President Trump is increasingly looking screwed

And as Trump tries to figure out a way to escape from this whole being President mess, the lives he harms and destroys keep piling up.

But it might improve his Q Rating!
I agree with all of that minus the call for violence. Replace that with him asking them to go to one of those new things called a bank, get one of those devilish debit cards they are terrified of, and pay $9.99/month for his truth-telling endeavor.
So the big news right now is that Trump is threatening to cut the healthcare plans of the Congress.
Tell me if you've heard this story before...spoiled kid doesn't get his way and pouts by threatening to change the rules of the game so he can win and, if that doesn't work, he'll take his ball and go home.
I've disliked plenty of Presidents for lots of different reasons, but I've never felt such personal disdain for one. Just a piss poor human being.
So the big news right now is that Trump is threatening to cut the healthcare plans of the Congress.

I honestly think he's trying to get impeached at this point, preferably (for him) for something unrelated to Russia so he can avoid having his name tarnished permanently. I think he's trying to burn any good will he has with Congress so the few allies he does have there will be unwilling or unable to resist the pressure from the public and their colleagues to impeach Trump. Then again, most Trump allies seem to be in so deep already that if Trump goes down, they'll likely be going down with him.

Shit is crazy, man.

Nah, he's just using empty rhetoric to push the blame on Congress to attempt to save face with his base. Members of Congress know this and won't be affected by it.
Not sure why but for some reason this Trump connection to the Seth Rich story feels like something big and tangible that even his staunchest supporters can't justify or ignore.

But they will.
Trump understands the mentality of our dumbest citizens better than any major political figure. He said all the things they think and that made them love him. Now he could literally say, in defense of our great nation, they have captured and killed Godzilla and they would buy it.
Trump understands the mentality of our dumbest citizens better than any major political figure. He said all the things they think and that made them love him. Now he could literally say, in defense of our great nation, they have captured and killed Godzilla and they would buy it.
I think Jeff Flake said it best:

"Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process?"
It reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Lois becomes mayor, and Brian mentions that she needs to dumb down her answers for the undecided voters.

They ask what she is going to do to lower taxes, and when she details her plan they boo her. During the next debate they ask the same question and she simply says, "a lot" and they cheer her.
It reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Lois becomes mayor, and Brian mentions that she needs to dumb down her answers for the undecided voters.

They ask what she is going to do to lower taxes, and when she details her plan they boo her. During the next debate they ask the same question and she simply says, "a lot" and they cheer her.

Pretty standard. People want simple solutions to really complex problems and those solutions often don't exist. However, if someone tells you that they know the answer and it's so simple, the masses will likely listen, especially if someone is smart enough to be on TV. You have to be smart to be on TV, right?
You want to know why Trump supporters are continuing to support Trump? Look no further than the wrestling sections of this forum. There are still people in 2017 that are saying John Cena can't wrestle: some people are so horrified at the idea that they were wrong that they'll allow themselves to look like complete fools so that they never have to admit it.
some people are so horrified at the idea that they were wrong that they'll allow themselves to look like complete fools so that they never have to admit it.
Yup. When you allow ego to overcome honesty, and when you allow political support become political identity, it makes you do and say stupid things.
You want to know why Trump supporters are continuing to support Trump? Look no further than the wrestling sections of this forum. There are still people in 2017 that are saying John Cena can't wrestle: some people are so horrified at the idea that they were wrong that they'll allow themselves to look like complete fools so that they never have to admit it.

I think you're giving them way too much credit as far as critical thinking is concerned.
They don't want to be correct, they just want to be right.

Crazy as it sounds, you're right on the money. What really bothers me is you have folks like Jeneane Pirro that think that everything that Trump says or does is gold. Yet is Obama did the same thing he was villianized. The hypocrisy of outlets like Fox News is astounding and disturbing.
Among our dumbest citizens, Fox News is on par with their Christian bible. It is really sad and unfortunate.

I'm a Christian, but I have question damn near everything in the Bible. Hearing some of the pablum that come out of some of their mouths, I completely understand why we have so many atheists (no knock on atheism, mind you). Some things can't be explained, but then you hear some conservatives speak on the subject of religion and Christianity, and it sets society back 1000 years.

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