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Should the Undertaker character live on?


Should The Undertaker be The WWE's James Bond or Doctor Who or Jason Bourne?

Why let the character die after Mark Calaway retires?

I believe if you find the right young talent you could have him study every move of the younger Undertaker and play the role for today's generation.

He debuts with the current Undertaker but doesn't say a damn word for years or until Calaway retires. When he wrestles he is no nonsense destruction and for us older fans it's like watching a retro Taker.

This could play off of however The E decides to finalize The Streak. If Taker finally loses then the new Taker seeks his revenge on his fallen leader.

I want another generation of Graveyard, Buried Alive, Casket, Ring of Fire matches. And cool mythical, gothic, dark stories BESIDES THE WYATT FAMILY.
You can't do the Undertaker character itself, as that would just be silly. It seems to me that if they really wanted to they could take the Undertaker route with Bray Wyatt at this point in his career. He could always, regardless of his stable, play this mystical devil talking minister character. Of course it would evolve throughout his career in ways the WWE Brass chooses fit.

As far as the streak goes just leave it alone. That is a man's legacy that he's rightfully earned over the course of many many moons. Ric Flair has championships, Hulk Hogan has WrestleMania 3 (and other big moments of course), Steve Austin has his feud with McMahon, and 'Taker has his streak. There's some things in life that should simply be left in stone for future generations to revel. The Steak is one of those things.
It would be an insult to the the performer for one thing, and an insult to the fans for another. If you want him to "pass the torch" to the Ascenscion or something since their gimmicks are comparable, sure. Have them save him from a beatdown and then he gives them his blessing. They can carry on the "darkside" thing for a while.

But putting someone else in the Undertaker gimmick is just a bad idea. Sorry. This isn't James Bond movies.
I definitely think a successor would be great, now I am not going to go into the Bourne or James Bond comparisons. I am going to compare this more to a comic book context, there have been multiple people to take the mantle of Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Spider-Man, Captain America, and so on over the years. However I don't want to see something like that, I'd like to see a character take on a similar role, but without the name The Undertaker. The only thing is how do you find the right storyline to do that, when you consider how much time the Undertaker realistically has left in his career to do such an angle properly. I think you just have to find the right character that would have a chemistry with The Undertaker to do so. The only thing is you can't force this stuff, some people just take to things with a natural fit and the role of The Undertaker, Mark Calaway did just that when he was given this part. In anyone else's hand, that character might very well have ended up as the weekday feature of a WWE.com retro article and put right up there with T.L. Hopper and The Goon. So to do this type of thing is easier said than done, and I can only hope WWE is working on an idea like that as we speak.
It wouldn't be an insult to Calaway it would be an honor that his character is going to live on.

You find a good wrestler who is a dead ringer for a 25yr old Calaway and you dress him in vintage Taker gear.

He debuts with Taker, he walks behind Taker, he remains ringside and doesn't move or show any emotion.

The announcers tell the story. Older fans tell the story to younger veiwers. Lawler shows the audience that he feels like what he's seeing isn't real.

Eventually the new Taker gets in the ring and he's a clone in every aspect. New Taker Born.
I rather not. At this point all the cheers and admiration we have for the character is out of respect for the man himself, not a fictional dead man. Like if Taker had a son of similar size. good talent and actual desire to take on the role then I can see people accepting that since it would be a actual legacy, but otherwise the character himself would have a tough time getting over. He'll be viewed as a rip-off of a out-dated gimmick that has no chance of lasting into the 2010's, chances are would be forced to drop it within 2 years at best and that would cheapen the hell out of it.
The Undertaker is and always will be Mark Calaway in the eyes of the vast majority of fans. Trying to perpetuate the character itself as something to be passed on does have a ring of originality to it, especially when you consider the various "supernatural" elements surrounding it. At the same time, however, those same elements can come off as a bit hokey sometimes, depending on the situations.

