the majors now and am looking forward to their careers. I'm looking forward to and hope Triple H takes over ASAP as I love what he's doing in NXT. I'm still excited to be a WWE fan.

Why couldn't fans chant for Triple H? I think that would have sent just as loud a message to Vince as anyone else. Start a fire hayes chant a fire dunn chant. Attacking Roman Reigns because he isn't Daniel Bryan is just..throwing a tantrum.
I...kind of agree?

For me, the problem with this rumble was not the winner, but what lead to the winner being...well, the winner. The last rumble had Batista take the gold, even though his storyline was rather vague at that point. He just sort of showed up and was there. Amusingly, I think Bryan winning would be problematic for the same reason, although the end result would've been much different.

CM Punk should've been the winner during 2014 Rumble just for story purposes alone. Ziggler should've been this years winner for the same reasons. If they wanted Batista to be a deserving winner, he should've returned earlier and played CM Punk's role. Reigns should've been playing Ziggler's role, although his absence obviously would make that difficult.

It was a disastrous event and I think fans have the right to turn on it. I'll only criticize the fans if they continue to hold it against Reigns, as they'd be practically squashing his career before it can ever even take off. They were quite generous with the other matches, I thought. 'New Age Outlaws Vs Ascension" was pretty mediocre, but they were respectful.
But the fans are acting exactly like spoiled kids in their reactions. The rumble this year was actually pretty enjoyable if not for the crowd shitting on it because they knew Reigns were 100% winning after Bryan's elimination.

Stop blaming everything on booking when your favourites don't win and then go back and praise the booking when they do when WWE is doing exactly the same things just with a different wrestler's name at the end of the booking style.

You say the crowd had nothing to care about or cheer for. I say the wrestlers had nothing to make them put on a show since the crowd was shitting on them no matter what.

WWE culture is such a weird bubble illogical way of thinking.

Any TV show (or any other episodic entertainment) that receives such vocal backlash for something they do, they correct course immediately.

Not the "WWE Universe". They'll blame other fans for the crowd's reaction to a product that thrives on crowd reaction. That's asinine. It's like a cult. Vince McMahon can do no wrong, it's every else's fault for not liking it.

"Vince likes Roman Reigns, HHH likes Roman Reigns, therefore I like Roman Reigns and you damn well better like him too. Don't mess this up for us!"

Then again, Vince is the same guy who had his flock actually question (and still question) whether or not it was ok to screw over and lie to an Bret Hart. As though up isn't still up and down isn't still down.
WWE culture is such a weird bubble illogical way of thinking.

Any TV show (or any other episodic entertainment) that receives such vocal backlash for something they do, they correct course immediately.

Not the "WWE Universe". They'll blame other fans for the crowd's reaction to a product that thrives on crowd reaction. That's asinine. It's like a cult. Vince McMahon can do no wrong, it's every else's fault for not liking it.

"Vince likes Roman Reigns, HHH likes Roman Reigns, therefore I like Roman Reigns and you damn well better like him too. Don't mess this up for us!"

Then again, Vince is the same guy who had his flock actually question (and still question) whether or not it was ok to screw over and lie to an Bret Hart. As though up isn't still up and down isn't still down.

You must be the type of person that stopped watching Game of Thrones after the red wedding. And smarks are just as much like a cult as the 'WWE universe' where Bryan/Punk can do no wrong. They even somehow want to put the two of them as besties to make their fan fiction more convenient when the two of them are probably co-workers who get along.

Then again, Punk is the same guy who constantly try to portray himself as the guy being held down when he was almost always in prime spots in various promotions. As though breaking the 4th wall to get over isn't admitting a failure to get over in the traditional sense.
^ I agree with this guy. Wrestling Fans are obnoxious. There's critiquing the WWE product and then there's throwing a temper tantrum. Fans are throwing a temper tantrum. The WWE can always stand to be more creative when booking it shows but this was a case of our IWC hero didn't win so we're pissed about it

the WWE have been respectfully objective for years to the direction of WWE. It started small with the cena sucks chants. They tried ignoring it, acting like it wasn't happening. The chants grew louder. WWE was forced to acknowledge it, yet did nothing to change it. The chants got louder. for a while they had a shining light in CM Punk. The next guy, that WE, the PAYING CUSTOMER, chose. WWE gave him the title, but not the go home match of almost any PPV, essentially making him second place to John Cena. The fans got louder. Daniel Bryan comes along and the fans get behind him. and feel slighted last year when he isn't even given a chance to be in the main event, although he is obviously the most legit over star at present time. The fans get pissed (which no matter whether you deem them crybabies or not, is NEVER good for business) but WWE course corrects and fixes the situation. Daniel bryan is injured and time at top cut short. Daniel bryan returns just in time for the royal rumble only to be treated like an after thought. The fans are once again pissed, this time WWE thinks that they are above their fans opinions.
^ fuck the fans opinions - you think George R.R. Martin owes you people an apology? Lucas? It's entertainment. It's their product it's their content. You can try and package it however you want with whatever context you please but the fans are throwing a tantrum. They are being crybabies.

