Stay Or Release?


Every Company has those superstarswho make it to the top or just drop to the black hole. For instance John Cena. Love him or hate him. He is the face of wwe because he sales merchandise. Now if you were the guy to hire someone like Matt Morgan as an example. For another example Zack Ryder is a guy that should be released or sign. Here's the list of guys or girls you could resign or release. Here we go.

MOD NOTE: You must include reasons for why you would hire/rehire them or not. Spam will be deleted and you risk getting an infraction.

1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

2.) John Cena

3.) Matt Morgan

4.) Zack Ryder

5.) Tara/Victoria

6.) Madison Rayne

7.) John Morrison

8.) M.V.P

9.) D Lo Brown

10.) Christian York

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

12.) Chris Masters

13.) The Great Khali

14.) Big Daddy V.

15.) Crimson
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe? Yes. Its a big deal for wwe. He needs something fresh that Tna hasn't done

2.) John Cena
Yes. He makes money for the company. Until hes retired he will be the top guy.

3.) Matt Morgan
Yes I would hire Morgan. He has ability for a big guy. He would be a huge guy in wwe with the right gimmick.

4.) Zack Ryder
Fell to black hole. Release.

5.) Tara/Victoria
A veteran diva wwe could use to help the division. Yes. Of course I would.

6.) Madison Rayne
When her baby comes and she is ready to return to wrestling. Wwe would be stupid not to pick her up.

7.) John Morrison
John Morrison is a guy who could be good for Intercontinental Champion. Help big spots in huge matches.

8.) M.V.P
Veteran at 50. Legs of a 30 year old. Could help United States Champion.

9.) D Lo Brown
Agent. That's it.

10.) Christian York
Could be a good main eventer.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov
Fell to black hole and hasn't been seen since his release.

12.) Chris Masters
I'm not sure. I don't know if wwe could use him

13.) The Great Khali
Fell to the black hole like the others. Release.

14.) Big Daddy V.
Good pick up to have cena battle back like usual....

15.) Crimson
Absolutely hired. Everyone wants to see Undertaker VS Sting at Wrestlemania even though it will never live up to the hype. There's countless feuds that would be worth seeing afterwards with guys like Cena, Orton, Trips, Sheamus, Bryan, Punk, and more.

John Cena
Rehired. Cena is the biggest name in pro wrestling today and one of the biggest names of all time at this point. There is absolutely no reason to not rehire him unless you are one of those haters who hate him for the sake of hating him.

Matt Morgan
He is worth a try. Although his last run went bad and he never reached his full potential in TNA, I would bring him back to WWE. Likely he'd just get built up only to lose to a top guy and never be heard from again, but he would be somebody new and hopefully WWE would see his potential this time around.

Zack Ryder
His push should never have ended. Rehired. I would make him US Champion again and give him a much more meaningful reign. He'd need a gimmick change if he were ever to make it further up the card though as this is still too silly to be viewed as a threat at the world title tier.

Hired. She would be a good veteran for today's divas to work with. AJ and Kaitlyn would both benefit a great deal from feuding with her. Maybe a Divas Championship reign later down the line?

Madison Rayne
Hired. I would have her be built up to feud with AJ and eventually win the Divas Championship. She was not a Knockout that TNA should have let themselves lose. Madison would be in the top tier of divas already upon her debut. Feuds with AJ, Kaitlyn, and Tara/Victoria if she came as well would be good for the division.

John Morrison
Hired. They should never have gotten rid of him and I still to this day say he has potential to make it to the top. Morrison should have gotten Miz's push 4 years ago. Bring him back and have him assist the midcard belts until he has been built up enough for the World Heavyweight Championship. Give him another chance, WWE! I know I would.

Not interested in seeing WWE hire him back. The only thing I miss about MVP was the tunnel he had for his original entrance and he didn't even have that for half of his WWE run. There's no reason they can't just give that type of entrance to another heel in need of change. MVP doesn't bring enough to the table to justify a return in my opinion.

D Lo Brown
Absolutely not. HE SUCKS!

Christian York
Not quite sure how much he would really be able to bring to WWE, so he is a maybe. There's always the tag team division, they need more names added to the roster if someone is in need of a random pairing tag team.

Vladimir Kozlov
Hired. They have two routes they could easily go with him. Bring back his comedy tag team with Santino, or have him get back together with Zeke as the Ruthless Roundtable. I highly doubt he could ever get back to where he was in late 2008, but I think he is worth giving another try.

Chris Masters
Not in a million years. The Master Lock Challenges were so incredibly stupid, he was never anything to write home about in the ring, and his chest dancing might be the single worst thing I have ever seen on a WWE show.

The Great Khali
Rehired. Khali is still popular enough in other countries to justify keeping around. I'm in no hurry to see him receive any big pushes, but they shouldn't release him until either he is unable to ever compete again or if he stops making the federation any money.

Big Daddy V
No. There are countless other candidates for a monster push. After three different personas that all sucked, why even bother?

Hired. I would give him a push similar to Ryback's from last year only he would not be rushed into the world title scene. He should go from single jobbers, to multiple jobbers, to tag teams, to the midcard belts, to upper midcarders, to finally the World Heavyweight Championship. It worked for Ryback, so it can certainly work for Crimson if done right.
1.) Would you sign Sting to WWE?
Absolutely! Let's just end all of the conjecture and finally get Sting to WWE for a run before he finally hangs up the boots. Let him face Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I don't know how much more he truly has in the tank for feuds after that, but it'd be great for him to finally work for Vince and get the exposure he deserves. But, if it's his choice to go out without ever working for WWE, I respect that.

2.) John Cena
Rehire - Why is this even a question? He's the face of the company and of pro wrestling in the 2000s. Love him or hate him, this is the direction WWE has gone and has made bank off of it. He's solidified his position in wrestling history and is going nowhere, unless he either screws up or retires.

3.) Matt Morgan
Hire - Why not? He's got a lot of potential and wasn't really used right in his first WWE run. Now that he's done w/TNA and has developed his character and skills, bring him in and let him become a top heel.

4.) Zack Ryder
Rehire - I've been in the middle about him for a while. I think he deserves a fair shot to be a good mid-card guy, but just never got it. Definitely needs a gimmick change, but has a lot of potential.

