Triple H vs Roman Reigns; Not just yet...


Friendly Neighborhood
What a difference a solid two nights of booking can do, huh? Creative turned a leaf with Reigns and made him the bad ass we've been waiting for, and the huge catalyst was his beatdown of Triple H. This was also a chapter in the build towards the inevitable Triple H vs Reigns match, which, realistically speaking, will take place between now and Mania, if not at Mania itself. Now, I'm all for this match on paper, but it may be too soon for my taste.

First, I don't like the idea of Triple H challenging Reigns for the WWE Title (at least not immediately). I think it would require strong booking to allow me to suspend disbelief that HHH could become champion again. Sure, Creative was on point the past few programs, but two instances don't represent a trend just yet. If they announce HHH vs Reigns for the WWE Title, the winner is a given. Still might be a good match, but a given nonetheless. In turn to that point, I don't want Roman to lose the title quickly just so he can face Triple H. Reigns is on the verge of being white hot right now, and a title loss between now and WrestleMania could kill his momentum.

So in my taste, I'd say hold the match off, while keeping HHH and Roman actively feuding. I'd even say there is a logical reason to keep this feud ongoing and personal without giving the match up. It's all about that beatdown. There's no reason Triple H shouldn't continue selling the beating Reigns had given him (anyone else a fan of villains in wheelchairs?). Beyond that, very few people have taken the Game out in such fashion. He can't just sell injury, here. He has to sell humiliation. He has to be surging with intention of revenge.

So putting those two pieces of the story together, Triple H can throw every single obstacle he dreams up at Reigns, and seeks revenge from behind his desk as opposed to in the ring. I'm the first person to voice fatigue over authority vs babyface storylines, but this is different. For Triple H, this is as personal as it gets. Triple H isn't trying to protect the WWE from a B+ player, or fight for his job as an Authority figure. The man is humiliated and hurt, but still will make Reigns' life hell with tougher opponents and new obstacles in his championship reign.

This chapter of the feud has a few months of shelf life, potentially building to SummerSlam, once Reigns drops the title and HHH "heals up".

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the subject. When would you like to see Reigns vs Triple H?
Carrying this feud on the majority of the year? I can almost guarantee that'll get stale with the fans if it extends beyond WM. That's how a person loses momentum. Reigns physically assaulted Triple H and humiliated him on PPV. Let Sheamus have his rematch and build towards Triple H vs Reigns at Mania. The difference between a feud like Vince/Austin is they both have character to where their hatred was damn near believable. Austin could still carry the feud even if Vince wasn't present every week, Reigns doesn't have that ability yet.
Whether it's for the title or not, Triple H vs Roman Reigns needs to happen at WrestleMania. Find somebody else for Brock because nobody is gonna cheer Roman over Brock. It seems like they have the championship on Roman now so somebody else can win the Royal Rumble. While it's not the best idea and there's no doubt that people would protest it, Triple H being in the Royal Rumble and winning it does make sense. However, if they want Brock to win the Royal Rumble, they need to do his title match the PPV before WrestleMania and then he can start his WrestleMania feud there so that Triple H can face Roman at WrestleMania.
Beyond that, very few people have taken the Game out in such fashion. He can't just sell injury, here. He has to sell humiliation. He has to be surging with intention of revenge.

And Triple H, like his father-in-law, has two fronts he can use to battle with: in the ring and in the front office.

As Vince McMahon did by physically preventing the referee from enforcing a 3-count on Sheamus in an attempt to thwart Roman Reigns on Monday night, Triple H can also be blatantly unfair in an administrative sense, doing everything he can to torture Roman before reaching his limit and challenging Reigns to a fight.

Yes, this can go on for months, but as we already know, it becomes tedious.....and it's already been done, particularly the patently unfair rulings against the wrestler they're trying to control ('Might makes right'). Trips & Steph have made life miserable for John Cena and, eventually even for Seth Rollins.....and just doing the same with Roman Reigns doesn't sound all that promising, does it?

Right now, WWE has Roman operating at red-hot status, and they need to keep it that way. If the initial front he has to battle is the Authority, I want to see WWE Creative come up with something brand new. Something that (dare we hope) will even impress the folks on this forum who detest everything Creative does.

We were told a couple weeks ago that major storyline changes were coming. Presumably, this is it.

The tools are there. Open it up.
how about this, Trips enters the rumble at number 30, cleans house, gets down to the final three, which are Trips, Owens and Dean Ambrose.

Have Ambrose fight valiantly only to be eliminated. Then have the final two be owens and HHH. They look at each other and smile, only to have Owens eliminate himself. (his gimmick is that he is a prized fighter and his main motivation is money, which would make him HHH's hired gun).

HHH will generate NUCLEAR heat for this and it'll give him his shot at Roman who will go into this as a huge fan favorite. Owens can then use his whole prize fighter nonsense to justify his actions, saying he is the most dangerous man on the roster and doesn't need to justify himself to the universe, which then brings out Lesnar to feud with him through mania.
I disagree.. Triple H vs Roman Reigns needs a big stage. That stage can either be Wrestlemania or Summerslam. Summerslam seems too far away. Also, Triple H has to wrestle at Wrestlemania 32. He's a draw. He's a legend. His previous matches with Sting, Bryan and Lesnar proved that the guy still has a lot left in the tank. So it's a given that HHH will be at 'Mania. Given the current storyline, it makes no sense to have Triple H face anybody else except Roman at 'Mania.

