Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

So often in match-ups of a significant magnitude on a grand stage, we see the competitors embrace. Hand shakes, hugs, the raising of the victors arm by the loser. Respect.

Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels, The British Bulldog and Bret Hart, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Hulk Hogan.

Will we see that this year? Will The Rock and Cena (no matter who wins) give the winner a sign of respect? Will it happen and then immediately followed by a sneak attack like Chris Jericho and HBK?

Will The Undertaker extend that same courtesy to Triple H and vice versa?

Will Daniel Bryan become the World Heavyweight Champion and be given a rub by an established star?
Will we see that this year? Will The Rock and Cena (no matter who wins) give the winner a sign of respect? Will it happen and then immediately followed by a sneak attack like Chris Jericho and HBK?

there are going to be a lot of pissed off cena haters if both wind up shaking hands at the end and that's how it all ends. all that build up and to have both wind up faces at the end?

Will The Undertaker extend that same courtesy to Triple H and vice versa?

i think it's a bit premature to say hhh will be his opponent. i thought the same thing, but have seen nothing reported that it will be HHH/Undertaker II. If there was going to be respect between two wrestlers at the end of a match, this match would be it. they don't need an "aftermath" plan.
I think they will extend the courtesy to the other. Cena & Rocky are 2 classy & professional individuals. I don't see them extending the feud so I believe they'll have their little feel good moment after the match. As for Triple H & Undertaker, it depends if the Undertaker is going to fully retire. If he is they will have their handshake, but I hope they don't wrestle again. That match was horrible; great storytelling but the in ring performance was bad when you're considering who was involved. Their match at Wrestlemania 17 was way better. I don't think the E really know what to do with D Bryan. I have a feeling he's gonna be the 1st Money In The Bank winner not to win the title.
My theory has been that the Rock will win in his home town, but after the hand raise Cena will finally get his revenge after the Rock stood over him at both Survivor Series and last years mania. He'll bring a little heat to himself before that, but the people that want to full on Cena heel turn are gonna get it after the Rock shakes or raises his hand at mania.

Daniel Bryan is going to get a standing ovation from the fans after losing a world title match. Sorry but its another win win situation. The fans will recognize his talent and he won't have to get the title. I WANT him to be a champion, just not yet.

Wrestlemania always has hugs and handshakes at somepoint, moments to make you tear up (if you're 13). Its become part of Wrestlemania, why change that now?
I feel that it would be the perfect time for the WWE to attempt to unify the two major titles. Wrestlemania has had its main event since last year's lackluster spectacle. We have been building towards Cena/Rock for 12 months and there is no doubt in my mind that their match will be the final match on the card.

CM Punk has stated various times that he is not happy with the fact that Rock, who has only showed up sporadically at WWE events, will be in the main event at the biggest show of the year. Have Punk come up with the idea to unify the WWE title with the World Heavyweight title. Daniel Bryan would come out and accept the idea, only to have John Laurinaitis come out and turd all over the idea.

Triple H would then show up and state that he is in favor of having the belts unified in order to have one undisputed champion once again. However, he only wants the best of the best in a traditional singles match to have that honor. So he decides that both champions will defend their titles against the most worthy challengers inside the elimination chamber.

Bryan and Punk will both successfully retain, thus leading us into Wrestlemania with a match that has been hyped all year between two of the biggest stars, whether you like them or not, in the history of the WWE, and a title match that is almost guaranteed to be a wrestling clinic. If given enough time on the card, Bryan vs Punk could end up being just as good as Steamboat vs Savage or HBK vs Hart. They are both exceptional in the ring and can tell a great story with their awesome wrestling knowledge and their desire to be the best where it counts: in the ring.

So what do you guys think?
I really don't see Rock and Cena ending at Mania. Yes it will be a year in the making but just 1 match? Cena vs Rock is money, everyone knows it. I see Rock taking this one at Mania and then maybe a rematch at Summerslam where Cena will get the win.
A match i would love to see:
Sheamus vs Steve Austin. possibly wrestlemania 29. I believe this could be a classic, both guys compliment each other, How about an angle involving vince mcmahon. ? heamus is the future of the business, I want to see this match badly
Bryan winning tonight signals Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania...

