When will Vince McMahon stop being a dictator to the WWE fans?

CM Steel

A REAL American
When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon stop dictating to the people who pay top dollar to watch his product? It's the WWE fans who pay their hard earned money for WWE pay per-view's, WWE Merchandise, WWE DVD's, and now that WWE network. But Vince McMahon has become TV's biggest dictator as of late last year. Going back to the WWE Slammy awards in Seattle, Washington where the hot WWE crowd was pro homestate boy Daniel Bryan. Vince McMahon was so pissed about the fact that the Seattle crowd was chanting Daniel Bryan's name and chanting "YES" all through out the show, he had a problem with the people of Seattle opposed to his product when clearly Daniel Bryan was strongly getting over that night.

Since then "the Animal" Batista has made his return back to the WWE. And ended up winning the 2014 Royal Rumble setting him up to main event another Wrestlemania, which pissed off almost everyone in the WWE locker room. And at the Royal Rumble PPV Vince McMahon took away Daniel Bryan from the Rumble and the fans. Now with CM Punk walking out on the WWE Vince had to run a audible play for the road to Wrestlemania 30. With Daniel Bryan taking CM Punk's slot at WM 30 in a match with Triple H with a chance that Bryan can be added to the WWE championship match with WWE champ Randy Orton and Batista. Yes Vince McMahon ran a audible post-Royal Rumble CM Punk walking out on the company. But when will Vince McMahon stop being a dictator to the WWE fans? Batista just got back after leaving the company. Now he's headlining Wrestlemania 30.

It's bad enough Vince McMahon tried to insult the WWE fans intelligence 7 years ago with his limo-bombing "killing him".
It's his company, he can do whatever he wants as long as people continue to pay to watch his shows. If you don't like what he's doing quit watching, it's the only way things are ever going to change.
WWE fans forced the company to change their plans. They literally had no option. The main event for WM was to be Batista beating Orton for the world title, being a Rock-lite style hero, and promoting his movie as champion. Bryan was set to face Sheamus in a curtain-jerker at WM. The company thought Wyatt going over Bryan clean at the Rumble, and Bryan's lack of appearance in the Rumble itself, would successfully quash the support for him and they could shove him down into obscurity, moving on with pushing their hand-picked star of the show, Batista. Instead, we've had innumerable major matches crushed to powder by Daniel Bryan chants (not to mention "boring" and everything in between), and the would-be champion Batista utterly savaged by the crowds. Bryan moving up to the #2 merch guy in the company didn't hurt his cause.

WWE had absolutely no choice but to spotlight Bryan. So Vince was defeated.
It's his company. He can do whatever he wants.

If fans don't like what he's doing then he'll change it.

In the whole "Daniel Bryan" situation, the fans got what they want.
Daniel Bryan okay, I will never be part of the WWE's Sheep Yes' Movement''You ALL wanted Dave Batista back! and now you boo the heck out of him because he is main eventing Wrestlemania? He's not going to return and be in the sidelines.. Too much of a top star for that.. Plus it's only one Wrestlemania. WWE Top Stars, are not going to sit on the sidelines for young wrestlers, simply because the Cena's, Orton's and Batista, are the ones who paved the way for these New guys like (Bryan Cesaro,, Ziggler, etc.

Out of the three I just mentioned, Orton has push most of the young wrestlers in the last few years.
As others have pointed out, it's Vince's company. While there's technically no single owner of WWE, it goes without saying that Vince is still viewed as the owner and it's ultimately his decision what goes down and what doesn't. That's how it is with any company out there. You have people who look at the data that's collected, analyze it, tell management what this data indicates and management makes decisions on which direction to take the company based on that information. Again, that's how it is with any company.

If Vince was really the spiteful dictator that some try to make him out to be, then he'd have gone ahead with plans for WrestleMania as they were in the beginning, allegedly. Vince McMahon is pretty much blamed for everything by any number of disgruntled fans. Sometimes, those fans have a fair & logical justification and sometimes they don't. For instance, it's safe to say that the vast majority of WWE fans are firmly behind the notion of Daniel Bryan being in the main event at WrestleMania. In all honesty, I can't recall off the top of my head the last time WWE fans of all demographics were as firmly behind a guy as they've been with Daniel Bryan. The Bryan situation wasn't a, comparatively speaking, few handfuls of fans voicing their complaints on Twitter or message boards; that's just business as usual and nothing that WWE management isn't used to. This was FAR more than just couple dozen, a few hundred or even a few thousand fans who were displeased with it. Every arena, every city, every show whether it's a house show, TV taping or ppv, Daniel Bryan is hugely over and it's not something that's only been going on for a few months. Bryan's been one of the most over talents on the roster for several years now, but his popularity hit another level entirely last summer.

