Sheamus VS Damien Sandow


Getting Noticed By Management
Damien Sandow is now on a collision course with the Celtic Warrior Sheamus. On the last Smackdown, Sandow came out and said how he's sick and tired of seeing these brute strength contests that they insult his intelligence and brings a competition that tests the intellect of a person. I think it was called the challenge of the untying the "Gordian Knot." Sandow cuts Sheamus short in his attempt win the challenge and then uses bolt cutters to untie the knot. Sheamus then goes for a Brogue Kick which is dodged by a taunting Sandow.

I really like the smooth transition from Sheamus's Mark Henry feud to The Celtic Warrior's next feud with Damien Sandow as they went from tests of strength into this test of wits or intellect. If you really want to stay true to gimmick and characters this is so something that Sandow's character would have done. Also in a roster falling to injuries, and WWE needing to elevate talent Sandow is prime candiate for someone to be taken to the next level.
Sheamus at this stage of his career is now in a place where he can put people over and I'm excited to see Sandow get that push.

Sandow, like a villianous version of Christian, can out think his opponents to get the victory. However, Sandow also has that size and aggressive streak that will make a fued with one of WWE's biggest and baddest in Sheamus, very intriuguing. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all goes down.
Sheamus could put people over, but I don't think he will. He has a tendency to bury most non-main event guys that he works with.
This potential feud is and will not be intriguing for one simple reason.


Sheamus has pinned him numerous times and defeated him in a tables match. They can try to have any combination of Sheamus, Rhodes, Orton, and Sandow fight until my eyes bleed but the result is going to be the same. If Sandow can outthink his opponents to get the victory, then why he can't do it against Sheamus. He has size and an aggressive streak but that sure hasn't stopped Sheamus. The last time Sheamus was pinned by somebody other than Punk, Show, or Henry was in late 2011. What makes you think Sandow is going to get a victory over Sheamus? He can cheat until the cows come home but I guarantee that the Irishman will walk out victorious.

Sheamus could put people over, but I don't think he will. He has a tendency to bury most non-main event guys that he works with.

Do me a favor. Truly find out what being "buried" means and then give me examples of Sheamus using the shovel.
I truly hope that Sandow comes out on top in this one. It seems that ever since he and Cody Rhodes started teaming up he's been on the losing end of every singles match he has been in which baffles me because he was doing pretty good in his singles run and had a great match with Sheamus on Raw on their first go around.

I think Sandow falls into the same category as someone like Wade Barrett, and Antonio Cesaro in that they look great and can dominate anyone until they face someone like Orton or Sheamus in which case you know they arent winning ever unless they cheat...a lot.

Sandow is certainly someone who deserves to get a better run and needs to drop the comedy in order to be taken seriously again.

True, although if they intend to make a program of it, I believe Creative can find ways to add some intrigue.

I wonder if Sandow's career is proceeding according to whatever the original plans for it were. I think he has a distinctive persona and figured him for minor championship contention by this point. Instead, he's become more of a comedy jobber.....and he's been good at it; maybe a little too good due to his haughty personality causing him to be ripe for a fall at any time. Is this the way management saw his character developing from the time we were introduced to him?

Well, if they want to get him on a more serious path, a program with a top guy like Sheamus is a good place to start. Maybe this is the next phase of Sandow's career. I hope so because I like the guy; he's an American version of William Regal and his ring work is pretty strong.

Let's see what he's got in a real feud.
Sandow is certainly someone who deserves to get a better run and needs to drop the comedy in order to be taken seriously again.

What Sandow needs is to start winning in order for people to take him seriously. He's been in what amounts to a jobber tag team for close to a year now, and if he or Cody wants to be taken seriously, they need to move out of the tag team division, away from each other, and start winning matches.

Like LJL said, a feud between Sheamus and Sandow won't be interesting for one reason: Sheamus won't lose. We've seen the two of them wrestle 236 times on Raw, whether it be Orton and Sheamus against Rhodes Scholars or Sheamus against Sandow individually. Granted, most of those single's matches came when Sheamus was WHC, and Sandow held his own, but he never beat Sheamus. Not with Cody's help, not on his own, not if Sheamus was 'injured'. What's interesting about watching someone beat the same man up over and over again?

It doesn't matter what story you tell, or what issue you put between two men: If one loses all the time, the intrigue is gone.

I get that Sheamus is stuck in upper-mid-card purgatory with Randy Orton right now, but there's got to be someone 'more intriguing' for him to fight. Such as Randy Orton, for example. Damien Sandow, no matter how you spin it, doesn't interest me personally as a prospective opponent for Sheamus. I do like Sandow, and think he deserves better, and he's not going to get it in a feud with Sheamus.

