Rock and John Cena Teaming At Survivor Series?

Just confirmed by! Dwayne The Rock Johnson and John Cena - WWE Universe will team up at WWE Survivor Series in a Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Tag Team Match at Madison Square Garden Nov. 20! Stay tuned to for more details!

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So Cena, Rock, ???,???,??? vs. ???,???,???,???,???
I'm sorry but New York City aint gonna have it. WWE have tried miserably for over 6 years to get Cena over "with the millions." And now they think by putting him on a team with The Rock, that's gonna do the trick? In New York City too of all places??

That crowd is gonna chew Cena up and spit him out. And they might do the same with The Rock just by association.
Dislike the complete idea of Rock and Cena teaming up together... :disappointed: ... Would have been better with "Team Bring It" vs "Cenation".

I think i am the only one here who is not liking Rock and Cena teaming up together :confused:
EStreet is right on the money. If it DOESN'T play out like that then the creative team at WWE is missing a GOLDEN opportunity. That would be amazing television. It would win back so many viewers that the WWE has lost over the years. I have loads of respect for Cena for the time and effort he puts in and what he's done with his character, but I despise everything else about him. I root for him to lose every match he is in. But a heel turn of that magnitude would be EPIC. I think I'd like Cena as a heel. It would show his range as an entertainer(or lack thereof if he sucks at it). That's exactly what we need. CHANGE!!!!! By the way, Dolph Ziggler is so under utilized its sickening. He is main event talent and is the epitome of "it" factor.
This sucks.

Why would anyone want to see them on the same team? this is typical garbage WWE booking 101.

Rocks return should have been saved for WM, plain and simple!
I don't mind the match. I think it's a good way to try and iron out the wrinkles that Rock probably has from years of inactivity. I don't mind him and Cena teaming, either. I hope that all the other participants fit well and aren't just thrown together. I've seen people say that HHH will reform his own Corporation/nWo/stable, and it should be that team, if he does that. Then, maybe Punk can gather some people together and add Cena & Rock to the team. I could see HHH having himself, Nash, Miz & Truth, and Alberto Del Rio, while Punk has himself, AirBoom, and Rock & Cena. I think AirBoom would work in the match because: 1) those two spots don't matter much and; 2) they'll probably lose to Miz & Truth and will have beef. Either way, I'm excited to see who gets picked for what team and overall I think the idea isn't bad.
hate to break it to all u cena haters but del rio will not be champ going into ss there has been talk in the back at wwe of pulling the title off him now since hes not getting the response they wanted so dont be surprised if we see cena defeat del rio at noc for the title and if he doesnt do it there 2 weeks later at hell in the cell del rio will not walk out with the title thats a fact hes a lackluster champ in my opinion doesnt belong anywhere near the wwe title he is a mid card at best he has not gotten over way vince thought he would i think sun is the end for del rio and i feel it will be cena rock punk ?? not sure what other 2 but they will go against nash hhh xpac ?? as we will see the rebirth of the nwo sunday night!!!!!
I guess it makes the most sense that it's a traditional survivor series elimination match.

Let's not forget the rumors that The Undertaker may be returning at Survivor Series. I might be a situation where everyone is in the ring and the 5th team member is a "mystery" then the lights go out and the gong. Perfect way to bring Taker back into action. He and the rock would be in the same position. There for hype and they really wouldn't have to wrestle that much.

How about this: Rock, Cena, Foley, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and Undertaker vs. Triple H, CM Punk, Laurinitis (can he wrestle anymore?), Miz (just a throw in) or Miz and Truth if Laurinitis can't wrestle, and Nash.

My question is, how on Earth are they going to explain the Rock and Cena teaming up??
By the way this will be a 5 on 5 Elimination Match. This is going to be good I think with some many possibilities happening. Team Cena/Rock with 3 others against maybe a Team Awesome Truth or a Team HHH. I am definetly going to buy Survivor Series though I was going to anyway.
Personally I'm glad that they're not going to ruin Rock vs. Cena by having the impending "Best of 3" series start at Survivor Series. It's a bit odd that Cena and Rock would tag together, and even more odd that it's going to be a "traditional Survivor Series match". That begs the question, who are going to be their teammates? But I think their opponents are the bigger question...

If Rock and Cena are teaming, you know it's going to be the main event of the PPV. ANd if it's Madison Square Garden, they're not going to waste a Survivor Series main event by pairing them against the Miz and R-Truth. Perhaps there's some way they'll roll CM Punk and Triple H into it, but I don't see that happening.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out until things get closer.
I would understand why they would want the Rock & Cena on the same team. Any form of Cena versing the Rock at SS would make 'Mania worth that much less. I can't imagine how Cena & Rock teaming would work out without looking really awkward but if they want Cena/Rock in a 5v5 match then that's the best way to book it. Booking Rock in a 1v1 match would be difficult because the Rock would win regardless and it would have to be against a main eventer to actually have some value so I guess WWE didn't want to bury a main eventer.
i read about this through another wrestling website on sunday (not sure if im allowed say which one) but here is the full article about this

"As noted before, John Cena and The Rock will be teaming up at November’s WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view in a 5-on-5 tag team match.