If there's genuine proof that most fans aren't interested in something, Vince will change it. If it's the usual, however, which generally amounts to a few handful of internet fans who complain about everything, then there's no real need to change anything. Vince doesn't run his company based on what are usually momentary whims of internet fans. Nobody can run his or her wrestling company like that. The reason why Vince changed his mind with Bryan is because of simple economics: Bryan's arguably the most over babyface in wrestling right now, he's a top merchandise seller for the company, his matches & segments are often the most watched on either Raw or SmackDown!. Frankly, there's more money to be made from Daniel Bryan being in the WrestleMania main event than there would be if he's not.
Daniel Bryan okay, I will never be part of the WWE's Sheep Yes' Movement''You ALL wanted Dave Batista back! and now you boo the heck out of him because he is main eventing Wrestlemania? He's not going to return and be in the sidelines.. Too much of a top star for that.. Plus it's only one Wrestlemania. WWE Top Stars, are not going to sit on the sidelines for young wrestlers, simply because the Cena's, Orton's and Batista, are the ones who paved the way for these New guys like (Bryan Cesaro,, Ziggler, etc.

Out of the three I just mentioned, Orton has push most of the young wrestlers in the last few years.

I don't know if you're a troll, if you don't know that it's all "fake" or what, but I honestly can't recall the last time I heard anyone saying they wanted Batista back. I know I certainly haven't said it because I've never been a huge fan of the guy. It sounds like you're the one that should be labeled a "sheep" as you're parroting what was said by Batista in his promo last night, which was nothing more than pure hyperbole and exaggeration. I can't claim to speak for everybody, but I genuinely can't remember the last time I heard anyone say they wanted Batista back, I can't remember the last time anyone created a thread in which the OP states that he/she wants Batista back. When Batista quit nearly 4 years ago, I've hardly ever given the guy another thought until it was announced late last year that he was returning to WWE. I can't say I missed him at all because, overall, I always felt that Batista was pretty damn lousy. If I had to pick between 10 guys exactly like Batista or 1 guy exactly like Daniel Bryan, I'll pick the 1 guy exactly like Bryan every time
WWE fans forced the company to change their plans. They literally had no option. The main event for WM was to be Batista beating Orton for the world title, being a Rock-lite style hero, and promoting his movie as champion. Bryan was set to face Sheamus in a curtain-jerker at WM. The company thought Wyatt going over Bryan clean at the Rumble, and Bryan's lack of appearance in the Rumble itself, would successfully quash the support for him and they could shove him down into obscurity, moving on with pushing their hand-picked star of the show, Batista. Instead, we've had innumerable major matches crushed to powder by Daniel Bryan chants (not to mention "boring" and everything in between), and the would-be champion Batista utterly savaged by the crowds. Bryan moving up to the #2 merch guy in the company didn't hurt his cause.

WWE had absolutely no choice but to spotlight Bryan. So Vince was defeated.

...what? No, really, what? Do you actually believe what you've typed here? You honestly believe that they intended to have Daniel Bryan hijack Raw, via the Yes! Movement, so the the could open the show with a match against Sheamus? Please explain how that would've worked. And before you answer, keep in mind that Daniel Bryan started the Yes! Movement before the Royal Rumble, so it wasn't part of this alleged change of plans. They had started the storyline of a The Authority holding him down, keeping him out of the Rumble and away from the title long before this alleged change of plans...so, please tell me, how was that going to dovetail into a match with Sheamus? Minutes after the Rumble ended, Daniel Bryan took to Twitter to tell his fans, the Yes! Movement, to keep expressing their opinions because the WWE can't ignore them forever. You're telling me the idea behind that was the fans expressing their opinion that they wanted him to fight Sheamus? Really? You're telling me that the idea behind keeping him out of the Rumble was to move him down the card...even though putting him in the match and burying him would've been much more effective, if that was their goal? Then why was he doing interviews about how Triple H didn't want him anywhere near the Rumble, before the show? That was supposed to make people forget about him, you really don't think the WWE knew this would rally his fans behind him? Really? How does ANY of that make ANY sense whatsoever? Seriously. I'm baffled as to how anybody can actually believe this insanity.

When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon stop dictating to the people who pay top dollar to watch his product? It's the WWE fans who pay their hard earned money for WWE pay per-view's, WWE Merchandise, WWE DVD's, and now that WWE network. But Vince McMahon has become TV's biggest dictator as of late last year. Going back to the WWE Slammy awards in Seattle, Washington where the hot WWE crowd was pro homestate boy Daniel Bryan. Vince McMahon was so pissed about the fact that the Seattle crowd was chanting Daniel Bryan's name and chanting "YES" all through out the show, he had a problem with the people of Seattle opposed to his product when clearly Daniel Bryan was strongly getting over that night.

