Rey Mysterio Suspended.

This is really too bad for Smackdown, especially with Jeff being gone. Rey is one of their biggest moneymakers as far as merchandise goes, so i believe they will play this off somehow and keep it as quiet as possible.

I see everyone here mentioning that Morrison is going to be the one to feud with Dolph now and they have the potential for a great feud, but what I am wondering, is why nobody has mentioned Matt Hardy here? He has had a mid card title before and the ECW title, which is pretty much a mid card title.

I personally would like to see a fatal four way at the next ppv for the title. Dolph vs Hardy vs Morrison vs Kane.
Has the potential to be a very entertaining match, but i just dont know how they would incorporate the submission factor into that match.
I'm not really surprised by this at all. Rey has increased in size, not height of course, quite a bit over the past few years. While I'm not shocked about it, I would like to think that there is a great number of people who are. Rey from what I understand is one of the top guys as far as merch. sales go, and I know he's really popular pretty much worldwide so with all that I do assume that there are a great deal of people who are shocked over this whole thing. This does 2 things really. It reflects badly on Rey. I mean you have a guy that a lot of kids see as a role model getting busted for this. Not to mention the fact that nearly everyone has pointed out that WWE finally was going to give him a long IC title run. I don't see that happening now, but I could be wrong. Secondly it sends a message to the locker rooms that WWE is not messing around with this wellness policy and it applies to everyone.
I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. Rey's name has come up numerous times when there was an investigation into the pharmacy scandal. Infact I was sure he'd already been suspended once before but obviously not.
Maybe he's hoping to get the junkie push now Jeff Hardy is gone?
Yeah I thought he was before as well. I had thought he returned from an injury one time with a ridiculously muscled upper body he hadnt had before. Perhaps it was just when some other news hit and he was linked to it.
Forgive my saying this, but Dolph Ziggler is at least a year or more away from being ready to hold a title and carry it more than a few weeks. My guess is that since creative had plans to use the now dead feud between Ziggler and Rey to put Ziggler over in the end, Ziggler may just end up dropping the title and Morrison or maybe someone else gets a push and takes the IC title and holds it until dropping it to Ziggler and Rey meanwhile, gets a push into the Main Event scene once more. Rey has held the World Heavyweight Championship just once in his career and I would love to see him hold it again. The main question is if this would be done considering the suspension. My thought is that they'll keep Rey going at Ziggler who successfully wins, Punk retains against Taker, and then gets beat by Mysterio who loses to Jericho who then gets beat for the WHC by Edge at Wrestlemania XXVI. Granted, that may not happen, but that wouldn't be a bad transition of events leading up to Edge's return.
I never thought i would see the day that Rey Mysterio would be caught taking something, he doesnt even look like the kind of guy that would be on anything to begin with?, I just hope they dont strip him of the IC belt because it would destroy any credibility that the title has and kill any chance of his feud with Ziggler progressing.

They kind of have to take the I.C Title away, hes suspended how can he compete if hes suspended.

On to the matter at hand, this might not be such a bad thing, think about it Ziggler was most likely to win the I.C Title at Breaking Point anyway, so now you can push Ziggler and guys like Morrison and Finlay or even Mike Knox. That way 2 people get pushed.

On to the surprise factor. Was I surprised? Hell yes I was surprised, its Rey Mysterio here, hes one of the most loved people in WWE, hes the Face of Company that never was in my opinion, some can say hes push was because of Eddie but he still was one the most loved guys especially to the younger generation.

Now do I blame him? No, hes a smaller guy that needs to keep up, hes not exactly 20 anymore, hes 34, hes a smaller guy as well, and its his first time, I understand that its bad but I'm not gonna bash him like I know many people will.

When he comes back look for him to be in the same spot he is right now, helping younger talent get over, I don't think hes role will be diminished, maybe he won't be I.C Champ but that doesn't meen he can't push younger talent and make them look good.

In all, it sucks that this happened but in some ways its good, it shows that WWE is actually cracking down on Steroids, he is not Jeff Hardy or Chris Masters, he is a bigger name guy and they suspended him showing that it doesn't matter who you are.
Plus now 2 people can get a decent push out of this, even tho we all know Ziggler's gonna win it, maybe it'll be Ziggler -vs- Morrison now good push for both guys in my opinion.

P.S- When I mentioned Jeff Hardy I meant when he was using drugs and Steroids not now.
Let the era of Dolph Ziggler begin!

