Rumor: Sara Del Rey's Role & What Her Presence MIGHT Mean For The Divas


YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!!!! is reporting that there's talk backstage as to why Sara Del Rey has been brought in by WWE.

According to talk, Del Rey is the first example of WWE employing a different strategy when it comes to hiring Divas. Instead of hiring former models, the company is going to be hiring....wait for it.....wrestlers. :p Yeah, whudda thought that hiring women who actually want to be wrestlers might actually be a novel idea? Allegedly, the WWE sees this as an answer to hiring swimsuit models, like the Bella Twins & Maxine & Kelly Kelly, who end up getting frustrated and leaving the company. There's also talk of bringing in more top female wrestlers. Of course, this will all be pretty much moot if WWE just booked these new Divas with the same irrelevance as the swimsuit models.

However, if this is true, then WWE seems to be going for women more for their wrestling abilities rather than how they look in skin tight and/or skimpy spandex. So, this MIGHT mean a real change in philosophy when it comes to the Divas.

It's also being reported that Del Rey will also be used to help train WWE Divas, which would make fine use of her knowledge.

At the end of the day, this might all turn out to be one big letdown. We're so used to that when it comes to anything regarding the Divas anyhow, but I guess it doesn't hurt to hope.
I hope this tid bit is true. I've always felt that divas like Eve and A. Fox just needed a little more hand on training. This could also mean the re-hiring of actually talented divas that can work, like Melina and Jillian Hall, coupled with Natalya and Beth, wishful thinking !
Well... It's a really smart idea.

The turnover rate for the divas is insane. Hiring future playboy models isn't a bad idea. But you can't build around it. Kelly Kelly spent almost 6 years with WWE. Now she thinks her modeling career is going to launch.

You teach all this promotion and marketing to somebody. Then boom! They up and quit. At least with Wrestlers, you're getting somebody who wants to be there. Not someone wanting to add extra work to their resume.

Now, granted. Women's wrestling isn't a big deal. But, a 10 minute match is a lot more entertaining then a 3 minute battle royal.
The WWE doesn't seem to care about the Diva's division, so it's not surprising so many up and quit. Honestly hiring actual wrestlers won't make a difference if they don't actually build up the division and get people interested. Give them more tv time, let them actually wrestle week in and week out to show their skills, don't just throw them on tv for 30 seconds and have someone interfere. It's all fine and dandy if they bring in great talent, but unless they change things around, it won't make a difference. Many divas have complained in the past saying that when they do finally get a chance to wrestle, they're rusty and you can't blame them. Not letting them do anything for months and then suddenly asking them to go out there and wrestle an actual match, no wonder they botch. Then the WWE criticizes them and that's that. Not their fault honestly. You have to put them in the ring and let them wrestle so they can get more comfortable.
The WWE doesn't seem to care about the Diva's division, so it's not surprising so many up and quit. Honestly hiring actual wrestlers won't make a difference if they don't actually build up the division and get people interested. Give them more tv time, let them actually wrestle week in and week out to show their skills, don't just throw them on tv for 30 seconds and have someone interfere. It's all fine and dandy if they bring in great talent, but unless they change things around, it won't make a difference.

Another thing is they need to give them serious characters. You have AJ with her crazy chick gimmick and that's a start but what about the others? A large part of wrestling is the characters. A lot of old school fans remember Gorgeous George, Ox Baker, and Classy Freddie Blassie a lot better than they do a lot of their contemporaries. Why? Because those guys had something about them that stood out. They had personalities that made you become emotionally invested in the match.

WWE needs to give these girls characters and give them chances to show them such as in interviews and promos. Don't just throw `em in the ring for one minute and tell `em sink or swim.
since the wwe is trying to get their network up and going. i would not be surprise if the had a weekly hour long divas show. like 3 matches and some promos til the show get a good ground work. bring in the occasional outside female wrestler. like if the was to get cheerleader melissa and roxxi, just to name 2 of the top of my head, but women who can work and tell a story of a match then wwe would regain the 5 million fans it loses everyweek.
To actually go ahead and mention the thread topic; Sara Del Rey's role as wrestler/trainer is a great idea. For one, she will get the opportunity to work w/Beth, Nattie, Karma(?????) and the ladies that want to get better and are there because they want to be. She could do a lot for the ladies in NXT, as well. She is a training machine, and several male wrestlers have commented on how she makes guys look bad w/her work ethic.

I will agree with you all that it's all about what it is the company REALLY wants to do w/this division. The early 00's was a hotbed for women's wrestling in WWE and may be difficult to duplicate. Bringing Fit Finlay back will help immensely if they intend to have him work w/the ladies again, as well. No matter what, SDR will not be able to put on the 10-20 min matches she is used to, as only one or two other people would be able to work that w/her, and considering the time spent in WWE Beth and Nattie may not even be able to do so. Either way, it's gonna be cool to see her kick the crap out of the divas w/her educated feet and the royal butterfly. Maybe she will be allowed to use her submission arsenal, too.
Give it 3 months and the WWE (and by WWE I mean Vince) will have a brainstorm and decide that, actually y'know what, models are the future. He has the memory of a goldfish and I'm quite sure he doesn't know what he's doing anymore. Just throw crap at a wall and see what sticks.
Wait they are actually looking for female wrestlers ... wow

Divas were great because you knew when they had a match you had around 5 minutes to get to the restroom and maybe warm up some snack food. Hopefully WWE follows this and continues to sign actual diva talent.

But divas will eventually go back to being the swimsuit models that we know today and be utterly awful in the ring and awful on the mic. But at least some will look good.
As Dr. Awesome has already pointed out, Fit Finlay's return appears very convenient when set alongside this report. Early noughties Divas have credited Dave for bringing them on as quickly as they did (notably Trish, who many consider the quintessential Diva). I'd imagine that a combination of FF and SDR could be looked upon by the WWe brass as the closest thing thing to a production line for tomorrow's women's division.
Del Rey is an awesome wrestler, she wouldn't be the type to accept a contract if she was only going to get maybe 2 minute air time with wwe. Shimmer has awesome females and matches, so to give that up for a crap opportunity is stupid. She is not that dumb.
WWE has been needing to find women wrestlers who can actually wrestle. I know it's rare nowadays, but that is why most fans today hate women's divisions. SDR couldn't be any worse than some in that division currently. And I keep noticing the emphasis on SDR not being the "typical model type". I mean, yeah she's not a glamoured up ****e. She is kinda hot in the average way. The fact that she can wrestle would be a bonus.

Quick sidenote; If Sara Del Rey married Rey Mysterio, she'd be Sara Del Rey Mysterio. :lol: Sorry, my mind wonders......
This is great news for wrestling fans.Del Rey is sure to be a great talent and can improve the diva division.But one or two performers can't take the whole division by themselves.Current diva roster is much better than last year this time:You have The Huge Kharma(If she hasn't left),an established heel like Eve Torres,The athletic and also current diva champion Layla,Beth Pheonix(I personally like to call her the female version of Kurt Angle),a technical wrestler like Natalya and a girl who made the current WWE title storyline so great,AJ and of course Sara Del Rey.
WWE will need more talent and better booking too.with raw going to three hours you can have 15 minutes for divas promoting and 10 minutes having matches.I'm sure WWE will find many time on either show.

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