Orton will win the rumble after DBry's win tonight. But they need to build Bryan up and how he defeats Show is beyond me, but lets see what happens.
Of Course everything else will play second fiddle to to Rock/Cena, but in order to maximize the importance and significance of the WWE/Heavyweight title matches, who would you put in their to accomplish this? Of course this will all be based on the Current title holders themselves
Great question. Surprised I haven't seen more people asking it.

World Heavyweight Championship: Dee Brine (c) vs Sheamus

Sheamus has been on a tear since the summer and has seen no gold for his trouble. Dee Brine hasn't been on a tear but because of a fluke MITB win and some underhanded tactics, he's prospered. Simple enough issue. Will Dee Brine prove his worth or will Sheamus show DBD what an honourable warrior really looks like?

WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs Skip Sheffield

Kay, so bare with me here. Punk says he's changing WWE for the better, right? But what if he weren't? Skip Sheffield returns as the Terminator we all know he is, wins the Royal Rumble, and cuts a promo about how he just returned from a future where Punk's vision left of change the WWE in shambles. But time can be rewritten, as has been firmly established in Doctor Who. So Sheffield plans to rewrite history and prevent the Punk-fuelled apocalyptic hell-scape he saw fifty years in the future. Come with him if you want to live.
Why is there no Henry, Sheamus, or Orton on the poll?
I picked other.

I see Orton facing Bryan at mania. Maybe Bryan will be heel by then. Who knows?

MAYBE. hopefully, ORTON can be the heel in this situation?

Just an idea.
First things first,

Do we even see Daniel Bryan making it WM28 as champion? Show is going to have claim to the WHC and Henry will be looking for his rematch. I personally do not see D Bry holding the championship past Elimination Chamber. WWE Universe just doesn't react the way they should toward a champion. I see it being a younger up and comer type contender too. A guy who can carry the blue brand. Not just the usual Orton. I think its going to be Mark Henry vs Sheamus.

As for WWE Title, its very simple, Punk vs Jericho or Punk vs Ziggler. Ziggs didnt just drop the US title because WWE thinks Ryder should have it. Dolph is on to bigger and better things. The performances against Punk and Orton have shown he is the next major push on Raw.
Daniel Bryan wont make it to WM28 as Champion. He doesnt have the drawing power. This is to be one of the best Manias ever and Bryan in a Main Event just doesnt make sense.

Ive heard Shaq say he is in talks to face the Big Show and it will apparently be Taker vs Triple part 3 with HBK as the special guest Ref.
I read something earlier that said on a radio show today Shaq said he was in talks with WWE about competing in a match against the Big Show at WrestleMania.

This could potentially be another big time match for WWE to promote. With the Rock and Shaq on the same card it would draw in the non wrestling fan for sure.
My (Dream) Wrestlemania 28 Card

John Cena v The Rock
Not much to explain here except that I would NOT have this match for the WWE Title

CM Punk (c) v The Miz v Dolph Ziggler v Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Title
I was tossing up wether or not I would leave out Del Rio, but I can see Punk being in a multi-man match in order to continue John Laurinitis putting pressure on Punk.

Daniel Bryan(c) v Chris Jericho for the WHC
I think this could easily be match of the night, as the match they had on NXT was classic. Also Jericho can hold the promo work, with Daniel Bryan not being as strong.

Undertaker v Kane with Triple H as special guest referee
Didn't have a clue who to put up against Undertaker, so I thought with Kane going on a rampage, have Taker come in and try and get him under control. Triple H as special guest referee as the refs are afraid of Kane due to his path of destruction. HHH conflict could be interesting, possibly trying to end the streak, or not letting anyone else end it

Air Boom v Uso's v Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins v Epico and Primo for the Tag Team Titles
Why not build probably your only four tag teams. Let these young guys go out and actually give them a chance. Even if as a filler match, it can't hurt, and would be much better than any possible divas match you could have.

