Round 1; 28 Virtua Fighter 4 v 101 Disgaea: Hour of Darkness


  • VF4

  • Disgaea

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!


Have to go with Virtua Fighter 4 here. I'm usually not a big fan of fighting games (aside from Tekken of course), but Virtua Fighter is one of those series that are so fun and accessable that they can be enjoyed by virtually anyone at any age.

I remembering hearing good things about Disgaea when it was released, but I never had any interest in playing it. Mainly because of the cartoony graphics. Call me stuck up if you will, but I tend to avoid any game with that style of almost kids-manga animation. How the hell am I supposed to take anything in the game seriously when I feel like I'm playing an episode of Pokemon?

VF4 gets the vote.
Ummm...Virtua Fighter 4.

Virtua Fighter 4 was great fun. I wanna see what kind of shit flies if it can manage to go up against Tekken or Street Fighter. That is, if they're even in the tournament. I haven't checked the standings in awhile.

Disgaea? I heard good stuff. But....yeah. Weirdly animated games never really stick with me. It's part of why I didn't like Wind Waker. I don't really have a lot of stock in this match, other than a match I would like to see happen. Let Disgaea win, let Virtua win. But I'm voting Virtua Fighter 4.
Seriously? You're going to trash this game because it has a cartoon like atmosphere? Well, golly, let's call Japan and tell them that one of their primary art styles is actually a terrible idea.

I will not claim that Virtua Fighter 4 is a bad game. In fact, at its time in 2002, it probably represented one of the best fighting games in years. It's AI and its controls were huge improvements - it was a damn good fighting game.

But Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, is a seminal classic that goes so often unappreciated. It is one of the best strategy games ever put out, ever. Period. IGN recognizes it as one of the best unappreciated titles around, and as Best Strategy Game of the year. GameSpy recognized it as a top 10 PS2 game and also Strategy Game of the Year. It's one of the most creative and innovate titles to hit strategy in a long time, and its presence is still felt today in the line of Disgaea hits that continue to rock the strategy genre. It's got a great, though admittedly Japanese-appealing, story to it. It's a fantastic game.

Do the right thing and vote Disgaea.
The Virtua Fighter series is a bit underrated. It is a button mashers worst nightmare, which appeals to me.

I have always preferred Virtua Fighter over fighting series like Tekken, Soul Caliber, Mortal Kombat, King Of Fighters etc. Virtua Fighter I just feel so much more in control, I feel like if I lose, I can never blame the game, only myself. Im biased of course because I just button mash in Tekken (and usually win... which actually pisses me off a little).

Virtua Fighter is possibly my favourite fighting series, rivalling Street Fighter, so it has to get my vote.
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