SJW crybaby compilation video


Pre-Show Stalwart
click on the url video link above if you want to watch it.

Enjoy this video for your own amusement as well as mine, for this has been a video that's been put together last month since Donald Trump won the U.S. Election over Hillary Clinton. And while we're waiting for Trump to be inducted officially into the White House to take office in January 2017, I am getting worried that Barack Obama might have possibly done something to screw Trump's promises up. I still hold out hope that Hillary Clinton will go to prison because of her getting away with her various many crimes for over 30+ years, and that's FAR too long for her to come away without any arrests.

And here, the people in this video actually don't get or care about the potential possible dangers that could've happened to our proud and beloved country of the United States of America. This is a country that was originally designed to be for the free. As it stands, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Podesta plus Bill Clinton have already taken Bernie Sanders out of the running with the help of mainstream media, and now the mainstream media are hiding PizzaGate to further the Social Justice Warriors crybaby routine, even though we are no longer accomodating their temper tantrums, and especially the magnum opus of their temper tantrums via rioting, shouting "Not My President!" and vandalizing Trump Towers.

The following people who are listed in this video are:
-1) a dude with gold teeth.
-2) a man with a pompadour haircut.
-3) a blonde woman crying out her tears and say "LEAVE HILLARY CLINTON ALONE RIGHT NOW, I MEAN IT!" before sobbing, and that quote was a parody of the Leave Britney Spears Alone phrase.
-4) a male kid with a bunch of tattoos calling Trump a failed millionaire from New York.
-5) a male boy standing on a bench outside some mall reading his apology speech which turns into anti-Trump bias.
-6) a dude who acts frantic enough to pack his suitcase and bags screaming to get out of the country because Trump.
-7) a woman with a bunch of tattoos.
-8) Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks going on a diatribe, first for describing allegations about Trump supporters and then exactly screaming and becoming everything that Hillary supporters claim to be against, all while Cenk Uygur (ironic enough) can't even show any decent common sense to stop her.
-9) Laci Green sighing and doing her endless war cry over preaching about defending everyone's rights, which is actually counter-productive already.
-10) Anita Sarkeesian having a passive tantrum and claiming that with Trump's victory, everyone's stuck in a White Supremacist patriachal nation, when in reality, she and the rest of the prominent SJWs have taken over our nation two years ago with their phony facade professional victim narrative. And then a few years back, her Kickstarter campaign was super fradulent and she changed the way female characters are portrayed to be PC and conservative wearing. There's a reason why Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini have made a documentary film The Sarkeesian Effect in the first place.
-11) And now we have Cenk Uygur finally speaking his own input about the aftermath results of the U.S. Election, a few clips after he was interrupted by Ana Kasparian.

Bring on the popcorn for this epic show, and may the good times kick in again for our beloved home country of the U S of A, aka the United States of America.

Kind regards
The Eternal Champion
I'm confused. I keep hearing about the "mainstream media" and their control but I don't understand who they are talking about or what the "mainstream media" is actually doing. Please elaborate. What is the "mainstream media" and how are they controlling things?
I'm confused. I keep hearing about the "mainstream media" and their control but I don't understand who they are talking about or what the "mainstream media" is actually doing. Please elaborate. What is the "mainstream media" and how are they controlling things?

@George Steele's Barber What I mean by mainstream media is that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Adam Podesta, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the liberal conservative leftists have the mainstream media by their side since they are 100% willing to hide the negatives of Hillary Clinton while magnifying Donald Trump and the Republicans' negatives, even though some of it is false and hearsay gossip initiated by the leftists and the MSM on their side. The Republicans don't have MSM on their side, and it can be very fatal for the world.

