Tag division finally picking up!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Seems like finally they're beginning to put more attention on the tag division and with more meaningful teams with character. We got...
The shield
The USOs
Real Americans
Tons of funk
Los matadores
The Wyatt family

Hopefully now we can finally see some good rivalries that of what we got when we had Dudley's hardys EC. More 3 way tag tlc matches to even further build the division.

Now my question is who do you think will be the ones to take the titles from the shield and which of these teams to we see the most success for in the future?
Picking up or filling up? A lot of teams doesn't mean they're getting proper focus or booking. I'm cautiously optimistic, but the last time everybody around these parts got on their knees and hailed The Game for resurrecting the tag division, nothing really came of it. It's a division again, though, and that's a good start.

As for who'll take the titles from Reigns and Rollins, well, right now the smart money is on The World's Strongest Man and The World's Largest Athlete. Their tag team name should be "When Worlds Collude".
Well from the list there, we have a 4-3 ratio of Heel to Face teams, not including Matadores. Honestly speaking, I can see a few of those teams being relegated to Superstars and Main Event as opposed to all being threats to the Coins like Tons of Funk and 3MB.

Once the Shield split (which will probably be after this big main feud ends), the tag team picture will be a lot more similar to the Attitude Era, with the titles changing a fair amount and with the teams being memorable, such as The Usos, PTP, Wyatt Family and the Real Americans. Maybe throw in some other teams like International Airstrike re-uniting or new teams from NXT.

As for your question, I think it'll be the Prime Time Players that take the titles from The Shield. They seem to be beginning to get over, and they've received a lot of attention every since Darren Young came out gay. Both guys seem to be charismatic, especially Titus, and it does seem like they're in line for a push with their recent victory over The Real Americans. The Shield will probably beat Henry and Show somehow, and I can see them losing the titles to the PTP either at Battleground or Hell in a Cell.
Unfortunately it looks like Big Show & Mark Henry will be next inline. Hopefully they don't get the belts. It always seems that when the tag division is picking up steam the WWE throws two top tier guys together and put the belts on them and then it ruins any momentum that the other teams have of climbing the ladder.

Right now they have some pretty solid teams they can build around. Back when tag team wrestling was strong you always had 2 to 3 strong teams, 2 mid level, and a few lower/jobber teams. It was that way in the 80's and in the AE. It just works better that way the same with singles titles. Not everyone needs to be champion to be useful.

The fact that they are putting thought and character into the teams is huge instead of just pair 2 guys together and calling them a team. If you took Show & Henry out of the equation then teams like Usos,PTP, and the Wyatt's could easily be built up to be a threat to the Shields belts. If they picked the PTP for example have them work with a mid carder like maybe Miz or Kofi to take on Ambrose so the numbers game isn't a factor.

There are a lot of good things they can do now with all of the teams hopefully they don't screw it up.
I think The Butcher is correct. The tag team division seems to be filling up right now, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to get a ton of attention. It does seem to be a good start though and, generally speaking, things look to be getting back on track finally after WrestleMania. The tag team picture was built around Kane & Bryan for quite a while, then WM season kicked into high gear and it was put on the backburner, then it picked back up with Bryan & Kane's feud with The Shield and now things look to be picking up with 7 teams, soon to be 8 with Los Matadores.

IF, and I do mean IF, The Shield is going to continue to be aligned with the McMahon power structure, like we saw with them serving as "security" around ringside for Vince & company, then I can see WWE putting a good deal of focus on the tag team picture. With The Shield as the muscle of this newly formed corporate structure and Orton as its "face", they'd control half the titles on the roster and they could always recruit others that they feel are "the future" of WWE.
I've heard and seen this before ... new teams are being introduced and we all think the tag team division gets a revival only to be pushed again a few months later with teams being disbanded. It's a rise and repeat scenario that has not changed for years. So unless I really see any tangible long term and consistent commitment to the division I am going to remain skeptical.
I cant add much, beyond saying im gad to see it happening. Its the same as everything in WWE though, with their finnicky pushes and seemingly ADHD approach to developing things. Do these teams cut promos next week? Does the focus continue? Those are the things that matter, and things to get excited about.
Firstly, I think the tag-division has been strong for about a year or so. Team Hell No really helped the standard of tag-team wrestling. Moreover, they are actually using tag-teams. Yes they are putting random parings together but at least they are given a gimmick or a common purpose. This helps the tag-division because we see proper feuds and stroylines build.