5.) Tara/Victoria
Hired, if she wants to be - She's got interests outside of wrestling, so she may fall back on that. But, with the Diva's division starting to show signs of life thanks to the AJ/Kaitlyn feud, why not bring in a part-time veteran to help get the up and comers over? She could be the Jericho of the Diva's division.

6.) Madison Rayne
Hired - I like her work in TNA, so I'd hire her in WWE to help bolster the Diva's division.

7.) John Morrison
Hired - The guy's a great competitor and athlete. When he left WWE, I'd hoped he'd go to TNA for a while. I'd consider a gimmick change, but he's another guy with great upside who could be the face of the company, if used correctly.

8.) M.V.P.
Neither - He never really stood out to me as someone who could be a top guy, no matter how much they tried to make him be one. Personally, I think he fits better with TNA than WWE.

9.) D Lo Brown
Hired... as a booker/trainer, not as an in-ring performer. He should have stayed behind the curtain in TNA.

10.) Christian York
Neither - I don't seem him fitting into WWE other than a low-card guy, a la Justin Gabriel and Alex Riley. Send him to NXT and let him get better, then we can talk.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov
Neither - Nice guy, but not interested.

12.) Chris Masters
Neither - No thanks. Nothing special here.

13.) The Great Khali
Release - I'm sure he's a good guy and he's a great draw for the WWE for the kids and the India tie alone, but he's a 7-foot comedy act now, plain and simple.

14.) Big Daddy V.
Neither - His time has passed.

15.) Crimson
Hired - Sure, bring him into WWE and give him a shot. But I'd not give him another Goldberg-Ryback-monster-squasher-undefeated angle. It's been done. Just bring him in and have him compete.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe? As it stands Sting is heavily involved with TNA so it may be difficult to sign him; however, he is in complete control and if he wanted he would leave. I'm not sure how much of a draw Sting is. I don't think he is in the same league as Brock or The Rock and I don't envisage him coming in for a short time only to put over younger stars. The match with Taker is the dream match but, personally, I would Taker with someone else rather than Sting so NO.

2.) John Cena Non starter. Money-making machine. Capable of some very good feuds and matches. He does get stale at certain points but he is the number one guy in the company. One argument is letting him go would allow others to rise to the top but they should strive to compete with Cena. Retained

3.) Matt Morgan As a singles superstar it is a now; however I think he could be in a tag-team or stable. He has not developed enough to make him worthy of being a singles star but he could be paired with someone to form a decent tag-team. Hired

4.) Zack Ryder His push was derailed and it as really hurt his career. If Zack Ryder gets repackaged and is given a solid feud than I think he could give something to the company. Remember, he is a popular guy = $$$ Retained

5.) Tara/Victoria A veteran that could help some Divas get over. A feud between her an AJ could be very interesting. Hired

6.) Madison Rayne Still young and could add depth to the Divas division. Hired

7.) John Morrison I was a massive John Morrison fan and felt he could have really made it big. It didn't work out the first time but he is worth a second chance. He is capable of putting on some incredible matches and would be a solid mid-carder, perhaps occasionally filling in at the top. Even just hiring him every year for MITB would be worth it. Hired

8.) M.V.P He was good when he was in the WWE but his time has passed. There are guys on the roster who have far more talent than M.V.P but with brighter futures. and the potential to be world champions. Not Hired

9.) D Lo Brown Not a chance of hiring him to work matches but he could be an agent. Hired

10.) Christian York I don' think that he is any better than some of the stars not being used by the WWE. There is no point in hiring this guy with no major future Not Hired

11.) Vladimir Kozlov Hated his tag-team with Santino and wasn't a big fan of him as a singles competitor. His matches were alright but his gimmick didn't work for me. A potential feud with Swagger/Cesaro but overall I would pass. Not Hired

12.) Chris Masters I don't think there is anything he can offer the WWE. His mic-skills aren't great and matches were just ok Not Hired

13.) The Great Khali He might be very popular in certain regions and be a good marketing tool but if it was my choice he would be gone. It is painful watching him on TV and it is shameful he was ever World Champ. Fired

14.) Big Daddy V. What can he offer to the WWE. Not much. I doubt he can put on a high quality of matches and I doubt whether he can help people get over. Not Hired

15.) Crimson Very odd release from TNA after receiving a good push. In the WWE he could be introduced as a singles star or in a tag-team. His work on the mic isn't all that great but there are managers and performance centers to aid his development. Hired
Sting Sign him for nostalgia's sake. The one superstar Vince has never been able to sign. Have him feud with Undertaker, Ziggler, Swagger and Cesaro. He could really elevate some young talent ad have the fantasy match with the Deadman!

John Cena Still the top guy and will remain that way until he retires. Sells a lot of merchandise and the kids and women love him. He's gotta stay.

Matt Morgan Never got a real shot in TNA. He's not getting any younger. Has a great look and could be a dominant force for a few years just like Batista did. Give him a shot. Sign him.

Zack Ryder Sells merchandise and the fans still pop for him. Have him be around for the United States Championship only. Put the belt on him a time or two more with a real run this time around.

Tara/Victoria Veteran worker who can really help current young divas develop. A short Divas title run tonpitnover a young diva would help.

Madison Rayne Great look and could be a star in the WWE, if Vince lets an outsider succeed.

John Morrison Phenominal talent for mid car and WHT picture. Hopefully his promos are better that way he can finally reach the main event.

MVP Older veteran but would be a solid peace in the mid card for both U.S and I.C pictures. Great in the ring and would help young talent immediately.

D'Lo Brown Agent. That's it. Ever.

Christian York Mid to Main event level potential. Put him on Smackdown and see what happens.

Vladimer Kozlov Black hole. He's done.

Chris Masters If WWE could use him, he'd be a welcome addition to the mid card. Impressive look and strength and still uses that Master Lock!

Great Khali Black hole. Get rid of him.

Big Daddy V Big guy. Could be of use, but he'd be fed to Super Cena I'm no time. Don't waster the time.