Go watch the video by clicking the url link and let me know what you like about the SJW compilation video of crybabies. Bernie Sanders was doing very well in the polls for Democracy until Hillary Clinton ordered MSM to keep Bernie from advancing and make him drop out of the race. Although I am NOT a Bernie Sanders supporter because he was and is too much of a pushover to begin with, Hillary ordering MSM to write off Bernie Sanders from the election still counts as a dirty tactic move. Social Justice Warriors have become the real cause of our problems in recent years, and because of them, it's their fault that their yelling, whining, moaning and crying routine got their's handed back to them by the Real Americans such as you and me. Another thing, MTV used to be a music show and an anti-establishment theme back in the day of the 1980s and 1990s and maybe the 2000s,...until they turned into the very thing they used to despise: moral authoritarians who tell people to check their privelege at the door. I'm talkin' White Privilege because that's exactly what they are actually doing. They've become such shells of their former anti-establishment selves to be honest, and I know I can be very very blunt at times, but at least I'm always one way and never a two-faced person like Hillary. I honestly admit to my wrongdoings without turning the other cheek.

Don't you know what's at stake here? Free Speech is about to bite the dust if more and more Social Justice Warriors keep popping up, emerge and grow in large numbers, plus the fact that I have a straight feeling that Obama is trying to interfere in Trump's law proposals. I watched valid YouTube alternate news (nowadays I consider the only real news sources are Breitbart, WikiLeaks and Lisa Haven plus David Seamen and FOX News) because I don't really trust real news networks like CNN and NBC. I used to have a lot of respect for NBC because they used to do NBA games back in the 1990s, but long since then, they've fired Trump as their way to make an example out of him and send a message that if he, myself or any other right wing Republicans go against the liberal code which is actually encouraging corruption and moral authoritarian attitudes, we're done for. Thankfully, Trump will get to put Hillary in prison for her long history of crimes. Mainstream media, like I said, have been doubling down when the narrative storylines don't go the way they want to.

Thank goodness I don't have to suffer from another eight more years of Obama running the show, which would've taken us to 16 long and hard years.
@George Steele's Barber What I mean by mainstream media is that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Adam Podesta, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the liberal conservative leftists have the mainstream media by their side since they are 100% willing to hide the negatives of Hillary Clinton while magnifying Donald Trump and the Republicans' negatives, even though some of it is false and hearsay gossip initiated by the leftists and the MSM on their side. The Republicans don't have MSM on their side, and it can be very fatal for the world.

Go watch the video by clicking the url link and let me know what you like about the SJW compilation video of crybabies.

No, I mean who are the mainstream media? I'm asking you who is hiding all this information that you apparently know? I'm asking you to name names.
No, I mean who are the mainstream media? I'm asking you who is hiding all this information that you apparently know? I'm asking you to name names.

@George Steele's Barner I already told you who the mainstream media is. But I also told you the exact intended purposes that they now serve the left wing leftist liberal democrats. You didn't watch the compilation video courtesy of YouTube, didn't you?

What's worse. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been shadowbanning the right wing and Conservative Republicans for no absolute reason, and don't forget Google+ because all these social media sites are corporate, plus there's a bunch of upcoming alternative social media sites who will be committed to free speech:
-1) Minds (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to Facebook)
-2) Vimeo (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to YouTube)
-3) Gab (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to Twitter)

You may very well like what you'll be seeing from these future alternative sites, because Minds, Vimeo and Gab to me are all the ways to go once I get off the sinking Titanic ships that are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. @ShinChan, come watch this video by clicking on the YouTube URL and it'll take you to a compilation clips of Social Justice Warrior crybabies throwing the magnum opus of their temper tantrums right after Donald Trump won the election. It's the Electoral College that decides everything, not the popular vote. Although Hillary won the popular vote, the popular vote format is actually meaningless regardless of whether anyone wins or loses the popular vote.
@George Steele's Barner I already told you who the mainstream media is. But I also told you the exact intended purposes that they now serve the left wing leftist liberal democrats. You didn't watch the compilation video courtesy of YouTube, didn't you?

You edited in that paragraph where you named names after I quoted you.

I guess I struggle with the idea that CNN and NBC are mainstream when Fox kicks their butts in views and Briebart is getting a massive number of hits on their site.

I also struggle with the idea that they are hiding things when I learned about the released emails from Wikileaks from places like CNN.

Plus, if Fox is number one in viewership, are they the mainstream?

