Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

Ah Pillman. Had such great potential and its such a shame what happened to him. He and Austin had some of the greatest moments i've ever seen and Pillman may have been the one that began to bring out the stone cold we all know. On his own though he was so far ahead of his time. His time in the light heavyweight division in the early 1990s are overlooked because there was no one around even in his league. His itme in the horsemen was also good as it helped bring the horsemen to a new generation. Pillman was great with everything he did. The documentary about him is great and everyone should go out of their way to watch it.
Brian Pillman is a great selection for Wrestler of the Week. I completely enjoyed the DVD of him, I wish it could've had even more than it did. I feel that he had such a huge future with the World Wrestling Federation, & I also wonder if how his untimely death may of been mirrored by controversy in how exactly, or why exactly he passed away.

I've heard everything from heart-attack, to over-dose, to cancer. In the DVD they claim it was heart related (if I recall, correctly) but its so hard to trust a W.W.E. produced DVD to give you the exact truth without them telling you what they want you to hear.

Regarding Pillman's career, I truly loved him with the Hart Foundation. Unfortunately I didn't watch W.C.W. enough when he was a member of the Four Horsemen. I really wish I did though, I think he would've fit in rather nicely in that group.

His match with Owen Hart, in the Intercontinental Tournament is one of my all-time favorites to watch. I also liked his match against Steve Austin, albeit not really technical. I would have to say, the most remembered match I have of him.. was Fall Brawl, 1995, against Marc Mero. (then known as Johnny B. Badd)

Brian Pillman's loss was huge for the wrestling world, as outside of the Von Erich's, it was truly one of the first major blows to the sport for as far as how controversial it was.
I think I may start posting my opinions now as I feel that this may be the thing to really kickstart this thing off again. Brian Pillman, the forgotten legend, in my opinion he is one of the top 10 promo guys of all time, his shoot promo's from his ECW debut to the one just before the KOTR where Austin won the King of the Ring to the Pillman's got a gun promo, which was only added to by WZ's own Kevin Kelly. But combine that with his in-ring ability you have the full package. His Gimmick made you question whether he was really a loose cannon rather than it being a gimmick. I would like to hear Kevin's thoughts on the man as he worked with the man. It is a shame that he lost the full mobility that he once had after that Car Accident. But as to my favourite Brian Pillman match it is one of my top matches of all time Brian Pillman Vs. Jushin Thunder Liger on the first Nitro, that is what the WWE cruiserweights should be doing rather than acting like mini-heavyweights.
I was so glad I had the chance to work with Brian. Yes, he was a physical shell of his former self but his mind was by far his best attribute. I was a fan of Brian's work in WCW before I got into the business and I still think of Flyin Brian everytime I hear "Rocket" by Def Leppard (His early entrance music).

I was at MSG for a house show, getting some audio interviews for the Fed's website and Brian was in a multi-man tag main event. MSG house shows were always special because Vince and the entire front office were there and Pillman was determined to steal the show... and he did just that.

Originally, to beat the traffic, we were going to leave when the main event got into the ring but I wanted to watch Brian. Bell to bell, Pillman was balls to the wall, taking all kinds of crazy bumps. It was like Terry Funk had entered his bloodstream. I'll never forget Vince shaking his hand, thanking Brian, when he finally came back through the curtain as the babyfaces took their bows. Getting that affirmation from the fans who ate up every crazy thing he did and from Vince with that heart-felt congratulations for a job well done meant a lot to Brian.

I am glad to be a part of WZ and glad I got to watch Brian Pillman up close and personally.
Being from Cincinnati, and being that my moms side of the family grew up with the man in Norwood, I have a lot vested in the guy myself. The guy is somewhat of a local legend. Here you have the classic under dog story from birth all the way to his untimely tragic death. The guy was under sized and all taht, but still managed to be an All-American at Miami (OH) and then make the roster of the Bengals.

The guy was always balls to the wall. He helped to revolutionize the cruiserweight division here stateside, and got the ball rolling with fucking outstanding series of matches with Jushin Thunder Liger.

Then you get crazy Pillman, where you don't really know if he was in character or shooting his ass off. The guy is truley one of the better promo guys ever. It's terrible taht the car accident pretty much destroyed that high flying guy I cgrew up watching.