This generation of fans would have ruined so. many. classic. wrestling moments. It's the WWE's job to get a reaction out of fans.

I guess the WWE should have hit the pause button and saved Daniel Bryan's spot for when he returned.
The logical thing would have been for Bryan or Ziggler to win. Ziggler I think more so. The fans reacted the way they did not because they are cry baby's, but because they are intelligent. The Philadelphia wrestling fans are pretty much the greatest ever. They cheer and respect people that bust their ass like Billy Gunn, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Mizdow and Bryan. Dolph has had a story through the last half of last year of steadily rising up the ranks and regaining his former high up status, and culminating in a Royal Rumble victory and a main event at WrestleMania would have been amazing and nearly perfect, because not a ton of people expected him to win, even though him winning would make the most sense. Even Bryan winning would have made a ton more sense than Reigns. EVEN AMBROSE. While all of the other main guys (sans Cena) were out, Ambrose became THE guy. He has improved so much that him winning the Rumble would've been great. Reigns has deproved (I know that's not a word) himself to most fans since the Shield days. However, he can turn this backlash around. Over all, I agree with the OP that calling any fans cry babys is not the way to go.
^ fuck the fans opinions - you think George R.R. Martin owes you people an apology? Lucas? It's entertainment. It's their product it's their content. You can try and package it however you want with whatever context you please but the fans are throwing a tantrum. They are being crybabies.

This generation of fans would have ruined so. many. classic. wrestling moments. It's the WWE's job to get a reaction out of fans.

I guess the WWE should have hit the pause button and saved Daniel Bryan's spot for when he returned.
Or, I don't know, book a product that favors the people paying for the product. I know it's a novel concept for you. But when you go see your favorite band at a concert, you kinda expect their popular hits. Not the one's they favor. When you go see Disney on Ice, you kinda expect the popular characters to be the highlights. Not the one's Disney favors.

This is a live event. Not a movie. Staged in front of ten's and thousands of fans who invest weekly on this product. Not inside a studio with a crowd that just showed up that gets cued to laugh. The product is designed for ticket sales. That is the main source of revenue. And WWE just proved that they do not give an absolute shit about the people who put up money as that main source of revenue. If you honestly think any of what they did last night in the Rumble match had any kind of business sense aside from hubris, you're looking through the wrong eyes.

If fans protest, sponsors back out because it's not worth investing in a product with negative reaction and the money stops flowing. This isn't rocket science. And it's not in line to win Oscars.
Or, I don't know, book a product that favors the people paying for the product. I know it's a novel concept for you. But when you go see your favorite band at a concert, you kinda expect their popular hits. Not the one's they favor. When you go see Disney on Ice, you kinda expect the popular characters to be the highlights. Not the one's Disney favors.

This is a live event. Not a movie. Staged in front of ten's and thousands of fans who invest weekly on this product. Not inside a studio with a crowd that just showed up that gets cued to laugh. The product is designed for ticket sales. That is the main source of revenue. And WWE just proved that they do not give an absolute shit about the people who put up money as that main source of revenue. If you honestly think any of what they did last night in the Rumble match had any kind of business sense aside from hubris, you're looking through the wrong eyes.

If fans protest, sponsors back out because it's not worth investing in a product with negative reaction and the money stops flowing. This isn't rocket science. And it's not in line to win Oscars.

*pinches temple*

Daniel Bryan is limited in his drawing capacity. The sellout crowd that showed up full of whiny smarks were going to show up regardless. Daniel Bryan doesn't have the crossover appeal that past stars have had, it's limited to a fad yes chant. Now Roman Reigns OTOH has the look. He has the look he has the crossover potential. He looks like a million bucks. Daniel Bryan doesn't have that. Daniel Bryan isn't a boxoffice draw.