Word is that The Rock and Cena will be teaming with CM Punk, Sheamus and possibly one other Superstar to take on Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth and possibly two other Superstars.

Regarding upcoming appearances, The Rock is scheduled for more than one RAW episode going into Survivor Series. Also, it looks like the idea of a Best of 3 Series between The Rock and Cena has been dropped."

I'm liking the idea of where this could be going, it can lead in many directions, it could end up at Wrestlemania where cena and rock have as much respect as possible for each other due to how well they work together, or it could end up with them constantly trying to out class one another ending in a vicious match at mania.

If the named stars are true i would like to see.....
Rock, Cena, Punk, Sheamus and maybe a returning Kane/Big Show??
Del Rio, Miz, Truth, Christian and Jack Swagger
I really can't see WWE putting Del Rio, Rock, Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Miz etc etc in the same match. It would dilute the star power in the rest of the card and make it look really weak!!! They need to allow for a Punk/Triple H/Nash storyline which should hopefully continue for the time being.

I would go:

Rock, Cena, Foley, Morrison, Ryder vs Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth, Sin Cara (evil), Ziggler
I really can't see WWE putting Del Rio, Rock, Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Miz etc etc in the same match. It would dilute the star power in the rest of the card and make it look really weak!!! They need to allow for a Punk/Triple H/Nash storyline which should hopefully continue for the time being.

I would go:

Rock, Cena, Foley, Morrison, Ryder vs Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth, Sin Cara (evil), Ziggler

There's something here I think will happen, which is why I'd take Sin Cara off the list. I can see a 5 vs. 5 match with team Sin Cara vs. team Sin Cara. It could go something like:

Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Air Boom, Gabriel vs. Sin Cara, Christian (feud with Bryan possibly for his briefcase in the near future???), Otunga, Hennig, Slater.

If anything, I'd take Ryder out and replace with Swagger, and Replace Sin Cara with Barrett.
True enough, good idea.

The more and more I think about it though I really cant see a Rock/Cena 5 on 5 match and a team Triple H vs team Vince match. With both titles on the line aswell surely these 2 matches would make the title matches insignificant?

Maybe Vince returns, starts up a storyline with Triple H for control of WWE. Cena drops the belt (again) probably to Punk. Triple H assembles a group of guys to go against Vince's guys.

Team Triple H - The Rock, John Cena, Bret Hart, Undertaker, Mick Foley? Hart has heat on Vince, Taker returns to help Trips out of respect (WM27) and Foley is there because of Rock.

Team Vince - Nash, Miz and R-Truth there for obvious reasons. Maybe get Jonny Ace back in the ring. Him and Bret could leave the match early, double count out or something. X-Pac would make sense aswell, he a WWE employee.
vince will return for sure. i think it's going to be a big build up for vince vs triple h at wrestlemania 28 sorta like hbk and vince at wm 22.
but for rock and cena i see cena turning heel here i know its the biggest topic for ppl who dont like cena (like me)..but hes going to get booed at wm 28 in miami anyways so why not make him a huge heel like mark henry just beating the crap out of people like kingston, sheamus, orton any faces. then turn him back face after they have there rematch at summerslam 2012 makes alot of since. because the rock cant go heel here someone has to be a heel in this fued and it's not going to be the rock thats for damn sure
I think that this is a good move. It allows Rock to clear up his ring rust but it is not like he would have to be in the ring for a long time. It won't take anything away from his match at WrestleMania 28 because it still would be his first singles match in more than 7 years. I was not that keen on Rock having a singles match before Mania because it would have lessened the moment at WrestleMania a bit but this is a situation that works fine for everyone.

My dream scenario would involve Rock, Cena, Punk and Air Boom teaming up against Rhodes, Miz, Truth, Del Rio and Christian for HHH's COO spot for one last time. I know the heel team looks a bit outclassed but they can be made to look good. Henry, especially looks really dominant now.

Punk and Rock would constantly bicker with each other when this team is announced and Punk would even leave the team before the match. Rock will ask HHH to name a replacement but HHH will not name one because he would say that he knows that Punk would do the right thing.

I would book the match as Henry taking out Air Boom all by himself leaving it to Cena and Rock( Punk would still not be there). Cena would eliminate Henry with an FU which would make Henry angry and he would blast Cena with a chair. Cena would then be eliminated by being hit by finishers from everyone else.