Crimson TNA messed up ending his undefeated streak out of nowhere and then did nothing with him. Could be a real player in the WWE if Vince allows it.
1) Sting - yes the merchandise and the Taker match at Mania 30 makes this justified
2) John Cena - he's the franchise love him or hate em he sells tickets and merchandise
3) Matt Morgan - I would like to see him and Crimson brought in as a tag team
4) Zach Ryder - need some comic relief and he's got a nice fan base. Start pairing him with Clay and Tensaii, would be funny.
5) Tara/Victoria - I think her better days are behind her so no on her.
6) Madison Rayne - yes, fresh face for the diva division
7) John Morrison - yes, he left on good terms and would be a great addition to Smackdown
8) MVP - like Victoria I don't see any real value here
9) D'Lo Brown - same as MVP
10) Christian York - I just don't see it here as well
11) Vladimir Kozlov - I would bring him back as a bodyguard for someone maybe Del Rio or Sandow.
12) Chris Masters - no value here
13) Great Khali - cut immediately!!!
14) Bid Daddy V - No, better days behind him
15) Crimson - Yes, as a tag team with Morgan
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

I'd lean towards yes. It would depend largely on how much money he wanted. He really isn't going to be some huge money draw, so if he wanted huge money, then no way.

2.) John Cena

I'd resign him for sure. He's the face of the company, and if he were to go to TNA, it would be a major hit for the WWE

3.) Matt Morgan

I'd sign him to a shorter term deal and see how that panned out before I signed him to something longer. He's got so much potential, but he's never really panned out anywhere.

4.) Zack Ryder

I'd cut him loose. He's not really contributing to the show right now, and I'm sure he's making pretty good money. That money could be better spent elsewhere

5.) Tara/Victoria

I'd decline to sign her. There is no use for more divas at this point.

6.) Madison Rayne

I'd decline to sign her, too. For the same reason as above.

7.) John Morrison

Sure, I'd sign him, but only to recreate his team with the Miz, because I fully believe they're both best served as tag team competitors.

8.) M.V.P

I'd sign him and insert him into the midcard as a heel. Tunnel entrance and everything. He makes for an awesome midcard heel/occasional main eventer.

9.) D Lo Brown

I'd decline to sign him. I just don't really see any function for him at this time.

10.) Christian York

I'd decline to sign him. He brings nothing to the table that works for a big time wrestling company

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

I'd decline to sign him. He just isn't that good.

12.) Chris Masters

I'd decline to sign him to, for the same reason as above.

13.) The Great Khali

I'd have to resign him. Yes, I know he sucks. But he brings marketability in India to the table, and money is the name of the game. If you can make the company money, you get to stay.

14.) Big Daddy V.

No way I'd sign him. The last thing I'd need is a talent to have a heart attack in the ring, and as big as he is, the likelihood of that happening goes up every year. Plus, much like Kozlov and Masters, he's pretty average.

15.) Crimson

I'd do the same thing with him as I'd do with Matt Morgan. The dude has potential, but I don't know that he'll ever get that much traction. Maybe team him up with Morgan again too.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe? - In a heartbeat. Even if only for a match. There's just too much storyline potential, not to mention ticket sales to be had pushing Sting Vs. Undertaker or Sting Vs. Punk, Sting Vs. Cena, etc.

2.) John Cena - For a guy who everyone seems to hate, they love hating him, and he has been half of a lot of great matches over the years. Yes, you definitely keep him and he stays your top guy. $$$.

3.) Matt Morgan - Lots of potential and good mic work. You give him a shot.

4.) Zack Ryder - Woo woo I don't see it. I give him credit for raising his profile via his internet show, but I don't see anything that says "give him a push" more than someone like Cesaro, Barrett, Miz, Fandango, etc.

5.) Tara/Victoria - Old and busted, plus Been there, done that.

6.) Madison Rayne - She'd make a great heel diva, and would at least add some fresh blood.

7.) John Morrison - Yes, as a tag team competitor and probably nothing else. He's talented, but he needs to be paired up with someone who also distracts from the amount of times the guy blows spots.

8.) M.V.P - Yes, I'd be curious to see what he can do now that he's been in Japan for awhile

9.) D Lo Brown - No. It's not 1999 anymore, and no one cares.

10.) Christian York - Haven't really seen him much so can't comment.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov - Nope. He had his chance, and he went from being a monster heel (not a very good one) to a comedy routine. No chance that this guy gets better or more interesting.

12.) Chris Masters - Again, nope. Million dollar body, but couldn't show much in the ring or on the mic.

13.) The Great Khali - Get rid of him. He's outlived his usefulness. I don't see him making the company a lot of money...even in India.

14.) Big Daddy V. - The big tub of lard quotient is already spoken for by Tons of Funk, and I don't want to see this guy have a coronary in the ring.

15.) Crimson - Absolutely. He's got the right look for the WWE, he moves well, and he's a raw, unused talent.
STING - Resign - I would have to sign him just for the fact we would finally get to see Sting vs the undertaker at Wrestlemania.

CENA - Resign - While I am NOT cenas biggest fan, you can't argue with the fact that the kids love him and would continue to make the company a load of money.

MATT MORGAN - Resign - I have been a big fan of Morgans work over the last few years and it just a shame TNA never used him right. Morgan is a big guyu with a great look and if I resigned him I would do the one thing TNA failed to do and thats to take the chains of a release him on to the main event scene.

ZACK RYDER - Release - I never really got what the deal was with Zack. the fans seemed to really love the guy at one point , but the intrest in him seems to have fizzled out and with half the guys on the roster being far more tallented and intresting, I would have to release him.

TARA - Resign - I have never been a big fan of the divas division, But Resigning somebody like Tara would be a great move as she is one of the better female wrestlers around today and would bring some much needed experiance to the division.

MADISON RAYNE - Release - While she would be a fresh face for the division, I don't see that there is anything that she could add to the division that the current Divas could not.

JOHN MORRISON - Resign - I'm a big fan of Morrison and while he is never going to be a great talker, The guy is just amazing to watch in the ring and with his high flying abilitie would be great to have around for matches like Money in the Bank and The Elimination Chamber.

D LO BROWN - Release - I was a fan of D Lo back in the day, But his best days are know sadly far behind him and resigning him would just be a mistake.

