Rey Mysterio Suspended

Maybe Mysterio just wanted a longer vacation.

I was actually looking forward to Mysterio's return. I don't think this will harm his rankings within the company as his merchandise may be the most interesting items on the shelves - thus it sells well. That's enough of a reason to keep him around for a little while longer. With guys like Dolph Ziggler or David Otunga just waiting for their big break, Rey Mysterio can do wonders for anyone's career he touches. At least Mysterio's smart enough to get suspended before he returned; it's not like the WWE has built him up for a year straight then he suddenly drops the ball. Although his suspension is definite, he'll likely get a slap on the wrist and go back flipping around the ring until his contract runs out – no burial, firing or anything like that.

I’m actually a little surprised at myself. I’m usually a lot harder on the guys who get suspended. The only reason I don’t necessarily have a problem with Rey is because he’s already made it to the top. Guys like Evan Bourne are working his ass off to get somewhere within the company – then he gets suspended – then turns around and complains about his position within the company. I don’t see it that way with Rey. The WWE needs Rey a lot more than he needs them at this point in his career. There’s no building him up like the Bourne’s or the Slater’s, he’s already reached a point in his career where he remains over no matter what he does. The suspension seems to be Rey’s way of telling us that he’s about done for. Rey knows the consequences of whatever it is they found in his system – yet he risks that because he knows he’s almost done here. I can't blame him for that.
So he has violated twice now, same as Jeff Hardy...

If Hardy is a junkie, so is Rey-based on the logic most of you use on here...

What are all the parents going to tell their children who wear/buy his masks?

This is a HUGE black eye for the E and Rey should receive the same treatment Jeff did from the IWC and wrestling fans alike, but will he?

NOPE, and that's bullshit...

Rey will come back with a sob story and you will all buy it, yet still call Hardy a junkie and a piece of shit...
Um, we have no clue on what Mysterio did exactly to get himself suspended. For all we know he tried shortening the time for his in-ring return and forgot to inform someone about his new meds. What Jeff Hardy did is unrelated to this and you prolly brought it up 'cause it deals with drugs. Did you grow up brainwashed by all those D.A.R.E. ads? Go play in on-coming traffic, you dolt.
So he has violated twice now, same as Jeff Hardy...

If Hardy is a junkie, so is Rey-based on the logic most of you use on here...

Rey Mysterio has yet to be pulled from a flight due to inhebriation, Rey Mysterio has yet to be found in possession of several illegal narcotics including cocaine, soma pills and drug paraphernalia, Rey Mysterio is yet to show up to a pay-per-view under the influence of something where he was supposed to be be in the main event. Jeff Hardy has been labeled a "junkie" by some due to his consistent abuse of drugs, big difference.

What are all the parents going to tell their children who wear/buy his masks?

Probably... nothing. Kids don't read online reports, at least not most of them. They're aware Rey is out with an injury, they're aware he'll be coming back and when he does they'll be none the wiser. Plus, very few parents who are casual fans read online wrestling reports either.

This is a HUGE black eye for the E and Rey should receive the same treatment Jeff did from the IWC and wrestling fans alike, but will he?

NOPE, and that's bullshit...

Not really. Rey Mysterio was probably taking HGH, he has issues with his knees. He wants to comeback. He probably thought that this would help him return in a quicker rate. Last time he violated the wellness policy he was quick to point out he was using prescription pills due to a knee and arm injury. He isn't showing up intoxicated to events, he isn't being pulled over by cops and he isn't being brought to court for possession. You obviously didn't do any research before making this thread, did you?

Rey will come back with a sob story and you will all buy it, yet still call Hardy a junkie and a piece of shit...

Only idiots call Hardy a "piece of shit." Jeff Hardy had issues, that was quite obvious. A lot of fans lost respect for him due to how he was conducting himself however a lot of fans have realized Jeff is working hard to gain that respect back. He's a person, he isn't flawless. Dude made some mistakes and when people make mistakes they're usually criticized. Anybody who holds Jeff's past against him is an idiot, and idiots should be ignored.

