Replacement Match: US title Kofi vs. Miz


Occasional Pre-Show
I didn't see anything annouced officially but I was just looking at the card on the breaking point section on - and I saw another match added to it. And although I was pretty excited for Ziggler vs. Morrison. I gotta say they made it up to me - I think alot of people have been waiting for a one on one US title match between Kofi & Miz.

So now we're finally gonna have it. Yes out of no where - not quite the build, but their gonna at least give it a shot. Can we really depend on the Miz to show us that he can be a single's champion. Is this match the first of many 1v1 bouts for these two superstars? Will the Miz change minds and win the title this sunday? I guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow ha.

that is if this match actually goes through.
i think kofi retains because obviously there has been no buildup whatsover on this match (the match was announced just today) but theyll rematch anyways on RAW or the HIAC ppv

but now i dont understand why they dropped morrison-ziggler from the card because at least that match woulda had some sort of buildup going into Breaking Point (hell kofi & miz werent even on RAW this past week)
I dont understand the logic in this. They took off a match with some build and was supposed to be on the card for a match that has had no build except for Miz saying he wanted the title.

Makes no sense. I think Kofi wins by DQ leading to a rematch at HIAC.
They must've changed it simply because Morrison and Ziggler don't have any history yet, however the Miz/Kofi feud, if you want to call it that, has a little more steam going into Breaking Point since Miz has already been called number 1 contender for some time.
For some reason, I see The Miz winning this match, despite the lack of buildup.

Morrison is already the Intercontinental Champion, and imagine seeing him and Miz holding both singles midcard belts. Could make for some interesting skits backstage.

I honestly thought that Kofi would have lost the belt a while ago, at Night Of Champions to Jack Swagger, but I think that tomorow night will indeed be the last night he has the belt.
There's no way Kofi will lose tomorrow night. And one of them winning by DQ? I thought the only way you could win a match tomorrow is by Submission...

Anyway, I'll enjoy the match, but I would rather have Ziggler wrestling, but I understand they want to build some heat between the two, or they're just stalling while they come up with a story...
Only main event matches are submission matches so yes he win by DQ, plus in just a straight up submission you can still get DQed and counted out, just no pinfalls.
I'm pretty stoked they added this one, even if there was almost zero build up. Should be a pretty decent contest, but I see Kofi going over with a DQ after the Miz gets frustrated and uses a chair or something, making it personal, giving the feud time to build, etc. Eventually though, I think The Miz will go over and get the title from Kofi.
I like that the United States Championship was put on the card, but the Intercontinental Championship shouldn't have been taken off and instead the Signapore Cane match should've been off. Nothing we can do about that though.

This should be nice to see. Kofi is good in the ring and Miz has stepped up his game. I can def see Miz getting the win here, but Kofi retaining wouldn't surprise me and in fact him retaining would be good so he can continue up the ladder. Nice to see it being defended in a one on one match though!
I was shocked when they took Ziggler vs. Morrison for the Intercontinental Championship off the card. I was even more shocked to see they added The Miz vs. Kofi for the US Championship. They had been hinting at a US Title encounter with The Miz's new found dedication. They had the good fatal four way a few weeks back. I am glad to see the Miz on PPV. I hope he wins. I think they could have a return match at HIAC with a controversial finish leading to the last encounter at Bragging Rights, maybe with a stipulation that the loser leaves Raw. Move Kofi over to Smackdown to add some depth at the midcard level. I would really like to see The Miz vs. Jack Swagger, hopefully get something at the end of the year.

My prediction is your winner and new United States Champion, THE MIZ!
Well yea Miz and Kofi wernt on Raw but they Did have a Tag Match this Past Thursday on Superstars. As seeing Kofi has held the United States title for what bout almost half a year or short of it like 5 months. i wouldnt Be Suprised to See Kofi Retain and than at Hell in a Cell they futher there Fued with Kofi Even winning up until Bragging Rights then and maybe then Miz will win.
I actually like this match much better than John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler, to be honest. Both mid cards titles have been defended quite often over the past several months. Even without build, the titles being defended is still good because we know that creative is actually aware of the championship.

