Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

This is a great Pick, i have always been a huge Cage fan, the man was gold on the mic and brought instant heat, he has some of the greatest one liners i have ever heard. He cuts great promo's week in and week out. He is a solid main eventer on TNA, who i believe still gets the short end of the stick because of wrestlers coming to tna or wrestlers resigning, like Booker, then nash who returned to the ring, and how they push less deserving people like Kaz. Cage has accomplished a lot countless tag team success and singles success. He was a great addition to tna and will continue to be so. This was a good choice, and had the connections with your last choice Edge, well i believe Edge was last weeks, but nonetheless good choice.
Christian is great. I have always always liked him. He is brilliant on the mic and draws heat instantaneously. He always puts his body on the line no matter what. TLC matches were absolutely amazing. While his wrestling skills arent great he always put on decent matches and his feud with Jericho was great in my opinion. I think he was in the greatest tag team in the Attitude Era. He is still young and has so much more to do. Great choice for this week.
Christian is fine I guess. He's great on the mic, but he's only good in the ring. His TNA has highlighted the fact that he shouldn't be in the top position of a company. He has good matches. But I am yet to see something truly great or memorable from him. He also just doesn't feel like a main eventer to me. Angle sure does, Booker too. And Joes did until a year ago. But I look at Cage and I can't help but think that he should be in the same position as Chris Daniles. =
I actually think that Christian is in the same position that Chris Jericho was in when he first got to the WWE, in that he was pretty much thrust into carrying the company. I would venture to say that in the next two years he will be able to carry the company properly unlike his previous two reigns. He has the talent it just has to be brought out in a feud with an unknown tangible, I don't know which wrestler as that is what I mean by the Unknown Intangible, I get the feeling it could be AJ, someone who if the booking is right could propel both into the stratosphere. But anyway I liked the guy back when he was in the WWE as well, his music at the time I started watching Wrestling drew me to him as a Wrestler. Anyway I have liked his matches as they have been.
Thanks again Shadow, another good choice this week. I'm split on Christian. He was gold in E/C but eventually there was nothing more the two of them could do together. He never really fit in the main event picture in WWE, although that could've been fixed with a few more strong mid-card feuds, much like Edge had. In TNA he is a good fit I think and it really seems like he belongs in the main event there. Maybe he could come back to WWE someday, but I'd be afraid they'd stick him inthe midcard again.
I am not a Christian Cage fan, he is a great wrestler, so I am not dissing his in-ring ability, I just don't like his character. IMO, he still has that Midcarder way about him, and he hasn't done a damn thing to change that in the last four years when WWE changed him up a bit. I will always remember Christian as the guy who took temper tantrums in the middle of the ring and use to play second fiddle to Edge, not for being a former TNA World Champion. Going to TNA did not demolish his comedic past in the WWE because he is still the exact same character that left the WWE in 2005 IMO. With a change of appearance and an attitude adjustment, I think Cage can create a fresh new character for himself that I can take more seriously.
Another good choice, I love Christian Cage, and think that if TNA were a little smarter they wouldn't have broken up is Coalition yet, I think they could've gotten a little more out of it, but anyway back to Christian, I've always found his matches to be entertaining as well as his promos, he always seems to deliver, no matter what they have him doing, though I've always found him to be a better heel than face, I think the guy just needs a new finisher, something he can hit out of nowhere, that or a submission, I remember seeing him doing a Texas Coverleaf in a match once and think he should add that to his moves repertoire(sp?), I am looking forward to seeing him feud with AJ though if done right this could catapult both of them back into the title picture, though I see him feuding and losing to Booker in the near future for some reason
Oh my... how I love Christian Cage. This guy is the total package. I know there has been alot of debate on this forum in regard to whether he is main event material or not- and I cannot understand how anyone can't see how good this guy is. He should be in the main event picture in TNA for many years to come. He is brilliant on the mic and consistently has good matches.

Great pick, Shadow.
I've always said that Edge is superior to his "brother". I also feel that, while he is above average and can work a good match like anyone else, his wrestling style is just a bit wooden and jerky, his moves sometimes just aren't as fluid as they should be.

That being said, the guy does some of the best promos in the business, although - at times - I think they feel a little forced while still being of a high standard, he's very popular with the iMPACT! zone as a face (well, he used to be in WWE so that's a no brainer) and he's a great heel. As main event material, I'd say he's easily on the same level as Jarrett, although it's sometimes difficult to find guys that he just clicks with.

No doubt, a great pick.

EDIT: May I also suggest a tag team of the week section? Or maybe have tag teams along with singles wrestlers in this. I'd do it myself, but I lack the deep knowledge of Japanese and old school wrestling to carry it off as well as this thread. Maybe with a little help...
The final one of three and Sam I try to intersperse Tag teams in occasionally as there is far more interest in the singles then in Tag teams But Im doing a Tag one today as a third part of the Series.