Inside the ring Rock would be taking a beating from all the four men when Punk's music would hit. He would take out Del Rio and then he and Rock would make Rhodes and Truth tap with a sharpshooter and an Anaconda Vice respectively. Then Miz would sneak up on The Rock and eliminate him and Punk would not stop Miz from getting the pinfall. Punk and Miz would then have a hardfought match with Punk winning after 5 to 6 minutes.

Yes, this scenario is meant to put Punk over. But I want to see it. More than that I want to see him come and gloat the next night about how he stole the show from both Cena and Rock at a time when the whole world had tuned in to watch just them. Cena and Rock are established stars and they will get a great program highlighting their rivalry in the build up to Mania so this need not be about them only.
I think this is a fantastic idea because it gives both guys something to do without having them face each other. This means Cena will not have a title match and The Rock will not work a regular match that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Why waste his PPV return on a pointless match or have Cena do yet another world title match? Forcing them to team together will bring interesting results in a history making match that will likely help build up anticipation for their Wrestlemania match even further. I can't wait to see this.
I was kind of shocked, when I first heard about this, because WWE has presented the Wrestlemania encounter as a once in a lifetime match. I thought WWE would save Rock's in ring return for the big show, but seeing the team of Cena and Rock at Survivor Series should provide a fun experience. This team should help the buy rates for Survivor Series, because a lot of people will want to see Rock's return to the ring, and teaming with Cena will give the moment that epic feeling. There should be a lot of tension between these two, and a physical encounter wouldn't surprise me. This is a great way to build some hype for their Wrestlemaina match, so I don't have a problem with this at all.
Perfect way to get the feud to another level .. while on the same team the faces will wrestle against the heels - truth miz del rio etc... and finally afterr the match rocky could layeth the smacketh down on fruity pebbles john cena candy azz , so that rocky could make more PPV attendaance as clarified by vince...
I initially had a problem with this because I thought that Rock shouldn't wrestle until Wrestlemania or until the few weeks before Wrestlemania. I now have no idea why I thought that. It's a great idea and should provide a fun match while letting Rock wrestle so he can clear up some ring rust. Most importantly, it will keep Cena away from the title picture and help further build his Wrestlemania match. I am very curious about the team lineups and if maybe Punk will be involved as a team member or if Nash, Truth, and Miz will come back as members of the opposing team. Either way, I'm pretty stoked.
If you go to the official website it will show you a countdown. The event ends at 11PMEST, however their match according to the countdown is scheduled to start at 10EST. I understand that probably means the promo, entrances before but even with both of those lasting 10 minutes max, that still leaves 50 minutes on the card (if you think entrances and promo will be 15 mins than that still leaves 45 mins on the card). I dont see this match going past 20 minutes (especially the fact the Rock probably wont have enough conditioning to prep for that long of a match). My question though is that still leaves (even with promos and entrances) enough time for a 20 minute match.....

Discuss and also if you think Cena vs Rock should be the final match or if you think UT deserves the honor since he'll be going for his 20-0 and may be his final match as well (assuming of course hes back in time). First I am excited as I will be there and think it will be possibly the best WM of all time, but I really feel UT should go last. He didnt leave the company for 7 years and he gets injured a lot but still comes back and has really only been gone when hes recovering. 20-0 is awesome but the bigger deal is the fact he may retire or even bigger he may lose the streak.
They should be the main-event regardless if it is for the WWE championship or not. These are the two biggest icons of two different eras, and they deserve to be the last match at wrestlemania. As for Undertaker, no one confirmed that it is his last match so I don't think he will be the main attraction.

As for their match going for an hour? I believe they can stay long enough. And how can you say that the Rock won't have enough conditioning to last a match more than 20 mins? You'll never know because he might still be training hard to keep himself in shape this past few years that he is gone.

I believe Cena-Rock would be the main-event. No question about it. Why do you go and make a match a year before wrestlemania and go into all the trouble hyping that bout when it isn't even the main-event right? I believe Vince thinks the same.
I really dont think their match will exceed 20 mins (lets be honest most people will be happy if it goes 15 minutes as its just the fact this match is even happening at all, but me personally I hope it goes 20-25 mins). The Rock is fit and all dont get me wrong but with all the movies I dont think he can honestly last past 20/25 minutes in a match (you need a lot of conditioning and his movie schedule doesnt lead me to believe he'll have enough time to fully condition). I am shocked as well that this match could possibly be the second to last as I thought without question this would be the final match (IMO the title shouldnt be involved), but this leads me to believe the WWE has something special for someone else (UT makes the most sense with his 20-0 streak and possible retirement coming up).

Look at WM18. Hogan vs Rock the 3rd to last match that was a shock, so even though I thought Rock vs Cena would go last it wouldnt totally shock me.
Don't forget that most ppvs will probably end like at 10:45ish (since the ppv feed will cut off if they exceed the time slot)

so 45 minutes for 10 minutes entrance, 15 minutes match and 5 minutes for post match stuff isn't really that far fetched to be honest

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