Report: WWE To Re-Focus On Tag Team Division


According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it looks as though Triple H has sent a directive to re-focus on the tag team division. The initial plan, according to the report, was to get some teams together down in NXT that would ultimately be brought to the main roster and to compile teams from guys on the main roster who are talented but underutilized. However, things didn't go exactly as planned as, for the most part, a lot of the focus was taken off the tag team division as a whole during WrestleMania season. However, WWE has enough teams going right now that they feel they can really field an overall solid tag team division.

As of right now, The tag teams in WWE consist of Rollins & Reigns, Cody Rhodes & Goldust, Tons of Funk, The Real Americans, The Usos, 3MB, Rowan & Harper, The Prime Time Players and Los Matadores. While it's true that some of the teams aren't exactly Grade A at this point, there's definite strength in the teams of Rollins & Reigns, Cody & Goldie, The Usos, Rowan & Harper, and The PTPs while there's potential for The Real Americans. I'm not all that wild personally about Los Matadores but, thus far, they're getting a good response from fans all in all. There's also talk of forming a team comprised of Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel, which we could see soon.

This all sounds good but the real test will be how the teams are ultimately used during WrestleMania season. Vince might up & decide that most of the focus needs to go into the top 3 or 4 matches while the others receive mostly a tertiary build.
I thought Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel were already a team?:confused:

I'm all for tag teams, but the problem as I see it is pushing the wrong ones or beating a dead horse (see the Usos). Los mantra doers will probably not do much in the means of matches, and 3MB isn't going anywhere for sure. PTP are the ones I think could really take off. Maybe a retake on the NAO? They have done funny stuff before (Rufus pancake
Patterson) and have the potential to do more. They have the skill too.

During wrestle mania season, I could see the Usos, PTP, and maybe someone else be pushed.
Tag wrestling has rich history in pro wrestling and is highly entertaining. The division has been all but dead in recent years as none of the teams have had credibility or staying power. I think now, they're starting to build a little depth and with this alleged news that Triple H wants to re-focus on the tag team division, I think that's great... I like the Real Americans a lot. I don't like either guy individually but as a team they are good and Zeb Colter is pure gold. Rollins and Reigns are good, and I like Cody and Goldust and the Usos. The rest are just "eh," IMO. The point is, there are more than like 3 teams now. So the depth is good. That's the first step to rebuilding the division.

The second step is to get rid of those God-awful belts and go back to a more classic design. I can't take any tag any champions seriously if they are holding those belts.

To really bring back the Tag Team division, I think WWE needs to involve a Tag Team or Tag Teams in a main event storyline. They sort of had Rollins and Reigns involved with the DB-Orton storyline but then dropped it.
If it means going back to the days of letting main eventers team up and win the belts for a short-term run, then they need to do it.

Overall though, I think they are finally going in the right direction and this story is certainly good news.
I think there is a lot of potential in the tag division. Rhodes brothers, The Shield, PTP and Real Americans should be singles guys by WM. Uso's are good but they need some mic time even backstage to build them up. 3MB should be 2MB with McIntyre a singles guy. Los Matadores just suck they are a gimmick for kids and shouldn't be taken seriously. The Wyatts could use a push and I think getting the titles off the Rhodes would help them (hopefully better than the Shield did). Shield are a great team but they didn't feud enough with other teams they were to involved with HHH
Hadn't Triple H already given this directive earlier this year, and we saw some movement for awhile until the rug was pulled out again?

I seem to recall reading this exact same thing when it was Team Hell No, The Shield, and Rhodes Scholars. Arguably, the tag team division was stronger then than it is now.
Sometimes I'm afraid that when HHH sends this directive, Vince undermines him when Mania season comes around....Hopefully it doesn't happen again
well without doubt cody/goldust is the most interesting tag team in the wwe, or in any wrestling company for that matter, second is real american's not that im sold out on the gimmick but cesaro and swagger are solid worker's.
wwe need's some new tag teams to keep it fresh, i think the ton's of funk has ran it's course though its time for a break up! naomi and cameron needs to go off on their own instead of being back up dancer's.
im glad wwe is interested in the tag team division cause lately i sure have lost a lot of interest in it, i would much rather wwe focus on a soild diva division.
wwe tag team division is fine "need's work". but diva division needs major help at this moment.
why should we as fans have any faith in their tag division?

the PTP were starting to get hot, and what did WWE do? NOTHING. the fans love them and they do NOTHING with these guys.

Los Matadores confuse people, how can we tell them apart?

the wyatts=TRASH wrestlers, they can't work.
I feel like someone copy and pasted the exact same report from last year. It was everyone's big excuse as to why Team Hells No dragged on about 100 weeks longer than what was useful to either of its members.

They have plenty of guys to make it happen, especially if you add in developmental. Believe it when I see it.
I was already under the assumption the tag team division was improving..yea there arent any consistent programs but for the first time in years there ARE consistent tag teams...PTP are over in a good way..Real Americans work great together...Los Matadores have some momentum even though theyre annoying imo...Usos are massively improving..the Rhodes Brothers are doing great...and to top it off the Shield has been restoring prestige to the cant all happen over night..where were we a year ago...oh yea Team Hell No and no challengers in sight besides the occassional squash of heel PTP...when was the last time two new unknown guys started from the bottom and made themselves relevant..I think its much better shape than last year
To be honest, I already thought there was a focus on the tag-team division. Since Team Hell No won the titles, I think the tag division has significantly improved. The Uso, Prime Time Players, Rollins/Reigns, Tons of Funk, 3MB, Primo and Epico, The Wyatt family. That is a significant amount of tag-teams. Fair enough there isn't massive quality like there was around the time of the TLC's but it is still of a good quality.

