So I am headed to the Strip Club tomorrow...

When giving the strippers money on stage, it's always polite to fold the bills in half so that they're easier for the strippers to pickup off the stage. Other than that, don't touch what you haven't paid for and have a good time. Also bring friends. :)
Don't talk to them if you think they are ugly, period. If an ugly one comes up to talk just ignore that bitch because if you humor her she will be around all fucking night.
Take advantage of any promotion they may have (i.e. two dances for the price of one, along with a free shirt, dvd, etc.). There is no sex in the private room, unless you're going to a dirt club.

Take friends, sweats/jogging pants are your friend, and most importantly, be polite to the dancers, because they have daddy issues...
I am cheap so I will take advantage of any promotion they are running. Iam always polite and my friend is buying mme a 5 minute fully nude private dance. I may have to sit on my hands.
most promotions are on slower days so most likely they wonthave any on a weekend/

and flash your cash alot by the stage but dont throw it consantly, then they will come towards you and you dont lose your money as quick.
I am cheap so I will take advantage of any promotion they are running. Iam always polite and my friend is buying mme a 5 minute fully nude private dance. I may have to sit on my hands.

You won't have to do that. Most of them encourage you to feel of them.
I been to a strip club about 3 or 4 times, i had one stripper chat me up cause she notices i was wearing a John Cena t-shirt. BUT im over strip clubs, find a nice girlfriend and if she strips in front of you you don't have to pay.
This marks my first trip to one. Anything I should remember?

If you get a private dance, which is usually over two songs (one to tease strip, one to finish off her stripping), if they ask you for another dance say "No!", that's how they catch you out.

I remember the time I went there was "Buy one get one free offer" which was bullshit, so keep careful eye on the promotions because some places may not live up to it.
Things I have learned from Strippers and the Clubs they inhabit.

1.) No matter how inviting they may seem, the big bouncer usually standing off to the side never agrees.

2.) I don't care how tight her ass looks, you aren't going to swipe a credit card through it and get a positive reaction.

3.) When you pull out a check book, regardless the number you write, its usually frowned upon.

4.) Don't bring beads. Its not like Mardi Gras, you're going to see titties regardless of anything you do.

5.) Act like you've been there before. Find a seat, sit down, don't yell or cause a scene, and casually ask the cutest one if you can pee in her butt later.

6.) Pulling the fire alarm does not warrant you going backstage to the dressing rooms in an attempt to find "the exit".

7.) Complaining to Management that "the one on stage has no tits", won't get you a V.I.P. pass any faster than paying like everyone else.

8.) Do not act surprised when you realize your Mom has a part-time job. Just go with it.

9.) Even though you want to believe they're stupid. Typically their real names are not actually; Candy, Cinnamon, Angel, Cherry or Bambi. (they're the names of their kids.)

10.) Pole Dancing does not mean what it sounds like to first-timers. Pull your fucking pants up, you look like a ******.
Never tip them in nickels, quarters, cheques or coupons.

Also, don't ask for change. :lmao:

Seriously. When you pull out a $20.00 it attracts almost every chic in the Club. Some aren't even strippers. But when you tighten your grip of it, and proceed to say "Do you have change for this, so I can tip you properly?"

Its just a one-way ticket to Slapsville.

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