The build-up is basic. All it needs are some new elements to be added so it can really generate interest.
It'd say that H is going to return at the Rumble. People are saying that Triple H will enter at #30 and win. I disagree. That's what a face would do. However Triple H is the heel. And he's also the boss. So, what does he do? He enters at number 31. Yeah, I'm not joking. He returns as a surprise number 31 entrant and wins. He's the boss, he can change the rules.

People might say, let's have a Dean Ambrose to win the Rumble and have Triple H come out afterwards to say that the Rumble is not over and eliminate him. That won't work. First of all Triple H is no coward and plus he needs legitemancy going into 'Mania challenging for the World Championship.

The build-up then becomes a personal feud. Triple H says that if noone can beat Roman, he will do it himself. He's going to take his throne back. Add the McMahons against Reigns as well. Add Reigns' family. Have Triple H saying that he will remove all of Reign's family tree, past and future from the Hall of the Fame. Make this a family vs family feud. It will be intense. Have Reigns get that angry loner wolf character. Fans will love this.
Mania needs original new big matches

Reigns vs. HHH (WWE Title)
Cena vs. Taker
Ambrose vs. Jericho (I-C Title)
Lesnar vs. Owens
Wyatt Family vs. League of Nations (Street Fight)
New Day vs. Uso's (Tag Titles)
Bella Twins vs. Trish/Lita (Teased a year ago)
Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch (Diva's Title)
Andre Battle Royal

Paige vs. Sasha Banks
Balor vs. Zayn vs. Joe (NXT Title)
Mania needs original new big matches

Reigns vs. HHH (WWE Title)
Cena vs. Taker
Ambrose vs. Jericho (I-C Title)
Lesnar vs. Owens
Wyatt Family vs. League of Nations (Street Fight)
New Day vs. Uso's (Tag Titles)
Bella Twins vs. Trish/Lita (Teased a year ago)
Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch (Diva's Title)
Andre Battle Royal

Paige vs. Sasha Banks
Balor vs. Zayn vs. Joe (NXT Title)

That card sounds good...I'd rather see Paige vs Sasha Banks on the main card. I'm reluctant about the Lita/Trish vs Bella Twins. I am opposed of that LON/Wyatt match being a street fight at WM. Just a regular 8 man tag match.
Cena vs. Taker needs to not happen. What's the point anymore? Cena vs. Taker was interesting when Taker had the streak. Now that it's gone, no one will care if Cena beats Taker. He needs something bigger. Maybe Cena vs. Rollins if he can get back in time. Or Triple H brings Cena in as a heel that joins the authority and Cena vs. Reigns happens at WrestleMania. Anything, just not Cena vs. Taker.
I agree with everything kpgreece brought to light in his post.

HHH vs Roman Reigns might happen, will happen, ought to happen, at Wrestlemania32.

To not elongate my opinion any further, I end by affirming once more, I'd like to see them "go at it" at Wrestlemania, with or without the WWE WHC as an ingredient in their superbly vital feud that has as of now, only seen its inception.
Triple H VS Roman Reigns either for the title or without it should happen either at Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania 32...... It would been better as a Summerslam main event but its too far.... So better ending the feud at Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania 32.... Going beyond the Wrestlemania 32 will ruin the credibility of both of them.....
Would be okay seeing HHH face Reigns at Mania. I'm not sure who could realistically face Reigns and not have it seem obvious Reigns will retain. Lesnar? They wouldn't put him over Roman after what happened last year. Plus O think Lesnar/Owens will tear the house down and because of the moment even by (presumably) losing a hard fought match that match will put KO on the mainstream map and make him a star.

They already did the Wyatt thing and Bray isn't a credible threat right now. Rollins won't be ready yet. Sheamus presumably does the job at the Rumble for Reigns.

HHH is the best choice and legitimately the top heel in the company with Rollins sidelined. And for all the shovel talk, HHH has done the job for Daniel Bryan and the Shield when it was predictable but logical for him to do so.

Reigns wins at Mania, Owens gets the Lesnar rub, wins MITB, and cashes in on Reigns at Sumerslam after Reigns/Lesnar main event. Rollins returns as a face and takes the belt off Owens. Either Roman, Rollins, or Ambrose turns and they finagle the Rumble/Title situation to get the Shield Triple Threat at WM33. Predictability works.
What a difference a solid two nights of booking can do, huh? Creative turned a leaf with Reigns and made him the bad ass we've been waiting for, and the huge catalyst was his beatdown of Triple H. This was also a chapter in the build towards the inevitable Triple H vs Reigns match, which, realistically speaking, will take place between now and Mania, if not at Mania itself. Now, I'm all for this match on paper, but it may be too soon for my taste.