Rey Mysterio has dealt with half a dozen knee surgeries now. He keeps coming back to make a living and entertain the fans. I assume he was caught using a growth hormone which isn't all that bad, a lot of professional athletes used prescribed growth hormones to come back from injury, on this occasion if that was what happened, he didn't get a prescription and that is his mistake.

Only an idiot looks at this from your perspective. You have no idea, at all what you're talking about and you've simply made an ass of yourself, well done and congratulations, you suck. Have a nice day.
Did you just creat a thread so you could bash people who dont agree with you??

Mysterio's situation is as yet unclear, we dont know what this suspension was caused by, most likely a result of his injury. I cant say anything here that Luna and Dragon havent already.

I dont consider Jeff Hardy a junkie or a piece of shit, I see a guy who was in a bad place, made mistakes, and appears to to be getting better and i hope him all the best! Sure i see other posters who say Jeff is a waste or an addict and you know what i call those peolpe?? Nothing, theyre regular guys with diffeing opinions.

Why would they tell their kids ANYTHING? When i was a kid, i could barely remember wrestlers who hadnt been on the show for a week unless i had a toy of them. Do you think children are going to be running to their parents wondering where Rey is gone?? During his injury break?? And these parent are going to have to delve into a full blown drugs are bad campaign to ensure that their kids dont follow a "junkie" wrestler down the steep road of drug addiction??

People bash on Hardy because his addiction affected their viewing pleasure directly. Rey will come back to a sob story and we will "buy it up", us mindless drone wrestling fans who have no intelligence or common sense, because we will be glad to see him again, just as i was glad to see hardy getting clean!

Man, i wish flaming wasnt punishable.
So he has violated twice now, same as Jeff Hardy...

If Hardy is a junkie, so is Rey-based on the logic most of you use on here...

What are all the parents going to tell their children who wear/buy his masks?

This is a HUGE black eye for the E and Rey should receive the same treatment Jeff did from the IWC and wrestling fans alike, but will he?

NOPE, and that's bullshit...

Rey will come back with a sob story and you will all buy it, yet still call Hardy a junkie and a piece of shit...

That's akin to saying that Criminals eat bread therefore if you eat bread you're a criminal. I'm not ashamed to admit I've never watched TNA. Yet I know about Jeff Hardy turning up to events so "exhausted" he's lost the WORLD TITLE in a squash match at a pay per view.

Is Rey getting a second wellness violation a good thing? No. Hardy was a junkie and was turning up to events high. Last time Mysterio got busted he was on a prescription, the same may be true now but he's almost certainly in the dog house right now. FYI your whole argument is invalid anyway. No-one calls William Regal or Chavo Guerro junkies all the time, they both have two violations too. Hell even Evan Bourne has two and gets a small degree of sympathy but Hardy was different.

Jeff Hardy could probably be one of the top guys in the WWE now if he were able to stay clean. He couldn't and that's why people are mad.
Wow! What kind of human being have I become when I don't recognize the hypocrisy soiling my brain? When I don't take two completely different situations and declare they are the same thing? A plague on my home, I say, a plague on my home.

This is asinine, as others explained these are two totally different situations. Even Shattered Dreams wouldn't overreach this much. If we are going to declare Mysterio a junkie, what new classification do we need for Jeff? Better yet, how do we classify Matt?
So he has violated twice now, same as Jeff Hardy...

If Hardy is a junkie, so is Rey-based on the logic most of you use on here...

What are all the parents going to tell their children who wear/buy his masks?

This is a HUGE black eye for the E and Rey should receive the same treatment Jeff did from the IWC and wrestling fans alike, but will he?

NOPE, and that's bullshit...

Rey will come back with a sob story and you will all buy it, yet still call Hardy a junkie and a piece of shit...

Why so mad brohem?

Comparing Mysterio to Hardy is like comparing Oil to water, Salt to Vinager, Scott Hall to CM Punk or Cody Rhodes to Ric Flair. I may not understand the appeal of the two, but I'm not going to bash anyone who disagrees with me. (except maybe on the last one.)