CHRISTIAN YORK - Release - While Christian is ok in the ring, The Dude is know 36 and with there being some great young tallent down in NXT, I would much prefer to see one of them get a shot.

VLADIMIR KOZLOV - Release - I never really thought the guy was much good in the first place and I don't think things would be much different a second time around.

CHRIS MASTERS - Resign - Master has improved greatly since his last stay with the company and would be a great addition to the IC or US title scene.

CRIMSON - Resign - Still in a state of shock that TNA decided to release him and if I were WWE I would be jumping at the chance to sign him. the guy has a great look and has come on leaps and bounds down in OVW and given a couple of years I could easily see Crimson challenging for the WWE title.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

Yup. He has never been in WWF/E (please don't give me the rubbish 'oh last nitro was produced by WWF...'). People may not know him as much as they would have ten years ago but some returning legends have had decent pops for a one off, I'm sure if they built him up he'd do fine for a year or two.

2.) John Cena

Yes. But I'd make him something new. Make him into a heel that everyone wants to see defeated. Have him turn his back on the WWE fans. But, alas, tis all kiddies nowadays and we don't want to hurt them or turn them away crying.... He sells merch as it is but he needs to be something different for the sake of wrestling.

3.) Matt Morgan

No. I never saw anything in him in WWE or TNA. Mike Morgan... Matt Morgan... you know what, i'd fire the both of them!!!

4.) Zack Ryder

Nope. What is the gig with this guy? Seriously.

5.) Tara/Victoria

Yup, add some hardcore and realness back into the women's division.

6.) Madison Rayne

Probably hire her yes. Not a bad look or wrestler.

7.) John Morrison

Nope. Never liked him or his gimmick/s.

8.) M.V.P

Hmmm. Not really. Never really impressed me and well, there are other people with the same look/build that can do just as good a job if not better. He is nothing special. I wouldn't 'pop' if he returned.

9.) D Lo Brown

D Lo brown is one of those people that could have made it but was never used right. He was big, and well atheletic. But he never seemed to have it go right for him or be used right. Could see him as an IC/US champ in the past but now, perhaps as a trainer - but do WWE need anymore?

10.) Christian York

Sorry, don't know this guy.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

Nope wouldn't hire. There was a big fuss about him when he debuted but it never turned into anything. just another generic big man, with a foreign accent.

12.) Chris Masters

Nope, he was dull and boring. His master-lock challenge was about the only thing notworthy.

13.) The Great Khali

No. It is an insult to real wrestlers who had talent who never held the big title that he has won it. He is awful, seriously.

14.) Big Daddy V.

Yeah. i'd have thrown him into an IC title match or World Title match or two to mix things up. The WWE needs more 4, 5, 6 man bouts rather than the same old 1 on 1s. People like Big Daddy V are perfect for this. They aren't going to win, but give a legitimate threat and obstacle for the winner to overcome. I wouldn't have him on every show or in long feuds, but I'd have him, and other 'legends' appear every so often to mix it up a bit.

15.) Crimson

I saw a bit of him in TNA and well, compared to what TNA had he was good and could have made it there. But for WWE, he;d just get lost in the mix, so no, I wouldn't hire him.
I am not sure I would sign sting to the WWE just to feud with taker. They don't even have a past history. There is no one else worthy of feuding with him either. Flair is washed up and it's been done 10000 times. It just doesn't make sense to sign him. What is he going to be - the GM of SmackDown? If anyone from TNA should go to the WWE for a last run, that is Angle!
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe? Yes, but on a Legends deal with 2 matches. A Wrestlemania "retirement" match and a match at Madison Square Garden in order to complete out his career.

2.) John Cena I would keep him. What he lacks in talent, he makes up with in ethic. To top that out, he sells a lot of tickets and a lot of t-shirts.

3.) Matt Morgan I would sign him. Even though he is older, he's still got a couple of good years left. He can still have a good feud with a guy like Kane, and after a couple of years, would be a guy that could easily help to build other guys.

4.) Zack Ryder At this point, I would release him. While he's still good in the ring, and he's decent with the mic, his time has passed. He had a decent run, but unless he completely reinvents himself, he's expendable.

5.) Tara/Victoria I would sign her to give the Divas division two things. One, a trainer that's on the road with them, and two, one of the best female wrestlers to see live. Tara/Victoria can still put on a good match, and is still in phenomenal shape. She would be a great benefit to the Divas.

6.) Madison Rayne Release. There are better female wrestlers out there, and while she can bring a bigger name in than say, Bayley, she would get lost in the shuffle quicker than you can say Aksana.

7.) John Morrison Sign. WWE with bringing in PAC and El Generico, the eventual return of Matt Borne and Kofi Kingston, and the return of RVD, Morrison and Shelton Benjamin could cement one of the most athletic midcards that WWE has seen in a long time.

8.) M.V.P Sign. Since the day that he was released from WWE, I've been waiting for the day that he would return. I always thought that it was a shame that he wasn't elevated to a long term main event angle with anyone, and even at his age, can still out work most of the current main eventers.

9.) D Lo Brown Keep him gone. When D Lo returned to WWE the first time, I thought...OK, maybe D Lo will reteam with Mark Henry. His time is too far gone for him to come back and do anything of real value outside of jobber. We don't want to take Curt Hawkins job away yet.

10.) Christian York Leave him in the indies also. York, while he can do a decent job putting guys over, is a little too old to be brought in. He's not an established star, so he wouldn't get into the main roster right away, and there are guys that are younger in developmental that are better fits.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov This one is tough, because I know how I would utilize Vlad. But with the fact that he hasn't been on TV in years, and the last thing that fans remember of him is that joke of a tag team with Santino, I think it would be better to let him stay gone.

12.) Chris Masters The smart move would have been to bring him back during all of that publicity with his saving his mom's life. I would still resign him, because here's a guy that after he got released the first time didn't go home and say "woe is me". He worked his butt off and came back. Problem is he's going to always be looked at as a "Steroid Guy" or the guy who flexed his pecs to "Crazy Train"

13.) The Great Khali Release him and don't offer him a contract ever again. Khali can barely move, can't talk, and his lasting contribution to WWE was the Khali Kiss Cam. His character is only effective when he has an effective mouthpiece, whether it be Davairi (who should be brought back) or Ranjin Singh.