I have really high hopes on this match right here. Kofi Kingston is the exact definition of a true champion in my opinion. The Miz, even though we haven't seen him as a singles champion, seems like a better chaser than a champion. I could be wrong, but I don't think The Miz would make as good of a champion if he wins it on his first try... one-on-one, of course. Adding frustration and destiny to Miz's claim to become United States Champion will help both men if you ask me.

The Miz winning the U.S. Championship on Sunday will do nothing for either man. Having a fued over the title for the next several weeks or months will be the way to go. Kofi Kingston has been champ for almost 3.5 months, and The Miz has been putting down his claim to become champ for about a month now. So, the factors are there in the fued, but it's WWE's job to go through with it.

Prediction: Kofi Kingston retains the United States Championship... Please!
I cant believe they replaced a solid and interesting match for one of the worst feuds since Kane/Khali. I would rather see Chavo vs Hornswoggle wrestle than have to see the Miz. By the way Miz, ur finisher is awful and the name for it is even worse. Skullcrushing Finale?? Did you get that from a He-Man book? Its a glorified Stroke or a falling fullnelson (both extremely lame, proven by Jeff Jarrett) dont try to make it sound cool when its they gayest finisher since Crush's "Heart Punch".Kofi can and will have to carry this match and all the Miz has to do is continue to think he is creative and piss people off. The Miz has the wrestling ability of a quadropalegic with down syndrome! I would rather pull my pants down and run threw a cornfield backwards then see the Miz win the US title.:banghead: Speaking of the US title, it is by far the least important belt in the company besides the Girls belts with glitter on them. Morrison/Ziggler didnt need any build!Their two styles and fast paced ability alone would make a great ppv match. Morrison/Mysterio was one of the best matches on Smackdown in a long time :worship: and Ziggler could be even better with Morrison. Terrible idea to replace that match!:wtf: Creative team really dropped the ball on this one. Morrison is the perfect IC champion and Ziggler is due to win that belt eventually. I think after Morrisons IC belt reign he will get pushed to Main Event status, he deserves it. Morrison vs CM Punk for the belt would be great and they could do an assortment of different matches, both being great with ladders. Ziggler has the ability to be a great IC champion and is a future WHC! He's a future Randy Orton. I would like to see Ziggler vs Tyson Kidd, both are ferocious and relentless.
I think the WWE is trying to rotate which midcard title is defended on each ppv. It wouldn't be fair if the Intercontinental title was defended at SummerSlam and Breaking Point and The United States title wasn't at either.

As for the match, I'm happy to see a 1 on 1 match for the United States title, I'm happy for the Miz getting a title shot, I just wish they built this feud a little more. I say the 2 have a great back and forth match with Kofi picking up the win. Then Miz will win it next time.
I agree with Gemini.
They took off a match with 2 good wrestlers for a match with 1 good wrestler and a "decent" promo cutter. The Miz is horrible. The only reason why people like him is because he was cutting those promos on John Cena a while back. Promos can't help your in-ring ability. This guy is just garbage. His move is lame. The name of it sucks and so does he. Carlito and Swagger would've been better choices than this loser. I remember Miz & Morrison was a team, I would say "Miz is bringing Morrison down. If they were to ever split up, Morrison would do just fine." which he is, capturing a singles title before Miz.