What's worse. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been shadowbanning the right wing and Conservative Republicans for no absolute reason,

But my Facebook feed is full of conservative articles.

and don't forget Google+ because all these social media sites are corporate,

Fox is corporate too. Should I stop watching?

plus there's a bunch of upcoming alternative social media sites who will be committed to free speech:
-1) Minds (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to Facebook)
-2) Vimeo (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to YouTube)
-3) Gab (alternative counterpart and chief nemesis to Twitter)

You may very well like what you'll be seeing from these future alternative sites, because Minds, Vimeo and Gab to me are all the ways to go once I get off the sinking Titanic ships that are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. @ShinChan, come watch this video by clicking on the YouTube URL and it'll take you to a compilation clips of Social Justice Warrior crybabies throwing the magnum opus of their temper tantrums right after Donald Trump won the election. It's the Electoral College that decides everything, not the popular vote. Although Hillary won the popular vote, the popular vote format is actually meaningless regardless of whether anyone wins or loses the popular vote.

I'm pretty sure people understand how the electoral college works. They just don't think it is the best system for electing a president.

Look dude, you can complain about media and SJW all you want but ultimately your rant here is akin to what "SJW" are trying to accomplish and the media you purvey is in some cases run by corporations, more popular the other media you label mainstream, clearly biased, and willing to ignore factual news that hurts their narrative.

And without watching the videos, I will agree with you thay the people on the videos do sound stupid but there are lots of stupid people on the internet and you have made this whole thing very ironic, so thank you. I look forward to your response.
You edited in that paragraph where you named names after I quoted you.

I guess I struggle with the idea that CNN and NBC are mainstream when Fox kicks their butts in views and Briebart is getting a massive number of hits on their site.

I also struggle with the idea that they are hiding things when I learned about the released emails from Wikileaks from places like CNN.

Plus, if Fox is number one in viewership, are they the mainstream?

But my Facebook feed is full of conservative articles.

Fox is corporate too. Should I stop watching?

I'm pretty sure people understand how the electoral college works. They just don't think it is the best system for electing a president.

Look dude, you can complain about media and SJW all you want but ultimately your rant here is akin to what "SJW" are trying to accomplish and the media you purvey is in some cases run by corporations, more popular the other media you label mainstream, clearly biased, and willing to ignore factual news that hurts their narrative.

And without watching the videos, I will agree with you that the people on the videos do sound stupid but there are lots of stupid people on the internet and you have made this whole thing very ironic, so thank you. I look forward to your response.

@George Steele's Barber Well, the difference between me and the SJWs is that I don't sugarcoat stuff whereas the SJWs double down on their stuff. They say the cliche right things and then, next minute, snap at people who disagree with them and act as if they're better than everyone. See Ana Kasparian for instance, and she has been shouting down Donald Trump supporters and ranting against them without using facts, reason and logic. It just goes to show you that The Young Turks have officially been surpassed by Alex Jones. AJ is the best.
@George Steele's Barber Well, the difference between me and the SJWs is that I don't sugarcoat stuff whereas the SJWs double down on their stuff. They say the cliche right things and then, next minute, snap at people who disagree with them and act as if they're better than everyone. See Ana Kasparian for instance, and she has been shouting down Donald Trump supporters and ranting against them without using facts, reason and logic. It just goes to show you that The Young Turks have officially been surpassed by Alex Jones. AJ is the best.

Calm down, you're getting carried away here. If you think Alex Jones is the best then good for you but you don't have to rub it in my face. I can see why you find him entertaining and want him to get rich off your appreciation for him but I'm not sure what any of this has to do with my arguments that there really is no longer a mainstream media, both sides have stupid individuals, and even "non mainstream media" needs and wants your attention and money and are willing to say things you want to hear in the guise of news to get it (that includes Fox and Briebart).

Am I wrong? Please tell me how.
If Youtube is banning content that you agree with why's the first post of this with a link to a YT video?
@Lee This YT video is for everyone to listen to, and you will find it more entertaining than anything i've ever seen coming from YouTube lately. This is one content I agree with more so.
@Lee This YT video is for everyone to listen to, and you will find it more entertaining than anything i've ever seen coming from YouTube lately. This is one content I agree with more so.