I got to say I'm really disappointed in Mysterio here. I know he's been linked to prior steroid issues, but never actually got suspended. The man has been arguing the WWE brass about how he deserves a long title reign because they fucked up his world reign and management has had to push back Ziggler's eventual win each and every PPV. Last Sunday at Summersalm would've been a perfect PPV for Ziggler to begin his reign, but Mysterio wanted it longer and now he'll be lucky if WWE puts a title on him in a while. A PPV win would've been sweet for Ziggler, but I think it may be better for him and WWE if he gets a credible win on TV. WWE is pushing hard for ratings and focusing less on PPV product and the audience at large knowing that Ziggler will win the title, I'm sure that will jump the numbers. Smart idea would be to have it on RAW, but that won't happen. Ziggler has been growing strong weekly, he reminds me of a people's champ and despite being one of the top heels he has respect from the crowd as evident by the ziggler chants heard at Summerslam.

As for the next 30 days, it kinda sucks for SD not that Jeff and Rey will be gone. It's only 30 thou so he'll be back before you know it. Ziggler I imagine will end up fighting Finlay at Breaking Point if the still have an IC match. I hope they give Ziggler a good run with the belt and maybe a closing feud match when Rey get's back where he beats him as champ. Wipes all those loses out of everyone's mind.
I really think this is going to be bad for smackdown... With Jeff Hardy leaving and Edge injured, you have Undertaker coming back to take their place... who's going to come back to take Rey's place... i think they need another High mid-Main event superstar to take it... n for the I-C champion i think JOhn morrison is going to take it then zigler
I dont think this is the first time he's gotten popped on the Wellness Program. He's a juicer, anyone remember when he was pushing 185-200pounds when he first came to the WWE? He's back down in the 150-165 range now.

Either way as far as the IC Title goes, he should of dropped it to Ziggler at NOC, its BS he didnt. Its even worse he didnt drop it to him at Summerslam. Since he's suspended the title should be vacated, and they should hold a tournament, so Ziggler doesnt get that cheap you're suspended I get the title win. The new champ should'nt be decided in a Over the Top Battle Royal, because that should only happen at Royal Rumble.
(I mean seriously whats the point in having a PPV devoted to a fucking 30 man over the top battle royal when you use the concept to decide number one contenders and new champions when events like injurys or suspensions take place?)

It could be a nice 4-8 man tournament involving the middle card of Smackdown.

Ziggler, Knoxx, Kane, Morrison, Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, and Jesse/Yang/Fu Naki as filler.

If done correctly we could see some good, possibly great matches between all the contenders involved and it would help build up the IC Title, and all the people involved.

In the end it could come down to Morrison vs. Ziggler for the IC Title at Breaking point. They both are up and coming stars and a feud agaisnt each other now could bring them both up a level. Or it could come down to Kane or Matt Hardy being in the final bout agaisnt Ziggler or Morrison. Matt and Kane are both well established stars and could help boost these two younger guys to the next level.
I dont think this is the first time he's gotten popped on the Wellness Program. He's a juicer, anyone remember when he was pushing 185-200pounds when he first came to the WWE? He's back down in the 150-165 range now.

Technically, I think it is his first suspension.

He was either linked to the Signature Pharmacy Scandal OR he was linked somehow to Chris Benoit's doctor. I originally thought it was Signature, but for some reason, I actually think it was Chris Benoit's doctor. Hell, maybe it was both.

I remember something about the initials O.G. being on someone's records.

But ..... when this all turned up, I believe Mysterio was sitting out with another one of his infamous knee injuries, so I don't think they actually suspended him. Edge was in the same predicament. That was a way to keep both of them off and save them both an official strike, without actually suspending either of them. Kind of defeats the purpose of accountability, though. Sure, they are away from WWE TV, but that certainly wasn't by their choice with being injured. Perhaps McMahon didn't pay either of them for a month, but he still didn't hold them accountable for a strike to my knowledge, like he should have.
Could this have happened at a better time, really? Think about it:

Did they already want Ziggler to win the IC title from Mysterio? Yup.

They've done enough with Ziggler/Mysterio that if Ziggler comes out of this situation with the IC title, then it won't seem forced and too fast...correct?

Mysterio is injury prone. These 30 days will give him a chance to heal up some nagging wounds and prevent him (most likely) from burning out, tearing something, and missing Survivor Series.