I honestly believe that Pillman would have been in a huge Feud with Steve Austin after he won the title. Either the first guy to face him instead of Dude Love, or I could honestly have seen a big feud further down the line. The WWE loves good friends, better enemies storylines, and with the promo/brawling abilities of these two, plus, as Kelly said, the Balls to the Wall mentality, that feud would have been outstanding.

The Wrestling World lost a true Diamond in the rough with the death of Pillman.
Pillman was the living embodiment of what could have been. Over time we were able to see him grow and mature as a performer. His early days in wcw being the wrestler that was so far ahead of his time and stealing the show every night. Then his time in ECW where being the over the top nutcase that he was/he portrayed, he fit like a custom made glove. He was a horseman, and was a bright spot in wwe. He was in the main event angle, where he belonged. Such a shame that we never got to see how far the kid from cinci could've taken it.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Chris Hero


Finishing moves

- Hero's Welcome (Rolling cutter or Hammerlock rolling cutter)
- Super Hero's Welcome (Lifting rolling cutter)
- Hero's Welcome Championship Edition (Fireman's carry dropped into a scoop slam piledriver)
- Hangman's Clutch (Inverted cravate STF)
- Hangman's Clutch II (Inverted cravate crossface)
- Hangman's Clutch III (Inverted cravate / Standing leg grapevine combination)
- Hangman's Clutch Facebuster (Spinning cravate hold into sitout facebuster)
- Rivera Cloverleaf (Modified cloverleaf) - Named in tribute to one of his trainers, Jorge "Skayde" Rivera and innovated
- Rubik's Cube (Cravate iconoclasm from an electric chair position)
- Hero Stomp (Diving double foot stomp)

Signature Moves

- Cravate
- Cravate Buster (Cravate into a somersault neckbreaker)
- Cravate Cutter (Top rope front flip neckbreaker)
- Cravate-O-Clasm (Second rope sitout snapmare with a cravate)
- Cravate-Plex (Three-quarter facelock side suplex) - Innovated
- Hero DDT (Snap DDT)
- Hero Sandwich (Scoop lift spun into a ura-nage backbreaker)
- Hero Sandwich II (Leapfrog, crawl between opponent's legs, roll over opponent, and schoolboy combination)
- Hero Sidekick (Running arched big boot to a cornered opponent)
- Topé con Hero (Topé con Hilo)
- Tracy Smothers (Rapid double palm strikes) to the chest of an opponent in the corner
- Inverted suplex stunner
- Gutbuster
- Backward roll into a corkscrew senton
- Johnny Saint special
- Inverted crucifix powerbomb
- Standing double foot stomp, sometimes followed by a senton
- Standing moonsault
- Double leg slam
- Double knee backbreaker
- Stretch plum
- Springboard back elbow smash

Wrestlers trained by Hero

- Adam Polak
- Aero
- Andy Sumner
- Ares
- Bryce Remsburg
- Claudio Castagnoli
- Chris Kole
- Danny Havoc
- Drew Gulak
- Eddie Kingston
- Emil Sitoci
- Gran Akuma
- Hallowicked
- Hydra
- Kryptic
- Larry Sweeney
- Marc Roudin
- Mickie Knuckles
- Ravage
- Shane Storm
- Trik Davis
- Vries Kastelein

Championships and accomplishments

Alternative Championship Wrestling

- ACW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


- Campeonato de Parejas (1 time) – with Claudio Castagnoli

Coliseum Championship Wrestling

- CCW Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
- CCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with John Caesar

Combat Zone Wrestling

- CZW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- CZW Iron Man Championship (1 time)
- CZW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Claudio Castagnoli

Garage Professional Wrestling

- GPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Hard Core Wrestling

- HCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Danny Blackheart

Impact Championship Wrestling

- ICW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Association East-Coast

- IWA East-Coast Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South

- IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
- IWA Mid-South Sweet Science 16 winner (2000)
- IWA Mid-South Strong Style winner (2005)

National Wrestling Alliance

- NWA VW/OH Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


- NSWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Ring of Honor

- ROH World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Claudio Castagnoli
- Survival of the Fittest winner (2007)

Unified Championship Wrestling

- UCW Television Championship (1 time)

Violent Championship Wrestling

- VCW Tag Team Championship (2 times)
- VCW Triple Threat Championship (2 times)

westside Xtreme wrestling

- wXw World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- wXw 16 Carat Gold Tournament Winner 2007
- wXw Tag Team Championship (current) – with Marc Roudin


- Intergender Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (1 time, current) – with Sara Del Rey



My Thoughts:

I like this Guy, he is one of the good wrestlers to go through CZW, he knows how to work at a good pace and can put a number of elements into his work. He is fairly grounded. He was one half of the Most Successful Tag Teams on the Indy scene in a while with Claudio Castagnoli, where they had CZW, RoH and CHIKARA's tag belts at the same time, impressive for the fact that the NWA tag titles were unable to be claimed at that point in time.

