Shut up or I'll wreck You(Brother)!!

Why are people assuming that Hogan and Punk are friends? What gave Hogan the idea that he could joke with Punk like that? Oh. You're just assuming it because it fits your narrative? Thought so.

This bullshit excuse doesn't hold water with me. I also love how "I'll wreck you" is a threat on one's life now. Get fucking real.

I'm not SAYING that they were friends, I'm saying it's more probable that Hogan THOUGHT they were pals.

And I'll wreck you has only ever meant physical.

And listen, Mark E. Mark, I don't need a narrative. Phil Brooks has always been known as a guy that believed himself above his station. I just don't understand why he needs to cut a promo on Twitter against a WWE guy if he's not with the WWE. It's quite sad that he has to keep clinging to the past.
I'm not SAYING that they were friends, I'm saying it's more probable that Hogan THOUGHT they were pals.

And I'll wreck you has only ever meant physical.

And listen, Mark E. Mark, I don't need a narrative. Phil Brooks has always been known as a guy that believed himself above his station. I just don't understand why he needs to cut a promo on Twitter against a WWE guy if he's not with the WWE. It's quite sad that he has to keep clinging to the past.

Hogan took a shot at him. How is that Punk clinging to the past? That shot was the reason he needs to cut a promo on a WWE guy. The question you should be asking is why a WWE guy felt the need to take a shot at a UFC guy.

I'm sure Hogan did think they were pals. The same guy who said that he and Savage made up. The same guy that was almost in Metallica.

And no, I'll wreck you doesn't always mean physical. That's how you choose to interpret it.
I almost hesitate to say anything else, but I am curious...

Do you actually believe CM Punk is clinging to the past by "cutting a promo" (your words) against Hogan on Twitter? This assertion is laughable because Punk has chosen not to wrestle at this point in his life. Do not bother calling me a fan boy because I enjoy CM Punk and I enjoy WWE. I realize not taking sides on an internet message board is unusual.

That being said, anyone who believes WWE wouldn't hire Punk back is delusional. WWE is a business. A CM Punk return would be good for business. It really is that simple

Phil Brooks doesn't need the WWE, and the way the roster is being rebuilt WWE doesn't really need CM Punk anymore either.

WWE and CM Punk should live and let live. As fans, we need to do the same.
Nothing wrong with the twitter post Hogan made,i assumed he thought Punk and Himself we're at least pals if at least had mutual respect amongst themselves. Punk is a Diehard Chicago everything fan,and hogan hit a nerve last night when the blackhawks lost a tough game..

Im sure hogan didnt expect a tweet like that,and punk was rather childish IMO in how he handled it. If by wrecking someone doesn't mean physical then i have no idea what it means other than that! To me thats what it exactly sounded like
Hogan talked a little shit and Punk responded in the typical Punk way. Punk is a great wrestler but as a human he is a turd. Besides before they were winning Punk didn't ride the Blackhawks jock like he is doing now.

Anger is not an important factor. In fights anger is a distraction. When angry you make mistakes which is why very few fighters go into a match angry. Speed is also overrated. Skill trumps all.

Punk can basically leg kick Hogan until he falls and the fight would be over. We are talking about a 60 year old guy.

Punk is the type who would kick 60-year-old men, though. Punk seems the type who would attack an elderly person if they got in his way, and he stood in the way of Punk getting what he wants.

Punk has anger management problems, and elbowed a guy in a WWE crowd. He verbally abused a young boy and told him that he has a vagina (which is on Youtube). So I wouldn't put anything past Punk.

If I were A.J. Lee, I would be careful. Punk being an arrogant narcissist fits the profile. Besides, Debra didn't know SCSA was that type of guy either.
Punk is the type who would kick 60-year-old men, though. Punk seems the type who would attack an elderly person if they got in his way, and he stood in the way of Punk getting what he wants.

Punk has anger management problems, and elbowed a guy in a WWE crowd. He verbally abused a young boy and told him that he has a vagina (which is on Youtube). So I wouldn't put anything past Punk.

If I were A.J. Lee, I would be careful. Punk being an arrogant narcissist fits the profile. Besides, Debra didn't know SCSA was that type of guy either.

Punk IS the type who would kick 60 year old men? Based on what? Sounds like an assumption to me.

Punk hitting that dude in the audience was an act of self defense. He was hit 3 times before he struck back. Yes, we know he hit the wrong guy but he was just protecting himself. Apparently it's bad to hit back when you're assaulted but it's totally cool with you guys if you hit somebody because they say something racist (Del Rio).
Punk did exactly what the rest of you would have done. If your favorite team was in a championship game, and someone you knew, probably only in passing, talked shit about your team, you would talk shit back. It's just the way it is. Punk is in the right. As its already been said, Hogan could have made his comments without using punks name. Don't take cheap shots at someone if you don't want them to take shots back at you.

No it's not what everyone else does. Most of us would act like adults we would ignore the person making the comments, and not bring ourselves down to their level by firing back. Hogan thought he was making a joke, Punk overreacted, simple as.