This gives the WWE even more cause to put faith into Morrison and hopefully reward him for his efforts.

Its only 30 days - a time period in which Ziggler can have a feud with Finlay or R-Truth and go over them and look like a dominant IC champion. When Rey returns, they can have another match or two to settle it, and Ziggler can remain champ or even drop it back to Rey if need be.

Plus you have to love the irony of him bitching about wanting a long reign, but then getting caught and suspended lol.
This is something when i read the artical on rey rey being suspended i was half surprised and half not surprised. Like everyone has been pointing out he has been getting bigger in physical size in the past couple years.

Now i think think that they are going to either vacent the title and have a tourny to determine the new champion. Or they could get rey rey to drop the title in the next smackdown tapings. What I see happening is him being forced to vacent the title and then zigglar or JoMo will win it at breaking point.
This was from the Main Page.

Rey Mysterio recently spoke with The Record Newspaper in Mexico and commented on his WWE suspension. During the interview Mysterio said that he failed the test because of a drug he's taking for his knee and arm, and furthered his comments by saying that he had a prescription for the medication. However, because he had to fly to The UK for SummerSlam promotion, and because he was on vacation for a small period of time, he was unable to show WWE the valid prescription by the deadline they gave him and was suspended as a result.

I'm citing bullshit as far as his response goes. If he had a prescription for the medication and was given a deadline for it, and was unable to produce proof to WWE because of being away from home, why couldn't he have simply gotten in contact with his doctor and had his doctor fax or scan the prescription over to WWE to be there in time for the deadline?

Doesn't sound like Mysterio had a prescription for the drug, and instead, simply didn't turn a prescription into them because he didn't have anything to produce. Just my opinion, though.
Well, whatever the reason for the suspension of Rey Mysterio... this is going to be another major blow for the brand. We now have Edge out injured, Jeff Hardy leaving & Rey Mysterio suspended. He was doing such a great job in helping out the SmackDown midcard & giving the IC title more prestige than it already has... as well as his matches with Ziggler were just great solid contests for the strap. I can say with this injury, it will give Mysterio time to rest his body & other guys on the roster to shuffle around to fill the voids for the month.

I can safely say that Mysterio's place on the roster can be fixed quite quickly. There are two people who can claim the spot that haven't got anything to currently do at the moment. Dolph Ziggler & John Morrison are the men WWE are going to be looking at for the position as Ziggler is in the IC program that hasn't finished & Morrison is there for star power & filling. The best thing for the E to do now is to give Morrison the strap & have Ziggler continue his "I am so F'n close to the title" program as Morrison as had experience with the IC title & can pull off being the champion much better than Ziggler at the moment. Then again, both men have beaten wrestlers of HUGE statures with Morrison getting wins over CM Punk whilst Ziggler defeated The Great Khali.

This won't be much of a problem once WWE figure out Morrison/Ziggler is a winning combination for the IC program. It will lead to some interesting storylines once Mysterio comes back into the fray.
Im not understanding the "Who's gonna take Mysterio's spot" thing because he's only gone for 30 days. As far as the I.C. Title I guess it's going to Ziggler :disappointed:. I like Dolph but I dont think he's ready for it. I think it's tailor made for Morrison, who isn't ready for the WHC.
Im not understanding the "Who's gonna take Mysterio's spot" thing because he's only gone for 30 days. As far as the I.C. Title I guess it's going to Ziggler :disappointed:. I like Dolph but I dont think he's ready for it. I think it's tailor made for Morrison, who isn't ready for the WHC.

I've been preaching that for some time now, that Morrison needs another IC Title Reign before moving up to the Heavyweight Division. And this is an absolutely perfect opportunity for him to get it.

Simply strip Mysterio of the title and hold a title match between Morrison and Dolph Ziggler at Breaking Point ... while giving the title to Morrison. Give Morrison a nice lengthy run as IC Champ, and once finished, officially graduate him to the Main Event.
I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. Rey's name has come up numerous times when there was an investigation into the pharmacy scandal. Infact I was sure he'd already been suspended once before but obviously not.
Maybe he's hoping to get the junkie push now Jeff Hardy is gone?

I thought the same thing, I was more surprised to see him suspended for 30 days, And not 60 days. I could have sworn he was caught up in the 10, Or 20 of those stars to first be hit by the steriod suspensions. Maybe i'm wrong, But I know his name was mentioned repeatedly.

