Rob Van Dam: Heel?

wrestling fan 666

Pre-Show Stalwart
After several months off of TNA Impact wrestling, Rob Van Dam is back for Lethal Lockdown. The writers claim they had no story line for him and he's been getting paid to sit back and watch people like rookie Garrett Bischoff get over. My thinking is this is a perfect opportunity for Rob to get back into the show by turning heel at the PPV.

Rob came into the company dominating the talent and eventually winning the world title. He had the talent then and still has it now to take TNA higher than before. As a heel, he could have epic matches with Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, and even A.J. Styles. This turn could be the push he and creative need to get back on track.

My feeling is he should turn heel. What do you guys think? Would it work? Should he stay face? Let's discuss!
I wouldn't mind it at all. If anything, it would freshen Van Dam up a bit. He's been carrying on with his laid back, "dude" character for umpteen years now and a change is certainly overdue for RVD.

I would love to see him revert back to his original ECW persona. An overconfident, but collected heel with an unorthodox style. RVD has the potential to be very unpredictable if he's booked correctly and he would be the perfect candidate to be involved with a little mutiny at Lockdown.
well i wouldnt mind seeing RVD turn heel i think it would be refreshing and something different sense i dont think hes ever truley been heel before but theres 1 problem here...RVD doesnt wanna turn heel he was supposed to turn heel back at BFG on 10-10-10 but he said no to it because he likes playing the goes with the flow face and im sure RVD has enough power in tna where if he says no to turning heel it wont happen.

He was a heel in the original ECW and it worked for him. I understand back in 10/10/10 he wanted to be laid back, but after having so much time off; it might give him incentive. I agree that he probably signed a deal with TNA and has some power with it, but he could use that to change things up...what do you think?
well...I certainly wouldnt mind this happning then have tna build a few wks then we get a heel rvd vs a face hardy at slammiversary
I really think that this could happen but i wouldn't do it for the simple fact that fans can't and won't hate him. during the invasion he was a heel and people loved him. when he beat Cena for the title and was acting a little heel-ish people loved him. This guy is a person all fans just see as a laid back dude that you would want to share a joint with. they could do it but i don't think it would work.
A heel RVD would be a very nice change of pace, as he's been face and and laid back good guy for what his whole career now right? It's time for a much needed change.

A heel turn would also make some sense. I'd be pissed too if I was told creative had nothing for me, yet there's this whole Garrett Bischoff story going on. Kids gotta earn his stripes. I'm sure RVD could've done something in that time frame.

Either way it's going to be great to have him back, and a heel turn would help some balance on the roster against the faces. An RVD feud with a Hardy/Kennedy/Styles would be fun to watch!

He was a heel in the original ECW and it worked for him. I understand back in 10/10/10 he wanted to be laid back, but after having so much time off; it might give him incentive. I agree that he probably signed a deal with TNA and has some power with it, but he could use that to change things up...what do you think?

i didnt know he played a heel in ECW my bad but like i said i would be intersted in him turning heel but i just cant see it happening but hey maybe he changed his mind :shrug:
While it worked in ECW, i just don't believe a RVD heel would work in a TNA setting. When RVD was heel he still had a majority of the fans cheering for him because of his agile move set. And I'm not saying heels can't have a high flying move set, I'm just saying is doesn't work for very long. Just look at Austin Aries. If he does though I guess I'd have to see how it worked out for a couple of weeks before I'd judge it.
I suppose it's possible, but it could be an uphill battle.

1. TNA turns people heel/face all the time so it wouldn't be much of a shock.
2. RVD is a veteran and practically always been a fan favorite. I think the last time he tried a heel turn was during the Invasion, but fans still cheered him.
3. As other said, his move set is geared towards getting alot of pops. He'd probably need to tone it down.
4. RVD isn't great on the mic, so he would probably have to rely on his in ring work to get heat. See above.