Sheamus v Wade Barrett v Randy Orton v Christian
Almost just to squeeze all these guys on the card, but by mixing two feuds together, and all 4 would mix well (Barrett/Sheamus, Barrett/Orton, Orton/Christian, Orton/Sheamus, Sheamus/Christian all very good combos)

Big Show v Mark Henry (v Shaq?? or even special guest enforcer/ref)

Zack Ryder v ___________ for the US Title
After how far Ryder has come, who wouldn't put him on the card. Maybe a Sin Cara although I dont think that would be great, Micheal Migilicutty as well would be a good option (Possibly have a Dark/DVD Match Battle Royal where the winner faces Ryder)
After tonight I really wanna see more of Bryan and Ziggler matched up. They worked well together in 4 way last week and today the match was awesome before it turned into a tag team match(it was good after that too, actually). I would love to see that as a one on one at mania but I think ideally for storyline and drawing purposes some kind of elimination 4 way dance with Bryan, ziggler, barret, and orton would be perfect.
Daniel Bryan wont make it to WM28 as Champion. He doesnt have the drawing power. This is to be one of the best Manias ever and Bryan in a Main Event just doesnt make sense.

Ive heard Shaq say he is in talks to face the Big Show and it will apparently be Taker vs Triple part 3 with HBK as the special guest Ref.

Bryan doesn't need to have the drawing power. Rock vs. Cena has all the drawing power necessary. This should have an opening for the WWE to take risks on potential matchups and build more stars.

I personally want to see Miz vs. Bryan with the two doing a double turn. Miz can be the underdog face who has to prove that he worked just as hard as Bryan and all the other "indy gods."
John Cena vs. The Rock
All I will say is, Cena should win this.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
I know the rumor is Jericho vs. Punk for Mania but I think it would be better if Miz was included in this. And the promos between all 3 guys in the build up to this would be, to quote Miz, AWWWEEEEESSOOOMMMEEEE!!!

World Championship: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
I think Bryan should turn heel for this one and these two could put on a good match.

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett
They both match up stylistically as powerhouses & strikers and I can see Wade as a true threat to Taker's streak though obviously Taker will end up coming out with the win but I'd rather a fresh new threat than an old threat who's been beaten by him 2 times already.

Big Show vs. Shaq
Seems to be in the works.

Hardcore Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Mick Foley
Thinking back to the days of Orton vs. Foley and how Orton became a star out of it, I would love to see Foley make another star and Ziggler in some ways reminds me of Orton in his prime, so yeah.

Career vs. IC Championship: Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
Goldust wants it, I think it's a good idea, people have wanted to see these two brothers feud, WM's has been a great place for brother vs. brother matches, Cody would get over and would be a good way for Goldust to go out. Book it.

Brodus Clay vs. Kane
Monster vs. Monster match

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
Grudge match

Triple H vs. Alberto Del Rio
Couldn't think of anything else for these two

Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya
Everybody has wanted to see these two face off, so WM would be the right time for Divas Of Doom to split and feud over the title.

US Championship: Zack Ryder vs. R-Truth
Ryder definitely should be on Mania this year and Truth was the only person I could think of for him but again it could be a good match.

TLC Match for Tag Team Championship: AirBoom vs. The Usos vs. Epico & Primo
I was just thinking back to the days of the Triple Threat Tag TLC and thought it could be a good idea to bring that back and with 3 highflyer teams, I don't think these teams would let us down. Either this could be a match on the PPV or I could see it being a dark match just without the TLC stip.
After some consideration into the winner of the Royal Rumble, who I think will be The Miz, here's my Wrestlemania Card for now.

CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship Match - So, when Chris Jericho finally returns, we're all pretty sure that he's going to take on CM Punk with the "Best In The World" gimmick playing a part in it as well. The two guys will cut brilliant promos leading up to this one, which is going to draw highly, we hope. The match should be technical & enjoyable. I think that Punk will win this, but it'd still be brilliant to see.

Daniel Bryan (c) vs The Miz - I do believe that Bryan will hold the title until Wrestlemania, even if most others don't think that. Then, I have a feeling that The Miz will win the Rumble, then surprise everyone by saying he'll be going after the World Heavyweight Title, not the WWE Title. This will be the second year in a row people have gone after the WHC and Miz & DB could put on a pretty enjoyable match here I think. Not sure how it'd go actually.

John Cena vs The Rock - No explanation needed here.

Cody Rhodes (c) vs Goldust - You do not know HOW BADLY I want this match to happen & I still have every faith in it. Family feuds are always interesting and Goldust believing he can win and beat Rhodes is a nice little story. Goldy is moving on in life and Rhodes is up and coming, so I think we'll see Title vs Career here, with Rhodes retiring Goldust.