This Weeks Wrestlers of the Week are: Edge & Christian


Double team maneuvers
-Sidewalk slam (Edge), diving reverse DDT (Christian) combo

Signature foreign object


-Kurt Angle

Championships and accomplishments

Insane Championship Wrestling

-ICW Streetfight Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-2000 Match of the Year – vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz (WrestleMania 2000, April 2, 2000, Triangle ladder match)
-2001 Match of the Year – vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz (WrestleMania X-Seven, April 1, 2001, TLC match)

Southern States Wrestling

-SSW Tag Team Championship

World Wrestling Federation

-WWF Tag Team Championship (7 times)

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-2000 Tag Team of the Year


Edge & Christian meet Ashton Kutcher

Edge & Christian Insult Road Dogg & K-Kwik

Edge's Birthday


Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardyz pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardyz pt.2

Edge & Christian Vs. Rikishi & The Big Show

Edge & Christian & The Hardyz Vs. New Age Outlaws & The Dudley Boys

Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardyz

Edge & Christian Vs. Jeff Hardy & Eddie Guerrero

Edge & Christian Vs. The Dudley Boys Vs. Brothers of Destruction pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Dudley Boys Vs. Brothers of Destruction pt.2

Edge & Christian & Chris Jericho Vs. The Dudley Boys & Rhyno

Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys

Edge & Christian Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.2

Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.2

Edge & Christian Vs. Lance Storm & Mike Awesome pt.1
Edge & Christian vs. Lance Storm & Mike Awesome pt.2

Edge Vs. Christian

Edge & Christian Vs. The Undertaker & The Rock pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Undertaker & The Rock pt.2

Edge Vs. Christian pt.1
Edge Vs. Christian pt.2

Edge & Christian Vs. Too Cool

Edge & Christian Vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg pt.2

Edge & Christian Vs. X-Pac & Billy Gunn

Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.1
Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.2
Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardys Vs. The Dudley Boys pt.3

Christian & Jeff Hardy Vs. Edge & Matt Hardy

Edge & Christian & Tomko Vs. Shawn Michaels & Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho pt.1
Edge & Christian & Tomko Vs. Shawn Michaels & Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho pt.2

Sexton Hardcastle & Christian Cage Vs. Danny Kass & Otis Apollo
Wow this stuff brings back memories. Shadow you've done it again, as you always seem to do. These matches with these teams make me realize how spoiled we were during the late 90s as wrestling fans. With the pathetic attempt at tag team wrestling today this is such a breath of fresh air. E/C are one of the best teams ever. Their styles were perfectly suited and they could fight just about any other team and put on agood entertaining match. I love their stuff with the dudleys. Thoughts on the team and/or favorite matches?
E&C happen to be one of my favorite tag teams ever. They really knew how to be great heels. They always generated great heat from the crowd. I was always entertained by their promos. And their feud with the Dudleys and the Hardyz will go down as one of the most famous tag team rivalries ever in the WWE. The matches they had were great and we hadn't seen spots that big before. TLC matches have now become fan favorites thanks to these two and the other teams. There matches usually always enetertained. Great choice by doing this tag team.
E&C one of if not the best tag teams ever. Both of them are talented singles wrestlers and both world champions. I believe that the TLC match at Wm with the dudleys and the hardy's was the greatest tag team bout of wrestling that i have ever seen and has really made the TLc match famous
Excellent Choices Shadow. I've held off commenting for the last three weeks so I can do them all together.

Edge: Edge, Edge is the man. He has been the best thing the WWE has had since his return in 2004, and his subsequent heel turn at the end of 2004 and beginning of 2005. The man consistently puts on match of the nights and steals the show.

Some people argue, oh, he only brings his A game in gimmick matches. You know why he gets all the great gimmick matches? Because he delivers each and every time. His regular one on one matches are great as well. Whatever the WWE asks him to do, he delivers. His mic work is untouchable in the WWE, with the exception of Jericho. The guy is the personification of a heel. As far as I'm concerned, Edge is the best Heel in the WWE since Ted DiBiase, and that includes The Game. Edge for my money, easily top 5 wrestler of the decade.

Christian Cage: For my money, easily the biggest mistake the WWE has made this decade. How in the hell did this guy not get pushed to the next level. In 2005 he was out popping guys like John Cena, gets a main event push, then gets shipped to the midcard of Smackdown, what? He plays the role of cocky annoying heel perfectly. He's a weasley character that you just love to hate. He is comparable to the Rock on the mic as far as direct relationship with the crowd. I am a Peep, and have been for a long time. Some question his in ring ability, sure, he's not the most technically sound wrestler, but he's solid in the ring, and he's not above lying on his back to put someone over.