Now CM Punk mentioned Wrestlemania being the draw and to an extent he's right. It's a pretty big brand. The only thing is there's 11 other pay per views and two weekly television shows that also need to be sold. Daniel Bryan is not a draw the numbers have panned out. He doesn't move the pop culture needle. He appeals to wrestling fans. He appeals to the WWE Universe but here's what they don't tell you - the WWE Universe ain't bigger than the Universe. It's time to try someone new. Cena has plateaued, Bryan never had a chance.

Wrestling fans are core fans, they show up, they canceled the network but they watched tonight. They canceled the network but they'll order Mania. They threw a hissy fit but they'll back away from the ledge soon enough.

If you wanted Daniel Bryan to stay at the top you should have bought 2 or 3 Network subscriptions instead of canceling all together.

Look at this guys twitter page. It's full of wrestling vines - attitude era vines and gifs. But he didn't watch the Royal Rumble but here's his reaction after being told the events second hand.

@ihateejay smh man all bad, who won the royal rumble doe? ��

@ihateefreddy the big homie roman reigns! it's dope though because lesner vs roman will be bad ass

@ihateejay oh damn, that's true! That's wassup doe! ��

That's the casual crowd, the attitude era fan that WWE wants to hook. That moves the needle. The idea of Lesnar vs Reigns two bad asses moves the needle. The money is going to flow. They're trying to make a star, they're trying to grow a company. They're trying to sell a network. What you don't realize is they're not solely trying to sell just to you.

So you see it is YOU, that is looking at this through the wrong eyes.

Bottom line is, you don't waste the opportunity Wrestlemania presents to build new stars for the months and days when there isn't Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan plays to his flock and no one else. Roman Reigns has a bigger return on investment than Daniel Bryan. It's not Rocket Science. People want to see two bulls lock horns.
*pinches temple*

Daniel Bryan is limited in his drawing capacity. The sellout crowd that showed up full of whiny smarks were going to show up regardless. Daniel Bryan doesn't have the crossover appeal that past stars have had, it's limited to a fad yes chant. Now Roman Reigns OTOH has the look. He has the look he has the crossover potential. He looks like a million bucks. Daniel Bryan doesn't have that. Daniel Bryan isn't a boxoffice draw.

Really now? Is that why countless arenas chant his name week in and week out? He's not a draw? You should get your ears checked, son.
Now CM Punk mentioned Wrestlemania being the draw and to an extent he's right. It's a pretty big brand. The only thing is there's 11 other pay per views and two weekly television shows that also need to be sold. Daniel Bryan is not a draw the numbers have panned out. He doesn't move the pop culture needle. He appeals to wrestling fans. He appeals to the WWE Universe but here's what they don't tell you - the WWE Universe ain't bigger than the Universe. It's time to try someone new. Cena has plateaued, Bryan never had a chance.
Oh, so Mr. Roman Reigns who needs to be babysat by The Rock because he can't talk CLEARLY is the better choice over people who get crowds behind him.
Wrestling fans are core fans, they show up, they canceled the network but they watched tonight. They canceled the network but they'll order Mania. They threw a hissy fit but they'll back away from the ledge soon enough.
That's still numbers that reflect in stock exchange. What're you living under a rock? They've been bending over backwards doing everything they can for new subscribers because they need those numbers up. Stop being suck a corporate player because A) You know nothing about business, clearly B) The business, no matter what, centers on the paying crowd.
If you wanted Daniel Bryan to stay at the top you should have bought 2 or 3 Network subscriptions instead of canceling all together.

Wow, you're stupid. They're cancelling precisely because of the lack of support for Bryan.

Look at this guys twitter page. It's full of wrestling vines - attitude era vines and gifs. But he didn't watch the Royal Rumble but here's his reaction after being told the events second hand.

@ihateejay smh man all bad, who won the royal rumble doe? ��

@ihateefreddy the big homie roman reigns! it's dope though because lesner vs roman will be bad ass

@ihateejay oh damn, that's true! That's wassup doe! ��

That's the casual crowd, the attitude era fan that WWE wants to hook. That moves the needle. The idea of Lesnar vs Reigns two bad asses moves the needle. The money is going to flow. They're trying to make a star, they're trying to grow a company. They're trying to sell a network. What you don't realize is they're not solely trying to sell just to you.

I'm supposed to take the word of a ****** who failed English over the 15,000 that attend the events every week? Shut up.
So you see it is YOU, that is looking at this through the wrong eyes.
I take it back. You're just fucking blind.
Bottom line is, you don't waste the opportunity Wrestlemania presents to build new stars for the months and days when there isn't Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan plays to his flock and no one else.
When the building of said stars is poorly done, yeah. WWE should listen to the people paying.
It's really the wrestling fans that are out of touch - nah I won't go that far - but like Vince you guys are in your own bubble and exhibiting poor communication skills. It's why you lash out. People outside your bubble are excited to see Reigns vs Lesnar and people outside the WWE Universe are intrigued, get that through your heads.

