Reigns VS The Authority


King Of The Ring
Reigns is the lone main event face that isn't involved with the feud with The Authority.

It seems inevitable that Reigns will get involved. Reigns was hurt during the Team Cena vs. Team Authority build up but I'm sure he would have joined Team Cena since he got history with Rollins.

Reigns returned at TLC and attacked Big Show, an ally of The Authority which helped Cena beat Rollins. The Authority didn't punish him last night on RAW since he got involved in the Cena/Rollins match.

With Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback fired, will this present an opportunity for Reigns to step up and help Cena? Thoughts?
Ideally, all of Cena, Bryan, Orton, Reigns and even Ambrose have legit reason to oppose the Authority at this point. The question is; how much of them will be put in to actually oppose the Authority and try to get rid of them.

I think, as you pointed out, that with Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan all gone for the time being, it opens up a way for the guys mentioned to get into the story and with their 'star power', it might turn out better and could have been the initial plan all along.

With regards to Reigns, I'd love if the Big Show has to sell a head injury for a couple of week, which could allow time to introduce Reigns into the story.

Right now, having the Authority just bully the heels doesn't make for intriguing programming whatsoever. There needs to be some vulnerability shown in the Authority ranks, considering they have only really 'added' Lesnar, whilst the Heroes have been boosted even more since Survivor Series...
On one hand I want Reigns to stay out of the main Authority angle and for him and Big Show to have a separate feud on the side, as a singles feud on his own may make some people on here believe he has some ability. On the other hand the Authority just got rid of two of the biggest faces in the company (possibly over Reigns too) and so if they really want the younger/casual audience to get behind Reigns in a super fast way then him going against the Authority to save their careers is the way to go about it. That takes away his persona of being a lone wolf though, which means his character is one that becomes even thinner than it already is.
I'd think so, but I'd rather his primary focus be on the Big Show. I'm one of the few people who actually like the 'Big Show Vs Reigns' feud and agree with it MOSTLY on a booking level, even if the matches haven't been very good. People bitch about Reigns being too invincible, but when they present Big Show as someone who can't be conquered using sheer power, they bitch that Reigns should be squashing him. Even though Big Show, even as talent enhancement, has always been booked as a serious threat- whether he's facing Lesnar, Orton, Rusev or even Cena.

Now granted, having Reigns transition from Show to the Authority might save things as I don't think Reigns and Show have good in-ring chemistry, so are likely to be booed out of the building if they fight on PPV. It depends on whether Show will be an official member, or if he's merely an ally of the authority (like Cesaro was).
I'd think so, but I'd rather his primary focus be on the Big Show. I'm one of the few people who actually like the 'Big Show Vs Reigns' feud and agree with it MOSTLY on a booking level, even if the matches haven't been very good. People bitch about Reigns being too invincible, but when they present Big Show as someone who can't be conquered using sheer power, they bitch that Reigns should be squashing him. Even though Big Show, even as talent enhancement, has always been booked as a serious threat- whether he's facing Lesnar, Orton, Rusev or even Cena.

Now granted, having Reigns transition from Show to the Authority might save things as I don't think Reigns and Show have good in-ring chemistry, so are likely to be booed out of the building if they fight on PPV. It depends on whether Show will be an official member, or if he's merely an ally of the authority (like Cesaro was).

Big Slow has dried up any possible momentum Roman Reigns could have built up on his return from injury within a couple of weeks, because the feud has been going nowhere fast and as evidenced by the crowd response, people aren't going to get behind Reigns in such a setting as they are tired of Big Slow in major stories regardless of his constant strong booking by the WWE.

Reigns however, actually does have a story with the Authority, if the WWE bothered to book logically and remember what happened before SummerSlam 2014. He wanted to get to HHH after blaming him for what Rollins did, whilst Ambrose went after Rollins himself. Just pick that back up for Reigns, and the story would make full sense.
In the meantime, just sell the hell out of the stairs dropping on Big Slow's head.
On one hand I want Reigns to stay out of the main Authority angle and for him and Big Show to have a separate feud on the side, as a singles feud on his own may make some people on here believe he has some ability. On the other hand the Authority just got rid of two of the biggest faces in the company (possibly over Reigns too) and so if they really want the younger/casual audience to get behind Reigns in a super fast way then him going against the Authority to save their careers is the way to go about it. That takes away his persona of being a lone wolf though, which means his character is one that becomes even thinner than it already is.