You on the other hand, seem to have made a thread for the sole purpose of bashing any and everyone who disagrees with you. and really, that's rather childish. I may not be the biggest fan of Mysterio, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt: We don't know what he was busted for. Is there a reason he had been taking those drugs? It's possible, maybe trying to quicken his in-ring return. Should he be punished: Absolutely.

Despite all that, I will gladly stand on Mysterio's side of this debate, just for the sole fact that he hasn't (at least to my recollection) shown up to an arena blitzed out of his skull, unable to compete, thereby turning what could have been a good match into a 30 second jobfest. I know what you're going to say: "Oh, but that was just a one time thing, and he's all better now. Honest, Jeff swears he's clean and he really really means it this time!"

Doesn't matter. Jeff Hardy has already blacked his sunken eyes (Cocaine is a hell of a drug) to the IWC, and rightfully so. How many chances does he think he deserves?

so, in short: Write about it in your blog, emo kid.
I made this thread to prove certain performers get a pass while others get shit on for the exact same infraction...

Thank you for proving that.

Of course theres no difference in being a cokehead and using unprescribed medicine. i mean by ur logic evan bourne should be fired as well. William regal has two violations. He should be fired as well. I mean he used an unprescribed pain killer to ward off body pains right.

Hardy was a cokehead, dealed in steroids and had a shitload of drugs in his house. Rey mysterio uses drugs like HGH and pain killers which he probably didnt get a prescription for.

Grow a fucking brain... If u cant lets make it simple...

UNPRESCRIBED HGH: bad Cocaine: worse....

UNPRESCRIBED HGH: suspension from job with a chance of three strikes

Cocaine: Jail

Get it ??
i agree with the OP. Just because Rey is a bigger star then hardy, doesn't make it ok for people to just assume he didn't do anything bad yet everyone bashes bourne for smoking pot and hardy for his drugs. Rey HAS HAD past drug problems too. So saying we don't know what he did is BS. So, if this was hardy, who played all 'nicey nicey' with all the little kids and everything Rey does, people would say nothing about it. it's because people admire rey more then hardy.that's why no one bashes him. Well i for one, think it should be equal punishment for ALLLLLL. the Rock, John Cena, Randy Orton the list goes on and on. if u fail the companies wellness policy, you should get suspended, not just a slap on the wrist and a 'boohoo' excuse on why you did it. if rey died due to a drug problem, no one would say shit, but if hardy died because of the SAME problem, everyone will start saying how he was a loser and a druggie and should have died. It's all how people view the wrestler that matters on how they react if they are in trouble.
No one knows what rey was caught with, with wwe's wellness policy if you are addicted to Tylenol you will be suspended, im sure rey was under meds during his injury, and simply forgot to tell them about all the meds he was on.
i agree with the OP. Just because Rey is a bigger star then hardy, doesn't make it ok for people to just assume he didn't do anything bad yet everyone bashes bourne for smoking pot and hardy for his drugs. Rey HAS HAD past drug problems too. So saying we don't know what he did is BS. So, if this was hardy, who played all 'nicey nicey' with all the little kids and everything Rey does, people would say nothing about it. it's because people admire rey more then hardy.that's why no one bashes him. Well i for one, think it should be equal punishment for ALLLLLL. the Rock, John Cena, Randy Orton the list goes on and on. if u fail the companies wellness policy, you should get suspended, not just a slap on the wrist and a 'boohoo' excuse on why you did it. if rey died due to a drug problem, no one would say shit, but if hardy died because of the SAME problem, everyone will start saying how he was a loser and a druggie and should have died. It's all how people view the wrestler that matters on how they react if they are in trouble.

This is a super cool story you have here bro.

No one bashes Mysterio, LOL WUT? I'm not sure what IWC YOU"RE a member of, but from what I'v seen, Mysterio doesn't have a lot of supporters. You go on to mention the rock, cena and orton for some reason that escapes my grasp, since they have nothing to do with the topic at hand. For the record, I don't think (keyword here, think) anyone seriously bashes bourne for smoking pot. But since I can't speak for anyone else, I'll say I've bashed him for testing positive like the day after he came off his first suspension, but that's another story.

not sure what playing "nicey nicey" with kids has to do with anything, but okay. Pretty sure most parents wouldn't want someone like Hardy near their kids in the first place. Addicts are creepers, yo.