You've obviously never stumbled across the delightful prankster Buk Lau. Or maybe Tyrone? Rajesh?Rakesh?
When I hear someone complain about the "mainstream media", it's usually because they're complaining about coverage or stories that they themselves don't agree with or like. Most of the time, these days in particular, it's a common complaint among those who're more conservative in their political and/or philosophical views.

If you mean "mainstream media" in the sense that there are some networks that are more politically liberal, that's true. It's also true that "mainstream media" applies towards networks that are politically conservative, like Fox. As of right now, Fox News generally garners more viewership than CNN, MSNBC or any other news organization out there so, if anything, that makes Fox every bit as "mainstream" as any of these others. I've watched all of these news organizations and the only one that even comes close to being unbiased is CNN as MSNBC and Fox are opposite sides of the exact same coin.

Here's the thing: just because someone isn't a supporter of Donald Trump or the conservative moment as a whole doesn't mean they're puppets of the so called "mainstream media" any more or less than those who do support Trump or the conservative movement. There's virtually no such thing as any form of media outlet or news network that's fully, 100% straight down the line unbiased because it's impossible to achieve. I consider someone a puppet or a drone if they allow political ideology ultimately define who they are and where they stand on all aspects of life because the world's simply not black and white no matter how much some might wish it was. For instance, it's entirely possible to be a liberal, patriotic, pro gun, pro stricter gun law, Christian, anti-abortion, marijuana smoking supporter of minority rights. When you look at that combination, what you see is a lot of things that you normally wouldn't think fit together and few things could be further from the truth. On the liberal left and conservative right, you have too many people with influence trying to box everyone into specific little categories; they hammer that notion in with such fervor that they essentially brainwash a lot of people into thinking that you truly have to be all one way or the other.
You edited in that paragraph where you named names after I quoted you.

I guess I struggle with the idea that CNN and NBC are mainstream when Fox kicks their butts in views and Briebart is getting a massive number of hits on their site.

I also struggle with the idea that they are hiding things when I learned about the released emails from Wikileaks from places like CNN.

Plus, if Fox is number one in viewership, are they the mainstream?

But my Facebook feed is full of conservative articles.

Fox is corporate too. Should I stop watching?

I'm pretty sure people understand how the electoral college works. They just don't think it is the best system for electing a president.

Look dude, you can complain about media and SJW all you want but ultimately your rant here is akin to what "SJW" are trying to accomplish and the media you purvey is in some cases run by corporations, more popular the other media you label mainstream, clearly biased, and willing to ignore factual news that hurts their narrative.

And without watching the videos, I will agree with you thay the people on the videos do sound stupid but there are lots of stupid people on the internet and you have made this whole thing very ironic, so thank you. I look forward to your response.

When I hear someone complain about the "mainstream media", it's usually because they're complaining about coverage or stories that they themselves don't agree with or like. Most of the time, these days in particular, it's a common complaint among those who're more conservative in their political and/or philosophical views.

If you mean "mainstream media" in the sense that there are some networks that are more politically liberal, that's true. It's also true that "mainstream media" applies towards networks that are politically conservative, like Fox. As of right now, Fox News generally garners more viewership than CNN, MSNBC or any other news organization out there so, if anything, that makes Fox every bit as "mainstream" as any of these others. I've watched all of these news organizations and the only one that even comes close to being unbiased is CNN as MSNBC and Fox are opposite sides of the exact same coin.

Here's the thing: just because someone isn't a supporter of Donald Trump or the conservative moment as a whole doesn't mean they're puppets of the so called "mainstream media" any more or less than those who do support Trump or the conservative movement. There's virtually no such thing as any form of media outlet or news network that's fully, 100% straight down the line unbiased because it's impossible to achieve. I consider someone a puppet or a drone if they allow political ideology ultimately define who they are and where they stand on all aspects of life because the world's simply not black and white no matter how much some might wish it was. For instance, it's entirely possible to be a liberal, patriotic, pro gun, pro stricter gun law, Christian, anti-abortion, marijuana smoking supporter of minority rights. When you look at that combination, what you see is a lot of things that you normally wouldn't think fit together and few things could be further from the truth. On the liberal left and conservative right, you have too many people with influence trying to box everyone into specific little categories; they hammer that notion in with such fervor that they essentially brainwash a lot of people into thinking that you truly have to be all one way or the other.

