Roderick is not Strong


Wrestling Historian
..on the mic.

In fact he's downright TERRIBLE! This guy has absolutely NO charisma. He's the blandest wrestler I think I've seen in any of the three major promotions in North America. Watch this videowire; the start of it is a promo by Roderick Strong.

Yes, that's the Ring of Honor World champion. I have four questions really..

1) How can Roderick Strong be the best choice for Ring of Honor's champion? Their TOP guy!

2) Do you take Ring of Honor seriously with Roderick Strong as their champion?

3) After being in the business as long as Roderick Strong has, including in promotions like TNA and a verylong tenure in Ring of Honor, how can this guy not improve?

4) Is Roderick Strong Ring of Honor's WORST World champion in company history?
1. well for starters its ROH not WWE
2.Never took ROH seriously to begin with
3.Some people can talk so smoth,they can convince an eskimo to buy ice, other cant convince a shark to swim. some guys have mic skills other just don't
4.I'm sure ROH has haad worse champions
1. Because he is great in the ring. In ROH, mic skills are secondary to in-ring skills. Roderick Strong routinely puts on very good to great matches. He paid his dues throughout his run in ROH and worked his way to the top and earned the title by giving 110% in every one of his matches. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a Roderick Strong match that wasn't at least very good. His mic skills could use a lot of work, but they are not needed in a company like Ring of Honor.

2. Like I said in my last post, just watch a Roderick Strong match and you will understand how to take him seriously as a champion. The dude can wrestle.

3. Some people just don't have the ability to be gods on the mic. Not everyone can be JBL or John Cena. But Roderick Strong is capable of delivering decent promos, but right now I don't think they are booking him right to be honest. They are trying to make him into this heel persona and it just doesn't work for him. He would be better suited as a face that never backs down from a challenge, but that's just my opinion.

4. No, how about Xavier? While I don't think Strong will be the best champion in the promotions history, I think he will have a pretty good run with the belt. Most people thought he was just a transitional champion for Davey Richards to win the belt. While he may still lose to Richards, Strong will have a pretty good championship run.
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I'll be honest, I don't watch ROH, but from what I've heard it seems as though the promotion prides itself on ring work, not mic work. I know the likes of Daniel Bryan, Kaval and Tyler Black made in big in ROH due to their in-ring ability, despite not being able to cut amazing promos.

ROH is a very different promotion than TNA and WWE, having almost zero charisma doesn't make you a bad champion. Taking that into account, Strong's well recieved wrestling ability is enough to stop him being branded the worst ROH Champion ever.

In my personal opinion, Jamie Noble/James Gibson is the worst ever ROH Champion. He was decent in the ring, but his reign made ROH look weak. He was a glorified jobber from another promotion who came in and claimed ROH's top belt. Good thing he didn't make two months with the belt.
The one thing i admire about Strong is his wrestling ability and move set, his mic work isn't that great but from what i've seen on youtube yes his mic work can use alot of work, but ROH isn't about mic work alot of the time just wrestling focused.
While I do think that Roderick's mic skills are comparable to Bobby Lashley's mic skills, he does back up what he says with his wrestling skills and aggression. That at least you should be able to give Roderick credit for. He may not be the most intimidating, dominating heel champion, but there's no doubt that winning the ROH World Title has elevated Roderick Strong's character. It's made him step up and become a better wrestler.

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