Punk is the type who would kick 60-year-old men, though. Punk seems the type who would attack an elderly person if they got in his way, and he stood in the way of Punk getting what he wants.

Punk has anger management problems, and elbowed a guy in a WWE crowd. He verbally abused a young boy and told him that he has a vagina (which is on Youtube). So I wouldn't put anything past Punk.

If I were A.J. Lee, I would be careful. Punk being an arrogant narcissist fits the profile. Besides, Debra didn't know SCSA was that type of guy either.

And you know all this how? You have labelled him capable of elder abuse and a borderline wife beater. Do you have evidence to back this up or are you just making it up as you go along?
I'm not sure how to interpret this. CM Punk's response is so over-the-top that I'm not entirely convinced that he's being serious. That 'promo' was very...wrestling-ish.
While Hogan may have been joking and not at all taking it seriously, I'm sure Punk didn't feel that way at all. I recall on Punk's DVD, he tells a story about how Hogan blew him off when all Punk was trying to do was say hello or introduce himself or something like that. So maybe Punk still remembers that, and to Punk, Hogan is still in club of people he doesn't like.
Punk is the type who would kick 60-year-old men, though. Punk seems the type who would attack an elderly person if they got in his way, and he stood in the way of Punk getting what he wants.

Punk has anger management problems, and elbowed a guy in a WWE crowd. He verbally abused a young boy and told him that he has a vagina (which is on Youtube). So I wouldn't put anything past Punk.

If I were A.J. Lee, I would be careful. Punk being an arrogant narcissist fits the profile. Besides, Debra didn't know SCSA was that type of guy either.

Wow its really interesting. Look how this topic has changed from CM Punk and Hogan to Stone Cold and Debra! With the involvement of AJ Lee as well. I should really ignore all this ignorance but she got nothing to worry about. She chose him for the reasons we don't know so stop judging their relationship.

Holy shit, someone made a snide comment on Twitter, and then the other guy responded!!!! This is truly a newsworthy event, when a retired professional wrestler and a professional wrestler who's been on a fifteen-year retirement tour say mean things to each other on the internet.

I get a lot more out of that Walmart fight with the two moms and the kid that's been going around. At least they ended up throwing hands.

And shower bottles. We need to take that kid out of society now while we still have the chance. That kid is going to be a serial killer, 110%.

Seriously though, this is an absolute non-story. CM Punk is a baby, Hogan is an old man, etc.

Punk magically came out of the woodwork for the Hawks second title run. Portraying himself as this major superfan is annoying but whatever.
Punk needs to remember who paved the way for him in the business and made him who he is today. Punk is a hot head who takes himself way too seriously, but Hogan seems to have a lot of enemies in the business. A lot of that is stemmed through jealousy but we all know Hogan is no saint. That been said, I think this is all blown all out of proportion. The dirt sheets love making an issue out of pretty much nothing.

Man makes comment, man responds = that isn't a fucking war!!!
Does anyone else get the feeling that whenever someone makes a comment about CM Punk 'the big bad MMA fighter' is going to threaten them with violence?

I am pretty certain there are people in WWE that would still kick his ass no problem. MMA has strict rules and Punk is only fighting men his own size. Street fighting is a completely different ball game when you are against guys who weigh 50+ lbs more.

Like Ryback said, Punk never talked shit to his face.
Holy shit, someone made a snide comment on Twitter, and then the other guy responded!!!! This is truly a newsworthy event, when a retired professional wrestler and a professional wrestler who's been on a fifteen-year retirement tour say mean things to each other on the internet.

I get a lot more out of that Walmart fight with the two moms and the kid that's been going around. At least they ended up throwing hands.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I see it.

Based on various reports on Punk's personality over the years, I can't say I'm at all surprised that he's lashed out in this way on Twitter for someone jokingly slamming his favorite hockey team. Again, based on just what's been printed on him over the years, it's par for the course as Punk's been described as a confrontational guy who always has a chip on his shoulder about one thing or another.

Is threatening a half crippled, near 62 year old man who joked about how his team kicked your team's ass pathetic? Sure it is, but no more so than if Phil Brooks had been Billy Bob from down the street threatening Bubba Joe online because he said Jeff Gordon's a better Nascar driver than Dale, Jr.
I choose to believe that Punk meant he would verbally wreck him. Why? Because verbal attacks and pipebombs are what he's best known for.

True. At any rate, I don't think this is anything serious....Punk was just mouthing off, as usual. No harm intended.

Still, if I can be silly about this; what if Punk and Hogan decided to go all "West Side Story" on this and meet under the highway? You remember; the two gangs were going to have one guy from each fight it out, while the others watched. Obviously, it was going to wind up with everyone fighting.....and it did.

So Hogan and Punk agree to meet, each bringing a group of their supporters. Can you imagine who Hogan would bring? Hell, if Punk has the support of anyone in his former industry, it still wouldn't amount to a fart in a cyclone compared to Hogan's gang.

Hope it happens: available only to subscribers of the WWE Network, of course. :blush:
Jesus, you're worse than Punk.