But who knows, maybe it would work. I didn't watch ECW back in the day, and have never even seen a heel RVD.
RVD is like 1996 in a forever timewarp. I don't think he is capable of changing, and I don't understand the interest in the character at this point.
RVD is stale, over 40 and throws out the same half assed effort in matches these days. Vince would only sign him to elevate guys like Ziggler, Rhodes and Swagger. If RVD is looking for a mian event spot, he best stay in TNA or go to Japan.

Sure a heel turn would freshen him up, but would defeat the purpose of signing him. He isnt going to change gimmicks so he will always be the stoner with the high flying move set. Unless Vince plans on giving him a hell of a lot of microphone time, his days are sealed as a babyface
Rob Van Dam as a heel would need a mouthpiece, like a manager. Rob's not very good at getting any emotion other than "stoned" through in a promo. He'd need someone to talk for him while he did the dirty work in the physical department. I'm not saying I'm against a RVD heel turn, but it has to be done in certain ways or else it won't work right.

As for RVD's TNA status, word has it that TNA Creative is looking to give Rob a higher status in the company very soon, so I suppose anything is possible.
I would love to see him revert back to his ECW arrogant heel persona that was just better than everyone else. The one problem with that like a previous poster said is even when he was a heel most of the fans were behind him anyway. If they did it and it worked I would love to see a heel RVD vs a face Jeff Hardy. I wonder if they decided to turn him heel at Lockdown if it would even work given that I can't see the fans caring if he turned on Garrett. I am glad he is back either way, and looking forward to seeing him in action.
Rvd was a "heel" in ecw, true. He could duplicate the same gimmick he had at that time, but it is a fine line to walk.

For those of you unfamiliar with the gimmick in question, it is the old (for me) buddy landell gimmick. "I am humbled by how much you people love my awesomeness...what? You don't love me? Of course you do. REALLY? You don't love me. That must be because I forgot to tell you how awesome I am!" routine. Landel used it flawlessly for a decade or so.

RVD used it at ecw, and Kurt angle used it, IMHO, better than anyone over at the WWF.

RVD could try it at TNA, but you cannot predict whether the fans will boo. We could see a full-on heel turn, but I don't know if the fans will buy it.

I suppose either way, it will be better than not using him at all.
RVD needs something new. . . but not a heel turn.

Rob needs to open up that next chapter in his Wrestling Story.

RVD has been wrestling for over 20 years, and is closing his last years in the industry. He needs to revamp the face Van Dam character for a good last 5 year ride. I do not think a heel turn would work as well for him, especially in Impact Wrestling. It would be another bust.
There's no point turning RVD heel or giving him any real status in the company because he doesn't give a shit anymore. He's not going to work hard for you. He comes out with his belly bursting out of his attire, then phones it in and puts on the same old shitty match. I kid you not, I don't think I've enjoyed a single one of his matches during his whole TNA run. I used to like him, but I'm not wasting my time trying to enjoy a 40 year old stoner being arrogant with a "better than you" gimmick.

And whoever said he could have great matches with Mr Anderson, they had a match last year (I think) that was one of the most uncoordinated pieces of shit I've ever seen from two supposed decent workers. Didn't they both try to leapfrog each other at the same time, then Anderson looked at the crowd and said "We meant to do that"? No chemistry between the two of them. Also, Anderson phones it in too.
As far as RVD goes, I really don't think it matters either way. Rob Van Dam is one of the blandest stars in all of wrestling as far as personality goes. He doesn't really have any personality that I've seen. He seems every bit as much as the one dimensional stoner now as he did 15 years ago. He's one of the few major names I can think of that's had absolutely zero character progression over that time period.

So turning him heel, I don't see that it'll make much difference. Whether heel or face, the guy has a monotone personality that's about as captivating as watching paint dry. At the same time, however, I guess it couldn't really hurt anything to turn him heel. He might actually surprise me and be someone worth listening to as a heel. I wouldn't hold my breath on it, but stranger things have happened.
it could work but it won't happen, as multiple people have said TNA wanted to turn him heel at BFG 2010, but he dident want to become heel so the position was givin to hardy he wont turn heel in the future but it would be good for him if he did

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