So the winner of next year's Rumble will be...........Rusev!


With the safety off!!
Okay just think about it for a second, and then tell me how ******ed or brilliant it is.

Let's take the final two of last year's Rumble. Roman Reigns at the time was still a member of the Shield and was a heel. Batista who hadn't been in the ring for 4 years got a huge pop when he came out, but was gassed almost right away. Now the crowd was already pissed off because Bryan wasn't in the Rumble and they were getting nasty.

So they started doing something that WWE crowds do, they started chanting. And who's name did they start chanting, that's right Roman Reigns. Why, because they liked him, no they didn't want Batista to win the Rumble. Like I said before if it had been a ladder and Batista, the ladder would have got the cheers.

Now we're going to fast forward a year, and it's this years Rumble. And guess who's in the final four, Kane, Big Show, Ambrose and you guessed it Reigns again. Kane and Big Show, Reigns are getting boo'd and Ambrose is getting the pop. The WWE does the most natural thing and eliminates Ambrose, like he's a bag of garbage.

Well we know who the winner is going to be for sure now, Roman Reigns. And just like the year before the crowd is getting nasty again, and beginning to boo him out of the building. Reigns eliminates Show and Kane, and the "We want Rusev' chants start up. Rusev comes in and gets speared and thrown over the top rope. Reigns is the winner, and they throw his cousin the Rock out there to try to stem the boo's. It doesn't work and both get boo'd out of the ring.

A lot of Reigns fans are using the fact that it's natural for him to win the Rumble because people were cheering for him last year. It doesn't seem to matter that they weren't cheering for him this year, you know the year that he actually won.

So based on my analogy and analysis of the situation that happened two years in a row, I'm almost positive that next year's winner will be Rusev. He's the one they were chanting for this year. Why cause they like him, no again they didn't want Reigns to win.

Okay you can let me have it now.
Not offense, but you are basically basing your theory just because last year roman was the last eliminated.....?

i wont say that (to quote you) its ******ed, but honestly theres nothing to back it up. Pure coincidence, we dont even know if rusev will be hot next year or he will be swimming in the jobber forgetable pool.
Not offense, but you are basically basing your theory just because last year roman was the last eliminated.....?

i wont say that (to quote you) its ******ed, but honestly theres nothing to back it up. Pure coincidence, we dont even know if rusev will be hot next year or he will be swimming in the jobber forgetable pool.

Well that 2014 Rumble was, to me at least, the night WWE decided Reigns was over/the next megastar and began planning his rise to the top. What Navi is pointing out is that it could be possible that WWE have decided Rusev is over and can now be built as the top heel.

Its nowhere near ******ed, its nowhere near brilliant but its definitely closer to be being brilliant than ******ed
There is 0% chance of this happening, in my opinion. Rusev is going to go on to Fast Lane, and either win or have some screwy finish. Rematch with Cena at WM, where he loses. Once he's lost clean, his momentum will begin a slow (but steady) decline, and come next year's Rumble, I'll be shocked if he's even still a credible heel, much less a frontrunner to win.

The character is one dimensional, and has just about maxed out his potential. He will need to make a serious transition to stay relevant.
To me it appears they are starting to use the Royal Rumble as the new Intercontinental title/King of the Ring. Of the last 5 winners, 3 have been relatively newcomers to the main event scene. Personally I am not that keen on this idea, I would rather main event players win. I personally thought CM Punk should have won last year and Chris Jericho in 2012 (I know this was not his peak, but he deserves the accolade of winning a rumble).

I actually think Rusev would be an ideal candidate for next years Rumble if they want to continue to use it as a platform to the main event scene, but not due to reasons you said. However I think it would be a massive shame if Bryan does not win at the peak of his career, which unfortunately may have passed.

Rusev must beat Cena clean at Wrestlemania, I also think the US title should be on the line as Cena is an 'American hero'. I personally don't think Wyatt 'needs' a rumble win, just smart booking as he does get taken seriously already. Rollins of course would be another option because I expect a face turn by the close of the year, so it would be a good way to carry on his momentum.

Next year one of Rollins, Rusev or Bryan should win in my opinion.
Okay just think about it for a second, and then tell me how ******ed or brilliant it is.

Let's take the final two of last year's Rumble. Roman Reigns at the time was still a member of the Shield and was a heel. Batista who hadn't been in the ring for 4 years got a huge pop when he came out, but was gassed almost right away. Now the crowd was already pissed off because Bryan wasn't in the Rumble and they were getting nasty.

So they started doing something that WWE crowds do, they started chanting. And who's name did they start chanting, that's right Roman Reigns. Why, because they liked him, no they didn't want Batista to win the Rumble. Like I said before if it had been a ladder and Batista, the ladder would have got the cheers.