When it's all said & done, fans want to see what each individual wrestler can bring to the table. While it's true that pretty much all heel or face characters have similarities to others or are outright influenced by others, they're not carbon copies of them. Saddling a new wrestler with the persona, look and "powers" of The Undertaker would be setting the guy up to fail. Remember the reception for the "Fake Razor Ramon" and "Fake Diesel" back in the 90s? In this day & age, fans would eat a "Fake Undertaker" character alive just as they would a "Fake Ric Flair" or "Fake Stone Cold Steve Austin" if WWE tried to go that route.

Several years back, Taker said that if the streak dies that he "dies" and that's how it should be.
People don't cheer and wait undertaker appearances because they love a grave digging zombie....they respect the man. Rehashing gimmicks and trying to pass torches just doesn't work. To be honest the only time when the same gimmick has worked for a different person is when it was stolen (looking at you Flair lol). And no that is not me suggesting that someone should put taker out and steal his gimmick.
the Undertaker is my absolute favourite character from the get go when I saw him in 1998.

Over the years, as I got older, sometimes his gimmick antics became a bit stale and repetitive. However, all that was forgotten when Mark Calaway got into the ring. His in-ring ability is what captivated me and also the fact that everytime some unbeatable force was introduced, the Final Boss was always the Undertaker.

As many have said, Mark's devotion to his character is what gave it its staying power. It is his identity and any attempt at a knock-off will always find it difficult to be established, and would actually be ridiculed in this day and age.
When it comes down to it, it wasn't the gimmick that made Mark Calaway work, he made the gimmick work,lMO.
I think the fact we're talking about this shows that this is probably the best "gimmick" or "character" in wrestling history.

I would love to see the Undertaker continue forever, but because it would be obvious to a lot of people that a "new" Undertaker isn't Mark when that gong sounds seems to take something away from the character.

We live in a day in age where it's not hard to find out about people. While we Mark isn't a complete unknown, we probably know less about him than any other wrestler in the business today, which adds to the mystery.

Also, the Undertaker is from another generation. While he and Triple H "ended an era" Undertaker has been around so long that his "early days" are not easy to find footage of.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I think we'd all love for the Undertaker to able to keep going but the reality is he won't be able to keep getting in the ring, most of the fond memories we have of him won't be re-done in the PG era, and the Undertaker's longevity is a credit to Mark and I think it needs left as is.

I think we all should let the Undertaker...Rest...in...Peace. (Sorry had to do it)
Not a chance. When Mark Calaway decides to retire for good, the Undertaker character needs to be retired as well. It could tarnish Callaway's legacy if the character is passed on to somebody else who is highly unlikely to be able to portray the gimmick as well as Calaway does. They could try to build up a streak or create a dark character with another wrestler, but no handing off the character to someone else. When he decides it's time to go, the gimmick needs to rest in peace.
You can't do the Undertaker character itself, as that would just be silly. It seems to me that if they really wanted to they could take the Undertaker route with Bray Wyatt at this point in his career. He could always, regardless of his stable, play this mystical devil talking minister character. Of course it would evolve throughout his career in ways the WWE Brass chooses fit.

As far as the streak goes just leave it alone. That is a man's legacy that he's rightfully earned over the course of many many moons. Ric Flair has championships, Hulk Hogan has WrestleMania 3 (and other big moments of course), Steve Austin has his feud with McMahon, and 'Taker has his streak. There's some things in life that should simply be left in stone for future generations to revel. The Steak is one of those things.
I am sorry but i am sick and tired of people saying " Leave the streak alone he has earned it" Yet ignore he has also earned the right to let it end at the hands of whoever he wants. Taker from all accounts is very old school when it comes to stuff like this.

I think he would like the streak to be ended by a younger guy to help boost them and pass the torch. But no people just ignore that right and say "It should never be touched its his legacy" To me thats a slap in the face to taker. He was a legend before WWE even started to make a big deal about the streak.