But, I hate to say it, the WWE put this match on the card for a reason. Miz will probably take the belt from Kofi tomorrow. I really hope this doesn't happen.
ugh.and i was going to order the i dont think i me id much rather see morrison and mr ziggler go at it. i like kofi. i think him and morrision would put on one hell of a match if it ever happend.but miz i straight up dont like.i hate his look.i hate his promos.i hate his stupid little haircut i hate the way he acts/wrestles,his fucking ******ed the miz and im awesome!!!seriously.i toddler could of came up with something better.i just hate they took a match off with no build replace it with another match,with no build up.that i dont get. Maybe cuz there putting to much attention around the I.C title and morrison and ziggler to much and completely forgot about kofi. which is alright but id would have much rather seen morrison and ziggler...o well next ppv me guesses
I cant believe they replaced a solid and interesting match for one of the worst feuds since Kane/Khali. I would rather see Chavo vs Hornswoggle wrestle than have to see the Miz. By the way Miz, ur finisher is awful and the name for it is even worse. Skullcrushing Finale?? Did you get that from a He-Man book? Its a glorified Stroke or a falling fullnelson (both extremely lame, proven by Jeff Jarrett) dont try to make it sound cool when its they gayest finisher since Crush's "Heart Punch".Kofi can and will have to carry this match and all the Miz has to do is continue to think he is creative and piss people off. The Miz has the wrestling ability of a quadropalegic with down syndrome! I would rather pull my pants down and run threw a cornfield backwards then see the Miz win the US title.:banghead: Speaking of the US title, it is by far the least important belt in the company besides the Girls belts with glitter on them. Morrison/Ziggler didnt need any build!Their two styles and fast paced ability alone would make a great ppv match. Morrison/Mysterio was one of the best matches on Smackdown in a long time :worship: and Ziggler could be even better with Morrison. Terrible idea to replace that match!:wtf: Creative team really dropped the ball on this one. Morrison is the perfect IC champion and Ziggler is due to win that belt eventually. I think after Morrisons IC belt reign he will get pushed to Main Event status, he deserves it. Morrison vs CM Punk for the belt would be great and they could do an assortment of different matches, both being great with ladders. Ziggler has the ability to be a great IC champion and is a future WHC! He's a future Randy Orton. I would like to see Ziggler vs Tyson Kidd, both are ferocious and relentless.

Yeah. Whatever. The worst thing they could do would be JoMo winning the belt and two weeks later having Ziggler beat him for it. If JoMo retained, it makes Ziggler look like he can't win the big one no matter who he's facing. How exactly do you think Morrison would be in line for a world title match if he lost the ic title less than a month after he won it? That makes no sense. They have the right idea in letting Morrison have the ic belt until rey comes back. Then rey can have his rematch or triple threat with ziggler involved, and Morrison can move to the main event when ziggler or rey win the belt. Tyson Kidd isn't near ready to hold a mid card title yet. You seem to want to push these kids to the moon right away. It takes time. The slower the build the better. If rey wouldn't have fucked up and got suspended and lost the belt, then yes, ziggler as ic champ is what i thought would happen. That made sense.

The miz is better than you give him credit for. I used to hate the guy, but he's impressed me with the strides he's made in the past 6 months. They need to get the belt off of kofi and have someone who has a more all around package hold it. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they don't deserve a push. Miz will work excellently as us champ because really, you could have heel or face take him on because he's such a douchebag. Miz can cut a promo, and have fairly decent matches. His finisher is kind of lame, but so is mysterios, tyson kidds finisher sucks too. The us title needs to be built up the way rey and jericho restored some of the prestige to the ic belt. Kofi doesn't have much of a personality so it makes sense to put the belt on someone who can get the crowd to hate them. It's always better when a heel is being chased by a face.

Great idea to hold off on Morrison vs Ziggler for the time being. Give it time to get a little personal and let JoMo have a little run with the belt to build him up for the main event in the future. It also allows them to get the belt off kofi, as he doesn't really make people care one way or the other about him or the us title. The Miz will be awesome as us champ. I don't like the guy either, but i have no problem giving him his due. He's ready to take the next step and hold a mid card title. Good move by wwe creative.
I'm not upset that this match is on the card, I'm just a little confused. There is little to no build for this match. Morrison/Ziggler had more of a build and they were already scheduled to compete. So why take off one match and put on the other???

Either way this match should be decent. This match coming out of nowhere leads me to believe that Miz will take the belt off of Kofi. I think it would be a nice push for Miz to take the belt and see what he can do with it.
i agree kofi will retain the title n most likely miz will maybe take it HIAC ppv or mayb a 3treat match kofi vs swagger vs miz.....and if u aint down i got 2 words 4 u :suckit:
I would much rather see Morrison & Ziggler... That had the potential to be the show stealer... Modern day HBK vs. modern day Mr. Perfect.....