Now we're going to fast forward a year, and it's this years Rumble. And guess who's in the final four, Kane, Big Show, Ambrose and you guessed it Reigns again. Kane and Big Show, Reigns are getting boo'd and Ambrose is getting the pop. The WWE does the most natural thing and eliminates Ambrose, like he's a bag of garbage.

Well we know who the winner is going to be for sure now, Roman Reigns. And just like the year before the crowd is getting nasty again, and beginning to boo him out of the building. Reigns eliminates Show and Kane, and the "We want Rusev' chants start up. Rusev comes in and gets speared and thrown over the top rope. Reigns is the winner, and they throw his cousin the Rock out there to try to stem the boo's. It doesn't work and both get boo'd out of the ring.

A lot of Reigns fans are using the fact that it's natural for him to win the Rumble because people were cheering for him last year. It doesn't seem to matter that they weren't cheering for him this year, you know the year that he actually won.

So based on my analogy and analysis of the situation that happened two years in a row, I'm almost positive that next year's winner will be Rusev. He's the one they were chanting for this year. Why cause they like him, no again they didn't want Reigns to win.

Okay you can let me have it now.

lol Well I can half heartly accept the fact that Rusev can win the Rumble next year. I don't mind a heel winning the Rumble and headlining Wrestlemania. I don't even mind him winning the Mainevent.....

Buuuuuttt the reason you had framed for that is completely ridiculous! But well I respect your post and not abusing you or whatsoever!

No offense!!

Cheers mate!!
I dont see rusev winning the rumble. Yea he will be in and out of the main event scene they wont have him as the main talent going into mania. He can only get so far as the russian/bulgarian monster and how long can Lana keep doing his talking. I dont know if rusev is ready to carry a long match that is needed for a mania main event.
It was only natural for Reigns to win the Rumble this year not because he was getting cheers in last year's final two of the Rumble but, because this was the most natural next step for him to take in his build/road to superstardom. Anyone who believes that Roman Reigns won this year solely because he was the fan's alternate favorite (as in he's not Batista so let's cheer for him) hasn't been paying attention to the way he was booked before hand. One could argue that Reigns began to solidify his Rumble win back at Survivor Series of last year when he eliminated 4 other guys and was the sole survivor of his team that night. He was the only member to defeat CM Punk when Punk and The Shield were going through their program and, after the break up of the trio, Reigns already has beaten a household name clean and a few WWE championship match appearances on his resume. On paper, Reigns is probably the hottest name on the roster and normally, the hottest name on the roster gets the benefit of winning the Rumble.

As to whether Rusev is winning next year's Rumble or not, I find highly unlikely. Heck, by this logic, Sheamus shouldn't have won the Rumble in 2012 as Santino was getting the major pops in the final two of the year before. Also as we've seen over the years, once guys like Rusev suffer their first defeat in the WWE, they're no longer intimidating as they once were. More than likely, he'll always be a threat to be a contender in many Rumbles to come but I don't see him getting back to the final two like they had him this year. My three early favorites for next year's winner consist of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Dolph Ziggler. All three of whom had fantastic years along with Reigns in 2014.
Roman Reigns was given the win not because he got cheered at last year's Rumble, but because they want to build him up as a major star, and that starts with winning the Royal Rumble match. Only time will tell if they feel the same way towards Rusev, but if he wins next year's Rumble, it sure as hell won't be because of the cheers he got this year.
So, my verdict for your (or borrowed) logic- More of the R-word than the B-word, to be honest.

Well that 2014 Rumble was, to me at least, the night WWE decided Reigns was over/the next megastar and began planning his rise to the top.
I disagree. Reigns eliminated 4 superstars in Survivor Series 2013; there was this promo between CM Punk and The Shield members where Punk referred to Roman as the best Shield member; during the build-up to Royal Rumble 2014, Reigns declared that he would eliminate both of his team mates, which he did, along with 10 other guys. These instances show that WWE had been planning Reigns' ascension for quite a while before the Rumble or the cheers he received on that night.
If Daniel Bryan is healthy, I pick him to win the Rumble next year. I don't see WWE pissing off the fans 3 years in a row especially when it will be leading up to what will be the largest WrestleMania ever in AT&T Stadium in Arlington. The WM3 attendance of 93,173 will be shattered as more than 100,000 can fit in JerryWorld. Now if DB is not healthy, that's a different story.
Not offense, but you are basically basing your theory just because last year roman was the last eliminated.....?

i wont say that (to quote you) its ******ed, but honestly theres nothing to back it up. Pure coincidence, we dont even know if rusev will be hot next year or he will be swimming in the jobber forgetable pool.