It's called broad appeal, go ask a non-wrestling fan who they'd be interested in seeing.

You are in your own little world.
Really now? Is that why countless arenas chant his name week in and week out? He's not a draw? You should get your ears checked, son.

Oh, so Mr. Roman Reigns who needs to be babysat by The Rock because he can't talk CLEARLY is the better choice over people who get crowds behind him.

That's still numbers that reflect in stock exchange. What're you living under a rock? They've been bending over backwards doing everything they can for new subscribers because they need those numbers up. Stop being suck a corporate player because A) You know nothing about business, clearly B) The business, no matter what, centers on the paying crowd.

Wow, you're stupid. They're cancelling precisely because of the lack of support for Bryan.

I'm supposed to take the word of a ****** who failed English over the 15,000 that attend the events every week? Shut up.
I take it back. You're just fucking blind.

When the building of said stars is poorly done, yeah. WWE should listen to the people paying.

Aren't you a mod? Personal attacks? Seriously.

Listen once again, I know I wrote a lot, I'll try and be more concise this time.

Return. On. Investment.

If Daniel Bryan's push sold network subscriptions, I.e., if you bought 2 or 3 he'd look like more of a draw. The return (more subs) on the investment (his push his Mania match his win) would have paid off.

The WWE doesn't want to sell 500,000 subscriptions with Daniel Bryan not if they think they can top a million with Roman Reigns. And to get that million, and I'm choosing these numbers arbitrarily, they have to go outside their core audience to get it. Outside the bubble. Outside of you stupid d-bry marks.

Roman Reigns gives WWE the best shot at reaching an audience outside of their normal audience. The gentleman you so callously referred to as a ****** outside of their core audience and he likes the matchup of Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar. And he's not alone in liking that matchup.
And when people say Daniel Bryan isn't a draw they're not saying he plays to empty arenas. That would be suggesting the opposite. So please stop twisting words. It's about getting a big bump in the business, an additional bump in business. it's about moving the needle. No one needs to know the intricacies of the wrestling industry to understand math.

Daniel Bryan hasn't brought back the attitude era numbers, it's unfair to expect him to yes, but he didn't and it's time to move on and take a shot with someone else. It's about growth, it's about profit. Swapping out Daniel Bryan for Cena while profits remain flat is not what the WWE is after.

And it isn't about gate revenue, it's about network subscriptions and tv contracts. WWE has a crowd, they need eyeballs on screens.
. They cheer and respect people that bust their ass like Billy Gunn, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Mizdow and Bryan.

If that were true then Cena should be getting only cheers. He busts his ass more than any other individual in the business.

And when people say Daniel Bryan isn't a draw they're not saying he plays to empty arenas. That would be suggesting the opposite. So please stop twisting words. It's about getting a big bump in the business, an additional bump in business. it's about moving the needle. No one needs to know the intricacies of the wrestling industry to understand math.

Daniel Bryan hasn't brought back the attitude era numbers, it's unfair to expect him to yes, but he didn't and it's time to move on and take a shot with someone else. It's about growth, it's about profit. Swapping out Daniel Bryan for Cena while profits remain flat is not what the WWE is after.

And it isn't about gate revenue, it's about network subscriptions and tv contracts. WWE has a crowd, they need eyeballs on screens.

The wrestling business as a whole has dropped off a lot since the end of the Monday Night Wars because wrestling has evolved and the casual fan is no longer interested in it. WWE tries to bring in the casual fan when they have stars like Hugh Jackman hosting the show but that doesn't give Raw ratings a bump, either.

To say that Daniel Bryan got a real shot at bumping the needle is unfair because no one really expected him to win at WM. Plus he never had a real shot to prove himself as a champion because of his injury.

That does not mean that I think Daniel Bryan should've won this year. If he had won it would have been too close to last year's Road to WM storyline for it to work. However Ziggler winning made more sense.