Zack Ryder (c) vs Jack Swagger - United States Title - Swagger will move into this picture after Ziggler moves completely out of it and a bit more towards the Main Event. Swagger will need to try and make himself credible again so this is probably the way forwards. Ryder will retain though, I can see him holding this for a while.

Randy Orton/Sheamus vs Wade Barrett/Mark Henry - Just a Tag Team match to pass over time, with the faces coming out on top again.

Big Show vs Shaq - The match we've all heard to be rumored. Could be good, could be terrible. Just another celebrity appearance at Wrestlemania as per usual. Wouldn't be surprised if Shaq won it.

That's me done for now, shall add more when I think of things. Oh, Undertaker vs someone.
Just so long as these men are big stars by then I can't wait till wrestle mania:

Skip Sheffield
Brodus clay
Dolph ziggler
Cody Rhodes
Alex Riley

If they are not on the card by then, I won't buy the Ppv.
Personally more than anything, I would like to see Punk vs Jericho more than Jericho vs Undertaker.. I mean, the promos that these two can offer are guaranteed to be top-notch.. But, then again you already got something laid out by WWE eons ago about a very early WWE prediction which featured Undertaker v Jericho and I think that is what's going to happen

So here's what I think the card's going to be:

Wrestlemania 28 Card:​

Main Event: The Rock v John Cena

This has and WILL go on last, no one can follow this, just like no one could follow Hogan v Rock at WM 18.. Simple, simple, Rock is going to pass the torch to Cena just like Hogan did.. Ends MANIA 28 period..

WWE Championship: Punk v Miz

Alright, Miz has got to be in the card. Vince is not showing any signs of bringing Miz down, he's one of RAW's top heels and is actually the most credible heel in RAW at the moment (and YES that means Miz surpasses ABD).. Miz may win the RAW Chamber somehow, someway, he's got his work cut out for him.. Then again, Miz cuts fine promos and Punk cuts great promos, so maybe you'll have something there..

20-0 Streak, Undertaker v Chris Jericho

Yes, I think this will happen and Undertaker will surely beat the odds and go 20-0.. No one would like to end the streak more than Jericho and he could surely pull this one off and WM 28.. Nuff said, this is only what I think..

World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan v Sheamus/Christian v Randy Orton

RR is going to be a Smackdown guy, everyone knows that.. It has been a Smackdown guy last year and the year before (EDGE, if you don't remember).. Right now, I'm putting my eyes on Sheamus as the Royal Rumble Winner but then again you will need a heel in that match somehow, and Christian seems like the only reasonable choice besides Wade Barrett (which I think is too soon for him to win RR).. Orton could be in it, they could make it a triple threat just to include the top face in Smackdown right now.. And it kinda makes sense, cause they could make the SD Chamber like the one in 2008 where HHH won and make it Triple Threat..

Shaq v Big Show

Shaq wants this match, Vince seems like he wants this match.. I couldn't really say anything about it.. I am 75% positive that this match will be on the card..

Intercontinental Championship: Cody Rhodes v Dustin Rhodes w/Booker T

Right now, this seems more like a fantasy than a reality.. But seeing that segment on Smackdown earlier where Cody attacked his own brother, makes this seems more like it's going to happen.. Cody needs to be lifted up as a main player, he's defeated a veteran already (Booker T).. He brought back the old Memorabilia Belt and if he's on this roll of beating veterans, I'm sure he'll be the Champion somehow in 2012..

United States Championship: Zack Ryder v Dolph Ziggler

I'm really not sure about this.. But seeing that they want to let the feud go longer, it kinda makes sense to end it at Wrestlemania.. I know they don't usually have a US Champion match at WM (only WM 20,22,23 is when they had it).. But the fans in Miami, seems to want Ryder on that event and seeing that he's not over with the feud with Ziggler, just get it over with it in Mania..

I can't predict the rest cause it seems that when it comes to superstars like Kingston, Bourne, R-Truth and some of the other guys.. They will try to make a last minute feud from the Chamber or from Royal Rumble.. So uptil now, this is what I could predict the card is going to be.. I'm sure WWE will put Barrett, Kingston, BethPhoenix, Natalya, Bourne, Truth etc somewhere in there, but now, I have no clue how they are going to do it..
Including the match order, this is my WM 28 card as of what we have going on right now in the WWE:

Main Event:
John Cena vs. The Rock
'Nuff said not even gonna bother going into it.
Predicted Winner: John Cena unless the best of 3 series rumored for 2012 happens.