Im not posting the Video links right now as I am frustrated with YouTube right now as the majority of the Chris Hero videos are Music Video's not good for showing someone in a full match. Ill post them up later anyway.
ive watched alot of hero matches and i must say he can wrestle a tag team style and singles. and he can be a big future pick up for wwe or tna cause he has solid ring work and decent mic skills
Chris Hero is perhaps the best indy wrestler in the last several years. He knows so many styles and has the size to do a lot in the ring. He's very different with his style, such as the crevate. His persona is tailor made for him and he is one of the easiest wrestlers to hate ive ever seen. He can go to almost any company he wants and instantly become the top heel. He managed to feud with an entire company and start an interpromotional war. Truly a great legend of the indy circuit.
Hero is supposed to do a Pro Wrestling NOAH tour this year. I'm curious to see if he can get over with the NOAH fans. I don't think his comedy will translate very well, but I have heard that he can do a pretty punishing shoot style as well. I've never seen it, it would be cool. If anyone has any links to that, post em'.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: TAJIRI


Finishing and signature moves

- Buzzsaw Kick (High speed roundhouse kick to the head of a seated / kneeling / rising opponent)
- Brainbuster - ECW
- Tarantula (Rope hung Boston crab)
- Asian mist
- Handspring back elbow
- Bridging German suplex
- Bridging dragon suplex
- Asai moonsault
- Octopus stretch
- Baseball slide to an opponent who is trapped in the Tree of woe
- Shining wizard
- Flip-over DDT, as a counter to a powerbomb
- Diving double foot stomp
- Moonsault
- Diamond Dust
- Multiple kicks and punches


- Cyrus (ECW)
- William Regal (WWE)
- The Sinister Minister (ECW)
- Torrie Wilson (WWE)
- Jack Victory (ECW)
- Akio (WWE)
- Sakoda (WWE)
- Steve Corino (ECW)

Championships and accomplishments

Big Japan Pro Wrestling

- BJW World Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- BJW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Ryuji Yamakawa

Combat Zone Wrestling

- CZW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre

- CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Extreme Championship Wrestling

- ECW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Mikey Whipwreck
- ECW World Television Championship (1 time)

International Wrestling Association: Puerto Rico

- IWA Hardcore Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Entertainment

- WCW Cruiserweight Championship (3 times)1 (Last)
- WCW United States Championship (1 time)
- WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Eddie Guerrero [1]
- WWF/E Cruiserweight Championship (2 times)
- WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with William Regal

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

- PWI ranked him # 242 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.


Tajiri, Undertaker, Kane & Regal segment

She Sells Seashells by the Seashore

Did Tajiri eat the Rock's pie

Advice on the Worm

Stone Cold Confides in Tajiri


Tajiri Vs. Rey Mysterio

Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Super Crazy

Tajiri Vs. Crash Holly

Tajiri & Torrie Wilson Vs. Tazz & Stacy Keibler

TAJIRI & Yinling Vs. The Great Muta & RG pt.1
TAJIRI & Yinling Vs. The Great Muta & RG pt.2

Tajiri Vs. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit Vs. Rhyno

Tajiri & Kane & The Undertaker Vs. Tazz & The Dudley Boyz

Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Steve Corino

TAJIRI Vs. The Great Muta pt.1
TAJIRI Vs. The Great Muta pt.2
TAJIRI Vs. The Great Muta pt.3

Tajiri Vs.Taka Michinoku

Tajiri Vs. Stevie Richards

TAJIRI Vs. Steve Corino pt.1
TAJIRI Vs. Steve Corino pt.2

TAJIRI Vs. Satoshi Kojima pt.1
TAJIRI Vs. Satoshi Kojima pt.2

Tajiri Vs. Batista

Tajiri Vs. Kid Kash


Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Low Ki

TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Hakushi & Gold Dustin pt.1
TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Hakushi & Gold Dustin pt.2