Hogan probably thought he was on joking terms with CM PUnk, but since CM Punk has been shown time and time again to be a socially stunted child, Hogan was mistaken. This wasn't Hogan's fault, this is Punk being unable to function in a very standard back and forth ribbing between what ONE party thought were pals.

I'm really tired of CM Punk trying to stay relevant by expressing his inane bullshit. Hogan was teasing, he thought they were pals, Punk overreacted, like he does literally every single time.

I don't think Hogan was treating Punk like his "pal". Hulk Hogan doesn't have pals and nobody wants to be pals with him. Ask Warrior and Randy Savage. Two people Hogan has claimed to be pals with but the other side thought otherwise.

Also, in my belief, neither Punk or Hogan have ever claimed to be "pals" with each other.

Hogan was just being the douche he's always been, thinking he's OK with everyone and just the rest of the world is wrong. In reality the only real pals Terry Bollea has, ara money, fame and Hulk Hogan.

Cut the crap about me being worse than Punk. How would you react if someone like Hogan came at you and like that, making a personal attack, on social media? I guess you'd just swallow it. Or maybe not.

EDIT: Punk doesn't like Hogan and I think Hogan knows it. You don't talk ar make any references to guys you don't like/who don't like you.
I don't think Hogan was treating Punk like his "pal". Hulk Hogan doesn't have pals and nobody wants to be pals with him. Ask Warrior and Randy Savage. Two people Hogan has claimed to be pals with but the other side thought otherwise.

Also, in my belief, neither Punk or Hogan have ever claimed to be "pals" with each other.

Hogan was just being the douche he's always been, thinking he's OK with everyone and just the rest of the world is wrong. In reality the only real pals Terry Bollea has, ara money, fame and Hulk Hogan.

Cut the crap about me being worse than Punk. How would you react if someone like Hogan came at you and like that, making a personal attack, on social media? I guess you'd just swallow it. Or maybe not.

EDIT: Punk doesn't like Hogan and I think Hogan knows it. You don't talk ar make any references to guys you don't like/who don't like you.

Hogan was being a douche huh?.. A lot like Punk when he opens his mouth?. Punk might be one of the biggest douches in the world, can't believe you're using that logic.. Punk got a little taste of his own medicine it looks like. :lol:
My other two cents are that if someone like me, you or anybody else had made that comment, Punk wouldn't give two shits.

If someone like Colt Cobana had made that comment, then Punk would have reacted in a joking-fashion.

But with Hulk Hogan, things are different. Whatever Hogan writes, thousands of people are going to see it. IMO Hogan was the one looking for attention. He's not Punk's "friend" and he knows it. He could have just written a simple remark to the game. But nooo. Hulk Hogan, only 'cause he's Hulk Hogan, has to bring CM Punk into the game, taking shots at him, trying to be better than Punk, by using CM Punk's name!

20 years now hasn't proved Hogan to be any different than what I'm describing above. Punk was right. Hogan swallowed his tonque.

However what was really unnecessary was Punk's promo. That was not needed. So, IMO we have two douchebags fighting over Twitter. Punk was right to respond, but was wrong to further the topic, cutting that promo. Hogan was wrong from the beginning.
Hogan was being a douche huh?.. A lot like Punk when he opens his mouth?. Punk might be one of the biggest douches in the world, can't believe you're using that logic.. Punk got a little taste of his own medicine it looks like. :lol:

Yeah, Punk's a douche. No doubt about it. I explain that in another post. However, in this situation, Hogan's just wrong and Punk was man enough to respond, making Hogan swallow his tonque. However, Punk's promo, I find that unecessary.
*ugh* Twitter.

Hogan was looking to start some shit, that's in his DNA. Hogan made a comment that seemed ironic in that it was after he had shown that he's not as big a fan of the Lightning as he had implied, the comment itself was directed at someone who seems very easy to antagonize.

I don't expect a Scott Steiner esque rant that makes us wonder if he's off his meds or if he took too many of them. I expect Hogan to completely ignore Punk, because really I doubt if Hogan could win a real fight with anyone even if his life depended on it.
Hogan sounded like he was joking around, CM Punk is just a whiny attention seeking b**** and the most overrated champion in wrestling history.
If there was a list of greatest pro wrestlers of all time Hogan would deffinently appear in the top 5 if not number 1, CM Punk wouldn't even be in the top 500 we have a 60 something retired guy who clearly is a "Homer" for his hometown team (no shame there) being threated by a 30 something unemployed guy who likes the other team....and this is news why ?

Hogan has made multiple appearances for Tampa Bay...not a ton but multiple, he's from that area, he has ties there, this would be like Shawn Michaels expressing an allegiance for San Antonio or all the appearances Ric Flair made at Panthers games, really it's a non issue and doesn't mean much to me.

Punk just wants to get himself in the news, even if it's just in the wrestling news, by being a jerk to Hogan. Niether of these guys wrestle anymore and they are both OBVIOSULY homers so who cares ?

This is Punks' way of playing the IWC and getting free publicity, and Hogan (who loves any publicity he can get) could care less. Again, we do any of us care ?

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