Difference is: FOX isn't supported by the mainstream media, nor are the likes of Breitbart, Alex Jones and Lisa Haven. They support CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and MSNBC.

I'm sorry if I have to kind of disagree with you right here and there, but again, mainstream media aren't aligned with FOX, they're aligned with CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Podesta plus they are deliberately hiding PizzaGate, a sex scandal in which young women and children are being shackled in a seedy pizza store in D.C. for opposing them. That's the biggest reason why I can't and wouldn't vote for Hillary because seriously, who wants a robotic monotoned POTUS instead of the exciting and flashy Donald J. Trump? Not me, hence Obama better not screw up our goals to Make America Great Again by being an agitator shadowing on Trump to make it look like he's not fit to run for President of the United States. Trump is far more fit enough to run for POTUS to undo the damages caused by Obama, Hillary and SJWs plus feminists.
Difference is: FOX isn't supported by the mainstream media, nor are the likes of Breitbart, Alex Jones and Lisa Haven. They support CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and MSNBC.

I'm sorry if I have to kind of disagree with you right here and there, but again, mainstream media aren't aligned with FOX, they're aligned with CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Podesta plus they are deliberately hiding PizzaGate, a sex scandal in which young women and children are being shackled in a seedy pizza store in D.C. for opposing them. That's the biggest reason why I can't and wouldn't vote for Hillary because seriously, who wants a robotic monotoned POTUS instead of the exciting and flashy Donald J. Trump? Not me, hence Obama better not screw up our goals to Make America Great Again by being an agitator shadowing on Trump to make it look like he's not fit to run for President of the United States. Trump is far more fit enough to run for POTUS to undo the damages caused by Obama, Hillary and SJWs plus feminists.

What is your definition of mainstream media? Fox is part of it. Who is this "they" that are supporting CNN and whatever but not Fox? It seems like a vague term that even you have no idea what it means.

What exactly does Trump mean by Make America Great Again? He has never actually explained that.

I have no idea what damage feminists have done to America. I don't understand what your angle with that is. Trolling?

Hillary's emails are literally just emails. She used a different server. That is it. It is not like she was emailing ISIS asking how their day has been. The mainstream media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) covered this non-story to death.

You think Donald Trump hasn't done some shady shit? Well here is a fun thing he and Pence did. The Carrier deal. Where is Carrier located? Indiana. Where does Mike Pence happen to be the governor of? Indiana. What a coincidence that they happened to save all the jobs from moving to Mexico in a place where Pence is governor. Oh wait, have to correct something from that last sentence. They did not save every single one but did save over 1000 jobs. Oh wait, that is also wrong. They saved 800 out of 1400 jobs. They also included hundreds of jobs that weren't in danger to get the over 1000 number. But hey that is still good right? Nope. Carrier gets a $7 million deal from the taxpayers. Now that $7 million is not mandated on actually being spent saving jobs. Nope, they can do whatever they want with it. Maybe even automating some of their production so they can fire more people. Wow what a great deal! I'm sure the people who have to pay for it with no say LOVE it. This deal wasn't shady or stupid at all. Nothing like that Pizzagate scandal that no has mentioned in awhile because it was caused by a fake news story. Nope. Some nut job believing a news story and wanting to shoot up a pizza place is totally all part of some master plan.

Also 800 jobs. Wow. Obama has created a huge number. Like way way way bigger than 800. But those 800 jobs for a taxpayer cost of $7 million is such a good thing. No way that could become a dangerous precedent.

Trump has a few problems in preventing jobs from relocating out of the country. First, automation of production is becoming a problem. Meaning those factory jobs that do not relocate will not mean jobs are actually saved. Price and working conditions are a problem as well. If we actually want to save jobs from going oversees, we have to lower pay and conditions. Something that people do not want. The people who lose these type of jobs will be stuck because they cannot afford an education or acquire the necessary tools to attain better jobs. That is a problem that needs to be fixed. Trump hasn't said anything about addressing that.