Actually my post was more of a reaction to fans saying Reigns should have won this year because he was cheered last year even when he was a heel. It was to show that one of the reason's they are giving was slightly warped.

Now I'm a Reigns fan, but I don't think he should have won this year, he just isn't quite ready yet, and I'm scared it will derail him and turn him into another Sheamus. I'm afraid that a lot of Reigns fans are going a bit over the top with this win also. Now he's responsible for the network getting 200k new subscribers which again is foolish. Next he'll be curing Ebola, you see where I'm going with this I hope.

I've been a Shield fan since they debuted and I like all of them. I've also watched Ambrose and Rollins go on and do great things, while Reigns hasn't. Yes he eliminated 12 guys in the Rumble last year, and he won Superstar of the Year, but other than that is that's all that's required to win the Rumble and main event Mania.

If you look at wrestling like that, then experience, good feuds, good in ring mechanics, a half decent move set don't count anymore. Rusev got cheered this year at the end of the Rumble, so he's well on his way to winning next year if that's all that matters now.
I can see it, presuming Rusev isn't deflated by Cena. They're already unwilling to put Rusev over Ryback, which is not good as Ryback is floating around in the midcard. And now he's feuding with Cena. If he loses, I don't see how he can maintain that momentum until the rumble without altering his gimmick.
If Daniel Bryan is healthy, I pick him to win the Rumble next year.
i dont. i don't see Bryan EVER being WWE Champion again, let alone winning the Royal Rumble.

As for Rusev winning, also disagree. it's likely to be a star WWE is looking to build up or one that's already built. my candidates are Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler....if i had to guess now, i go with Dean Ambrose which i won't hate. i would love to see Bryan winning it, but WWE sees him as B+ (and i don't think that's a storyline, i think that's truly how WWE feels), so i think either Ambrose, Ziggler or Wyatt wins it. there were rumors that Wyatt could win it this year, so if he wins it next year i won't be shocked.

and by the way, the build to Reigns winning the rumble started from before last year's rumble. Reigns was built as the Shield's big star for a while and was the only one of them to beat Punk. so i think WWE had him pegged as a future star for a long time.
Not a chance. Last year, Reigns was in a lot of match. This year, Rusev came in around halfway through and then (I think) hid from like person 28-30 or something. He wasn't that impressive. Although if anybody follows any of my posts, I don't like Rusev. I think he's boring. If Lana wasn't there, he wouldn't be over. Hell... I think he's stalling out now. He'll get fed to Cena like Wyatt did, and then still never see the main event for at least the next year.
Look at all the "I Hate America" guys that have come up the last say... 20 years. Ludivg Borga ended Tatanka's undefeated streak in the 90's and did absolutely nothing after. Kozlov... I don't even think I need to get into. Nobody is going to do what Iron Sheik did with a foreign gimmick ever again. I forsee Rusev being stuck in midcard hell before he's released in probably three years. When did he win the US Title? How many times did he defend it? Like three months ago? And defended it maybe once? He's not doing anything that builds his character. A great heel needs to deliver great promos and make you want to see him get beat. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't give two drops of piss in a bucket about Rusev's streak because he's not interesting at all. I want to see Rusev get beat, get beat more, and get beat more after that... and then go away. As an athlete, Rusev has something to offer. But as a character... he doesn't. My opinion.
Based on the past 5 winners, WWE has picked the worst option available and people who can't wrestle. Cena, Batista, Roman, Alberto, Sheamus.

Using this logic. It is clear that Erick Rowan will win the 2016 Royal Rumble. i am calling it now. He is the worst guy on the roster which means WWE/Vince is going to push him to the moon.

I bet everyone here $50 Erick Rowan wins just to anger fans again.
Okay just think about it for a second, and then tell me how ******ed or brilliant it is.

Let's take the final two of last year's Rumble. Roman Reigns at the time was still a member of the Shield and was a heel. Batista who hadn't been in the ring for 4 years got a huge pop when he came out, but was gassed almost right away. Now the crowd was already pissed off because Bryan wasn't in the Rumble and they were getting nasty.

So they started doing something that WWE crowds do, they started chanting. And who's name did they start chanting, that's right Roman Reigns. Why, because they liked him, no they didn't want Batista to win the Rumble. Like I said before if it had been a ladder and Batista, the ladder would have got the cheers.

Now we're going to fast forward a year, and it's this years Rumble. And guess who's in the final four, Kane, Big Show, Ambrose and you guessed it Reigns again. Kane and Big Show, Reigns are getting boo'd and Ambrose is getting the pop. The WWE does the most natural thing and eliminates Ambrose, like he's a bag of garbage.