Instead were stuck with Miz vs. Kofi.... I do like this match also, but I just don't think they can steal the show like Morrison & Mr. Ziggles.... I will say I pick Miz to win... Just cant stand Kofi, he isn't that entertaining....
I was waiting for this match to be announced but it never was announced till yesterday. I think the fact that no finish to the ziggler vs morrison match could be decided so they opted to build up a match for a ppv that they are deaming more important, HIAC. The way breaking point was booked was as an uniportant ppv. I think everything is leading to HIAC where all the action will go down and four if not five titles will change hands at HIAC (US, Intercontinetal, WHC, ECW, and posibbly the WWE title if Cena is getting a build i think hes getting.) I see this ppv used to further storylines that will be decided at HIAC. Love the fact that the Miz Kofi match buildup starts at a ppv. Even if Miz faced Kofi twice in the month for the title there was no individual buildup.
I agree with Gemini.
They took off a match with 2 good wrestlers for a match with 1 good wrestler and a "decent" promo cutter. The Miz is horrible. The only reason why people like him is because he was cutting those promos on John Cena a while back. Promos can't help your in-ring ability. This guy is just garbage. His move is lame. The name of it sucks and so does he. Carlito and Swagger would've been better choices than this loser. I remember Miz & Morrison was a team, I would say "Miz is bringing Morrison down. If they were to ever split up, Morrison would do just fine." which he is, capturing a singles title before Miz.

But, I hate to say it, the WWE put this match on the card for a reason. Miz will probably take the belt from Kofi tomorrow. I really hope this doesn't happen.

I liked Mz way before Cena fued. He was my faviorite wrestler since entering the WWE. I don't know why I'm so high on him. I just see so much tallent that it's hard to ignore. His singles match with (i forgot the exact opponent either kofi or bourne) showed how much the Miz has proven that he can actually wrestle. If you look at 50 percent of the main eventers they have less then 20 moves in their moveset, less in the case of some wrestlers *cena* *cough* *cough*. He showed to have a decent moveset and susprised me with decent arial spots mixed with a really good agressive ground game. His finisher I like allot better I think it is a ripoff of the stroke, a move that was awesome in the periods of 1996-1999. I think the miz added his own flair the the move and will make it his own, I love the move because it looks like a move that will actually knock someone out compared to the 619 that I have to say cant knock out my 5 year old neice.
There are several reasons I can see for this match taking the place of the JoMo/Dolph match...
  • There is no story buildup for JoMo/Dolph; while a bout all about a title can be good, it jus't doesn't happen in today's WWE.
  • Who would you have win between JoMo/Dolph? It's a lose-lose really...either Dolph loses his third straight PPV IC Title match, or JoMo is a two week belt holder. Neither helps either one of these guys move forward on the card.
  • Even though, for whatever inexplicable reason Miz-Kofi weren't on Raw this week, there is some story between the two. Not much, but more than between John and Dolph.
  • WWE is trying to push Miz as a singles competitor and one who should be taken seriously. When was his last decent PPV bout? His squash against Cena?
  • How about Kofi? When was the last time he had a one-on-one PPV match for the US Championship? I might be wrong on this, but I don't think he's done any one-on-one defences, let alone at a PPV.
While I agree that John/Dolph are the overall better in ring duo talent wise, Kofi is an amazing in ring worker. Miz is coming along in the in-ring deparment. He looked good on Raw the night after Bash when he wrestled Cena (yeah, he lost, but he looked good in the match, as opposed to being Cena's bitch).

It's too early for Miz to win the belt here, though. This should be a solid match (and at least better than the Singapore Cane match. Possibly better than the Regal/Christian match, depending on how the ECW bout is booked...) Done right, this match should lead to a few more matches (tag, fatal 4-ways) involving Miz and Kofi over the next several weeks on Raw and Superstars. Let Miz work the stick, and for the love of all things wrestling give Kofi a chance on the mic. I think these two could have a memorable fued, culminating at Bragging Rights with a Miz win. Maybe then push into a midcard Survivor Series bout with Team Awesome vs. Team Frenzy. Just a thought...

Oh...I do agree with some of the other posters, though. Creative needs a better name for the Skull Crushing Finale. It isn't a smooth name. Come up with a new one or give Miz a different finisher.
While I think this match will be good... I think it's an awful replacement. There's absolutely zero build behind it. None. It was just kinda thrown into the mix as they saw they probably needed another match. Plus it's the US Title. What better way to replace a match for the IC Title? I'm just pumped the Miz is going to be on quite frankly but without any build to this match whatsoever (the 4 way like 2-3 weeks ago doesn't qualify as a build), I don't expect the Miz to come out on top.

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