The 3rd Battle, 20-0 vs HHH's Career:
HHH vs. The Undertaker with HBK as special guest referee.
DX Reunites to try to end the deadman's streak.
Predicted Winner: Undertaker goes to 20-0 as HBK is forced to count his best friend out for his career.

WWE Title Match:
CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho
Who really is the best in the world? We find out on the grandest stage of them all for the biggest prize of them all.
Predicted Winner: CM Punk retains and is officially crowned the best in the world.

WWE Divas Championship:
Beth Pheonix (c) vs Kharma
If Kharma gives birth and is ready to go, this match is a no-brainer.
Predicted Winner: Kharma ends the Pin Up Strong domination of Beth and Natty.

Celebrity Match
Big Show vs. Shaq
The traditional Hollywood or sports star defeating a heel WWE star for main stream coverage
Predicted Winner: Shaq

World Heavyweight Title Match:
Mark Henry (c) vs. Sheamus
Mark Henry destroys Daniel Bryan at Elimination Chamber to regain the title, Sheamus wins the chamber match to secure his 1st shot at the World Heavyweight Title.
Predicted Winner: Sheamus wins the world title. However Daniel Bryan cashes in the MITB briefcase, to walk out of WM 28 as the WHC.

Battle of the Announcers:
Jerry Lawler vs Booker T.
Tensions will rise between Raw and SD, leading to a showdown between the 2 announcers. Cole stirs the pot leading up to this match.
Predicted Winner: No Contest as both legends realize they were had as Michael Cole try's to interfere in the match and gets laid out by both legends.

Royal Rumble Grudge Match:
Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio
Depending on health of both, if they are in the RR match, this could easily be the feud that comes out of an elimination leading to a match at WM. If healthy these 2 could put on a monster match and possibly steal the show.
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio cheats to roll up Randy Orton.

MITB Ladder Match Returns:
Dolph Ziggler vs. the Miz. vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Zack Ryder vs. Kane vs. R-Truth
Past winners join the hungry future stars of the company to see who will win the guaranteed title shot for up to 1 year.
Predicted Winner: Daniel Bryan wins here and keeps his word to cash in the MITB briefcase at WM 28.

Mexican Superstars colide:
Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara
Reports are they both could be healthy by WM, so this match makes the most sense. WWE wants to set the masks record so this is the perfect chance to do so.
Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio, WWE isn't going to put Cara over as the face of its Latino audience after the 2011 he had.

WWE Unified Tag team Championship Scramble:
Air Boom (c) vs Epico & Primo vs. Mason Ryan & Skip Sheffield vs. Heath Slatter & Tyson Kidd, vs. Percy Watson & Titus O'Neil vs. Santino Marella & Justin Gabriel.
This could be the pre-show match or opener, since the current US and IC champs will be in MITB, might as well have some make shift teams compete in a scramble match for the tag titles.
Predicted Winner: Air Boom retains only to meet "royalty" the next night on Raw.
Not exactly the card I'd want but this is my guess.

The Rock vs Cena
Not much else to say.

WWE Title Match - CM Punk vs Jericho
Unless the garbage about taking the belt off Punk is true this should be a classic.

World Heavyweight Title Match - Henry vs Sheamus
Sheamus is a Vince type and will likely get his first WHC win at Mania over big Mark since they never finished their feud in the summer.

The Streak - Taker vs Triple H
Another self gratifying outing.

Mainstream attraction - Shaq/Bryan vs Show/Cody Rhodes
The two young guys thrown in to pad out the actual match given Shaq is 40 and has never wrestled, in return both get a bit of a rub from being involved with the media attraction.

MITB - Ziggler vs Swagger vs Barrett vs ADR vs Christian vs Miz vs Truth
All the guys they can't be bothered booking a proper angle for will be shoved in here.

US Title Match - Ryder vs Kane
I admit I'm sticking this here because I have no idea where they can fit Kane into a bigger match now Orton is injured, so destroying Cena's happy go lucky buddy who is pretty over would work.

