Raw 3/06/17: The Gift of Jackhammer

Jeff Hardy has ****** charisma and drawing power and in his career has made more money for promotions than Aries and Joe combined. I can't really blame TNA for doing that.

I would heavily, heavily question the idea of TNA having anyone who has any sort of drawing power. If they're going to draw nothing crowds and next to no TV ratings with the veterans and draws on top, why not see what you have in the bullpen? It's not like he can do much worse.
Photoshop the title out of this and tell me how the story is any different.

That's how you can tell it didn't need to happen.
And now Paul Heyman has to carry this whole program because neither guy can work a mic worth a shit.
Logically... you could have left the title on Owens, he goes over Jericho with the title. KO can drop to Goldberg in May or something. And whoever wins MITB on Smackdown magically shows up to pick Goldberg's bones and take the title from him.
Vince is in the back pre jizzing over the site of Brock, Goldberg and that Championship.
To be fair, it wouldn't make any sense to keep it on KO either. Then you would have hamstrung two titles on one match.

You could have had KO cost Jericho the US Title some random night on Raw between KO turning on Jericho and Mania.

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