You then go on to say if Mysterio OD's everyone would say it's a shame, but if Hardy OD's everyone would say he deserved it. First: That's a little harsh, I'd say. Nobody would deserve to OD, let's clear that up right now. but I think if Hardy OD's tomorrow, people would be indifferent (for lack of a better word) do to the fact that in the back of the mind, they secretly suspected it'd happen sooner or later.

Shame: Yes. Surprise: No.
No one bashes Mysterio, LOL WUT? I'm not sure what IWC YOU"RE a member of, but from what I'v seen, Mysterio doesn't have a lot of supporters. You go on to mention the rock, cena and orton for some reason that escapes my grasp, since they have nothing to do with the topic at hand. For the record, I don't think (keyword here, think) anyone seriously bashes bourne for smoking pot. But since I can't speak for anyone else, I'll say I've bashed him for testing positive like the day after he came off his first suspension, but that's another story.

not sure what playing "nicey nicey" with kids has to do with anything, but okay. Pretty sure most parents wouldn't want someone like Hardy near their kids in the first place. Addicts are creepers, yo.

You then go on to say if Mysterio OD's everyone would say it's a shame, but if Hardy OD's everyone would say he deserved it. First: That's a little harsh, I'd say. Nobody would deserve to OD, let's clear that up right now. but I think if Hardy OD's tomorrow, people would be indifferent (for lack of a better word) do to the fact that in the back of the mind, they secretly suspected it'd happen sooner or later.

Shame: Yes. Surprise: No.[/QUOTE]

Dude, seriously? Ur full of crap, but I guess everyone has their own opinion. i don't belong to ANY IWC of ANY kind. i could care less really, i say what i think should be said about any wrestler "superstar" in the world. And all i was saying was everyone thinks of Rey as a high citizen and hardy, bourne, raven and other people who have had drug problems as worthless. Now, I'm a moderate fan of hardy, not much so on Rey because I'm 20 years old, and not 10, BUT everyone has a right to explain their side of the story before everyone jumps their asses for it. wrestlers have hard lives, on the road over 300 days out of the year, not able to see family and friends, the pain they go through is intense, even if it is all planned out ahead of time. Who knows, rey might have had pain killers WWE din't know of before. Who knows, all i know is, people enjoy making fun of hardy MORE then rey because rey is more a family friendly wrestler because of how he is with the kids.
Dude, seriously? Ur full of crap, but I guess everyone has their own opinion. i don't belong to ANY IWC of ANY kind. i could care less really, i say what i think should be said about any wrestler "superstar" in the world. And all i was saying was everyone thinks of Rey as a high citizen and hardy, bourne, raven and other people who have had drug problems as worthless. Now, I'm a moderate fan of hardy, not much so on Rey because I'm 20 years old, and not 10, BUT everyone has a right to explain their side of the story before everyone jumps their asses for it. wrestlers have hard lives, on the road over 300 days out of the year, not able to see family and friends, the pain they go through is intense, even if it is all planned out ahead of time. Who knows, rey might have had pain killers WWE din't know of before. Who knows, all i know is, people enjoy making fun of hardy MORE then rey because rey is more a family friendly wrestler because of how he is with the kids.

first of all, learn how the quote button works.

secondly, if you're posting on this site I got bad news for ya broski: You're a member of the IWC.

the irony of being hardy fan but not mysterio because you're older then 10 is of great value. I won't go into your entire post, because honestly I can't be bothered to read that jumbled mess, but I picked up on this: "people enjoy making fun of hardy MORE then rey because rey is more a family friendly wrestler because of how he is with the kids"

No. People pick on Hardy more because Hardy is well documented as a fuck up. huge difference. if Mysterio came to work a PPV, much less a world title match and he was high of his ass, I guarantee people would call him out on it.
I made this thread to prove certain performers get a pass while others get shit on for the exact same infraction... Thank you for proving that.

