Authority VS Reigns: Revenge or a grooming?


The hardcore casual fan
So, Reigns went through three matches on RAW, simply because he was a messenger for Ambrose who wasn't there. Each match, his spot in the MitB match was on the line. Was it simply revenge? A way for The Authority to keep Reigns from competing? If so, why didn't they try to get him disqualified? My theory is because they want to make sure he's what they're looking for in a new member of The Authority. They want to show him some "tough love" and be sure he'd be able to take it and persevere. Then, when the time is right, say if Reigns is Mr. Money in the Bank, have it revealed that that was their plan all along. Reigns can easily use the fans booing him at Rumble as his reason for turning heel. Is it the most original reason? No, but the best one in this scenario. Since Rollins is being set up to face Lesnar at SummerSlam, they can keep Reigns and Ambrose busy until then by having them against each other and Reigns can then cash in when he's ready. What do you guys think? Was this simply revenge or are they getting Reigns ready to join The Authority?
Reigns should go heel imo, and although this route would be the most predictable way to do it,it'd make sense. I think reigns going heel would be awesome. Let him be like Rock n attack the crowd for turning on him, and not him turning his back in them.
Reigns should go heel imo, and although this route would be the most predictable way to do it,it'd make sense. I think reigns going heel would be awesome. Let him be like Rock n attack the crowd for turning on him, and not him turning his back in them.

No it would not make sense now. The fans are coming back on his side, and he's getting good pops. The best time for him to do it would have been after the Rumble or Mania. Then he could have blamed the fans for ruining his Rumble win, and in some way costing him the title at Mania.

You don't have guys like the Rock, Heyman, Bryan and everyone else under the sun put you over, and then just turn heel. I swear to God the IWC won't be happy until everyone but Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are heels or Paul Heyman guys.

On topic, I think it was revenge for Ambrose stealing the title and pissing off with it. The Authority has never been biased when it comes to handing out punishment, and I'm sure they saw Reigns as an extension of Ambrose, condidering he helped him get the belt. Reigns was the one who grabbed it off Rollins and handed it to Ambrose in the ring after the match. I'm sure he's not going to join the Authority. Not now anyway.
You don't have guys like the Rock, Heyman, Bryan and everyone else under the sun put you over, and then just turn heel. I swear to God the IWC won't be happy until everyone but Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are heels or Paul Heyman guys.

for the record, i cant stand that overrated goat, and i see dolph as nothing more than top of the midcard at best. ive never been that impressed by reigns(granted he has shown improvement both in the ring as well on the mic) He's got the look, but somethings missing...ambrose and rollins are much better, wyatt(if creative would book him properly), and barrett both are more effective as well. Plus with Owens now being on the roster, and the imminent Balor call up, Reigns needs to do something to stay relevant or get left behind.
On topic, I think it was revenge for Ambrose stealing the title and pissing off with it. The Authority has never been biased when it comes to handing out punishment, and I'm sure they saw Reigns as an extension of Ambrose, condidering he helped him get the belt. Reigns was the one who grabbed it off Rollins and handed it to Ambrose in the ring after the match. I'm sure he's not going to join the Authority. Not now anyway.

OK, but as I said, why not just have him DQ'ed? Or straight-up take his spot away? Why give him a chance at all to keep his spot?
OK, but as I said, why not just have him DQ'ed? Or straight-up take his spot away? Why give him a chance at all to keep his spot?

This. The Authority trying, bt not really trying to keep Reigns out of MiTB leaves open the possibility of them "sizing" Reigns up for a possible future stint. They need to do something to at least somewhat make the whole MiTB match seem at least a tad bit unpredictable. At this point it seems to be more along the lines of whether or not a heel Reigns will hold the case.
I see Roman winning the MITB. If only as a "reward" for eating the pin at what was supposed to be his WrestleMania moment. Obviously WWE is dead set on him as the next guy and in all honesty I am okay with that. I see Roman as a tweener anyway, I mean he's not exactly baby face. I think he is kinda like Orton, never truly face, always tweener or heel. I'm interested to see him as a heel apart from the shield. However the authority angle for him just doesn't really seem to fit. That is more for the cowardly heel getting help from everyone. You already have the big show and Kane as the proverbial muscle, don't really need reigns. I'm hoping for a heel turn, just not an alignment with the authority.
OK, but as I said, why not just have him DQ'ed? Or straight-up take his spot away? Why give him a chance at all to keep his spot?

