RAW LD 5/23/2016 - WWE Becomes Great Again

I'm starting to see Ambrose's "too goofy for the main event" mannerisms recently. Not Damien Sandow goofy, but it's there.
If you've really been paying attention, you'd have noticed that Dean has tightened up his strikes since Mania.

Which is hilarious when you consider how shit they still are.
I'm me. It's different.

You're welcome.

FWIW, I like Ambrose and Ziggler's chemistry. And I love KO and Ziggler's.

Sheamus or Ziggler: Who pulls a Cody first?

Sheamus. He's got those Hollywood connects now. Plus he seems like he has more self-respect.
A little bit. Didn't you notice that Payback was the PPV after Mania when is been Extreme Rules foryears?

Could've sworn Payback followed WM years ago. Made sense due to "revenge" after WM. While I'm thinking all the way back to the late oughts, I could swear it was a thing.

Edit: just realized my mistake.
Will there be an Elimination Chamber PPV this year? Last year I remember it was not scheduled at the beginning of the year, but they just fit it between two PPVs or something like that.
Smark favourite endorsing Roman in kayfabe? I hope the mods are ready for the mutants.

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