A feud between two men, optimally, should benefit both in one way or another. At the least, one man. Who benefits here? Not Sandow, because he'll lose, and just be in the same place he is now. And Sheamus? He won't benefit either, because he's beaten Sandow so many times before.
the first thing people want to know is will this be the feud. Sheamus tends to be in many feuds and i cant answer if his next feud with be with Sandow or if he's just there to make fun of him (see Wade Barrett and his movie)? Sheamus also has been recently going after the Shield again which could lead to a Tag Title match with Orton and Sheamus. as for Sandow, if this feud does go down, hopefully Sandow (by cheating) wins it. he needs a win badly as he just seems to be a below midcard wrestler and he's too talented in my opinion for that.
After watching a recent CSR Labar and Madden projected that Sheamus and Orton seems to be the feud they're going with at Summerslam, ya I have to agree Sheamus has a great chance of coming out this feud the winner. He's have the momentum to face Orton (which is also something I'll really believe when I see it. Plans constantly change on the fly. Both guys are two big fan favourites at the moment as well.)

It is true that Sandow and Sheamus have they have faced each other on many occasions, but those were mostly, hey we have to give this guy an opponent, let's throw these two together. The matches really had no emotional impact and were more for filler. And although as it's been said one can't forget something once they seen it, I think from what we've already seen Sandow really stepped up and the character has something to higher at stake this time.

Also Labar was had a discussion on his radio show about getting people over. Specifically about how great Jericho is at doing it to Fandango and still looking strong. I think people take wins and losses way too seriously in the wrestling business sometimes. There is an art of losing and making yourself not look that weak and the same time building up your opponent. That being said, Sheamus is not Jericho. Listen Sheamus could beat Sandow in the feud they could recycle every bit of match they had on one their recent Raws, and Sheamus could come out on top. I know a lot of people think the ends justify the means but that isn't always the case in pro wrestling. If Sandow puts on a war with Sheamus and loses I think that's a good thing for Sandow. If Sandow shows more variety and new parts of his persona in promos and ends up losing I think that's a good thing. He is still fairy a new character that is still growing. And guys can't always win, it's business, they're a plan, a heir achy. I help build you today, you help build me tomorrow. Well, at least that's the plan sometimes.

Sandow has been bouncing around from singles to tags to NXT to Saturday morning slam to Raw, forget about the outcome for the second. Any guy in the business would give their right arm to work a program with a top WWE guy like Sheamus, he already looks good because he outsmarted him, and the Gordian Knot situation was something different and entertaining. That way that came off is already a plus for the intellectual superstar. Sandow is getting a chance to showcase what he can do, with his entertainment factor and in what could be his most high profile feud to date. That's got to be a positive thing for his career and that's why I was excited he was inserted after the latest Henry-Sheamus feud and I'm a fan of his and want to see how this goes down... even if he loses, which could happen, but may not. He's so much better than a comedy guy, and for anyone to pigeon whole him in that is really cutting his talent completely short.
Personally, I don't see the point of this feud. I think Sandow has a lot of talent but I've got no interest in watching Vince feed him to Sheamus week in and week out. At the end of the day, I think that's all this feud is. It's something for Sheamus to do for a little while.

Ultimately, I think that Sheamus & Orton will feud with The Shield over the tag titles when Team Hell No steps out of the way. I might be wrong, but that's the feeling I get. I think THN will have one more go at The Shield at Payback, then WWE will put Sheamus & Orton into the tag title picture. Until then, they're just giving Sheamus a program with Sandow as a reason to put him on television.

I'd be thrilled if this program ultimately elevated Sandow. He's got the ability and, personally, I think WWE could be & should be doing a lot more with him than his current role as fodder for bigger stars like Sheamus & Orton.
Haven't we seen them enough in throw away matches, I'm tired of seeing them two wrestle. And I like Sandow, but at a point, enough is enough.
Personally, I don't see the point of this feud. I think Sandow has a lot of talent but I've got no interest in watching Vince feed him to Sheamus week in and week out. At the end of the day, I think that's all this feud is. It's something for Sheamus to do for a little while.

Ultimately, I think that Sheamus & Orton will feud with The Shield over the tag titles when Team Hell No steps out of the way. I might be wrong, but that's the feeling I get. I think THN will have one more go at The Shield at Payback, then WWE will put Sheamus & Orton into the tag title picture. Until then, they're just giving Sheamus a program with Sandow as a reason to put him on television.

I'd be thrilled if this program ultimately elevated Sandow. He's got the ability and, personally, I think WWE could be & should be doing a lot more with him than his current role as fodder for bigger stars like Sheamus & Orton.

I think you're right, my guess is that Sheamus and Orton will actually face The Shield at Payback and lose, this will start the long-postponed Orton and Sheamus feud and Orton's heel turn going into a match at Summerslam.

Sandow is simply TV filler for Sheamus until then to push his "everyman" schtick by beating up the pompous educated heel while having some good matches as they work well together, but the outcomes will remain the same as they have been, Sandow Brogue Kicked and pinned.
I agree that Sandow is just tv filler for Sheamus, and it is a shame too. Sandows challenges have been my favorite part of Smackdown lately and it seems like he has real potential. I just don't see anyway he is beating Sheamus, and it doesn't even look like they will have a ppv match. I was hoping that Sandow could get a rub in this feud and possibly move up the ladder, but it doesn't seem to be happening that way. Even if Sandow does lose they need to do something so this whole thing can benefit him up the ladder a bit.

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