I'll assume thats supposed to be a comprehensive reply to everything i said is it? Great defence! Did you miss the part where I stated, along with several others, that people arent judged for infractions, but the cause. You think if it comes out tomorrow that Rey Mysterio is using heroin and refuses to stop, then more than likely the blindly hypocritical IWC will stand up for him and say its ok?? Hardy's bad rep is based on his drug abuse affecting the product, i doubt i have to point you towards his one minute match against sting in a main event do i?? Mysterio firstly IS being punished through the suspension, just as hardy would have been. Secondly, this is directly after an injury, so his infraction is more than likely a direct result of a mess up with prescriptions, not recreational drugs as Hardy used. Thirdly, giving people the benefit of the doubt doesnt count as being hypocritical, jumping to conclusions and insulting your peers however is moronic. Though i'll admit refering to you as being on their level seems more of an insult to them then anything your rebellious fourteen year old mind could come up with.

Now, i can clearly see that you either have an inability to read, or to connect thought, or to appreciate the opinions of others, but i alluded to the idea that I am a fan of Hardy, that i never called him a junkie or a piece of shit and that i wished him well as i look forward to his performances. Have a shit on any performers while giving others a pass?? If you could find any thing hypocritical in my earlier post, or in this please point it out to me so i can follow the cue to point you towards a dictionary.
I'll assume thats supposed to be a comprehensive reply to everything i said is it? Great defence! Did you miss the part where I stated, along with several others, that people arent judged for infractions, but the cause. You think if it comes out tomorrow that Rey Mysterio is using heroin and refuses to stop, then more than likely the blindly hypocritical IWC will stand up for him and say its ok?? Hardy's bad rep is based on his drug abuse affecting the product, i doubt i have to point you towards his one minute match against sting in a main event do i?? Mysterio firstly IS being punished through the suspension, just as hardy would have been. Secondly, this is directly after an injury, so his infraction is more than likely a direct result of a mess up with prescriptions, not recreational drugs as Hardy used. Thirdly, giving people the benefit of the doubt doesnt count as being hypocritical, jumping to conclusions and insulting your peers however is moronic. Though i'll admit refering to you as being on their level seems more of an insult to them then anything your rebellious fourteen year old mind could come up with.

Now, i can clearly see that you either have an inability to read, or to connect thought, or to appreciate the opinions of others, but i alluded to the idea that I am a fan of Hardy, that i never called him a junkie or a piece of shit and that i wished him well as i look forward to his performances. Have a shit on any performers while giving others a pass?? If you could find any thing hypocritical in my earlier post, or in this please point it out to me so i can follow the cue to point you towards a dictionary.

It's probably not rec drug related. Recovering from injuries is difficult. I bet you he's been on HGH for the last 6 months at least (odds are it won't show up on a test since those tests are expensive and difficult for the lab). On top of that, he's been on the shelf, you don't think he didn't use a little bit of gear to get back the strength and agility he lost? At 37 or 38 years old, healing from injuries takes longer than when you're 20. You also get less results from rehab and hitting the gym.

Most of the guys on these forums don't know shit about training, athletics or even the drugs they rant on about, when their sports heroes get popped for them. With the WWE's BS drug policy, Mysterio should just retire or demand his release. He's not "juiced in" like Cena or HHH (pardon the pun), so they'll pop him for violations. He doesn't need the money and internationally he's still a big draw. He could make decent coin in Japan and Mexico. He doesn't even need WWE.
Rey, including this, has nearly had 2 years (maybe more) of time of the shelf, during his stint with WWE. Time he has been paid. Yes, I know he was injured, but the fact remains is, the WWE, as a business feel that Rey has gotten a lot of 'free money' for no work. The hold up with his contract is said to be based around that. He wants more money, and WWE are, saying 'hold up man, you kinda owe us 2 years'. As a business, I can kinda see where they're come from.
If that was the case then I totally get that, but according to the reports that came out, WWE officials didnt put it as nicely or respectfully as you just did. Anyways, they could give the guy a lighter schedule. His latest injury didnt look like the result of a faulty knee but of Del Rio being too rough. I noticed it while I was watching the match. Then reports came out of WWE wanting ADR to wrestle stiffer and it all made sense to me.
Look at everyone lay down their judgement on the 5'3 man that spent the last 126+ years of his life week in and week out working his ass off to make sure you guys are given a entertaining match. No one knows what Rey took to get him suspended, and no one knows why he took it. Rey is taking time off to heal up and recover, his knees and joints are always under constant pain and pressure, so an educated guess can be that he was taking some sort of HGH and properly training to come back to the WWE so he can put back under the microscope you horrible human beings put him in. As someone who has injured their joints and had to sit down on my ass and wait for it to heal, I can understand if Rey were to use HGH. Hell, if used correctly you can gain amazing results and minimize side-effects. I find it stupid that once someone read that Mysterio was suspended for the drug policy, the stupid people quickly jumped onto their high horse and started calling Rey Mysterio a junkie.