Since then "the Animal" Batista has made his return back to the WWE. And ended up winning the 2014 Royal Rumble setting him up to main event another Wrestlemania, which pissed off almost everyone in the WWE locker room. And at the Royal Rumble PPV Vince McMahon took away Daniel Bryan from the Rumble and the fans. Now with CM Punk walking out on the WWE Vince had to run a audible play for the road to Wrestlemania 30. With Daniel Bryan taking CM Punk's slot at WM 30 in a match with Triple H with a chance that Bryan can be added to the WWE championship match with WWE champ Randy Orton and Batista. Yes Vince McMahon ran a audible post-Royal Rumble CM Punk walking out on the company. But when will Vince McMahon stop being a dictator to the WWE fans? Batista just got back after leaving the company. Now he's headlining Wrestlemania 30.

It's bad enough Vince McMahon tried to insult the WWE fans intelligence 7 years ago with his limo-bombing "killing him".

...wow. I don't even know where to start. Let's go from the top, I guess.

1.What, exactly, is Vince dictating to the crowd? You mean making decisions about the direction of the company? You, uh, do realize that's how companies work, right? And, in particular, TV shows work? The people running the show decide what happens on their show?

2.Is there ANY evidence whatsoever that he had any problem whatsoever with what happened in Seattle? I'd love to know what makes you think he was "so pissed" about it. Keep in mind, of course, that the WWE knew it was going to happen and wrote their show with that in mind.

3.Is there ANY evidence whatsoever that even one single person in the locker room had any problem whatsoever with Batista winning the Rumble? Aside from one report that CM Punk was upset about it, is there one wrestle on or off the record that's said they had a problem with it? You seem to know an awful lot about what pisses people off, I'd love to hear how you do it.

4.Again, what exactly is he dictating? I mean, above and beyond what any normal person in charge of a company, especially a TV show, does. I'm not sure you even know what that word means. Like, what should he have done differently? Keep in mind, before you answer that, that Daniel Bryan is going to walk away from the biggest show of the year with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Even if you're stupid enough to believe that wasn't the plan all along(see my response to the other post above), or even if you disagree with how the WWE got there which is fine, the bottom line is the fans are getting exactly what they want in the most spectacular way possible...so, again, what is he dictating?

5.What the hell does his limo explosion have to do with him supposedly being a dictator, Batista, or Daniel Bryan? And how did that insult anybody? Were you insulted when the nWo locked The Rock in an ambulance and ran it over with a semi? Were you insulted when Stone Cold Steve Austin got ran over by a car? Were you insulted when Triple H drugged Stephanie and married her while she was unconscious? It's a fictional, scripted television show. Were you insulted by the red wedding on Game Of Thrones? Are you insulted by everything that happens on every episode of Walking Dead? My god, in a post full of idiocy, that one might top it all.
When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon stop dictating to the people who pay top dollar to watch his product?

When the people watching Monday night and the people paying top dollar for PPV's, house shows and WWE network think they are being dictated to and decide to no longer watch or pay. I don't mean this to sound cliche but as long as people keep paying and keep watching why change anything about how you run things?
As long as they keep making money doing what they are doing even if people complain about it, things won't change. Why would they? He has a main event that even when it was just a rumor people didn't like and yet he followed through because ratings didn't drop, tickets are still selling, etc. If you were in that position, would you stop telling the fans who to like?

People need to understand that Vince does what he likes until he is forced to change. If the nWo hadn't been successful and WCW not started to give him real competition, he would have kept producing the same product that he was doing. Look even when Hogan and Savage joined WCW - did he do anything different? Not really. Oh he had new guys as champs but the product really wasn't that different from when Hogan was there. You've heard it many times - they know what's best for business. Until someone comes along to challenge them and is long term, they will keep doing what whey are doing. Look at Austin - they never planned for him to be a star. They brought him in, gave him a crappy gimmick and when that didn't work they threw up their hands and said "I don't know what to do with you". It was only then that he was allowed to be himself, fans got behind him and they had to push him as WCW was killing them. They never planned to listen to the fans, they had no choice if they wanted to stay in business. No real risk of them going out of business now so they don't need to listen. Simple as that.
Lol what? They look at metrics and listen and book accordingly. They also look at what the fans think of their real life personality and book accordingly. Do you think Bryan would be as over now if they had gone the cliche route of having him win he rumble?

I think a lot of people need to understand one thing: you're not above getting worked. You wear your opinions on your sleeve. If anything, your he most easy to work.