Tajiri Vs. X-Pac

Tajiri & Rhyno Vs. Rey Mysterio & Chris Benoit

Tajiri Vs. Kane

Tajiri & Chris Jericho Vs. Chris Kanyon & Rob Van Dam

TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Satoshi Kojima & Kaz Hayashi pt.1
TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Satoshi Kojima & Kaz Hayashi pt.2
TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Satoshi Kojima & Kaz Hayashi pt.3

TAJIRI & Masato Tanaka Vs. Steve Corino & CW Anderson pt.1
TAJIRI & Masato Tanaka Vs. Steve Corino & CW Anderson pt.2

Tajiri Vs. Super Crazy Vs. Little Guido

TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Scott Steiner & Kohei Suwama pt.1
TAJIRI & The Great Muta Vs. Scott Steiner & Kohei Suwama pt.2

TAJIRI Vs. Toshiaki Kawada pt.1
TAJIRI Vs. Toshiaki Kawada pt.2

Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Jerry Lynn

Tajiri Vs. Brian Christopher

Tajiri Vs. Rob Van Dam

Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Jerry Lynn Vs. Super Crazy

TAJIRI Vs. Minoru Suzuki

My Thoughts:

Tajiri is perhaps one of the most underrated Light Heavyweights ever. You look at Tajiri and don't see how good he is at what he does. In the WWE he has had some of the Funniest promo bits, that would also explain why he is working in HUSTLE now. But as a Wrestler you look at the match with Batista you look at the way Tajiri goes for it in it it makes you believe that he has a legit chance against someone that much bigger than him. Tajiri is the reason that some people on this forum seem to think that all Japanese Wrestlers are the same. However Tajiri is good in the ring and it is shown through all of these matches.
I really miss seeing Tajiri. Looking back over those matches make me remember how much I miss seeing his style. Fast, agile, acrobatic, and tons of kicks. That buzzsaw kick, almost everytime he did it I would think, oh shit that hurts. He knew how to work a match as a little man, when he came out I didn't think to myself, "oh great, another squash", except for in his final months, but that's neither here nor there.

Great little man, good matches, worth remembering. Good pick.
Extremely talented. I remember his triple threat matches in ECW with Little Guido (FBI) and Super Crazy as part James Mitchells' Sinister Ministry. Also as a tag team with MikeyWhipwreck against the FBI. They were great matches.

I also remember him in a tag team with Eddie Guerrero. They fitted pretty well in the ring. and had a great match (ladder match) vs Team Angle in 2002 (i think).
Tajiri never really got the chance he deserved here. During the final days of ECW he won the TV title, which had already been elevated to the level of the world title, if not even higher. He had such great in ring ability. The tarantula is still one of the sickest looking moves I've ever seen, even if it's actual pain might not have been that high. His kicks are second to none, not even Low Ki's. Then he moved on to WWE where he was absolutely hilarious. He had one of the best lines ever during the Bischoff trial when he said something about wanting Bischoff to be impaled by a rhinocerous. He was great and never really got the mega push he could've gotten in wwe.
Just so you guys know These are about two and a half pages of Youtube matches. There are far more, than the 32 matches I posted. he has also been asked to sign back with the WWE twice. Both times he has said no. Take that Johnny Ace. But just so you know for the most part for working out when the matches are look at the name Yoshihiro Tajiri means ECW matches, Tajiri means WWE matches, with the exception of the Low Ki match which is from the indies at some stage. TAJIRI is the form of the name he is using now in AJPW, HUSTLE and Pro Wrestling Zero-1 Max. Or in other words in Japan. Check out the Muta matches they are something to behold. The recent match TAJIRI had with Steve Corino is a good thing to see for a surprise or two. Both should be seen. Those are my Recommendations for matches to watch.
I'm a total Tajiri mark as he was one of the wrestlers that not only got me into the Japanese super jr. style, but got me to watch wrestling again period. Check out his singles match with Psicosis from ECW, its one of my favorites. Also his old Battlearts stuff with Shinjiro Ohtani is fun to watch and really different from his later, post ECW style. I think that he and Ohtani won some kind of "match of the year" award that year they did a lot of tag matches together.
Another update on who has been Done as Wrestler of the Week. Come up with predictions of who Number 50 is. It will be a big Wrestler in terms of Importance to the Industry. The Prize you get to choose Number 51 and 52. As well as Nice Shiney Green Rep. But you have to give your thoughts on who the Wrestler of the Week is and not just give you prediction.