First, I don't like the idea of Triple H challenging Reigns for the WWE Title (at least not immediately). I think it would require strong booking to allow me to suspend disbelief that HHH could become champion again. Sure, Creative was on point the past few programs, but two instances don't represent a trend just yet. If they announce HHH vs Reigns for the WWE Title, the winner is a given. Still might be a good match, but a given nonetheless. In turn to that point, I don't want Roman to lose the title quickly just so he can face Triple H. Reigns is on the verge of being white hot right now, and a title loss between now and WrestleMania could kill his momentum.

So in my taste, I'd say hold the match off, while keeping HHH and Roman actively feuding. I'd even say there is a logical reason to keep this feud ongoing and personal without giving the match up. It's all about that beatdown. There's no reason Triple H shouldn't continue selling the beating Reigns had given him (anyone else a fan of villains in wheelchairs?). Beyond that, very few people have taken the Game out in such fashion. He can't just sell injury, here. He has to sell humiliation. He has to be surging with intention of revenge.

So putting those two pieces of the story together, Triple H can throw every single obstacle he dreams up at Reigns, and seeks revenge from behind his desk as opposed to in the ring. I'm the first person to voice fatigue over authority vs babyface storylines, but this is different. For Triple H, this is as personal as it gets. Triple H isn't trying to protect the WWE from a B+ player, or fight for his job as an Authority figure. The man is humiliated and hurt, but still will make Reigns' life hell with tougher opponents and new obstacles in his championship reign.

This chapter of the feud has a few months of shelf life, potentially building to SummerSlam, once Reigns drops the title and HHH "heals up".

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the subject. When would you like to see Reigns vs Triple H?

Good post! I'd like to see it at WM since they got sort of a long term storyline going on, going back to summer 2014. I just would fit it weird if HHH won the RR match this year when you got superstars like Brock and Cena who could make a reasonable argument on why they should win.

I say do HHH vs. Reigns at Summerslam. Give something for fans to look forward to. I would have preferred Rollins vs. HHH at Summerslam but I guess they could do Rollins vs. Sheamus as another main event of Summerslam.
Suspend disbelief for Triple freaking H to be World Champion again? He's the last person to defeat Brock Lesnar, he's also Triple H. He's only 46; both Flair and Hogan held the title at older ages.

I say why not now? Save the WrestleMania match against Roman for an active wrestler. Roman vs Sheamus at the Rumble would be terrible, whereas vs Triple H is huge. It gives Roman a huge feud heading into Mania.

This should have happened last year at the exact same time. Roman should have feuded with Trips through the Rumble and Fastlane, we might have avoided the Philly Boo Job.

If Triple H is Roman's WrestleMania opponent, you have to reconcile the Royal Rumble match winner and/or the World Title. As in, Triple h would have to win the Rumble, win/take the right to face the champion at Mania from the Rumble winner, or Roman would have to lose the title before WrestleMania. All of that is awkward to say the least.

Why would Triple H enter the Rumble? The Rumble winner could use the shot sooner, but that stunk when Cena did it in 2008 and would ruin the suspension of disbelief right there.

I say strike while the iron is hot. Title on the line or non-title, Roman vs Triple H should be the main event at the Rumble. It keeps Roman's momentum going, gives him a far superior foil than the Luke warm Sheamus, and is a big draw in the WrestleMania season for WWE. It's good for them, and it's good for the fans too.
Whilst the idea of Triple H winning the rumble sounds horrendous in 2016, it however would make sense and Triple H could make it work. Brock was my 1st pick but another Reigns/Brock matchmat mania? Not sure. Owens and Ambrose would come under them but Ambrose is now IC champ and maybe the Owens/Lesnar, Mania match rumours are true? You could have Cena but in all honesty, I'd rather Triple H and Cena should be going for Taker as Sting is no longer a possibility. All in all, Trips makes the most sense and could put Reigns over as HHH can play a pretty damn good heel ( I know he ruined Punks momentum but this is Reigns, the golden boy ). My last 4 in the Rumble would be Cena, HHH, Brock Lesnar and Kevin Owens.
Sorry I can't see how a Reigns/HHH match at Mania would be that great. It's obvious who would be winning, and that would make it suck.

HHH is a member of management, and if he is to be used in any wrestling capacity at all it should be against a one time opponent, he shouldn't be going for the WWE title. Just with the fact that he runs NXT, would he even be able to appear on RAW each week, that's what I'm wondering because he's been absent as of late.

Also Wrestlemania comes once a year, and this event should be used to put someone on the map. There are a few names on the roster that could benefit from this and HHH isn't one of them. It's lazy writing as far as I'm concerned, and this match should have taken place months ago.

If they had Reigns feuding with HHH it would have accomplished what they wanted. Putting Reigns over, and the last year wouldn't have been trying to do what two nights did.
WrestleMania 32 typically needs three big time matches and one of those IMO needs to be Roman Reigns (c) versus Triple H for the WWE World Championship. This feud is relevant and the WWE should act before it begins to slowly fizzle down. They don't have anyone else for Hunter to face and clearly having Lesnar face Roman Reigns would be a mistake because people would end on the Reigns hate train.

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