My biggest issue with the WM Main Event isn't even with Reigns. If Brock really is leaving after WM then I'm afraid that there will be a repeat of WM 20 with Brock/Goldberg. I just don't trust him professionally enough to expect a different result. And Reigns is not good enough to carry a match like that. Personally, I think that Rollins should've won the Triple Threat and figure out a way for Ambrose to get involved and finally have the Shield Triple Threat for the title.
I think part of the crowds reaction, was just because of the way the whole scenario went down tbh. Bryan being eliminated early, I can understand... WWE wanted the fans to basically forget about it when Reigns ended up winning... didn't work out but I can at least comprehend that. Having Ziggler come in at 30 and basically lasting 2 minutes was asinine, having almost every hot young wrestler be eliminated by Kane and Big Show was asinine, the final four was completely asinine, but again that's not Roman Reign' fault. If smarks were as smart as they thought they were they would BOO VINCE instead of the person who is just doing what he's told...

Anyway, I think the booking could have been a lot better. The final 6 imo should have been Ziggler, Ambrose, Wyatt, Reigns, Rusev, and Bryan, with Ziggler and Bryan somehow eliminating each other, Ambrose eliminating Wyatt and Rusev, and than Reigns eliminating Ambrose. The crowd was going to boo Reigns no matter what happened so why not actually give them a reason in Reigns eliminating his Shield brother Dean Ambrose?

But yes, there WAS a lot of boo-hooing going on which I completely expected... it is Philly after all. My question is, is it a huge surprise that Roman Reigns won the Rumble? Really? That's been the plan for about 6 months now if i remember correctly. People need to get over this and stop trying to ruin the most exciting time of the year... Daniel Bryan lost, it happens... let's get over it please.
But yes, there WAS a lot of boo-hooing going on which I completely expected... it is Philly after all. My question is, is it a huge surprise that Roman Reigns won the Rumble? Really? That's been the plan for about 6 months now if i remember correctly. People need to get over this and stop trying to ruin the most exciting time of the year... Daniel Bryan lost, it happens... let's get over it please.

Imagine if Austin lost the Rumble in 1998 and instead the spot went to Ahmed Johnson. Bryan deserved to win because he's the guy the fans chose not everyone might agree or even like Bryan but in the business of Wrestling the one in main event has always been the guys how were most over by the crowd.

And fans weren't just upset Bryan lost. Fans were upset that Reigns, a guy fans have not warmed up with yet, got the spot at the top. And of course this raises another question is Reigns vs. Lesnar going to draw at WM? And without a Streak for Undertaker to defend it sure looks like the only selling point at WM31 will be Sting.
Imagine if Austin lost the Rumble in 1998 and instead the spot went to Ahmed Johnson. Bryan deserved to win because he's the guy the fans chose not everyone might agree or even like Bryan but in the business of Wrestling the one in main event has always been the guys how were most over by the crowd.

C'mon man, comparing Ahmed Johnson to Roman Reigns? In 1998, Ahmed Johnson's knees and back were so banged up that the guy could barely move and his wrestling career was nearing its end... Roman Reigns has just started in the business and has MANY more years left in him, barring any career threatening injuries, and also, Reigns has been built up as the next "guy" for months whereas Ahmed was barely a mid-carder at his point. If Ahmed had won the Rumble in 97? The crowd would have popped pretty hard imo as Ahmed was really over then but by 98 his career was over. Also, you're giving the fans a lot of credit here. Austin didn't win solely because the fans were hot for him and I highly doubt they would have pissed on the rest of the show if say, The Undertaker or even Owen Hart ended up winning. Austin won because that was the plan all along... just like it was for Reigns.

And fans weren't just upset Bryan lost. Fans were upset that Reigns, a guy fans have not warmed up with yet, got the spot at the top. And of course this raises another question is Reigns vs. Lesnar going to draw at WM? And without a Streak for Undertaker to defend it sure looks like the only selling point at WM31 will be Sting.

I can get what you're saying here, but the fans were the ones clamoring for Roman Reigns just one year ago. Hell even 4 months ago the crowd was hot for him, and now that WWE has decided to go with him, NOW he's the absolute worst choice on the roster? NOW he's not ready? Give me a break. I'm not aiming any of this at you shooter (my favorite movie is Happy Gilmore btw :rolleyes:) I just find it ironic is all.
The fans in cities like Philly, NY, LA, Chicago are EXTREMELY passionate about wrestling and follow storylines and Superstars from humble beginnings all the way to the top. They are knowledgeable and they buy in to the product. When something reeks, don't expect them to hold any punches to show their disapproval. That being said, the Philly fans acted like a bunch of idiots that didn't get the special bike for Christmas that they saw on the commercials. I mean they were cheering for a guy (Rusev) whose character bashes the entire country of the United States! I mean c'mon man! If people think the WWE creative team disrespected the fans with Roman Reigns, then that's an opinion. I think they dropped the ball when they decided to keep the title on Brock Lesnar. They had a great opportunity to get the belt on a great worker and heel like Rollins, only to blow it by having The Beast look MORE unstoppable when he gets up from an apparent rib injury and takes 3 case shots to the head only to miraculously recover to deliver an F5. Now what do you have, 2 guys who are big and clumsy entering your Superbowl of the WWE to main event.