I don't think they should have Rey drop the title on smackdown. I think having Dolph coming out and "destorying" Rey ending in him getting injured and vacating the title. then the next week on Smackdown Dolph could demand the IC Title since he is the No 1 contender. Long instead makes a Battle Royal for that night where the winner will go on to Breaking Point (John Morrison). Dolph wins the title and when Rey comes back they can start a "injury revenge storyline" were Rey can claim that Dolph never actually beat him for the title.

I really like this idea, It will give Dolph a filler feud. It would benefit John Morrison too, At least he wouldn't be in random matches every week, While getting one of the loudest pops. Also Rey would have something to come back too, But knowing the WWE they will put him on the downburner for a few weeks, Then he will pick up where he left off.

What a stupid fucking thing to do anyway, With Jeff Hardy gone, Rey would have been the face of SmackDown. Well at least fighting to be the face, Along with the Undertaker. Unless he needed whatever the hell he took because of injury, I'm very disappointed.
I noticed that I haven’t commented on Mysterio’s suspension, so I guess I should.

I for one was very disappointed in hearing this. I was hoping to see another great match between him and Ziggler, like the one they had at Summerslam. But now that he is gone, we won’t get to see the match unless they put them against each other on the next Smackdown tapings. But even if they do face each other, it’s still disappointing because the feud is going to have to end abruptly and we won’t get to see Mysterio for 30-days.

Now, I am disappointed but I’m not surprised this happened. Not saying that I was expecting this to happen to him, because I wasn’t, just saying that it’s not surprising because of 2 things that have happened to him in the past and the fact that he is visibly bigger than he was in his WCW days. Anyways, the two things that happened before was the online pharmacy bust, which he didn’t get suspended for, and the second thing was apparently him receiving some drugs from the same doctor that Chris Benoit had. So like I said, it’s not surprising instead him getting suspended was unexpected.

As far as the interview that LS posted, I call bullshit on it too. I like Mysterio but if he is lying then he needs to man up and say he made a mistake. There’s no reason to go out and say lies when everyone, or at least most people, know that he did drugs so he’s getting suspended. He should just admit to his mistake, go home and serve his suspension, and then come back without using those drugs.

Also, if he had a prescription for whatever drug was in his system, then why didn’t he bring the prescription to wherever he was going? He knows that he gets tested randomly so before they find out he has drugs, he should have showed them the prescription so that they don’t make it public that he was caught with drugs in his system since he had a valid prescription. I just don’t buy his excuse for getting suspended, but if he is lying then he needs to man up and admit he screwed up. He is human like me, we all make mistakes.
As far as the interview that LS posted, I call bullshit on it too. I like Mysterio but if he is lying then he needs to man up and say he made a mistake. There’s no reason to go out and say lies when everyone, or at least most people, know that he did drugs so he’s getting suspended. He should just admit to his mistake, go home and serve his suspension, and then come back without using those drugs.

I can believe that Rey is telling the truth. He stated he was on vacation and promoting SSlam in the UK which he was, because I saw him. I don't take my presciptions when I am away on holiday and if it was a surprise test then how was he to know.

However, there is a chance ReyRey is lying and to be honest, in the nicest way possible, I hope he was. Like they say, it's better if you go to jail for a crime you did commit than a crime you didn't. Mysterio is either very frustrated or just feeling guilty about the people he upseting.
I really like this idea, It will give Dolph a filler feud. It would benefit John Morrison too, At least he wouldn't be in random matches every week, While getting one of the loudest pops. Also Rey would have something to come back too, But knowing the WWE they will put him on the downburner for a few weeks, Then he will pick up where he left off.