And the whole "no competition" "had wcw not been around Vince would have never changed" stuff is such bullshit. His competition is and has always been EVERYTHING on tv. You think USA cared who they were losing to? He was losing money long before wcw came along. Wcw just made people realize wrestling can make a money maker and gave Vince an idea of how.

If you honestly think Vince can just do what he likes most and not look at metrics and make money then you are nuts. Because if it were as easy as him booking shit that he likes to make money, he'd be the richest guy in the world. He clearly adapts and changes based on what the fans want. Is it always perfect? No, but if you stop thinking "book to my specific taste" and think "I wonder why" then you will find that 9/10 times it's based on whTs getting over. A lot of you also have archaic views of how to book someone. "Give DB the strap and a long run to build him up" uhh no.
It's his company, he can do whatever he wants as long as people continue to pay to watch his shows. If you don't like what he's doing quit watching, it's the only way things are ever going to change.

People also are going to stop attending shows to get his attention but I highly doubt that'll ever happen. Some people like WWE the way it is now
People not going to a show would be more impactful than a silly "hijack" internet warrior attempt. The thing is, people forget that Monday Night Raw is a TV Show, it's a family TV show. To me I treat Raw as if it is The Walking Dead or Breaking Bad, even though WWE wants to be a family show and not a drama.

Does The Walking Dead insult fans intelligence when one of their characters die?

You seem to forget that WWE is in it's own world and everything you see is made up and everyone is just a character. The fans are a character of their own. Did they insult your intelligence when Vince announced wrestling was fake?

People have a hard time suspending their belief and getting into the kayfabe of the show. I wouldn't want to try watching any other show with a lot of wrestling fans; I would be afraid of remarks about how the actors deliver some lines or how the zombies on The Walking Dead could have sold getting killed better.

You know why I love The Authority? When Triple H first turned on Daniel Bryan, the night after he said the greatest thing ever. He knew what was best for business, the fans don't know what they like, he knows what they like. It's true, after so many years in the business him, Vince, Shane and Steph are probably the only four in the world that know how to run a wrestling company as large as the WWE.

You're upset that Daniel Bryan hasn't been given the WWE WHC, and you are concerned he still isn't going to win tonight. As Triple H said, Daniel Bryan is a fad. Daniel Bryan is a beloved underdog, let's go back and look at three other beloved underdogs.

John Cena, everyone loved him from the time he headbutted Kurt Angle, from the time he met the Undertaker backstage. It was fitting at Wrestlemania he would be the underdog when he had to face The Big Show. He managed to get the pin and the IWC went wild. He held onto it for awhile and after that he had his next biggest challenge: the WWE Championship. Most people peg John Cena getting drafted to Raw as the start of the PG Era, and that is when people turned on him. Isn't it funny how that is right after he won his first WWE Championship and stopped being the underdog?

The Animal Batista! The crowd went crazy when Batista turned on Ric Flair and Triple H. Batista was the hottest thing along with John Cena this year. Batista is the only man to beat Triple H three PPVs in a row! Yet, when he did it people stopped caring about him...

Randy Orton was being set up as the face of the company when he defeated Stevie Richards for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam. Then, the unthinkable happened. Triple H, Ric Flair, and Batista turned on him power slamming him. He became the top babyface, he was gorgeous, he was technically gifted, he was the underdog; how could he beat evolution? Well, he didn't...and he turned to something else. The Legend Killer! What better way to be a babyface than to start going after legends and putting them to an end. In 2008 he switched from the Legend Killer to the Viper, and guess what...people stopped caring.

Let's look at some beloved internet heroes:

Zack Ryder. "We want Ryder," "we want Ryder," remember those? Zack Ryder had his internet show, and people got behind him. Every night there would be chants for Ryder, signs for Ryder, when Ryder was shown he got a huge pop. How long did that last? A few weeks? Once Ryder started wrestling again the fans stopped, he got "you can't wrestle" chants and "you suck" chants. People liked watching his show, but couldn't stand him in the ring, it was only cool to chant for Ryder when he was being held down.

CM Punk was in the business for years before entering the main event. He gives a pipebomb and everyone is reminded why he is the internet darling. Everyone craved more CM Punk. He was given the WWE Championship, he was given one of the greatest managers of all time, he was given the longest reign in 25 years. After a few months of holding the belt his fans started turning on him. It was a boring title reign they said.

As Triple H said, what happened to FAHNDANGO?

(tl;dr) So no, fans don't know what they want. Fans think short term enjoyment while WWE seeks long term payoff.

(I am saying all of this as a fan of Daniel Bryan whom will mark out when she says him win the WWE WHC tonight!)

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