14.) Big Daddy V. Keep him gone. While he has a different look, and can move well for a bigger guy, Big Daddy V just wasn't that good of a wrestler.

15.) Crimson Put him in developmental, and if he continues to improve, give him a good name. He's got a great look, and I was surprised that Gunner was brought back to team with Storm and not him.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?
Yes, but Sting I wouldn't go. Then I'd up the offer and sign him, but I'd rather go for a Team Sting v Team Undertaker, because even though Sting can still go, Taker's past it.

2.) John Cena
Hell yeah! Sign him up. Only the worst internet smark would let this opportunity go. Biggest draw today...

3.) Matt Morgan
Hire and replace Kurits Axel with him. Nobody would notice, olny that Kurtis looks a lot meaner. Matt Morgan is one huge mother...

4.) Zack Ryder
Well, I like the guy, so sign him and have him be the Mr Perfect of the US-title. He seems to get a few pops. Maybe find a way to kick-start his Youtube show.

5.) Tara/Victoria
She made a good heel champ in TNA, so sign her up.

6.) Madison Rayne
It would be selfish of me to sign her for her looks, with NO intention of using her. I'd let her go back to TNA, who had enough faith in her to make her champ.

7.) John Morrison
Oh yes, sign him up. Better stuntman than even Kofi. Great look and the ladies love him. Even if he's the mute in a tag-team, the spots alone...

8.) M.V.P
Nah, pass. I don't think the returns would justify what he'd want to work for the WWE.

9.) D Lo Brown
Pass - too old. Maybe have him around as a manager who can take a bump, but I don't think he's a better choice than keeping Big Show or Mark Henry on (for a reduced salary, of course) when they hang up their boots.

10.) Christian York
Pass! He's talented, but too old. He missed the bus a little. Why build such an unknown guy with only four years to cash in on him?

11.) Vladimir Kozlov
Pass, this guy has the charisma of a brick, which is sad, because he's a legitimately trained fighter. Maybe MMA's the way to go for this guy?

12.) Chris Masters
I see him as a more famous, less talented Cesaro. He has a better look, but Cesaro's strong as shit. And seeing as Antonio's ALREADY signed, I'll take a pass.

13.) The Great Khali
Khali has a certain appeal that I don't understand, I'll grant him that, but the guy can't walk anymore! I don't know why he's so strapped for cash, but I'd have to fire him for his body's sake.

14.) Big Daddy V.
You already have Big Show and Henry AND Ryback and Langston. There isn't room for this guy.

15.) Crimson
I'd sign him, but how to use him? I guess a smart move would be to build on his gimmick tweak from TNA, because it plays into the real Crimson.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

Without question. He definitely earns to go out on the largest platform possible. The fans have wanted to see him face off with Undertaker for almost a decade no and if the opportunity arose to make a dream match like that happen why would you turn it down.

2.) John Cena

Cena is a money making machine and arguably the most well known name in the business today. It would be illogical to realease him however he would be booked properly and would be putting the right supertars over.

3.) Matt Morgan

No. Matt Morgan fell out of favor with me when he threw a tantrum over a couple of internet smart marks dissing him. Your skin has to be way thicker than that if you want to make it in the business.

4.) Zack Ryder

I would absoluetly keep him arround. The kind of buzz he generated around his character with no help from the WWE is a testament to the kind of passion and resolve he has.

5.) Tara/Victoria

It would be nice to have her around and try to revamp the divas division but honestly I dont think it makes a difference.

6.) Madison Rayne

See above.

7.) John Morrison

A guy with his charisma and athletic ability definitely desrves to be on the roster.

8.) M.V.P

He's very knowledgable business wise so yes.

9.) D Lo Brown

His last few attempts to return generated zero interest from the fans so I have to say no.

10.) Christian York

No, I dont like the look.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

He couldnt generate enough interest while he was signed so no.

12.) Chris Masters

He was skilled in the ring and definitely deserves a second chance.

13.) The Great Khali

He's outlived his usefulness on the roster.

14.) Big Daddy V.

No, Mark Henry has that spot current occupied.

15.) Crimson

Yes, seen him a couple times on TNA. He would make a great midcard talent.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?
Of course and so would anyone else. It's instant buy-rate bumps and you're adding one of the only guys with any credibility to never wrestle in a WWE ring post 1990. Sting vs. Undertaker at WM30 would blow peoples minds.

2.) John Cena
What? Of course. Dude is a mega $$$. I would definitely encourage creative to use him differently though. No reason he holds the belt. No reason he wins the rumble anymore. He is over and will be over forever with his legions of young fans, etc.

3.) Matt Morgan
Yes. He fits Vince's obsession with size and is still young enough to develop. With a good gimmick he could be upper mid-card staple.

4.) Zack Ryder
Nah. No room for a mid-carder like Ryder. I know many disagree with this but I just don't think he is excellent at anything. Maybe social media?

5.) Tara/Victoria
Could care less.

6.) Madison Rayne
Could care less. Why not Vel-Vel?

7.) John Morrison
Probably not. They wouldn't use him correctly...AGAIN. Out of all these mid-carders he is the most talented and could have been a star if pushed correctly.

8.) M.V.P
No room on the roster. Meh.

9.) D Lo Brown
Yeah, why not? Good backstage presence I imagine.

10.) Christian York

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

12.) Chris Masters

13.) The Great Khali
Hell no.

14.) Big Daddy V.

15.) Crimson
Read: Matt Morgan
1.) Would you sign Sting to WWE?