It ending wont change the mans legacy since this is after all fake. Maybe if idk the outcomes were real and not scripted i would agree but him losing wont hurt his legacy one bit to anyone with a half a brain. The streak would be best used to boost someone up but the question is does anyone fit that bill come along in takers eyes before he is done. You can bet every dollar you have if he wants the streak to end to someone it will end since he has earned the right for the streak to go ANYWAY he wants it be it staying or ending.

On topic: No when he is done the character will go with him. Yeah their might be some that come along like him but they wont be him.
It worked for Doink The Clown with different people playing the character

Sin Cara now has a new wrestler playing the character

But it shouldn't happen with Taker. A masked character is ok to have different people portray him, not someone like The Undertaker, because his face is part of the persona.
Roman Reigns IMO would be a badass new school Undertaker, let Taker lose to him at WM and at the end of the match, put the cape and hat on him. that would be so badass
As much as I love the Undertaker character, Mark Calaway is the only person that can ever play it, and there is no way that it can continue without him. Other people might be able to play a similar character, but no one could ever replace Taker. Taker is the perfect combination of size, athletic ability, wrestling ability, acting, and presence. There will never be another Undertaker, and to even think otherwise is just a joke. I like the idea, but there is no way that it would ever work.
I thought they should do that with Kane but they've humanized him too much ever since he first unmasked.

Its too obvious to do with the Undertaker, they could have done it with Kane but its too late now.
Hell no lol.

Fans would not only eat him alive, but it would lock that wrestler into a role for life.

Bray Wyatt fills that creepy demonic role perfectly. In fact, he's better for that niche because his gimmick and vignettes seem to take inspiration from more modern horror films vs. the more cartoonish stuff of the Undertaker.

Undertaker is good for what he is, a once a year appearance . . . and making people go ape shit when that gong hits for the first time in a while.
Mark calaway is the undertaker in the same way that dwayne johnson is the rock the man playing the character is just as important to the gimmicks success as the gimmick itself in fact more so.they cant just turn someone else into a new carbon copy of the undertaker that sort of plan fails almost every time with any wrestler.but i do agree with people saying they could create a similar but entirely new character with influences from taker but they would have to make it different enough so that it doesnt come off as a rip off.or if taker appeared on screen a bit more they could even make a storyline around it where hes training up an apprentice of sorts.
I only see a masked or disguised character getting the possible "lifelong" treatment. A Sin Cara seems the best possible option BEFORE they gave it to Hunico and his big ass tattoo.

A generic, non-specific masked wrestler with the same body type can play that character for decades....
I'm wondering if anyone else had a reaction to this thread similar to the one I just had.

The idea posted by the OP seemed ludicrous upon first thought. The user who started the thread did a decent job illustrating his idea and how such a transition would occur. It still seemed implausible, unlikely, and probably not the right thing to do, but I found myself humoring the possibility. Moments later I realized there is one Undertaker, and that's all we get. I've watched wrestling since before I was able to form memories, but being only twenty years old, I was born into a world already inhabited by the deadman.

Is anybody else really just bumming right now that there soon will be no more Undertaker at all. I think the OP is in denial with the rest of us. Out of every performer ever to grace the squared circle, none possessed a presence more immortal than The Undertaker.The presence, the aura of The Deadman can't be taken from us by father time and cease to exist could it? It seems as though has to continue, or start over, or do something. Sadly enough it has to come to an end at some point. We're all trying so desperately to hold on to the magic that Mark Calaway brought to the ring, our television screens, and my childhood that myself, and many of my fellow marks have rendered ourselves completely unable to fathom a future without the Phenom.
Not a good idea. This would open a Pandora's Box to a whole reboot of the WWF. I'm sure Vince has considered the idea since Hollywood is rebooting and remaking everything left and right.

Imagine a new Hulk Hogan, RR Piper, Macho Man, etc. I would not put it past Vince to reboot the WWF in its entirety.