The Shield will probably hold the belts for a little longer and it is very interesting to see how they fit in with the Orton/HHH faction. It could be a situation where they hold the belts right until after Mania. Mark Henry and Big Show are probably going to feud with them next. I'm really not looking forward to this match, Big Show rarely has a good match nowadays.

Thereafter, I think they will give the PTP's a push but they will probably want a big name duo to feud with The Shield and the McMahons. Looking long term (Road to WM30) I think it we could see a team of Jericho and RVD vs Rollins and Reigns which has great potential.
I've heard and seen this before ... new teams are being introduced and we all think the tag team division gets a revival only to be pushed again a few months later with teams being disbanded. It's a rise and repeat scenario that has not changed for years. So unless I really see any tangible long term and consistent commitment to the division I am going to remain skeptical.

This pretty much sums it up. Don't count on the tag divsion being any better now than it's been over the past ten plus years. Let's take a look at the teams mentioned in the op.

The Shield

More focus on the group as a whole than the tag titles

Decent team. Hard to suddenly start caring about them after three years of doing nothing.

Decent team. Potential as faces.

Real Americans

Two floundering singles wrestlers with nothing going on so they are suddenly a tag team for no reason. Likely won't last more than a few months. Hard to get behind a team like that.

Tons of funk

Ok but seen more as a comedy gimmick than a threat in the tag division.

Comedy jobber team with more focus on the group than any particular team

Los matadores

Likely to be a comedy jobber team

The Wyatt family

More focus on the group as a whole than a tag team

I'm not seeing a whole lot to be excited about. Back in the glory days of tag team wrestling a team's members were committed to each other and had the specific goal of becoming tag team champions. They weren't just two guys from a group that happened to challenge for the belts. They weren't two struggling singles stars with nothing better to do than become a tag team. For the most part the two wrestlers came in together as a team giving the impression that they actually wanted to be a team and the tag titles was a goal worth achieving.

You named eight teams. Not bad quantity even if the quality isn't really there. There have been times where we'd be lucky to see half as many teams in the division. The thing is with the disappearance of jobbers and squash matches these teams are going to work together all the time on Raw and Smackdown. Back in the day the Hart Foundation, Brain Busters, Rockers, etc. would wrestle jobbers every week. This allowed us to become familiar with them and how they worked together without burning through all the competition so quickly. We've talked about how so much televsion makes it hard to come up with fresh matches for ppv. It's even worse for tag teams since there aren't nearly as many teams as singles wrestlers. It's going to be hard to build a big tag match for ppv when they are forced to work with each other so much on free tv. I guess if we get past the idea that big matches and feuds needed to be built up for ppv and just enjoyed the tag team matches we get on free tv the division isn't bad. If you're looking for big drama, hype, and anticipation you're not likely going to find it in tag team wrestling.
WWE likes to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. If people get into tag teams, they'll get pushed. If not, then no. I'd like to see it. I think a 4 team elimination number 1 contenders match at NOC would be a blast. Maybe Real Americans vs Los Matadors vs The USOs vs PTP. Also have the obvious Henry/Show vs Shield.
I did notice the Tagteam division on display last night. I must admit it was a breath of fresh air. The match specifically between the Prime Time Players and Real Americans was in a word...Awesome!!! The crowd really seemed to be behind the PTP. Ever since that bit with Rufus "Pancake" Patterson between them and Cena I believed this team should have turned Face. Then, when Mark Henry was attacked by the Shield it made more sense for the PTP to turn and join Henry in his battle against Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose. To be honest the way things have been going for Kofi since his return I wouldn't be surprised to see AIR BOOM reunite when Bourne gets the ok. There's also promise that if Kofi remains a singles competitor the WWE can pair Justin Gabriel w/Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd who is also on his way back. Imagine matches between International Air Strike and the Shield.
I'm really hoping that we can see some of the teams step it up to a level where the hardys Dudley's ec were. In a way the usos remind me of a new generation of hardys with their own unique high flying style. It would be good to pair tamina back up with them to have that diva type that would stand up to the heel guys like lita would do at times. I also get a EC comedy type vibe from the PTP they I think they can pull off great either heel or face
idk it doesnt seem as if the Wyatts are tag title contenders or even interested in that..at least yet.

i think at Survivor Series a 4-6 team elimination tag title match would be awesome.

if not i hope they dont give the straps to Show/Henry.

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