Spike TV Bumps This Week's Impact Wrestling To Bad Time Slot

That N Word

Actively evolving
According to the latest Comcast schedule, TNA Impact Wrestling is being moved to 11pm to 1am for this coming Wednesday's show, with no notice at all.

The December 24th edition of the show, which is the final TNA show on Spike TV, Impact Wrestling will air from midnight to 2am.
It's no big deal really. Destination America is going to run a TNA marathon before they air the new episodes. This should get non TNA people caught up if they choose to watch the show. Spike is being generously nice to even keep TNA on their channel regardless of the time frame. It is nothing serious, I would not even sweat it as it not even a new episode it is more than likely a best of show or whatever to finalize the contractual commitment between TNA & Spike.
Not a big deal at all is right. These are all year-end highlights shows. The last two episodes have been, and this one will be as well, so it really just doesn't matter. They're gearing up for the new year.
No big deal. A year end show gets a bad time slot. whoopity do. Destination America will or should show highlight shows of TNA before the relaunch, so a 1 am time slot on the old channel means nothing
I don't blame spike. Old episodes of COPS costs them pennies to air and for some reason, americans still watch that show which gives them huge profit margins.
I mean I guess it's not a big deal for people who keep up with wrestling news, but for casual fans or little kids who aren't really on wrestling sites like that, this could definitely confuse them.

But then again, I guess those fans are already lost if they aren't on the internet to even know that TNA is changing channels in the first place, and I wouldn't rely on TNA's excellent marketing team to let them know that they are moving.
It is what it is. The last two weeks or the year are Christmas and New Year's so the ratings would be great. Plus being that these are nothing but highlight shows Spike is just doing some year-end cleaning, such as it is. No big deal at all. Seems like transitions in all sides.

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