Week 01: Masato Tanaka

Week 02: Raven

Week 03: Alex Shelley

Week 04: Shawn Michaels

Week 05: The Bushwhackers

Week 06: Chris Jericho

Week 07: Tom Billington

Week 08: Bruno Sammartino

Week 09: Steve Corino

Week 10: Ricky Steamboat

Week 11: Triple H

Week 12: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Week 13: Rob Van Dam

Week 14: Delirious

Week 15: Owen Hart

Week 16: Eddie Guerrero

Week 17: Booker T

Week 18: Lance Storm

Week 19: Claudio Castagnoli

Week 20: Mitsuharu Misawa

Week 21: Jeff Jarrett

Week 22: Bob Backlund

Week 23: CM Punk

Week 24: Masahiro Chono

Week 25: Abdullah the Butcher

Week 26: Christopher Daniels

Week 27: Kurt Angle

Week 28: Abyss

Week 29: Jimmy Jacobs

Week 30: Mick Foley

Week 31: Kid Kash

Week 32: "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig

Week 33: Little Guido/Nunzio

Week 34: The Honky Tonk Man

Week 35: Sgt. Slaughter

Week 36: Kenta Kobashi

Week 37: Edge

Week 38: Christian Cage

Week 39: Edge and Christian

Week 40: Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Week 41: Mikey Whipwreck

Week 42: Marty Jannetty

Week 43: Jumbo Tsuruta

Week 44: Jerry Lynn

Week 45: Brian Pillman

Week 46: Chris Hero

Week 47: TAJIRI

Week 48:

Week 49:

Week 50: ???
I think it will be The Nature Boy "WOO!" Ric Flair. In light of him more than likely retiring at Wrestlemania he is more than appropriate for this time of year. He was one of four I was debating that it could be. Flair is definatly important to the business in that not only was he a great in ring worker, he was and still is an absolute god on the mic. Some of his promos are just awe inspiring. His time in the NWA in the 80s are some of the greatest work of all time no matter what time or place. The entire national promotion was centered around Flair, and he shined like no one else could have. The big gold belt was perfect for him as it was part of the gimmick of the playboy lifestyle. He led the most powerful stable of all time, (Yes even above the NWO) and was perfect for it. Flair was perfect at everything he did and is infinately important to the business.
Nice job, i did this on another forum but i was to lazy to keep up with it.

As for the wrestler of the week. Tajiri is in my opionion the greatest japanese lightheavyweight wrestler of the decade.Possibly even the greatest lightheavyweight wrestler period this decade.I believe that Tajiri could have done well in the mid card near the time he left.I could see him holding the U.S. title.I would have really loved to see him in ECW in 2006.But if he's done with wrestling he has accomplished enough in his career.
First off Tajiri is currently Wrestling in HUSTLE and AJPW. So he is actually wrestling. The WWE is not the Be all and End all of Wrestling. Don't forget when posting your opinion to put your prediction in for Week 50.


This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Haku/ Meng/King Tonga


Finishing and signature moves

- Tongan death grip
- Tongan Spike (Thumb choke hold)
- Backbreaker
- Savate kick
- Headbutt
- Splash


- Jimmy Hart
- Bobby Heenan

Championships and accomplishments

Lutte Internationale (Montreal)

- Canadian International Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- Canadian International Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Richard Charland

NWA Hawaii

- NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Mid-America

- NWA Six-Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Ken Lucas & George Gulas

Super World of Sports

- SWS Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Yoshiaki Yatsu

World Championship Wrestling

- WCW Hardcore Championship (1 time)

World League Wrestling

- WLW Heavyweight Championship (2 times)

World Wrestling Council

- WWC North American Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Gran Apolo
- WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
- WWC World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Hercules Ayala

World Wrestling Federation

- WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with André the Giant

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

- PWI ranked him # 330 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003.