This. The Authority trying, bt not really trying to keep Reigns out of MiTB leaves open the possibility of them "sizing" Reigns up for a possible future stint. They need to do something to at least somewhat make the whole MiTB match seem at least a tad bit unpredictable. At this point it seems to be more along the lines of whether or not a heel Reigns will hold the case.

Have neither of you ever watched wrestling? This happens all the time without it being more than punishment. But hey, leave that to too many people around here to overthink anything.

If heels were really that smart they'd pay someone to attack them lightly during any championship match (when they're champ of course) and win by DQ. Or walk away as soon as the bell rings. Or just use their stooges immediately after the bell. Then when the obvious no DQ match follows, they use their stooges to stack the odds. This is where that suspension of disbelief comes in. Or do you really believe that someone always just happens to run down right at the right time to make the save by pure coincidence? "Hey sorry Seth. We were on the can."

Is it possible? Well we've all learned anything in wrestling is possible. But unlikely. Frankly, the biggest factor driving a possible heel turn right now is Dean Ambrose, not the Authority.
No it would not make sense now. The fans are coming back on his side, and he's getting good pops.

I believe, these are because of his assisting Ambrose and saving him from beatdowns.

Get back to the topic, If the authority has enough power, why don't simply eliminate him from the MitB ladder match. Seriously though, I don't think Reigns will be joining the authority. Although, it does make sense for him to turn on Ambrose as we have seen some glimpses of it. Why should every heel be an authority servant? If he turns heel, There will be some pairings of Reigns with The Authority's goons but I don't see these two aligning. MitB winning ultimately sets up for the heel turn, if they don't go the John Cena route.

John Cena said:
I'm cashing in my MitB contract at blah blah blah.

Why have him in three matches against two jobbers and a high quality jobber? Superman will crush the hell out of these clowns.

Everything has little to much flaws. Nothing is perfect. Did you expect anything better from the 'E? This is the best they can come up with. Sometimes, they do dish out some good stories but Sometimes, not every time.
I believe, these are because of his assisting Ambrose and saving him from beatdowns.

He was getting pretty good pops before his recent alliance with Ambrose. In fact, the negativity began to die after Wrestlemania. By "Extreme Rules", he was getting pretty good pops, although Ambrose is still more popular.
Was this simply revenge or are they getting Reigns ready to join The Authority?

It's an idea, one I hadn't been considering, especially with WWE currently doing all they can to make Reigns into a hero the fans can get behind. They seem to be making strides in this, so if their long-term plan is to not only have him turn heel.....but join the Authority.....they're certainly going to have to spin a 180 to make it happen.

Still, this is pro wrestling so things don't have to make perfect sense. After all, the way Mr. & Mrs. Levesque have been issuing ridiculous proclamations at whim prove that this form of entertainment is like no other, which is a factor we simultaneously like and dislike, depending on who they're doing it to.

For instance, forcing Roman Reigns to wrestle three matches and win them all to keep his spot in the MITB match is entertaining TV, yet if they simply want to remove him from the spot arbitrarily, without even giving him the opportunity to fight for it, the Levesques' have shown them perfectly capable of doing it, as well as any other damn thing they want, which is one of the reasons the Authority angle has gone on too long, imo. They could watch Roman win one of his 3 matches.....and instruct the referee to declare him the loser. Who's gonna stop them?

Still, could they be grooming Roman for membership in their elite group? Sure, they could. As illogical as it would be after all the negative stuff that's gone down between Seth Rollins and Reigns, it could all turn around in a second if that's how WWE wants to play it.

Yes, it's all in fun for those of us who watch it on TV.......but I'd be happy if the 'Authority' fun fades away already.
Although, it does make sense for him to turn on Ambrose as we have seen some glimpses of it. Why should every heel be an authority servant?

Basically this. I would HATE to see Roman Reigns join The Authority. Not legitimate heel hate, but throw my TV in anger...hate. It would go against everything the WWE has built him up for and as. However, if he were to screw Ambrose and heel it up as an ass-kicking lone wolf similar to Lesnar's booking, I would be sold.

