Sony At E3 2011 - We're sorry.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I'd like to point out that there will be three threads on E3 done by selected posters.

Jay Sherman will be doing the Sony one.
Dave the Microsoft one.
I, of course, will be doing the Nintendo one.

Mine and Daves will be up in the next couple of days.

Please keep E3 Sony discussion to this thread, please don't make a thread if you want Microsoft/Nintendo discussion. Feel free to make a thread on other aspects.

Are you ready?
E3 is almost here. The premier show for the gaming industry is rapidly approaching, and I feel comfortable with Sony making a strong showing. In this little look at this years E3 I, the cute Jay Sherman will be highlighting what we expect to see out of the Sony camp. Feel free to leave all comments and questions here. Also any praises on my appearances are welcome to

Many people may push there idea to you that Sony’s press conference last year was...well underwhelming. Accroding to live reviews however it was said to really enjoy it you had to be there. I would imagine like last years E3, 3D is going to be a point of interest this year again, especially considering how much the crowd enjoyed it last year. There are a few major games coming out but the main showcase is, in my opinion at least going to be Uncharted 3. Seeing as Sony loves the flash of there presentations I am going on a limb and I would say that the live audience are in store for some sort of sequence involving a chase or we will see the main protagionast Drake leaping out of a plane. What other type of presentations are we likely to see? I am guessing a big presentation of the returning faviorte car combat game, Twisted Metal to shpw the progress the team has made. Resistance 3 is likely to get some time on the big-screen; showcasing one of the bigger action sequences the game has to offer.

The last presentation will showcase Sonys 3rd party developers. Given EA’s track record to commiting to the PS3 it’s very likely we could see a live presentation of the 3's (Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3). I was originally going to guess Bethesda to showcase Syrim, but given their track record it seems theres a much better chance of it being shown at the Microsoft conference. I am predicting we will see a showcasing of first-party and third-party titles. I am also expecting some obvious announcements regarding new HD collections of the confirmed Resident Evil 4, the rumoured Jak and Daxte, and Metal Gear Solid.

As per usual sales figures will no doubt be shown and hopefully in limited fashion and after that attendees will most likely be treated to either some new developments within PSN. Especially after the disasters couple of weeks the PSN just suffered. Saving the more obvious for later a more detailed look at NGP will given. I am guessing both will be covered it more a matter of which one will be covered where. PlayStation Plus has been a decent success for Sony so I imagine they will unveil a few new services, one of which I hope is cross-game chat or a party system. Anything to compete with the far superior Xbox live. If these feautres are not announced sometime this year, I doubt it will ever make its debut on the PS3.

The NGP will be the big focal point of the Sony press conference. And Why not? The NGP has already created a lot of buzz evern outside of the gamers community. If Sony is smart the would want to showcase the graphical power of the device and show more regarding the NGP versions of its big titles in Resistance, Uncharted, and its bread and butter, Call of Duty. Whether you fan of the series or not, there should be no questions as Call of Duty is a huge opportunity for the NGP. If it shows and plays well, it could become that essential killer-app for the device. I would deffinatley want to see more on the functionality of the device. Will it use Android, will Google be involved with some aspects of the software? What other publishers will be involved? I suspect Sony will push those answers to the attendees during the conference. The biggest question in regards to the NGP is pricing. I believe that Sony has learned from the pricing woes it has created. I am calling it rite now The NGP will be priced at around $250 -300$.

I am attending this years E3 so I can have more info then. I made my best attempt for a person typing this on a phone at 4 am.
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I am definitely looking forward to Sony's E3 presentation this year. Despite the recent PSN problems, Sony has a strong line-up to show for this year's E3 show. I'm sure the NGP and PS Move/3D gaming will get a huge chunk of Sony's E3 presentation, but the PlayStation 3 still has many big games coming up this year, such as Uncharted 3 and Twisted Metal, for them to show. I want to see more of ID Software's Rage and Hitman: Absolution on E3. I'm looking forward to it :)..

BTW Jay Sherman, how much did it cost you to be able to attend this year's E3? I heard it's very expensive..
I got the tickets for free from a buddy that used to work at my station. I heard there running at 600 for non press individuals.
Out of all of the E3 press conferences, I always look forward to Sony's the most, and this year isn't any different.

Obviously Sony needs to be smart when it comes to discussing the PSN; they need to be sincere with their apology, and they should release some more information regarding what in fact happened and how it has been addressed so it doesn’t happen again. However, not too much time should be spent discussing the PSN attack. Sony should put the focus on a (hopefully) positive year ahead by showing games that will be released in 2011 and 2012.

As I recently discussed in my “Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011” thread (cheap plug), the majority of the games that I am most excited to see are Sony exclusive. I want to see more footage of Uncharted 3 and Resistance 3. I’m hoping for Sony to announce more exclusive games at this year’s event.

I want to hear announcements of a Metal Gear Solid collection. Sony just recently announced that the big selling PSP games are going to be released in Japan as PS3 games. I’d love to hear that the same thing is going to be implemented in North America as well, as well as some games that are making the cross over.

I hope Sony will announce additions to their PSN such as cross-game chat, the ability to change your ID name (for a small charge) etc. Sony’s online service might be free, but it is also greatly behind the more advanced Xbox Live. It would be nice if Sony continued to try and match Xbox Live’s services, even if only for PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Along with video game updates & announcements of new games/collections, Sony will spend a large amount of time discussing the NGP, hopefully revealing a name in the process. I expect a name, release date, a rough price, as well as game developers already working on creating games for the NGP will be released.

With E3 being only two weeks away, my excitement for this year’s event continues to grow.

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