While many will probably disagree, I'm leaning more towards no. The primary reason to sign Sting in the minds of many fans is so that a dream match can be had between Taker & himself at WrestleMania. It'll be a huge match that will generate a lot of money. After that match, however, there's not really a whole helluva lot to be done with Sting in a way that keeps him relevant. In order to come to WWE, I'd imagine Sting would want a very hefty paycheck and you have to wonder if he's really worth it at this point. Sting is still pretty decent inside the ring, though he's not nearly what he was only 3 to 5 years ago, but he still has his charisma. However, if Sting found himself in the midst of the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship picture, you'd no doubt have any number of complaints about the younger guys who've busted their ass on the road day in & day out being pushed aside. It'd only be even worse if Sting was to win one of the titles. Sting could be used to ultimately help build & put over younger guys, but then you'll other criticisms from the ever fickle IWC claiming that doing so is a poor use of a star the magnitude of Sting as he's easily one of the top 5 stars to debut in the last 30 years. WWE doesn't need him for the purpose of putting out a DVD compilation because they own the rights to all wrestling footage of Sting from the mid 80s through the demise of WCW. If Sting would agree to a one match deal against Taker for around $300,000 to $500,000; then I think it'd be worth it to have him on the roster. But he's too old to be a top superstar without ruffling people's feathers and he's such a big star that using him to put over other wrestlers would be viewed as a waste in the eyes of others.

2.) John Cena

Anyone who wouldn't sign Cena is an absolute fool and has no business running a wrestling promotion. In spite of all the smark & general internet hate he gets, Cena can wrestle and can wrestle extremely well. He's charismatic, loaded with personality and has a great look. The most important thing Cena does for WWE is he makes the company a lot of money. How does he do that? By constantly engaging the interest of fans in whatever program he's working. Some feuds are better than others, of course, but Cena still generates top level interest in those feuds. If the fans don't care, then being able to do all the fancy flippy flops, being a technical marvel, having the body of a living god and movie star good looks doesn't mean shit.

3.) Matt Morgan

I'm a little torn on Matt Morgan. On one hand, he does have a good deal of personality, he has a great look & presence and he's pretty damn athletic for a guy his size. On the other, you have to wonder if Morgan has hurt his career in the long run by staying put in TNA for so long. I've read that WWE is interested in Morgan, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him there before the year is out. Morgan turns 37 late this year and has been in pro wrestling for over 10 years. The problem is that he hasn't done a damn thing of real note in his career. TNA had the chance to make Morgan a strong, top level guy back in 2009. They started pushing him slowly toward the main event and eventually put him in a best of 3 series against AJ Styles, which resulted in 3 very strong matches. Morgan won the series to earn a spot in a triple threat match with Kurt Angle & Sting for the TNA WHC at the Hard Justice ppv. He didn't win and went straight back down to the lower mid-card picture. TNA would do this same thing with Morgan a few more times over the years: they build him up slowly, give him a title match and then put him back at the bottom of the card before eventually starting over again. I'm leaning more towards no for signing Matt Morgan, especially if they'd do something idiotic like send him to NXT. As I said, he'll be 37 years old in late December so Morgan doesn't have the time or longevity to spin his wheels in NXT. Kane & Big Show are two upper mid-card to main event big men that are getting older and Morgan is significantly younger than both. However, Morgan doesn't remotely have their history or credibility.

4.) Zack Ryder

I'm starting to think that Ryder's time has passed, so I'd probably release him. Ryder is a young man at only 28 years of age but I get the sense that he's just spinning his wheels. With more & more strong talent being brought up from NXT and with some ready to be brought up at anytime, I just don't think the future is too bright for Ryder going forward. He's almost certainly not going to be either IC or US champ as Axel & Ambrose seem to have them in a solid lock right now. Ryder would also need a total character overhaul to be looked at as a reasonable opponent, whether it be for a mid-card or tag title run. He's certainly not going to be WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, or even a contender for that matter. I'd just cut my losses with Ryder and let him move on, unless he's ultimately quite happy with his job.

5.) Tara/Victoria

Tara still has a good deal of in-ring ability and she's definitely taken care of herself over the years. As the Divas have never really mattered as a whole in WWE, there are very few past stars who could return to WWE that fans would truly give a shit about from a wrestling standpoint and Tara isn't one of them. I think only the returns of Trish Stratus, Lita or Mickie James would be viewed as a big deal as they were the clear stars among the Divas. However, things do appear to have changed among the Divas over the past few months. AJ & Kaitlyn have actually been in a pretty decent feud that's told a pretty solid & coherent story. They've also had two good matches against each other and, generally speaking, WWE looks like they're starting to give the Divas as a whole more time in the ring and something of a storyline. For instance, The Bella Twins being in Total Divas with The Funkadactyls is being used to ferment and on-screen wrestling feud. It's not the stuff dreams are made of, but it's a start. Someone of Tara's ability could be of good use if WWE really is intent on establishing the Divas, as a whole, as genuine wrestlers. So yeah, I'd probably sign Tara because if WWE is serious about upping the quality of the Divas Division as a whole, then good quality workers like Tara can always be of good use.

6.) Madison Rayne

Madison Rayne is someone who has come a really long way since her time as the third wheel in the Beautiful People. Her mic work is pretty good and she's better than either Angelina Love or Velvet Sky in the ring. Again, if WWE is serious about jacking up the quality of the Divas as a whole, then Madison Rayne would be a welcome presence. She's 27 old, she has the smokin' hot sex pot look that a lot of promoters, not to mention fans, do like and she has 8 years of experience in the business. So yeah, I'd sign her as there's a lot of potential upside.

7.) John Morrison

I liked John Morrison inside the ring. He was athletic, had a good look and the Parkour stuff made him stand out. Morrison's problem was that he couldn't cut a promo to save his life. He delivered some downright shitty work on the mic at times and he never really seemed to really strike fire with the audience until he started feuding with Sheamus. His feud with Sheamus was great and really started to get JoMo over to a level he'd never been before. But, in my opinion, he's not a long term star and is best suited for the mid-card or tag team picture. That being said, I MIGHT want to sign Morrison in the hopes of reforming his team with The Miz as a couple of babyfaces.

8.) M.V.P

I'd have absolutely zero interest in MVP and I think he's someone that's pretty highly overrated. Most of the time, his matches were pretty lousy because he often worked at a snail's pace. He was so damn slow and just not all that athletic. He turns 40 years old in a couple of months, he bitched & moaned about how he wasn't "used right" by WWE after he was granted his release, a lot of fans probably don't remember him all that well and he just wasn't all that good. I'd release the guy if he was working for me.