Edge and Christian: You know, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to believe they are the best tag team ever. In a time of people marking out for the Dudleys and the Hardyz, Edge and Christian made those teams look tame by comparison. Clearly at the time they were a step above their competition, which has translate today to their success as individuals. I can't recall another tag team that had so much success as a team, and then both went on to win multiple world titles and become the face of their Promotions. For my money, Edge and Christian are the greatest tag team ever.
This is what a real tag team is all about. They had excellent chemistry working together in matches AND promos, these guys deserved every Tag title they won. They didn't even need that vampire brood gimmick to get over, as soon as they broke free from that group was when they started to excel as a tag team. Their feuds with the Hardys and Dudleys were history making and will go down as one of the best feuds in tag team history, mostly thanks to Edge and Christian because they were the ones who made the matches great IMO. E&C is such a great tag team success story because they both gained so much from it, Edge and Christian moved on to the midcard scene after they split and did exceptional, winning the European and IC titles multiple times in their careers. In the last couple of years they have both became World Champions in both of their respective companies and are huge names in the wrestling business today. They worked hard to get where they are and that is largely due to their tag team success, I think everybody would like to see an E&C reunion some day, that would be awesome.
I'd like to see that as well. I'm not so sure who I'd like to see make the jump though. CHristian coming back to WWE would e interesting but I'd be worried Vince woud bury him for leaving them. Edge to TNA just wouldn't work well. He's just right for WWE. Aas great as a reunion would be, I can't picture it happening either way.
I think we can all agree this is one of the best tag teams ever. I personally never watched them as I didn't watch WWE for a few years after they split, but I did watch their Wrestlemania ladder matchs, and they were amazing. And correct me if I'm wrong, but did we not vote them "Best Tag team Ever" a few months ago in the Tag team Tournament?

Plus, they're Canadians. Thats bonus points right there.
This weeks wrestker of the Week is: Jake "The Snake" Roberts


Finishing and signature maneuvers

-DDT - Innovated
-Short-arm clothesline
-Swinging knee lift


-Alice Cooper (WrestleMania III)
-Paul Ellering
-Jimmy Hart
-Paul Jones
-Sherri Martel
-Cheryl Roberts (wife)
-Kevin Sullivan

Championships and accomplishments

Americas Wrestling Federation

-AWF Puerto Rican Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Georgia Championship Wrestling

-NWA National Television Championship (1 time)
-NWA World Television Championship (Georgia version) (1 time)

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

-NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Jay Youngblood

Mid-South Wrestling Association

-Mid-South Louisiana Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-Mid-South North American Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
-Mid-South Television Championship (1 time)

Smoky Mountain Wrestling

-SMW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Stampede Wrestling

-Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Class Championship Wrestling

-WCCW Six Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez
-WCCW Television Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 1996
-PWI ranked him # 100 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.


Jake Robert on the Funeral Parlour

Jake Roberts Interview Survivor Series 1991

Jake Roberts Survivor Series 1988 Interview

Jake Roberts Interview

Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth on The Snake Pit

Honky Tonk Man on The Snake Pit


Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage

Jake " The Snake" Roberts Vs. Jerry Lawler

Jake "The Snake" Roberts & The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Ted DiBiase & Akeem

Jake Roberts Vs. Big Daddy Ritter

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Steve Austin pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Steve Austin pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Earthquake

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Danny Davis

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Davey Boy Smith pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Davey Boy Smith pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Bad News Brown

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Undertaker pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Undertaker pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Rick Martel pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Rick Martel pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Jim Powers

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage pt.1
"The Snake" Roberts Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Vader

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Ted Dibiase pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Ted Dibiase pt.2
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Ted Dibiase pt.3

Jake Roberts Vs. George Weingroff

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. King Kong Bundy

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Kamala

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Hercules pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Hercules pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Honky Tonk Man pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Honky Tonk Man pt.2

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Big Boss Man

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Earthquake

Jake "The Snake" Roberts & Ricky Steamboat Vs. The Super Destroyer & The Grappler

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude pt.1
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude pt.2
Excellent choice Shadow! This is by far one of my all time favorite wrestlers. He gave his character a mind as well as physical prowess. He also gave wrestling one of the greatest finsihing moves ever, my all time favorite move, the DDT. By far and away one of the best wrestlers never to hold a title in WWF/E. Also partially responsible for the creation of Austin 316. Great choice Shadow, keep them coming.
Wow, another great choice. Jake was very good in my opinion. I have to say I loved the snake thing. It never got old or stupid to me. It was different and interesting. The innovator of the DDT as well. That is actually pretty good considering almost every wrestler uses it. And this man has the best in ring psychology ever. The way he just sat in the corner and stared at them was amazing. And I have to agree that even though the end of his career was nothing special he helped create Austin 3:16 at King of the Ring. Another great choice.
I'm a big fan of the Snake. Pissed off still that about ten shows I went to when he was scheduled, he may have been there for only one or two of them.

