Report: Sheamus' Next Feud


According to a report on the main page and one from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Sheamus' next scheduled opponent for the World Heavyweight Championship is Big Show. The feud is scheduled to kick off next week, probably on Raw as Sheamus is scheduled to defend the title against Show at the HIAC ppv inside the Cell itself.

With Cena on the shelf and the various interactions between Punk & Sheamus over the past few weeks, I wonder if WWE will push this feud back until after Cena's return. While a champ vs. champ HIAC match could be a lot of fun, that'd still leave the event with one less Cell match. If WWE is bent on having two Cell title matches at the ppv, I'd stick Show against Sheamus and substitute Randy Orton for Cena against Punk.

Sheamus vs. Show has the potential to be a good physical feud. Sheamus can't physically dominate Show as he would with Bryan, Del Rio or Ziggler so it could be a fun dynamic. As long as they don't have Show completely dominating Sheamus all over the place in a one sided feud, it could be interesting.
Could be quite interesting. At least it's not Sheamus vs Del Rio take 5. Depending on how long WWE intend on keeping the WHC on Sheamus, they could have Ziggler cash in the briefcase at Hell in a Cell. Sheamus beats Show at the PPV, then gets blindsided by a Chokeslam or WMD. Ziggler comes in to win the WHC. I would keep Ziggler away from the fued till the PPV so it's more of a suprise.
This is what I reckon will happen WWE will have Big Show win at HitC and then Sheamus hit's him with a Brogue kick only to have Ziggler come down and cash in. This will set up a 3 way feud for the title, allowing ziggler to retain by stealing pins here and there during the title defences. It would also be the 2nd year running that Show wins the title only to lose it straight away due to MitB (which is the main reason I see this happening to be honest).

After 2/3 ppvs of show/ziggler/sheamus it will move on to Ziggler/Sheamus 1v1 for the title and should retain thus showing that he deserves to be champion. Then I imagine he will face Sheamus again at the next ppv and win again (not clean in either of the victories). Then a 3rd and final ppv match between them in which Sheamus wins back the WHC.
It's a good feud, it will show some new dynamic between the two. Sheamus has been built as a strong and tough character, Big Show is the meaning of size and power in the WWE.

I feel that Sheamus and Del Rio failed because the fact that their characters didn't actually click in a rivalry. I mean Sheamus likes to fight, he just wants to kick some arse, and well Del Rio is a guy that tries to be a lot more personal and WWE failed to make Sheamus mad and upset with Del Rio. He almost had his head literally cut off from his shoulders and a week later he was "Relax, Bertie". I think that Big Show can actually gain some momentum in the feud and actually piss of The Great White.

In the camp of building a rivalry and showing off their mic, Big Show gets the advantage, because he can work amazingly when he wants to. His rivalry with Cena/Punk actually made him watchable and a good character and his looks will came up as an opponent to the Brogue Kick's finisher maneuver. As far as being in the Cell in their first encounter, I don't buy it. Cells are supposed to be for that personal rivalry, and when WWE fails that we have matches like Henry and Orton last year, just forgetting the concept of the drama included.

Lenght? This PPV is good enough for them. Put Randy Orton up next and Ziggler cashing in since I feel he cant be more over than he actually is right now.
I like the idea of a Sheamus feud with the Big Show just because it would be totally different than the feud with Del Rio. Big Show can really give Sheamus a run for his money, but I do like the idea of Show winning only to be laid out by Sheamus, and have Dolph cash in and win. Show could be bitter because it being the second year in a row it has happened to him.
I have enjoyed The Big Show since his heel turn and think that's how WWE should've been booking him all along. He should be the realistically dominating heel badass unstoppable monster that we all know he can be and showing why he's "the world's largest athlete". While I will be the first to admit Show's past shortcomings, I will say he can be a great addition to the show on Smackdown and RAW if he returns. I just hope WWE doesn't kill what heat and momentum Big Show had by somehow inserting Del Rio into the mix. If Del Rio could've gotten over by now, he would have. Time to chalk Del Rio up as a colossial failure and stop pushing him. Besides, having more contenders will definetely help Sheamus in the long run and I believe he can have realistically impressive physical matches against Show.
As happy as I am to hear they're finally moving on from ADR/Sheamus, Big Show doesn't do it for me either. He's got a 0% chance of winning the WHC @ this point in his career.

The only good that can come out of this is what was mentioned above. Sheamus beats Show @ HIAC, gets knocked out, and DZ cashes in $$$ in the Bank and we finally have a new Champion.
I will say this feud could lead to some good brutal matches but honestly I hate the idea of Big Show vs Sheamus. I mean WWE wants Sheamus to be the new top face of Smackdown yet hes gonna feud with Big Show who nobody really gives a damn about and just finished feuding with Del Rio who gets no reaction at all from the fans? :confused: I think it would have been better to see Rhodes step up and challenge Sheamus or even Orton but Show? Ugh. :disappointed:
I don't like it. But, I am open for the idea. I may come to like it. At least, I hope so.