Yes but has already announced his suspension so it would be a really obvious work.
However, I do say kudos to whoever came up with that.
I can believe that Rey is telling the truth. He stated he was on vacation and promoting SSlam in the UK which he was, because I saw him. I don't take my presciptions when I am away on holiday and if it was a surprise test then how was he to know.
What I said is that he knows that they do random testing, not when they do it. But since he knows that there is a possibility that he is going to get tested then he should have played it safe and brought his prescriptions so that they wouldn’t have had to suspend him. Rey knows what happens and how things work so there’s no excuse for him to not bring the prescription that he supposedly had. That’s why I don’t believe a word he said in that interview, because he knows he is going to be tested at some point so why don’t you play it safe and make sure that you brought your prescriptions. Furthermore, if he really did have a prescription then why didn’t he give it to Vince prior to going on vacation or going somewhere else so that he didn’t need to worry about it later when he does get tested? I don’t know…I just don’t believe him, what he is saying in that interview just doesn't seem right to me.
However, there is a chance ReyRey is lying and to be honest, in the nicest way possible, I hope he was. Like they say, it's better if you go to jail for a crime you did commit than a crime you didn't. Mysterio is either very frustrated or just feeling guilty about the people he upseting.
If he was lying then I would hope that he admits to his mistake. Like I said, he is a human and he does have screws up, he doesn’t really need to lie over something like this. He should just have said that he made a mistake and then he goes home and serves his suspension.
I can believe that Rey is telling the truth. He stated he was on vacation and promoting SSlam in the UK which he was, because I saw him. I don't take my presciptions when I am away on holiday and if it was a surprise test then how was he to know.

That still doesn't add up, because all he would have had to do was contact his doctor who prescribed the prescription and have them either fax or scan the prescription over to WWE, if Mysterio was away from home and didn't have the prescription on him. I guess he wasn't thinking when he made those comments, because that excuse doesn't remotely add up.
Come on now, are Mysterio marks really trying to deny Mysterio's use of drugs? Seriously?

Let's take a look at Rey Mysterio, roughly 10 years ago.


Now let's compare that to now:


There's a rather large different in muscle tone and his size in that 10 year time. Not to mention the fact that Mysterio was already revealed to have been a part of a steroid and HGH ring used by wrestlers and athletes in a 2007 SI investigation.

Face it boys and girls; Mysterio used/uses drugs. Don't feel sad, about 99.9% of all professional wrestlers have. It's practically a rite of passage in the wrestling business. I too yearn for a day when that is no longer true, but for now, we need to deal with the reality of the lifestyle of a professional wrestler. And steroids are probably the most common element of that lifestyle. It doesn't diminish Mysterio's career, and I won't think of him any different now then I did before this suspension. If I was to hold grudges against every wrestler who used steroids, well, I'd have to get the fireplace ready for the mass burning of my entire wrestling DVD/VHS library (which as known by some members on here, extends well into the thousands).

I'm anxiously awaiting his return. I had lost alot of faith in Mysterio's abilities for a while there, but his series of matches with Jericho really reminded me of what he's still capable of. Looking forward to his return.
I'm disappointed in Mysterio's comments in an interview that he feels the WWE is handling his suspension poorly. I know it's fashionable and quite common to shit on the WWE about this kind of stuff. It's easy to paint the big corporate wrestling company as the bad guy but Mysterio is in the wrong here, not the WWE.

If Mysterio did have legitimate prescriptions for the medication, then it's his responsibility to make sure the office gets those scripts so they know what's up. That's his screw up and not the WWE's. Since Mysterio seems to be a little oblivious to this rather obvious and simple piece of logic, I can't help but wonder if he's just blowing smoke right now in order to make himself look good. It seems that everyone nowadays seems to have a prescription that they only bring to light after they get busted. It's a little too suspicious for me.
A couple of days after the news that the current IC champion Rey Mysterio was suspended by the company for 30 days. Insiders like Jim Ross have been writing blogs and such about what's going on with Mysterio's act. And people within the WWE (Via the internet) has express there feelings about Mysterio saying that there "Unhappy" & "Disappoint" at Rey.

But personaily I think it's deeper than that. I think that the WWE is heartbroken by this. The WWE is pushing the PG-Rated era hard with wrestlers like John Cena, (was) Jeff Hardy, and Rey Mysterio. But now that Jeff Hardy is gone from the company for awile, it'd be hard to do with Rey Mysterio gone 30 days.

Because the WWE sold Rey off to the kids! Like with those Rey mask that the kids beg there parents to buy them, since "the PG-era fans" can't afford them self's because they can't dip into there milk-money for school.

But point blank, the WWE is seriously hurt by Rey in the heart.
The WWE isn't heartbroken at Rey Mysterio being suspended. His name has come up in that investigation two years ago so it's no surprise that Mysterio was busted for something. The WWE won't collapse without Rey there and they will go about business as usual. Rey will not be less over coming back and most of the kids don't know why he was suspended if they know he was suspended at all.

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