Well we know who the winner is going to be for sure now, Roman Reigns. And just like the year before the crowd is getting nasty again, and beginning to boo him out of the building. Reigns eliminates Show and Kane, and the "We want Rusev' chants start up. Rusev comes in and gets speared and thrown over the top rope. Reigns is the winner, and they throw his cousin the Rock out there to try to stem the boo's. It doesn't work and both get boo'd out of the ring.

A lot of Reigns fans are using the fact that it's natural for him to win the Rumble because people were cheering for him last year. It doesn't seem to matter that they weren't cheering for him this year, you know the year that he actually won.

So based on my analogy and analysis of the situation that happened two years in a row, I'm almost positive that next year's winner will be Rusev. He's the one they were chanting for this year. Why cause they like him, no again they didn't want Reigns to win.

Okay you can let me have it now.

Alright, first off there's one big difference between Reigns last year and Rusev this year. That difference is, the fans were going crazy for The Shield (but mostly Roman Reigns) way before the Royal Rumble took place. Just like WWE, most of the fans believed that Roman Reigns was destined to be the future of the company and I think they legitimately would have gone nuts if Reigns ended up winning, not because he beat Batista, but because he was one of the most over guys on the roster at this point. The fans in Philly cheered for Rusev out of pure spite for Roman Reigns.

Secondly, if this theory is legitimate, you're assuming that HHH and the higher ups are just plain stupid. "Hey! Rusev's gettin cheered! There's our new SUPERSTAR boys!" Funny to think about, but I highly doubt it. If Rusev wins the Rumble next year, it'll be because he is able to carry his momentum through 2015.

I am one of those people who condemn the fans for shitting on Reigns for the reason you described. They called for him last year and they called for him well AFTER the Rumble as well... Now, it's time to stop being so fickle and stay behind the guy you originally supported. It's actually kind of ironic... we always rip the WWE for "only pushing one guy" yet when they try to establish somebody other than Daniel Bryan, WE bury the shit out of him. At least that's my take on it.
Rusev is running into the exact same issue Bray Wyatt did last year.

Now losing to Cena is not a problem, the problem is where do you go from Cena that isn't a downgrade? Even if he beats Cena, where does he go that isn't a downgrade. The only place you have to go after Cena, is to the title.

Bray's problem was that he went from Cena, to a shitty Jericho program that caused a reset to have to happen with him. Had Bray gone from Cena, to the title, he would have been fine, not saying he isn't now but he should be in better shape.

Rusev needs to go immediately to Reigns after his program with Cena. Has to cause if Wyatt had no where to go but down after that (with how complex his character is) then Rusev is definitely in that territory with how one dimensional he is. If he even goes down to Ambrose, he could face a huge issue.

All in all, likelihood of Rusev winning the Rumble next year is next to none considering he will peak by the summer as a character and next January's rumble will be filled with guys the level of Reigns, Cena, Ambrose, Bryan, Ziggler, Wyatt, Rollins, Harper (who should get a decent push by then), and whatever guys from NXT that get a call up post-Mania (Neville, Owens, Balor, etc.)
Rusev's gimmick also doesn't have much shelf life. That character has about one year left of things to do before the only thing left is to turn him into a sideshow act or ship him back to NXT and change everything about him, name, look, body, everything
The obvious name for next year would be Seth Rollins.. Money in the bank winner, heaveyweight title matches. If he continues to progress at this rate a main event at Wrestlemania isn't out of the question. Especially if a guy like Reigns, Bryan or Cena have the gold this time next year. A quality match, good heat from the fans, he works.

If you're going off the rumble match this year.. In a total dead match the only person who looked like a real star was Wyatt (and I'm not a Wyatt guy). If they freshen up his gimic a little, have him come off with a strong match with The Undertaker (if it happens) this year. It would be something a little different for next years Wrestlemania (not the cookie cutter main eventers like recent years).

Rusev needs to stick with what he is doing now.. I think eventually they will find the right feud and he'll crack open as a face. Cena or HHH may be the key, but I don't think he will progress as a rumble winner just yet.
I honestly think with the heat and controversy surrounding The Rumble the big money feud will be Bryan vs. Reigns. I can see the WWE keep Reigns as Champion until WM and Bryan winning the Rumble.

I think Bryan is in Bret Hart's position in 1995, he will be stuck in some odd matches but will still remain very popular with the fans. Reigns could either go heel by WM31 or stay as a face.

Either way whatever Reigns is (heel or face) a WM31 match vs. Bryan is going to be huge. There's so much story here and it's even picked up by Time Magazine what happened at The Rumble.

I can see WM32 play like this

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns

John Cena vs. Undertaker
- Taker's final match

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
- Either Seth goes face, or turns on Triple H

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