I'd actually watch to see the new takes on the timeless characters. Miz would probably be Hulk, Ambrose would be Piper. Big Show would be Andre, obviously.

Cesaro- Mr Wonderful

Albert-Tito Santana

Rusev-Nicolai Volkoff

AJ-Miss Elizabeth

Ziggler-Macho Man
Let's say you found lightning in a bottle so to speak. Lets say you found a wrestler who matches Taker's size, somewhat matches his look, and just to make it more implausible comes with a similar skillset AND intangibles. And lets say you had it in mind to transition the Undertaker from Mark to this new guy in order to keep that name active in the WWE.

How do you book it?

Keep in mind, a respectfully done storyline that has an organic buildup and doesn't one way or another seriously insult the fans is going to take multiple YEARS to run its course, seeing as how Mark is good for just about one match a year these days. It would take at least one Wrestlemania with a year-long build-up, then a rematch somewhere else down the line whenever Mark is ready for it. Two matches minimum, but the timespan could equal the Rock/Cena feud. And it may have to take more.

And it would most certainly have to end in a 'Draw' in a Buried Alive match, as in they both end up in the grave and dirt covers them both. It's about the only result that would allow the new Undertaker to suddenly show up somewhere down the line and feel strangely natural (a simple handover of the costume by contrast is quick and dirty and has no emotional impact whatsoever).

And even afterwards, the body of work Mark put into the character itself dictates a large level of self-awareness in the new Undertaker as to who came before him, and forces an emphasis of; this isn't the Undertaker completely reborn, this is the man 'blessed/cursed' by the Undertaker to assume his role and come for everyone's soul, which can play out in multiple storylines of 'disrespect' for the upstart followed with the new guy proving himself time and time again, ruthlessly.

(They could also go the route of having someone rather different from the Undertaker in size and build assume the role, which will most likely crash and burn from the get-go, even if the guy is a silver-tongued devil who could in fact instigate far greater mindgames than even Taker has managed. After all, you can't really feel threatened by a guy who just reaches six feet and two-hundred pounds, even if he's wearing a black coat and hat and is the Dead Man returned)

So, to summarize, the logistics alone are impossible to properly execute, nevermind the overall sentiments of the character's integrity.
After all the years that Mark Calloway put into The Undertaker character to have anyone else reprise that role after him would be a slap in the face. Whoever the poor sap would be having to fill those shoes will always be looked at as a cheap imitation. If they wanna do another dark side type character fine. But to have a second coming of The Undertaker with a different performer will not work at all.
As much as I like The Undertaker character to live on, I'd rather let it go once the man behind it Mark Calaway finally calls it quits. Part of the success of this character was that Mark always put a little bit of himself into this gimmick. Plus, he kept it fresh after all these years by tweaking it to suit the times. I would love to see something like Taker's son type gimmick happen, but the problem is I don't think there's any talent today that can pull that off.
"How do you book it?"

When Taker returns he returns with a mysterious partner. A man same height, same size, same look, following him to the ring.

The man remains ringside and shows no emotions or facial expressions.

If Brock is Takers next opponent heading to Mania then when Brock is tossed from the ring on a Raw by Taker he gets up only to turn around and be face to face with the mysterious "Taker clone". Brock backpedals and the mysterious man still doesn't blink or show any fear.

Taker eventually loses a buried alive match against Calaways pick of opponent. The "prodigy", "mystery man", "Taker clone" seeks his revenge and begins his age of destruction.

This creates a new generation Undertaker. The "old" fans, or us, respect the new guy because of how he was inserted into the story.

The new generation embraces him because he is their Taker.

For those who keep bringing up how this would be a slap in the face to Calaway. None of this happens without his consent. I would present the idea to him. And he either wants his character to live on or not.

You can't do this with characters who are normal men ie; Hogan, Rock, Macho Man like some idiots have suggested.

Undertaker is a character that goes beyond a wrestler in tights.

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