Are people comparing Rey Mysterio to Jeff Hardy? Really? No seriously, really? I love Jeff Hardy as much as the next guy. But the man fucked up on Pay-Per-View. He was arrested with an entire stash of drugs in his home. Hardy has his demons, that is the kind of man he is/was. But Jeff is going above and beyond to try and get better. Rey Mysterio has never had a documented drug issue. Rey never had to be pulled from a show or ever showed up high for his main-event match. The man is one of the hardest working men in Professional Wrestling, just ask his knees.
Look at everyone lay down their judgement on the 5'3 man that spent the last 126+ years of his life week in and week out working his ass off to make sure you guys are given a entertaining match. No one knows what Rey took to get him suspended, and no one knows why he took it. Rey is taking time off to heal up and recover, his knees and joints are always under constant pain and pressure, so an educated guess can be that he was taking some sort of HGH and properly training to come back to the WWE so he can put back under the microscope you horrible human beings put him in. As someone who has injured their joints and had to sit down on my ass and wait for it to heal, I can understand if Rey were to use HGH. Hell, if used correctly you can gain amazing results and minimize side-effects. I find it stupid that once someone read that Mysterio was suspended for the drug policy, the stupid people quickly jumped onto their high horse and started calling Rey Mysterio a junkie.

Are people comparing Rey Mysterio to Jeff Hardy? Really? No seriously, really? I love Jeff Hardy as much as the next guy. But the man fucked up on Pay-Per-View. He was arrested with an entire stash of drugs in his home. Hardy has his demons, that is the kind of man he is/was. But Jeff is going above and beyond to try and get better. Rey Mysterio has never had a documented drug issue. Rey never had to be pulled from a show or ever showed up high for his main-event match. The man is one of the hardest working men in Professional Wrestling, just ask his knees.

He probably wasn't taking just HGH. It doesn't instantly heal you up. You got to take it for like a year or longer to see results. And Rey has been suspended for violations to the wellness policy before.
honestly this entire thread has devolved into "Jeff Hardy is totally worse than rey" or "rey is just a bad example just like Hardy but the IWC doesn't care cause they have a grudge against Hardy"

when the truth of the matter is WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?!?! Yes it sucks that Rey got a 2nd suspension for whatever he was caught with because it doesnt matter.. Yes i'd feel bad knowing if it was heroin or cocaine that he tested positive for, but it wouldn't change anything for me... As others have said he'll be suspended and come back from "injury" in storyline sake (if he doesn't get released) and basically 80% of the audience won't know about his suspension... Threads like this however just lead to stupid back and forth posts about "Jeff hardy was worse than this" or "people treat jeff hardy this way and not Rey mysterio" or "HHH/Cena/[insert wrestler here] totally roid up and never get suspended, this is just bias" that it gets annoying to even read them... It all amounts to absolutely nothing.. Just all of us in the IWC arguing about relatively nothing, and in 2 months (well once he gets healthy) we'll all forget about and when he returns we'll argue he's not being used well and cite the wellness violation and wwe "burying" him.....

always fun
Suspended while injured. That's definitely unusual how Rey got suspended when he wasn't even traveling with the WWE due to his injuries. I don't know the full story on how Rey got suspended, but I have a feeling he will be back after serving the suspension.

All I can say is, it's definitely not a great time for WWE Cruiserweights. Evan Bourne is injured after serving a 2nd suspension, Sin Cara is still out from injury, and Rey Mysterio is suspended while on recovery.

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