Divas Title Match - Beth vs Nattie vs Eve vs Kelly
Seems the easiest way to get the 4 most used females on the card.
John Cena vs. The Rock
All I will say is, Cena should win this.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
I know the rumor is Jericho vs. Punk for Mania but I think it would be better if Miz was included in this. And the promos between all 3 guys in the build up to this would be, to quote Miz, AWWWEEEEESSOOOMMMEEEE!!!

World Championship: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
I think Bryan should turn heel for this one and these two could put on a good match.

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett
They both match up stylistically as powerhouses & strikers and I can see Wade as a true threat to Taker's streak though obviously Taker will end up coming out with the win but I'd rather a fresh new threat than an old threat who's been beaten by him 2 times already.

Big Show vs. Shaq
Seems to be in the works.

Hardcore Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Mick Foley
Thinking back to the days of Orton vs. Foley and how Orton became a star out of it, I would love to see Foley make another star and Ziggler in some ways reminds me of Orton in his prime, so yeah.

Career vs. IC Championship: Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
Goldust wants it, I think it's a good idea, people have wanted to see these two brothers feud, WM's has been a great place for brother vs. brother matches, Cody would get over and would be a good way for Goldust to go out. Book it.

Brodus Clay vs. Kane
Monster vs. Monster match

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
Grudge match

Triple H vs. Alberto Del Rio
Couldn't think of anything else for these two

Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya
Everybody has wanted to see these two face off, so WM would be the right time for Divas Of Doom to split and feud over the title.

US Championship: Zack Ryder vs. R-Truth
Ryder definitely should be on Mania this year and Truth was the only person I could think of for him but again it could be a good match.

TLC Match for Tag Team Championship: AirBoom vs. The Usos vs. Epico & Primo
I was just thinking back to the days of the Triple Threat Tag TLC and thought it could be a good idea to bring that back and with 3 highflyer teams, I don't think these teams would let us down. Either this could be a match on the PPV or I could see it being a dark match just without the TLC stip.

Well with Orton now out for 6 months, my predictions have changed just a lil bit.

Mark Henry vs. Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship and Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio, which I would like to see more than Orton vs. Bryan. DB vs. RM reminds me of the Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio matches. And incase anybody reminds me that Mysterio is out with an injury, yes I know but Mysterio is set to come back in March, so him competing at WM could happen.

And after a few days of thinking about it, it would be better if AirBoom vs. Usos vs. Epico & Primo is a dark match without the TLC stip.
John Cena vs. The Rock
No need for discussion on this one. It's booked. It will happen.

WWE Title
Kane (C) vs. CM Punk
I'm going out on a limb with this one, but rumors suggest that Kane and Cena will be in the EC match in February. With Cena fighting The Rock at 'Mania, there's no time for a blow-off match between Cena and Kane ... so they need to give Kane something to forget about Cena. A WWE Title seems logical.

World Title
Daniel Bryan (C) vs. Wade Barrett
With the WWE Network launching the day of WrestleMania ... and with the likely inclusion of NXT on the network, it would make sense for the WWE to promote NXT heavily by having two former NXT competitors face-off for the WWE Title at Mania.

US Title
Zack Ryder (C) vs. Alberto Del Rio
With Ryder chasing after Eve Torres and the Bella Twins chasing after Del Rio - it just seems likely that the women will start a feud between the two wrestlers.

I.C. Title
Cody Rhodes (C) vs. Goldust
The seeds to this feud are already being planted.

The Streak vs. Career
The Undertaker vs. Triple H (Special guest referee: Shawn Michaels
This rumor has gained a lot of steam in the past few months, and I buy it.

Money in the Bank
Mark Henry vs. Shaemus vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston
This would be a good mix of legit contenders and high flyers...

Diva's Title Match
Beth Pheonix (C) vs. Kharma
Kharma should be back by WrestleMania, and this would probably be the best women's match in the WWE since the days the division featured Trish, Lita and Mickie James... I expect Natalya to be in Beth's corner with Kelly Kelly standing in Kharma's corner.

The Miz vs R. Truth
With gimmick pay-per views coming up in The Rumble and The Elimination Chamber, it wouldn't be difficult for the WWE to run this feud all the way through WrestleMania.

Big Show vs. Shaq
If Shaq wants to wrestle at WrestleMania, then I highly doubt the WWE would object. The Big Show would be the likely opponent.

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