9.) D Lo Brown

D-Lo Brown was a nobody during the late 90s and he's even more of a nobody now, literally. Now, he's a 42 year old 300+ pound nobody. I'd have less than ZERO interest in resigning D-Lo Brown. His most memorable contribution is the head shake he used to do prior to his matches and putting Darren Drozdov in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. No real charsisma, no promo abilities and entirely average in the ring. There's no money in D-Lo Brown

10.) Christian York

Christian York is even more of a nobody than D-Lo brown, and that's saying something. York has been wrestling since late 1996 and has little or nothing to show for it. Most indy guys seem to have a hardcore following of fans that hype the crap out of them, but not York. It seems that damn near everybody on the indy circuit is proclaimed to be the greatest of all time by their fans, so the fact that this guy doesn't seem to have that hardcore following and has never really generated any sort of significant buzz in nearly 17 years indicates mediocrity. He's lousy on the mic and fairly decent in the ring, but I don't see any money in this guy.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov - There's ZERO money to be made in this guy. He was given a heavy push in WWE but he flat out fizzled. WWE even gave him a clean win over The Undertaker but it couldn't get Koslov over.

12.) Chris Masters

Masters has far too checkered of a history when it comes to drugs. If I'm not mistaken, he failed the Wellness Policy twice. He failed a one drug test in mid 2007, was suspended for 30 days, then the second failure was announced in very early November. Prior to that, Masters had entered rehab for addition to painkillers. I'm pretty sure it came about as a result of Masters voluntarily going to rehab rather than having violated the Wellness Policy. Otherwise, he'd have failed 3 times and failing 3 times results in automatic termination. He had a good look and I thought was pretty solid in the ring. However, compared to a lot of guys on the roster now and down in NXT, Masters simply can't compete. The guy's not worth it in my opinion.

13.) The Great Khali

The only reason I can think of why Khali is still in WWE is because he helps WWE garner good numbers in India. He can't wrestle, he can barely speak English and he can barely move. There has to be some sort of business reason why WWE is keeping him, there's simply no other explanation. Me personally, I have to say that I'd probably release him. I just don't see any genuinely redeeming qualities. He might be the nicest guy in the world, that's all well and good, but being a nice person doesn't equate to making money.

14.) Big Daddy V.

With all the various policies under the Wellness Program, especially over the past few years, I don't even think Big Daddy V would be counted as healthy enough to compete. He's legitimately around 500 pounds and probably hasn't gotten anything in the way any sort of regular exercise in his life. He was only 21 when he debuted as part of Men On A Mission in 1993 and he was well over 500 pounds then. He's extremely, extremely slow, has the athleticism of a drunken snail and his tits are so big & floppy that he's in danger of putting someone's eye out at ringside if he spins around too quickly. There's just nothing here, nothing whatsoever.

15.) Crimson

Crimson is someone that I was surprised to see let go. He's 28 years old, has a great look and, in my opinion, is pretty good in the ring. He definitely needs work on his promos, but he's worlds better than John Morrison ever was. I do think that TNA pushed him much too hard back in 2011 because he simply didn't have nearly the ability at the time to warrant such attention or such a strong push. I do think there's a good deal of upside with him though and he could be of use in WWE.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

I'm still going with a no. I know some people are still dying to see the dream match between Sting and Undertaker at Wrestlemania, but considering his age, I don't see what you could possibly do with him after that. He's not going to work anything near a full-time schedule, and as far as potential Wrestlemania opponents for Taker goes, you still have John Cena and Brock Lesnar on the roster. For my money, both matches are FAR more interesting than Taker VS Sting. Besides, Sting is famous for being a legend, who never worked for the McMahons, so you're taking away his biggest claim to fame if he steps foot in WWE.

2.) John Cena

You're an idiot, if you don't want Cena. He's proven himself as the face of his generation, he can carry a wrestling company on his back, Cena's had countless great matches, and he's a cash cow. Plain and simple, not wanting Cena would be a stupid business move.

3.) Matt Morgan

Tricky, tricky pick. Morgan has a great look and size, and he has an aura as the athletic giant. But TNA gave him countless chances, and he was never able to capitalize on any of them. I know most people will point towards TNA screwing Morgan out of chances to break through the glass ceiling, but you have to accept the fact Matt Morgan isn't that good, and Morgan never gave TNA any reasons to continue his big pushes. I can't remember a truly great match from Morgan, or a Morgan promo that blew me away. Add in the fact he's creeping towards forty, and I would say no.

4.) Zack Ryder

As time passes, I think it's becoming more obvious Zack Ryder was just a fad. Some might point to the love/Rise Above Hate storyline between Kane, Cena, Eve, and Ryder as his downfall, because WWE seemingly went out of their way to make Ryder look like a bitch. But you can't cling to one failed storyline as an excuse. And he's only going to go so far with this look. Sure the smarky Jersey, New York, or Philly crowds will pop for him every now and then, but WWE has obviously given up on Ryder, because his role has been reduced to jobber bait. So yeah, I'd release him.

5.) Tara/Victoria

A definite yes. Tara's up there in age, but she's still in great shape, and more than capable of putting over the younger Divas on the roster. Investing time and energy into WWE's women division is a crapshoot, but Tara gives you the best chances for some success.

6.) Madison Rayne

Madison Rayne is still young and in her prime, so I'd sign her. She's got the looks, and although it's a tired and played out character, Madison is a convincing mean and narcissistic bitch.

7.) John Morrison

Sign, easily. Morrison is someone, who never got a fair deal in my eyes. Morrison and Sheamus had some great matches together, and Morrison did have a good amount of momentum, when he faced Miz for the WWE Championship on the New Year's night episode of Raw a few years back.

And I don't know how true the rumors are, but I remember these stories floating around about Vince refusing to put the WWE Championship on Morrison, because, well Vince thought he was a pussy for not standing up for himself. These criticisms came from the real life Morrison/Melina relationship, and Morrison letting Melina walk all over him, but from what I remember, Morrison and Melina had one of those "open relationships."

Still, I'd bring Morrison back for another run. But he would need a new character. The futuristic and flamboyant playboy act was beyond stale, and I think this character hurt Morrison towards the end.

8.) M.V.P

It's a no, and I don't have to think twice about it. MVP always bored the shit out of me. Sure, he was more entertaining as a heel, but MVP is another one of those guys, who received strong pushes, and wasn't able to do anything with them. He was put into feuds and storylines with Taker and Triple H, and he fizzled out each time. I know some people enjoyed his "I'm better than you!" feud with Matt Hardy from a few years back, but it's kind of sad, when your highlight for success in WWE is a barley above average feud with Matt Hardy of all people.