It Was a Complete Conspiracy

King Tonga Interview


Haku Vs. Ultimate Warrior

Haku & Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Curt Hennig & Rick Martel

King Haku Vs. Hercules pt.1
King Haku Vs. Hercules pt.2

King Haku Vs. Jim Powers

King Tonga & Nick Bockwinckel Vs. Dino Bravo & Rick Martel

Meng Vs. Damon Striker

Meng Vs. Hulk Hogan

Meng Vs. Barry Houston

Meng & General Rection Vs. Team Canada

Haku & Rikishi & Christian Vs. Undertaker & Kane & D'Von

Meng Vs. Goldberg

Haku & The Barbarian Vs. Mr. Fuji & Kato

Haku & The Barbarian Vs. The Rockers

My Thoughts:

OK here are my thoughts on Haku. He is a Bloody template for Umaga. It sucks how all the AWA matches on Youtube that involve Tonga Fifita are all in the middle or towards the end of the matches as I would love to sit and watch them. Haku is a beast in the ring and apparently out of it as well. Ask Art Barr's older brother who is missing an Eye due to Tonga and ask a dumbshit that is missing part of his nose due to Tonga. Legit Tough guy. Everyone that has worked with him has said it. From what I have read he is also a Nice guy as well. But his Inring ability is great he puts the dominant Role into a good place. He can legit push people around due to his background in Sumo. Think about this tag team now and you will be thinking of The Colossal Connection just more modern. Umaga and Haku in a Tag Team and you have an Awesome tag team enough to rival the Team between Haku and Andre.
Very nice choice of a forgotten wrestler. Haku was always just a spot below the main event and sort of an enforcer character. His thrust kick was as good as anyone's ever save for hbk. Some of the power moves he had were completely ignored, as he was one of the strongest wrestlers ever. His time as the king was great, and he seemed kingly and savagely at the same time, which is hard to do. In WCW he and the giant had some great matches where you really beleived Giant had met his match. They built him up to be a threat to take down goldberg and they had a great big man match on nitro. He's the original umaga, but I always thought he did it better. Not to mention he and i have the same bday.
Haku/Meng was a great bigger man. I'll admit I wasn't big on WCW but his feud with Chris Beniot was great. And the Colossal Connection with Andre the Gaint, Great tag team. I don't think alot of People remember him, which is a shame, but a great choice for wrestler of the week.
Adding this picture cause I thought it was great!

Oh and I think #50 should be Shane Douglas. What he did for ECW alone should get him the nom. Classic promos, great matches, and great heat. One of the greatest heels of all time. Wasn't that bad in WCW either. Shane "The Franchise" Douglas.

But also maybe Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan.
After examining the list, I noticed a few big names missing, but ultimately went with Bret Hart.


You did Owen Hart before and we all know Bret is better. So if you haven't made Bret number 50, you should.

As for Haku/Meng, the current wrestler of the week, I always thought he was just average until he used the tongan death grip. That was a move that turned him into a legit monster. Its a shame his WCW and second WWF runs didn't pan out.
Number 50: Guesses: I'd really have to say the top options would seemingly be Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting and Bret Hart. If we had a choice in the matter, I'd really say either Randy Savage, or Bret Hart.. as I can't stand Hogan, and Sting is too overrated for his own good. Although I'd be okay with him being 3rd. :lmao:

Haku/Meng: I honestly loved him more as Meng in W.C.W. because they (to me) built him as a more unstoppable force. I remember when they had him literally unstoppable, as a mid-carder, yet still losing. However, they'd never have him lose, without putting up a tremendous fight.

He had some great matches with Chris Benoit. And along with the Barbarian, as the Faces of Fear, I loved that Tag Team. I also felt he had a truly great chance at defeating Goldberg. Naive, yes, but thats how amazing I felt they pushed him as unstoppable.

When he was in W.W.F. for the 2001 run, I really enjoyed him working with Rikishi. I felt they made a great Tag Team, and honestly wished they would've did something with them a lot further, beyond just the Undertaker/Kane feud.
I have an odd feeling and even stranger yearning for the 50th wrestler of the week to none other than Dean Malenko:


I know little about Dean Malenko, having not actually looked much of his stuff up on one of my WCW YouTube sprees. However, I'm always hearing what a fantastic wrestler he is - one of, if not the, best in fact. I don't think there's anybody better than Shadowmancer to educate morons such as myself and show us all exactly how the Man of 1,000 holds earned his reputation.

To me, Malenko exemplifies the wrestlers whom Shadow educates us about, week in, week out. I for one would definitely enjoy it if he turned out to be ol' Dean.

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