I'm not one who complains about a result just because it's not what I thought it would be. I mean if I ruled the world, Ziggler wins the rumble. I mean if you think about his year and his ups and downs over the course of his career, this would be a perfect time to build on that Survivor Series performance. Also, he would be perfect against Brock because he could carry the match. Now I don't think having Reigns as the winner is all that bad as long as they handle it the right way from now all the way to the end of WM. He needs to find a way to connect to the fans and let them know he can be the guy. Physically it's believable, but I don't know if he has the technical tools just yet to pull it off. Only time will tell.
See this thread is exactly why this new GENERATION SUCKS!!!! We're smart. We're hip. We're cool. We go against the grain and we don't have to fake any responsibility or listen to REASON!

Here I will walk you MARK ASS BYTCHES through this slowly.

First of all PeterSellers is obviously the only person on here who has EVER ran any type of business. I can run a successful business by having a donut shop in a town of 20 if everyday the same 10 people come in and buy the same dozen donuts. That will keep me in the black and I should have a steady income as long as I keep overhead down. Now say 40 new people move into the town and these 40 ask Me to add bacon and eggs to the menu and they will start coming everyday then to broaden my appeal I would do it. The 10 people who were regulars may not like the change at first but who cares because I just brought in 30 more customers. The point of business is not to become complacent but to expand and bring in MORE REVENUE!

Fans of DB are WRESTLING FANS! They R not casual fans. You can say what you want but EVERY time the WWE has had huge cross over appeal the person in charge had a larger then life persona i.e. Hogan, Savage, Austin, Rock, hell even Bruno Sammartino. This is a formula that has CONSISTENTLY worked for Vince and led him to having a billion dollar company. Why would he change it just on the say of a minority of the crowd.

Uh oh....

I shouldn't have said that but hey I guess now I have to address it.


There is a reason why ROH doesn't have great rating and sold out arenas.

It's because MOST people who are not HARD CORE WRESTLING FANS HATE THAT CRAP!!!!

If DB was sooooooooo OVER before NXT why would they have to tell the casual fan who he was.....


Hey by the way the WWE is rated PG. There is a reason. It is because they want to appeal to FAMILIES AND MORE IMPORTANTLY CHILDREN.

I know that the whole do the right thing never break or bend gimmick is corny to you GROWN ASS MEN watching but to a CHILD Cena, Hogan, and Reigns are demonstrating characteristics that the PARENTS like so they have no problem buying their Kids THAT WRESTLERS MERCHANDISE!

I keep saying this. You want DB to get a bigger push then instead of steaming the events and talking shit about them YOU PUT YOUR MONEY OUT THERE AND BUY EVERY ZIGGLER OR DB PRODUCT.

I bet you Vince will push them then.

You say don't bland the fans.....


Like a I said there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to behave together why they did at that event. THEY RUINED WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A CHILDS FIRST WRESTLING SHOW EVER AND FOR WHAT?

I keep saying if you guys dislike the events and story lines quit watching it and going to the events. Let the people who do ENJOY IT!!!

I don't like MILEY CYRUS but a I will be damn if I and 20 of my friends would PAY GOOD MONEY TO GO TO HER CONCERT just so a I can chant for JAY Z knowing he is NOT IN THE BUILDING OR STATE!


The funny part is y'all read the DIRT SHEETS, You knew Reigns was slated to win MONTHS AGO but you went to the EVENT and acted surprised that HE DID!!!!


That's like Me being shocked that ROCKY wins again or that James Bond beats the bad guy EVERY TIME and starting a riot at the MOVIES!!!


Yes I blame the fans. You have watched the product. You don't prefer it for whatever reason.


Don't watch it and leave it alone so that the people who do CAN!!!

Why is that so hard to comprehend?
If Daniel Bryan's push sold network subscriptions, I.e., if you bought 2 or 3 he'd look like more of a draw. The return (more subs) on the investment (his push his Mania match his win) would have paid off.

The WWE doesn't want to sell 500,000 subscriptions with Daniel Bryan not if they think they can top a million with Roman Reigns. And to get that million, and I'm choosing these numbers arbitrarily, they have to go outside their core audience to get it. Outside the bubble. Outside of you stupid d-bry marks.