Why does it have to take away from his persona at all? He, like a number of others, has legit beef with the Authority and Triple H especially. I think that is enough for him to after them, regardless of who else is doing the same.
Based on last night, Ambrose isn't either. He wasn't out there at the beginning of RAW and wasn't addressed by the authority at all as he continues his Wyatt feud.
Based on last night, Ambrose isn't either. He wasn't out there at the beginning of RAW and wasn't addressed by the authority at all as he continues his Wyatt feud.

Er, Ambrose was there during the beginning. He was standing behind Cena.
If they can field a group of strong babyface wrestlers to combat The Authority, not a full blown faction but guys who're on the same side against a common enemy, then I think they have a real chance to breathe life into things.

A group comprised of Cena, Bryan, Ambrose, Ziggler and Reigns could be interesting and you've got all kinds of talent there to help protect Roman Reigns and hide his limitations. Reigns on his own would be exceedingly dull in my opinion because the guy just isn't there and I don't know if he ever will be there, I just know he's not there right now. Cena and Ambrose are strong on the mic while Ziggler & Bryan both have potential if they channel their passion and intensity into promos like we've seen them do and we both know that Bryan & Ziggler are extremely strong inside the ring, so there'd be plenty of all around talent to cover for Reigns' shortcomings.
For those who claim that Reigns should be the lone wolf, it should be noted that he has formed alliances since the shield, such as with Cena. My only issue with Reigns doing this is he needs more credibility as a solo performer.

Part of the reason he has experienced so much backlash is that he only had a few singles matches under his belt before they forced him in the title scene earlier in the year.
Why does it have to take away from his persona at all? He, like a number of others, has legit beef with the Authority and Triple H especially. I think that is enough for him to after them, regardless of who else is doing the same.

Exactly! He doesn't have to be like John Cena/Sheamus playing Superman. Instead he can be a bad ass and just go after The Authority himself like Stone Cold would when he faced off against The Corporation and don't trust anybody since he has no reason to trust anybody after what Rollins did to him and Ambrose.
If they can field a group of strong babyface wrestlers to combat The Authority, not a full blown faction but guys who're on the same side against a common enemy, then I think they have a real chance to breathe life into things.

A group comprised of Cena, Bryan, Ambrose, Ziggler and Reigns could be interesting and you've got all kinds of talent there to help protect Roman Reigns and hide his limitations. Reigns on his own would be exceedingly dull in my opinion because the guy just isn't there and I don't know if he ever will be there, I just know he's not there right now. Cena and Ambrose are strong on the mic while Ziggler & Bryan both have potential if they channel their passion and intensity into promos like we've seen them do and we both know that Bryan & Ziggler are extremely strong inside the ring, so there'd be plenty of all around talent to cover for Reigns' shortcomings.

I believe Reigns is in the position he is because he's been protected all this time. Not protected in the way that his character is, but in the way that he hasn't had to stand up and be heard.

All thorough his days with the Shield, Ambrose and Rollins did most of the mic work, with Reigns only throwing in a few words here and there. It was because of his inability to talk that he became the quiet powerhouse of the group. By shielding him in this way, pun not intended, it allowed him to be part of the group doing with he does best, closing out the match, but not really doing anything else.

Now he's on his own and we can see his shortcomings. The last thing he needs is another group protecting him, he has to stand up and be counted or stand down.

I do agree that the group you suggested would be great against the Authority, mainly because they wouldn't be ignored and with Bryan there have the fans on their side completely. I would also put Reigns in there, but make it so that he can't go back to his old Shield days, he would have to take his fair share of the mic work. Maybe with the encouragement of Cena and Co. he might actually learn something.
I believe Reigns is in the position he is because he's been protected all this time. Not protected in the way that his character is, but in the way that he hasn't had to stand up and be heard.

All thorough his days with the Shield, Ambrose and Rollins did most of the mic work, with Reigns only throwing in a few words here and there. It was because of his inability to talk that he became the quiet powerhouse of the group. By shielding him in this way, pun not intended, it allowed him to be part of the group doing with he does best, closing out the match, but not really doing anything else.

Now he's on his own and we can see his shortcomings. The last thing he needs is another group protecting him, he has to stand up and be counted or stand down.