That being said, he doesn't need to turn. Crowds are popping for him and there have been less and less boos.
So, Reigns went through three matches on RAW, simply because he was a messenger for Ambrose who wasn't there. Each match, his spot in the MitB match was on the line. Was it simply revenge? A way for The Authority to keep Reigns from competing? If so, why didn't they try to get him disqualified? My theory is because they want to make sure he's what they're looking for in a new member of The Authority. They want to show him some "tough love" and be sure he'd be able to take it and persevere. Then, when the time is right, say if Reigns is Mr. Money in the Bank, have it revealed that that was their plan all along. Reigns can easily use the fans booing him at Rumble as his reason for turning heel. Is it the most original reason? No, but the best one in this scenario. Since Rollins is being set up to face Lesnar at SummerSlam, they can keep Reigns and Ambrose busy until then by having them against each other and Reigns can then cash in when he's ready. What do you guys think? Was this simply revenge or are they getting Reigns ready to join The Authority?

I think they see Reigns as a threat. They're just trying to take care of anybody that is a threat to The Authority. They don't have to worry about Cena, Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan anymore.
I'm new here and this is my first post/comment. I hope they didn't overlook what for they up penned at the end of the wyatt/reigns match on raw. If creative had any sense they could use the ending to stay wyatt against the authority with him getting the losing end for a few weeks before being joined by Harper and Rowan while simultaneously having reigns and Ambrose foil the authority. They could even possibly start a three way died and let all he'll break loose weekly but I know that would be a reach for creative. I like what they did with reigns on raw and hope they're coming him and don't decide to kill his momentum with a heel turn.
That being said, he doesn't need to turn. Crowds are popping for him and there have been less and less boos.

OK, remember a certain superstar known as The Rock? In 1998, he was getting good pops and the crowd was starting to get behind him, right? What was it that happened again? Hmm....Oh, that's right. They turned him heel and had him join The Corporation. Who can say for sure it won't be the same with Reigns?
OK, remember a certain superstar known as The Rock? In 1998, he was getting good pops and the crowd was starting to get behind him, right? What was it that happened again? Hmm....Oh, that's right. They turned him heel and had him join The Corporation. Who can say for sure it won't be the same with Reigns?

I personally wouldn't mind if Roman turned heel. I've said before that it may send him on the same path as The Rock... but there is the other side which is:

Rock made his name as a heel. The crowd was shitting all over him until he joined the NOD, so the Fed already knew he'd be an incredible heel. Can't say the same thing for Reigns. He's getting pops for the first time as a face singles star so why put him in a position where he might fail?

Remember a guy named Ken Shamrock? One of the most over guys on the roster until HE joined The Corporation. There's always two sides to the coin.
I'm probably wrong but judging by how things are going and some of the comments made by Triple H and Stephanie last night "I'm banking on it" it seems like they are considering making Reigns the new Authority guy. I thought Rollins was gonna somehow cheat and win this sunday but I could see him losing to Ambrose and the new Money In The Bank winner Roman Reigns taking advantage and turning on Ambrose and cashing in on his "friend".

I don't think Reigns involvement in the whole Ambrose/Authority feud is just a coincidence. They really seem to be making a big deal out of how close Reigns and Ambrose are too.
I don't think Reigns involvement in the whole Ambrose/Authority feud is just a coincidence.

It's the plan being carried out. WWE made a good decision in not having Roman win the world title at WM31....he simply wasn't ready....and it's been the job of WWE Creative ever since to keep him in the main event picture while he gets instruction to improve as a wrestler and on the mic.

As I see it, the project has been coming along just fine. His ring repertoire has gotten stronger in the past two months.....and he delivers his speeches with greater ease and effectiveness; plainly, someone's been giving him lessons.

Still, if they let Roman work the midcard while elevating Dean Ambrose to main event status, it might look as if Dean had 'replaced' Roman as a star performer, which wouldn't be 'best for business' as far as the company's long-term plans go. Instead, they've added Reigns to the struggle between Dean and the Authority....and because of the prior association of all involved, the program is working nicely, especially since Roman is performing better than ever.

There are numerous ways this can go: Reigns stays good and gets the better of the Authority.....or he turns bad and joins them.....and his relationship with Rollins/Ambrose can take sudden turns, too.

I would think WWE management is heaving a sigh of relief that Roman Reigns is getting it done, since there was doubt a couple months ago whether he ever would.

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