Roman Reigns gives WWE the best shot at reaching an audience outside of their normal audience. The gentleman you so callously referred to as a ****** outside of their core audience and he likes the matchup of Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar. And he's not alone in liking that matchup.

If you think that Roman Reigns is more of a draw than Daniel Bryan is then you're as out of touch as Vince McMahon is. Daniel Bryan was gone for the better part of last year, and he still gets the biggest pop when his name is announced.

When you go to a live show only he and John Cena are the ones who if they don't show up will they issue refunds for. If Roman Reigns sold network subscriptions then why when he won the Rumble did the cancellation page on the network crash?

I mean seriously, Daniel Bryan is the most over wrestler on the roster today. No one comes even close to his popularity right now, and I'm not even a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm a Roman Reigns fan.

The difference between you and I is I'm a realist and can see what's happening right in front of me. If the WWE had let the Daniel Bryan story play out, if he had got the title shot fans would have been happy. He worked his ass off last year to get it, and was stripped because of his injury. I think everyone wants to see that story have a different ending.

It wouldn't kill them to let Reigns wait for a year, grow, get the experience under him. it wouldn't kill him either, this pushing him before he's ready, might have done more harm than good.
Clearly the memo from the WWE and WWE apologists is that people who are dissatisfied with the terrible product should cancel their subscriptions, fuck off and leave.

And, you know what... they're right! They don't think you will, though. They don't believe you'll call their bluff. You all need the WWE and Vince McMahon's crop of force-fed non-organic superstars and sports entertainers.

You won't go and seek out superior wrestling options from New Japan, Lucha Underground, Ring of Honor or even NXT... and if you do, well good riddance. That just means you're a wrestling fan and the WWE doesn't WANT you. They want sports entertainment fans. People who love and appreciate and cherish the WWE brand. People who want performers to entertain for you like a circus clown or a juggler or an acrobat.

So guess what "fans". The WWE isn't going to change. Vince McMahon is never going to change. So stop paying them money for their product and booing and acting surprised and pissed off when they don't do what you want them to do. You must cancel your WWE Network subscriptions and leave. You must not buy their merchandise. You must not pay $500 for a ticket to watch the Royal Rumble and then act surprised when they put over their chosen guy (whether he's ready or not).

When WWE apologists go after the WWE critics with vehemency and tell you to just shut the fuck up and like the shitty product you're getting each week, they're completely right. Why are you watching? Why are you paying Vince McMahon money? They're not going to be what you want and there are countless COUNTLESS promotions on the planet right now producing top quality wrestling content right now that actually ARE giving you what you want.

You just aren't watching them. You're not seeking them out. You haven't watched the best Royal Rumble match from this month (the Aztec Warfare match from Lucha Underground). You haven't watched Nakamura vs. Ibushi from New Japan's Wrestle Kingdom 9 (the best match of the year thus far). THESE are the companies catering to fans of wrestling now. And guess what? They want you. They will listen to you. They will give you what you want.

So give THEM your money. And leave the WWE and its apologists in peace so they can enjoy Roman Reigns' next amazing promo and his upcoming run as WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the new John Cena replacement who will reign supreme and not put anyone else over for the next decade.
See this thread is exactly why this new GENERATION SUCKS!!!! We're smart. We're hip. We're cool. We go against the grain and we don't have to fake any responsibility or listen to REASON!

Here I will walk you MARK ASS BYTCHES through this slowly.

First of all PeterSellers is obviously the only person on here who has EVER ran any type of business. I can run a successful business by having a donut shop in a town of 20 if everyday the same 10 people come in and buy the same dozen donuts. That will keep me in the black and I should have a steady income as long as I keep overhead down. Now say 40 new people move into the town and these 40 ask Me to add bacon and eggs to the menu and they will start coming everyday then to broaden my appeal I would do it. The 10 people who were regulars may not like the change at first but who cares because I just brought in 30 more customers. The point of business is not to become complacent but to expand and bring in MORE REVENUE!

Fans of DB are WRESTLING FANS! They R not casual fans. You can say what you want but EVERY time the WWE has had huge cross over appeal the person in charge had a larger then life persona i.e. Hogan, Savage, Austin, Rock, hell even Bruno Sammartino. This is a formula that has CONSISTENTLY worked for Vince and led him to having a billion dollar company. Why would he change it just on the say of a minority of the crowd.

Uh oh....

I shouldn't have said that but hey I guess now I have to address it.


There is a reason why ROH doesn't have great rating and sold out arenas.