I do agree that the group you suggested would be great against the Authority, mainly because they wouldn't be ignored and with Bryan there have the fans on their side completely. I would also put Reigns in there, but make it so that he can't go back to his old Shield days, he would have to take his fair share of the mic work. Maybe with the encouragement of Cena and Co. he might actually learn something.

If they did choose to create some sort of 'Team Cena'-esque group with all those people to destroy the Authority, it would have to be a clean sweep. None of those faces, except Cena, can really afford a loss. Although it would be funny seeing Rollins alone and stranded amidst all of these very hostile faces.

It depends what the long term goals are. Will the Authority last until the next Survivor Series? I personally wish they'd just take a step back and let Rollins carry the show- much like Orton did late 2013/early 2014. Back then, Orton seemed like the focal point and the Authority itself didn't steal the spotlight. Then maybe Rollins can prove he can be the #1 heel.
If they did choose to create some sort of 'Team Cena'-esque group with all those people to destroy the Authority, it would have to be a clean sweep. None of those faces, except Cena, can really afford a loss. Although it would be funny seeing Rollins alone and stranded amidst all of these very hostile faces.

It depends what the long term goals are. Will the Authority last until the next Survivor Series? I personally wish they'd just take a step back and let Rollins carry the show- much like Orton did late 2013/early 2014. Back then, Orton seemed like the focal point and the Authority itself didn't steal the spotlight. Then maybe Rollins can prove he can be the #1 heel.

I don't think the storyline should last till Survivor Series 2015.
Ideally, the End game should be WrestleMania 31, with different match-ups emerging from One Authority storyline to finish it off with a virtual 'clean sweep' as you have pointed out.

My picks were: Bryan vs Brock, Reigns vs HHH, Ambrose vs Rollins
John Cena and Randy Orton would be taken off track at some point by Rusev and Bray Wyatt, whilst Sting vs the Undertaker also happens.

The Babyfaces would be more of a loose alliance with a common threat in the Authority.

Seeing Seth Rollins standing alone at the end of WrestleMania with the entire Authority & Brock sent packing would be a true feel good moment,lMO. :)
I'd be cool with Bryan Vs Brock and Reigns Vs Triple H, but I don't want to see Ambrose Vs Rollins again for a few years...People complained about 'Rusev Vs Swagger' returning and that was a pretty popular feud, so why do the same with 'Ambrose Vs Rollins'?

I'd rather Rollins feud with Orton and don't know. Maybe have him win the Andre the Giant Battle Royale? Or have him feud with Harper. Or Big Show. As long as its something different.
Why does it have to take away from his persona at all? He, like a number of others, has legit beef with the Authority and Triple H especially. I think that is enough for him to after them, regardless of who else is doing the same.

No you're right it doesn't. I was extremely tired when I posted and didn't think that much into it. Regardless if they are going with Reigns as the Rumble winner then he should go against the Authority because more casual fans would accept him, and that is vital at the moment especially with a Philly crowd that hostility towards a Reigns win could influence some viewers opinions on him through the tv.
No you're right it doesn't. I was extremely tired when I posted and didn't think that much into it. Regardless if they are going with Reigns as the Rumble winner then he should go against the Authority because more casual fans would accept him, and that is vital at the moment especially with a Philly crowd that hostility towards a Reigns win could influence some viewers opinions on him through the tv.

By pairing Reigns with the Big Show on his comeback, when his main enemy should be Rollins, the WWE missed any chance of building his momentum for a possible Rumble win within the next month.

Thus, regardless of which angle he is placed in, the momentum gained from him being injured and returning has been dried up in the past couple of weeks, as he has done virtually nothing in that time.

So Philly will boo him regardless of what he does between now and the Rumble,lMO...him not winning the Rumble could well be a saving grace for his Singles career and his chance at being a regular Main Eventer in the long term.

And this is coming from a Huge Fan of the Guy who wants to see him succeed big time!
Everyone wants someone else like Bryan/Ziggler/Ambrose/Ryback to go over Brock Lesnar at Mania....which means Vince will do the opposite of what we want and push Reigns/Cena.

The only reason we got Bryan last year at mania was because of the massive backlash. Vince couldn't shut us up. We wanted Bryan instead of Bootista. lol

Fans are pushing for Bryan or Ziggler. Ryback and Ambrose are also good options. Orton vs Lesnar would be a good match because we know Orton can wrestle/draw. Reigns is the most boring option WWE could pick. I legit won't even buy WM this year if they are pushing Reigns.

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