The guy just got the business, there's no other way to describe it. He'll never be mistaken for a technical wonder, or an endurance machine, he'll be remembered for probably being the best in ring psychologist ever. He was creapy as a heel, and likable as a face. The guy almost became snake like in the ring. Sitting in the corner, staring, waiting to strike. The DDT is one of the most famous moves ever thanks to this man.

It just sucks that this guy never took control of his personal demons. I'm almost always surprised that when I see a headline of another wrestler being dead, that it wasn't Jake Roberts. The guy had potential to be a world champion in any company, it's just too bad he pissed it all away.
Possibly one of the greatest heels in wrestling history. I am not sure who formulated the Jake / Savage feud, but whoever did wasn't paid enough. I remember being a young fan and seeing that snake bite Randy Savage on the arm - it was fairly terrifying.

Robert's promos were off the charts. I can vividly recall the match he had with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 8, claiming "The biggest man doesn't always win, no, the strongest man doesn't always win, no he doesn't. It's the smartest man, the coldest man, the most cunning." He legitimately seemed to enjoy how evil he could be.
Excellent choice Shadowmancer. Jake the Snake Roberts will always be one of the all time greats, a wrestling legend. He was such a great character, one of the best IMO, and the pet snake(Damien) is the icing on the cake. He knew how to work a match and how to work a crowd, he had potential to be a multiple time World Champion for any of the big wrestling promotions, but he blew every chance that came across him and that is just sad. His personal problems will be the death of him like many other legendary wrestlers that died way before their time should have come unless he really cleans up his act for good. Anyways, I will not let Roberts' personal problems get in the way of me saying that he will always be remembered in the wrestling world as a legend.
Jake the Snake Roberts was the master or ring psychology, and he passed some the that knowledge onto other greats like Undertaker, Stone Cold, and Raven, I haven't seen a lot of Roberts but I did buy his DVD, and have seen the Beyond The Ring documentary, and from that I have to say he is one of the most depressing guys I think I have ever seen in the wrestling world, which is a little sad, but non the less he is a great choice and a great sports entertainer, from what I've seen the guy has had some of the most memorable feuds and matches, Once again great choice here with the innovator of the DDT, loved his feud with Savage too
This weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Mikey Whipwreck


Finishing and Signature moves

-Whipper-Snapper (Stunner, sometimes done off of the top rope)
-Whipper-Snapper II (Rolling stunner)
-Super Whipper-Snapper (Top rope front flip stunner)
-Franken-Mikey (Diving hurricanrana)
-Whipwreck Driver (Kneeling belly to belly piledriver)
-Unholy Driver (Fireman's carry dropped into a wheelbarrow facebuster)
-Double underhook backbreaker drop
-Inverted suplex


-Lou E. Dangerously
-The Sinister Minister
-Tara Charisma
-Mick Foley

Championships and accomplishments

Border City Wrestling
-BCW Can-Am Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

European Wrestling Association

-EWA European Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Eastern Championship Wrestling | Extreme Championship Wrestling

-ECW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Cactus Jack (2) and Yoshihiro Tajiri (1)
-ECW Television Championship (2 times)
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Impact Championship Wrestling

-ICW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Maryland Championship Wrestling

-MCW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

New York Wrestling Connection

-NYWC Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NYWC Tag Team Championship (1 time)

USA Pro Wrestling

-USA Pro Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Wayne

Xtreme Wrestling Coalition

-XWC Heavyweight Championship (1 time) (First)

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-Rookie of the Year in 1994


Mikey Whipwreck & Sinister Minister Promo

Mikey Whipwreck promo

Cactus Jack tries to recruit Mikey Whipwreck


Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Sabu

Mikey Whipwreck & Spike Dudley Vs. PG-13

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Chris Jericho

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Taz

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Sabu pt.1
Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Sabu pt.2

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Too Cold Scorpio pt.1
Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Too Cold Scorpio pt.2

Mikey Whipwreck & Sabu Vs. The Eliminators pt.1
Mikey Whipwreck & Sabu Vs. The Eliminators pt.2

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Billy Kidman pt.1
Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Billy Kidman pt.2

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Steve Austin Vs. The Sandman

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Cactus Jack

Mikey Whipwreck Vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Psicosis Vs. Little Guido

Mikey Whipwreck & Cactus Jack Vs. Public Enemy

Mikey Whipwreck & The Sandman Vs. CM Punk & Julio Dinero

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