Big Show has never done anything that made me want to watch him. Other than when he teamed with Kane, I have never cared for him. I respect what he has done, but I have never gotten into any program he is in. Sheamus has become stale to me too. This whole feuds screams boring to me. I only hope they can make it interesting. Because, if not, I might as well be watching Del Rio vs. Sheamus again.
I (for one) am happy to see Big Show back, and in a main event role (if this rumor is true). I was just thinking about him while I was watching Raw last Monday, and was wondering where he had been. I don't remember the last time he was on TV, honestly. I remember he was in the main event for the WWE Championship (I think?) after his most recent heel turn, and I believe that was the last time he made a WWE appearance (again, I believe that's true).

Big Show as a dominating heel is my favorite version of Big Show. I loved him back in WCW, when he was still "The Giant" as well. Since the guy is so huge, he should be booked as an unstoppable monster. After all, no one could really kick out from a pin if Paul Wight was holding them down (in "real life"). The guy is massive, and should be booked as an unstoppable force. Why wouldn't he be thrust into a feud for the WHC? Keep him as a heel, much like he was used when he was the WWECW Champion. I loved that time of his WWE career, and (IMHO) was when his talents were shining the brightest (at least during his WWE tenure). I can't wait to see this feud start, and also can't wait to see the title match between Show & Sheamus. I hope this feud lasts beyond HiaC next month, and I'd also hope to see Show win the strap before the end of 2012.
I'm expecting a Beat the Clock challenge match one Smackdown, to decide the Number 1 contender, they love that gimmick on Friday Nights!

Big Show would be good, assuming that Sheamus dropped the happy, aggressive guy and just turn full on Aggresive. But yes, I think Big Show could bring out a few good matches against Sheamus!
Big Show vs Sheamus, interference from Jericho helps him bring home the World Heavyweight Title. Flair returns to manage... Rey joins the crew, with Booker T showing favor to them over the next few months. Goldberg then returns.

WCW lives!

That "invasion" angle works so much better, even a decade later, than the original one did.

Otherwise, I like Sheamus vs Big Show. Should be some good power wrestling.
I must be the only one dreading this feud, and I think the only reason why that it is because we aren't being subjected to yet ANOTHER Del Rio rematch. That guy gets more title matches than Christian did last year when he turned heel!

So let's sum up this new feud, which sounds on paper to me even more painful than another Del Rio rematch: Show comes out, knocks Sheamus out a few times, Show overpowers Sheamus and appears to be a title threat, dominates SD for awhile, and then jobs out to Sheamus when he hits the Brogue Kick on PPV.

The only saving grace, is that Ziggler may cash in when either Show or Sheamus are out cold.
that would be an interesting contest imo, thats one hell of a height to try and brogue kick tho! Hes no bruce lee, it could really further him career wise by pulling something amazing out, as much as i hate the guy cena took himself to the next level after his fued with show, remember the first time you saw him get picked upmfor the attitude adjustment? ( F.U at the time)
I like the look of this feud but only if they let The Big Show defeated Sheamus and win the World Heavyweight Championship, unlike last year though they should not have The Big Show win the World Championship and then Dolph Ziggler Cash in straight away. Maybe Big Show could hold the title until WrestleMania and then Dolph cashes it in on the Grandest Stage of the All and wins the World Title.

That way Big Show will stop being looked upon as a joke and Dolph Ziggler will get his Main Event Push that he deserves.
Their roles need to be reversed. I was talking about this in the LD this week for Monday Night Raw, but I'll restate it hear just to be thorough.

Sheamus is one hell of a monster. So is Big Show, but he's got a 500-pound, 7-foot tall advantage on just about anyone, so it's not totally necessary that he always take his opponents seriously. But what I can't stand is Sheamus brushing off the Big Show like he's some kind of joke. I don't care what his win/loss record has been in recent years, you don't provoke a giant and laugh it off like it's nothing. I don't mind Sheamus as a face, but he's got the same problem John Cena does, in that he won't take things seriously until it's much too late to buy into the feud.

Sheamus should be the cautious Champion right now, worried he'll lose his belt to the biggest challenge he's ever come up against. But he was more focused against Daniel Bryan when he beat him in 18 seconds! Big Show, if anybody, should be the guy to say "at the next PPV, I'm going to run right through you and leave the World Champion, and there's nothing you can do about it." That leaves room for Sheamus to find his Irish pride, dig down and come out with a fury. They are so well matched; few guys can go in the ring with Big Show. The list is pretty much Mark Henry, John Cena, and at times...Kane. CM Punk managed a not terrible feud, but it was so gimmicky they never really had to rely on in-ring consistency. Sheamus can work a brawl in the Cell with Big Show and make it believable. But WWE won't take a title feud on Smackdown seriously, and that's the reason we're not getting the final match with ADR inside Hell in a Cell. That would make things serious - legitimate even - and put it on the same level as CM Punk and the WWE title. Just look at how tonight's Smackdown is booked. You've got Sheamus starting the show, and wrestling at the hour mark. But CM Punk is scheduled to go on last on a show that's not even his brand...

Until WWE starts taking Smackdown seriously, taking Sheamus seriously, and treating their title matches like a big deal, I just can't buy into them no matter how good they "could" be.

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