9.) D Lo Brown

Nope. As a kid I couldn't stand D-Lo Brown, and I still feel the same way today. I'm sorry, but I can't think of one single redeemable quality from D-Lo Brown. He's just another guy, who was fortunate enough to be on the roster during the Attitude Era, so putting D-Lo Brown on your roster would be a waste of space.

10.) Christian York

York probably had the brightest upside out of all the Gut Check competitors. But York "standing out" amongst the other Gut Check competitors is like an upgrade from McDonald's to Applebee's or Chili's. It's not a big difference, and in the grand scheme of things, York's presence didn't mean much, so I'd say no.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

Hell no. Kozlov was a boring and one-dimensional anti-American heel. WWE REALLY tried to play up his winning streak, but it never picked up any real momentum. Kozlov had a slight resurrection, when WWE paired him up with Santino as a comedy character, forming an odd couple that brought a few laughs out of me. But Kozlov isn't worth the time or money, and you knew his career in WWE was on life support, when WWE put him on the ECW brand with the draft one year.

12.) Chris Masters

Another no. I'll admit, I enjoyed Masters as this goofy meathead more often than not, but when you strip Masters down to the core, he was just a look, and that's it. Masters was okay during his feud and partnership with Carlito, but guys with Masters size and chiseled bodybuilder physique are a dime a dozen, so he wouldn't be worth the trouble.

13.) The Great Khali

Ryback Shell-Shocking The Great Khali is reason enough for me to keep him around. Khali has the jaw-dropping look as a giant, and you can always use him for the awe-inspiring sight for an incredible feat of strength. Plus, like him or not, Khali still gets some nice responses from live crowds. And if there's no one else, Khali could be interested into the WHC as a contender, or a chaser.

14.) Big Daddy V.

Big Daddy V is an unquestionable no in my eyes. I laughed my ass of during the Big Daddy V run, when WWE went out of their way to present him as a serious threat, as the monster heel. Sorry, but I had a hard time buying into Big Daddy V as a dangerous threat, because he was too fat. The last thing I remember from Big Daddy V was his atrocious feud with CM Punk for the WWEECW Championship, and the waste of time match (it lasted about two minutes, and ended in a DQ) at No Mercy 2007.

15.) Crimson

Crimson is a yes for me. TNA really didn't give him time to grow and come into his own. Right off the bat, they tried to make a big deal out of him with a winning streak nobody cared about. When that fizzled out, they turned him heel, and his heel run was a failure. But there's a lot of untapped potential in Crimson, and he's young, so I wouldn't hesitate to sign him.
1.) Would you sign Sting to Wwe?

He still has that "one more match" appeal to him and he has yet to compete on the "grandest stage of them all" plus, look at the merch they could shill. A couple of months of promos followed by an actual debut and feud with any top big 'E star. They could make millions off the masks alone.

2.) John Cena

Book him differently. Then we'll talk. He's got limited offense, so did Austin. Make that work for him in a match so people buy it as credible. Also stop using two tones of voice in a promo. Show some GENUINE emotion. Hired regardless.

3.) Matt Morgan

Second generation 'Taker as far as in ring ability is concerned. Hired.

4.) Zack Ryder

Bitches, moans and whinges that management don't use him enough. Release. Sure he got himself over, then he did nothing with it. And internet darling with nothing to offer but a shitty catchphrase.

5.) Tara/Victoria

Hire. Just hire. The divas division needs someone who stands as a legit threat. Plus she had cool entrance music.

6.) Madison Rayne

Again hire. Has a lot going for her and could genuinley help the womens decision.

7.) John Morrison

If they let him be himself, then hire. Otherwise it's a no-go, the dude is awkward on the mic.

8.) M.V.P

Never got his appeal, so to me personally it's a no-go.

9.) D Lo Brown

YOU LOOKIN AT THE REAL DEAL NOW. No D'Lo...No we aren't. Useful for Battle Royale gimmick matches and not much else.

10.) Christian York

Send to developmental. He's got a great look, but I've yet to see any actual personality.

11.) Vladimir Kozlov

Bombed. Release.

12.) Chris Masters

Huge push. Bombed. Release

13.) The Great Khali

Huge push. Bombed. Only good for making smalled faces look good. Release.

14.) Big Daddy V.

Same as above. Unless he brings back Big Vis and starts sexually harassing divas. I'll watch that.

15.) Crimson

They guy billed as the "next Goldberg." Bitch please. He had no mic skills, ok-ish in ring skills and a decent look. But overall not worth bothering with. Just another douch covered in tribal tattoos with all the personality of a Sega Dreamcast. Fuck him.released.
Sting - Hire. Many matches that I'd want to see him in, especially the Undertaker match.

John Cena - Keep. Ratings, money, views. There's absolutely no reason to not keep him.

Matt Morgan - Hire. He's not the youngest guy, but he doesn't really need to develop as he's developed already. There's a lot you can do with him, if he turns out to be a draw keep him, if he doesn't, don't.

Zack Ryder - Keep. But first I'd send him to NXT and let him develop his character or a different character. Right now he's not working. So when he comes back if he works, keep him, if he doesn't, get rid of him.

Tara/Victoria - Hire! A veteran for the divas, would be entertaining on screen and could help the other divas backstage. Definitely hire.

Madison Rayne - Hire! Entertaining and would really help the divas division.

John Morrison - Neither. Right now, there's no need for him as there's enough guys in his position. When a few of the mid card move up to the main event (Sandow, Rhodes etc) bring him back.

M.V.P - Same as Morrison really.

D Lo Brown - Leave him. No point really.

Christian York - Leave him. Don't see him helping the company.

Vladimir Kozlov - Leave him. He's doing better elsewhere isn't he?

Chris Masters - Same as Morrison and MVP.

The Great Khali - Keep. Big in India and for the younger audience.

Big Daddy V - Leave. Isn't needed.

Crimson - Hire. Give him a push, he'll do good for you. Main event, mid card or tag team, he'll work.

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