Everything should be produced in the US right? Like iPhones. They would cost a shit ton more. They also literally cannot be produced solely in the US due to the US not having/not being capable of producing some elements (as in periodic table elements) that make the iPhone. The iPhone cannot be built without outsourcing. Yet one of Trump's under-explained plans is a freaking tariff. If he actually does the tariff, he is a freaking moron (the list of things that would go wrong due to a tariff is very, very long).

Oh and global warming. Global warming is real. Trump does not believe it. That is not a good thing.

Before you accuse me of choosing sides. I'm an independent. I form my own decisions.
Difference is: FOX isn't supported by the mainstream media, nor are the likes of Breitbart, Alex Jones and Lisa Haven. They support CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and MSNBC.

I'm sorry if I have to kind of disagree with you right here and there, but again, mainstream media aren't aligned with FOX, they're aligned with CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Podesta plus they are deliberately hiding PizzaGate, a sex scandal in which young women and children are being shackled in a seedy pizza store in D.C. for opposing them. That's the biggest reason why I can't and wouldn't vote for Hillary because seriously, who wants a robotic monotoned POTUS instead of the exciting and flashy Donald J. Trump? Not me, hence Obama better not screw up our goals to Make America Great Again by being an agitator shadowing on Trump to make it look like he's not fit to run for President of the United States. Trump is far more fit enough to run for POTUS to undo the damages caused by Obama, Hillary and SJWs plus feminists.

OK. Tell me more about Pizzagate. What are the names of these women and children? Why aren't their family and friends speaking out about this incredibly detestable crime? What would you do if your mother, sister, or child were being held captive in a pizza place? Do the actions of these friends and family of the victims seem consistent with what you or anyone else would do? What did the gunman that recently entered the pizza place find when he entered?
Difference is: FOX isn't supported by the mainstream media, nor are the likes of Breitbart, Alex Jones and Lisa Haven. They support CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and MSNBC.

I'm sorry if I have to kind of disagree with you right here and there, but again, mainstream media aren't aligned with FOX, they're aligned with CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Podesta plus they are deliberately hiding PizzaGate, a sex scandal in which young women and children are being shackled in a seedy pizza store in D.C. for opposing them. That's the biggest reason why I can't and wouldn't vote for Hillary because seriously, who wants a robotic monotoned POTUS instead of the exciting and flashy Donald J. Trump? Not me, hence Obama better not screw up our goals to Make America Great Again by being an agitator shadowing on Trump to make it look like he's not fit to run for President of the United States. Trump is far more fit enough to run for POTUS to undo the damages caused by Obama, Hillary and SJWs plus feminists.

The so called Pizzagate conspiracy is a theory that's been debunked by everyone from the Post, Times, MSNBC, CNN and...brace yourself...Fox News. Polls have shown that even a majority of Donald Trump supporters don't buy into the theory.

As for me in regards to whether or not I care about a president who's flashy, I couldn't a crap to be perfectly honest. I wasn't at all thrilled with the choices we has for president and South Park, surprisingly enough, got it right when it characterized our choices as either a giant douche or a turd sandwich. Actions speak louder than words and, from what I understand, Trump is already backing off or trying to back off of some promises he made on the campaign. He now says he's not going to try to prosecute Clinton, the "wall" he's going to build along the border is now going to be a "fence", etc.

As far as Fox not being "mainstream" or whatever, I think you're just playing word games quite honestly. Fox is regularly the most watched of the major news organizations which in and of itself makes it part of mainstream media. As far as the likes of Alex Jones, why would the mainstream media want anything to do with him? The guy's a clown who's been ridiculed by both the left and right as half crazy conspiracy theorist; conspiracy theorists usually don't need or don't have evidence to back up their claims. This guy goes on about the New World Order, the Illuminati, saying that the American government was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing back in the 90s, the faked moon landing, etc.. Even right wing superstars like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have ridiculed him and his website,, has been labeled a fake news site.

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