It's because MOST people who are not HARD CORE WRESTLING FANS HATE THAT CRAP!!!!

If DB was sooooooooo OVER before NXT why would they have to tell the casual fan who he was.....


Hey by the way the WWE is rated PG. There is a reason. It is because they want to appeal to FAMILIES AND MORE IMPORTANTLY CHILDREN.

I know that the whole do the right thing never break or bend gimmick is corny to you GROWN ASS MEN watching but to a CHILD Cena, Hogan, and Reigns are demonstrating characteristics that the PARENTS like so they have no problem buying their Kids THAT WRESTLERS MERCHANDISE!

I keep saying this. You want DB to get a bigger push then instead of steaming the events and talking shit about them YOU PUT YOUR MONEY OUT THERE AND BUY EVERY ZIGGLER OR DB PRODUCT.

I bet you Vince will push them then.

You say don't bland the fans.....


Like a I said there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to behave together why they did at that event. THEY RUINED WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A CHILDS FIRST WRESTLING SHOW EVER AND FOR WHAT?

I keep saying if you guys dislike the events and story lines quit watching it and going to the events. Let the people who do ENJOY IT!!!

I don't like MILEY CYRUS but a I will be damn if I and 20 of my friends would PAY GOOD MONEY TO GO TO HER CONCERT just so a I can chant for JAY Z knowing he is NOT IN THE BUILDING OR STATE!


The funny part is y'all read the DIRT SHEETS, You knew Reigns was slated to win MONTHS AGO but you went to the EVENT and acted surprised that HE DID!!!!


That's like Me being shocked that ROCKY wins again or that James Bond beats the bad guy EVERY TIME and starting a riot at the MOVIES!!!


Yes I blame the fans. You have watched the product. You don't prefer it for whatever reason.


Don't watch it and leave it alone so that the people who do CAN!!!

Why is that so hard to comprehend?

Once again, I cosign everything that was said by FreezeisGawd. The only thing that can be said against this post is that Bryan has not had a full opportunity to bring in new and casual fans. So it should not be discounted that he can do that, or that Reigns can do it better. But that has nothing to do with the way the fans behaved at the Rumble, and it does not detract from the accuracy of all of these points or the entertainment I had reading it. It's always funny reading and listening to someone trying to get through to the brick wall of stubbornness/idiocy that is the IWC. I particularly enjoyed the Miley Cyrus/Jay-Z analogy.
Clearly the memo from the WWE and WWE apologists is that people who are dissatisfied with the terrible product should cancel their subscriptions, fuck off and leave.

And, you know what... they're right! They don't think you will, though. They don't believe you'll call their bluff. You all need the WWE and Vince McMahon's crop of force-fed non-organic superstars and sports entertainers.

You are right and it's likely that day would come but not soon. Problem is right now that WWE is the only game in town as far as Mainstream Wrestling is concerned and not only that but WWE hold the libraries of ECW, WCW, AWA, and many other promotions.

If this was 20 years ago Vince and the WWF couldn't get away with this stuff. If they shoved Reigns down our throats back then fans could have easily switched to other promotions.

Right now Wrestling is Vince McMahon's play pen sure you can argue American Football or the UFC is competition but there will always be fans that watch and follow Wrestling so Vince has them in his hands.

He can continue to make the WWE his personal plaything he's probably thinking "so the fans like Daniel Bryan? Who cares, there's no competition I want to make Reigns the next big guy because I love his look". And unfortunately he can get away with that. He owns the rights to almost every Wrestling promotion in history even if business is down he still knows the WWE will continue to make money because where else wrestling fans will go.

Solution is to simply just stop watching. I mean yes it's rude since it means guys like DB will get even less of a fan support but it's the only message you can send to the WWE.

I for one am fine with this. Regns vs. Lesnar doesn't smell WM main event to me, sure people can argue that as well with Bryan vs. Lesnar but between a more over face or a less over face, the logical route is to go with the most over face to headline your biggest event of the year.

That said I don't care, yes I'm upset and mad. Not because Daniel Bryan didn't win or even because the way he was eliminated but it's obvious Vince McMahon and the WWE doesn't care about the fans. He has them in his hands since the WWE pretty much monopolizes Wrestling (especially in America) he can do whatever he wants and no one will have a choice.

In the end I'm almost done. I was supposed to be done last year but the WWE did make the right adjustments. It's obvious that was just temporary and WWE is staying in their course.

Actually never mind if Lesnar vs. Reigns doesn't appeal to me, why even bother watching WM31?

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