While I think a split between The Shield is inevitable there are still other teams in the division as well as potential partnerships that can be formed. I am very optimistic about the future of the tag-division.
Focus or not, just having tag teams with no actual promo work between them just having random matches isnt what I would call focus.

I want a real feud within the tag team division. I wanna see drama, good promos.That lead up to a freaking 15-20 min incredible tag team match at a big PPV.I want them to make people care about the tag team, rather then individuals.( eg. being people like Antonio for his amazing skills and strenght but couldn't give 2shit for Swagger ).

Btw can 3MB let Drew Mcyintire go already?That dude looks awkward as fuck in that group.I just sense a vibe from him that he is way above that and he is.Hell him and Slater diserve better, the other one is lucky to have a job.( tho at least Slater fits in there a bit ).

I will believe this report when I see more than random tag matches, I wanna see more than just "This Raw its them vs them, smackdown its them vs them and on PPV its them vs them and that's it", who can seriously care and invest in a tag match and in their peformers if they are not given opportunity to show personality on the mic.
Focus or not, just having tag teams with no actual promo work between them just having random matches isnt what I would call focus.


When Hell No was champs, they had promo time--but it was pretty much just between Kane and Bryan as far as I can remember. Despite the fact that they feuded with the Rhodes Scholars for thousands of PPVs in a row, I cannot recall any real beef or reasoning behind the rivalry, other than the fact that Cody+Damien distracted Hell No and cheap-shotted them after matches and stuff like that. This creates intriguing characters in Kane and DB, but not necessarily very compelling tag division drama.

As of late, we have Cody (again the top-tier tag teamer!) and Goldust, along with the Shield. The drama with these teams is being supported by the larger Corporation angle, which is good for the time being, but once the storyline ends, I'm interested to see if any legitimate feud between two teams will form. My guess is probably not, leading us back to square one.
The Shield have given WWE the platform to rebuild the division and I am sure they wil get the titles back soon as Cody is likely destined for a good singles push, but WWE have to capitalize the momentum the feud between them and The Shield has started and to do that they need to get some face teams over, as right now I'd say The Uso's are distinctly lacking in popularity for the top face team. I also agree with the posts above about the teams needing some promo time, you can't build a feud without mic work and you can't garner interest in a division without feuds.

I'm in the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp but I hope it's true as Tag Team wrestling is great and adds variety to a wrestling card, same as I feel Cruiserweight and Women's wrestling does, but neither of those have the legacy in WWE that Tag Team Wrestling does so it should take priority.
I actually think they have been focusing more on tag teams than they were two or three years ago. Remember when R-Truth and Kofi Kingston were champs? Before Team Hell No could you name another team that wasn't Epico and Primo that wrestled on Raw more than once every four months?

Real Americans, Prime Time Players, The Usos, Tons of Funk, and now Los Matadores are teams that wrestle every single week on either Raw, Smackdown or Main Event. There's also the Wyatt Family, but they don't technically count yet, although they've been wrestling tag teams at live events for awhile now. Also you can't rule out The Shield, who have actually in my opinion made the titles important. The pop that Cody and Goldust got when they won was huge, and that's directly related to how good The Shield has been as heels carrying the belts. Having a team hold the titles that simply just doesn't lose has been great for business.

So hopefully they can continue expanding the roster, without sacrificing the good they've already done for the division. Unfortunately, when you push a new team it often means somebody else gets put back on the shelf. Adrian Neville and Evan Bourne would make the most fun tag team since Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Seriously. Stereo shooting star presses for the win.
I think the division has improved since Team Hell No had the belts, but as already mentioned in this thread there needs to be some promos between the teams. They need to develop some storylines within the division as well. I think they have the talent as far as teams go. Also if the rumors are true that they are going to bring some teams up from NXT I am sure that will help too. I used to love tag wrestling as a kid and I really wish they could get the division back where it was in the 80's and early 90's.

When Hell No was champs, they had promo time--but it was pretty much just between Kane and Bryan as far as I can remember. Despite the fact that they feuded with the Rhodes Scholars for thousands of PPVs in a row, I cannot recall any real beef or reasoning behind the rivalry, other than the fact that Cody+Damien distracted Hell No and cheap-shotted them after matches and stuff like that. This creates intriguing characters in Kane and DB, but not necessarily very compelling tag division drama.

As of late, we have Cody (again the top-tier tag teamer!) and Goldust, along with the Shield. The drama with these teams is being supported by the larger Corporation angle, which is good for the time being, but once the storyline ends, I'm interested to see if any legitimate feud between two teams will form. My guess is probably not, leading us back to square one.

Agreed. There has to be feuds which means promos and storylines, not just 4 matches, 4 weeks in a row against the same teams with no talking or anything.

Cody can talk, Reigns and Rollins are decent enough on the mic, and Colter can talk for the Real Americans. There's enough there for some good promos. They've planted the seeds for a Real Americans-Matadores feud with Colter's comments on RAW so we'll see what happens. Depth is great but you're right, at some point there has to be some talking and promos and less randomness.
Evan Bourne needs to be brought back up to the roster, he is so talented and underused its untrue! maybe pairing him with a NXT guy like Xavier Woods or Adrian Neville would be a good way to go?
Evan Bourne needs to be brought back up to the roster, he is so talented and underused its untrue! maybe pairing him with a NXT guy like Xavier Woods or Adrian Neville would be a good way to go?
Too bad he violates the wellness policy and doesn't care. WWE would probably love to have him, but he screws up too much.

As for the tag division. It seems like the last year or so it's been a lot more prominent and now they have a ton of teams and are seeing what works. The Rhodes vs Shield has been working well and adding the Usos who are good workers and decently over will be fun. Lots of other really good teams to work with too.

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