Semifinals: Wolverine vs. Juggernaut

Who wins?

  • Wolverine

  • Juggernaut

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Round Four


These two Marvel creations have found themselves on the opposite side of a fight more often than not, but rarely have they ever had the opportunity to go one on one in an environment like the BattleZone. Will Wolverine's adamantium claws be enough to rip through Juggernaut's armor, or will the big man's momentum be enough to carry him into the finals?

Wolverine is just no match for Juggernauts strengh, stamina, and impenetrable armor. As much as I love Wolverine, I don't see anything he can do to beat The Juggernaut. Don't let which character you like the most thwart your opinion on who would win. As much of a fan base Wolverine may have, you can't deny that everyone loves big juggs.

:xmen: R.I.P.
There is no logical argument can be made for Wolverine, Juggernaut will easily win. Wolverine may have adamantium but guess what that probably won't work on Jugga, and Jugga packs a punch as good as the hulks, which has taken Wolverine out before. easy knockout victory
As much as I like Wolverine, I just don't see it happening here. Juggernaut is one of those very rare powerhouses that's pretty much impossible for anyone except the most powerful of beings to handle one on one.

I've yet to see Juggernaut really lose a straight up, one on one fight with him at his full power. The only defeat that pops to mind was back in the 90s when Onslaught knocked Juggs from Canada to New Jersey. At full power, I've never seen Thor or Hulk beat Juggs in a one on one fight. Most of the time, their battles have been interrupted but neither's ever been close to putting Juggs down. Entire rosters of various X-teams and Avengers haven't really been able to take Juggernaut down.

Wolverine will go at it with everything he has but Juggernaut's mystical armor and his mystical force field, if I'm not mistaken, have withstood attacks from Wolverine's Adamantium claws. Wolverine is extremely tough, he's tenacious and he's the more skilled fighter but it's all moot if he can't hurt the guy he's fighting.

If it wasn't for Juggs' almost total invulnerability, Wolverine could take him. After all, taking on and fighting big durable powerhouses is something he's done quite a bit of. But that's not going to be the case here. I'm not so sure that Juggs can kill Wolverine either because of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton, but he can just relentlessly pound on him until he's just not able to continue.
Wolverine loses to Juggernaut it's a no contest. He won't be able to beat him in a physical match up because of his shield and invulnerability. Sure Wolverine has a healing factor, but so does Juggernaut. Juggernaut doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, he could just stand there and let Logan wear himself out or just give Logan a brain smoothie like WW Hulk did.

There's a reason why Wolverine has backed away from fights with Juggernaut before.
There really isn't much room for discussion here folks. Wolverine as bad-ass as he is can't beat Juggernaut on his lonesome. Hell for that matter most of the Marvel universe can't either, the man is unstoppable. Vote Juggernaut.
This is a good ol' fashioned slobberknocker!

Both of these guys have to use the same rough strategy, they are both melee fighters with no ranged attacks at all. Each has to physically pound down their opponent to win. No lasers, no arrows, no psychic powers, just a brawler vs a brawler. With the other X-Men at his side, yeah...Wolverine could take Juggernaut down. But one on one? Highly unlikely. Juggernaut would be difficult to defeat by just about any individual in this tournament, regardless of their power level and abilities. One on one, he is practically untouchable. An extremely intelligent combatant might be able to figure out a way to incapacitate him, but that just isn't Wolverine's style. He would go head to head with him and trade blows for however long he could manage, before running out of steam or losing consciousness from one of Juggernaut's blows.
I love me some Wolverine, but I can't vote for him here. If we were talking Juggernaut from X3 or from Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, then I would vote Logan all day, but the Juggs in question here is the badass, near unstoppable one from the comics. Maybe Wolverine can catch him by surprise and knock his helmet off, more probable is that Wolverine backs away from the fight like he has in one on one fights with Juggs in the past.
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