Steven Holmes Will Be Answering YOUR Questions This Week

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

Credit: Blue Chipper

As many of you saw, last week on, Steven Holmes addressed the entire WZCW universe. Speaking to fans and superstars alike, Holmes ranted and voiced frustrations concerning the fans of WZCW. We here at WZCW do not condone this, and as a way of making sure Steven Holmes apologises to you the fan, we've made sure Mr. Holmes will get some more time on to answer your questions. So please feel free to send in your questions, both WZCW related and otherwise.
Dear Mr.Holmes. As you may or may not know, Austin Reynolds and I, The Second City Dare devil have created a tag team to face Stantime next week on Ascension. Any advice for a Tag Team name? :3
Mr Holmes,

How did it feel to be consistantly beaten by Kurtesy? Have you thought about retirement seeing as you suck so much?

Mr P Knutt.
Mr Holmes,

Given your past record with submissions, you notably tapped out to two different holds and opponents in one Mayhem title match and Dr Kurtesy's own submission. What on earth made you decide to challenge Kurtesy to a submission match? You went to the best schools in our country and thought up that idea? I weep for your educators.

Yours sincerely

Alexander Stark
Have you seen where I left my animal crackers? I could have sworn I left them by Wassabi Toyota's locker...

Hey, I'm a big fan of yours. I was wondering what you thought of the newer members of the WZCW locker room.

Your biggest fan

Mark Stevens

p.s. can I have your autograph?
Steven Holmes,

I just want to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. For putting your body on the line, they don't know what you go through.


P.S. Will you sign my star war's collection?

Patrick Wilbert
Steven I have a two part question. One, how did the Crashin Movement steal the Mayhem Title in that 6-man ladder match at last years Apocalypse?

And two, how many languages can you speak?

P. Tear Griffin
Yo Holmes!

You still around here? I figured only two of your rookie class were still around? Well, at least only two of them are still relevant; Wasabi and that dashing dirty one Gordito. I

So, my question: if you could get your hands on one of those two men for a little mano y mano action in the ring, who would you rather it be? Which one ticks you off most, gets under your skin better, and makes you just a little more jealous than the other?


Everyday before the crack of dawn, I jump out of bed with a smile on my face. While others skulk through the early morning mist like zombies, I'm a chipper Charlie. That said, this energy doesn't last all day. It's literally all downhill after noon as the zeal and enthusiasm that once overpowered my friends and foes is stolen by the sun. I avoid caffeine like the plague, so that's out. And I don't have the time for a nap. What do I do? Should I tone it down a little bit and not spend all of my energy on zeal and enthusiasm? As a Brit, what do you feel the benefits of living such a life is?

Hey Steven, my question has two parts. First, who would you pick to form a tag team with if you could?

Secondly, what's your favourite tea? I like Earl Grey, myself. It's zingy.

Co-President of your British fan club (and creator of your Facebook appreciation page), Sue Denim.
Why would you form a tag team? Why would you trust those two morons with your career? Look at Kurtesy, maybe if you didn't form a team, than you would be world champion. I just don't get how you could trust someone else with your career and your life.

Yo Stev-O i got another question for u broski!!!

why didn't you show up for my party in vegas dude?! didnt you get your invite in teh mail?

Dear Holmes,

Is your wife available any time this week for a girls day out? I know you and Kurtesy have had your issues recently but that hasn't had any affect in my friendship with your wife. She is such a wonderful lady and you are lucky to have someone like that, considering how damaged your personality really is.

Let me know ASAP.

Sandy Deserts

P.S. Kurtesy says hi.

To your wife, I mean...
Dear Steven,

I reviewed your match with Smith and I only gave it a "C." I feel that you didn't pull your own weight in the ring and were constantly carried by Smith. For a veteran such as yourself to allow such a thing is horrific. I suggest you start working harder in the ring and deviate from your "Five Moves of Doom." Apparently I was wrong, there isn't just one Jannetty when it comes to the Crashin' Movement, no, there are two. Kurtesy FTW.

- klunderbunker


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