Racism in TNA: Are They "Crossing the Line"?

I am African American male who has been subjected to racism several times in life. Personally, what Pope said, was wrong and makes us Blacks look bad. Racism against any person of any race is wrong. Period....

So Pope speaks for all African-Americans now? Allow me to speak on behalf of all Latinos then and ask why is it acceptable to call someone fat or stupid but racial name calling is wrong? We can pick characteristics in wrestling about a person to work promos with, but their ethnicity isn't one of them? I realize some words are best not said but I'm sure "honky" ain't one of them. Dave Chappelle and The Honky Tonk Man are gonna hear from my lawyer that's for sure, but in the meantime why is so much fuzz caused around this when the people Pope insulted don't seem to give a damn at all? Why are WE stressing when THEY don't GIVE A SHIT?
So Pope speaks for all African-Americans now? Allow me to speak on behalf of all Latinos then and ask why is it acceptable to call someone fat or stupid but racial name calling is wrong? We can pick characteristics in wrestling about a person to work promos with, but their ethnicity isn't one of them? I realize some words are best not said but I'm sure "honky" ain't one of them. Dave Chappelle and The Honky Tonk Man are gonna hear from my lawyer that's for sure, but in the meantime why is so much fuzz caused around this when the people Pope insulted don't seem to give a damn at all? Why are WE stressing when THEY don't GIVE A SHIT?

Well if Matt Morgan was offended, we really won't know unless he comes out and says so. for time being, its safe to assume he didnt care. I just dont understand why others are offended when the comment was in character on TV. It's like when Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, why did he have to come out and apologize to everyone when affairs happen daily? Same goes with racism, just like an affair it isn't morally right but if it doesn't directly effect me or take away my rights, why does it matter?
Well if Matt Morgan was offended, we really won't know unless he comes out and says so. for time being, its safe to assume he didnt care. I just dont understand why others are offended when the comment was in character on TV. It's like when Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, why did he have to come out and apologize to everyone when affairs happen daily? Same goes with racism, just like an affair it isn't morally right but if it doesn't directly effect me or take away my rights, why does it matter?

So if morgan called the pope the n word, but pope nor dvon were offended by it, does that make it right? no it does not! and would of upset a lot of people. But since the racial slur was directed towards the majority, than that's not racial profiling.
So if morgan called the pope the n word, but pope nor dvon were offended by it, does that make it right? no it does not! and would of upset a lot of people. But since the racial slur was directed towards the majority, than that's not racial profiling.

Technically, it shouldn't be any of our business. Because it wasn't directed at any of us. But we're Americans. If we can't complain about our own issues, we'll complain about someone else's. Even if it's on scripted TV.
So if morgan called the pope the n word, but pope nor dvon were offended by it, does that make it right? no it does not! and would of upset a lot of people. But since the racial slur was directed towards the majority, than that's not racial profiling.

Where in my post did I say racism is right? Where in any of my posts have i said blacks being racist towards whites was okay? I never did, my argument towards you is that the N word and honky cannot be weighed the same and that unless you are willing to start a movement against racism then learn to deal with it, its life. I'm tired of this debate with you because you are just not getting it. I've delt with racism, I keep going, why argument with someone that dislikes you because of your race? It's pointless. I just find it funny that you're offended when you weren't the victim.
1) All of your arguments about how "******" isn't as bad of a word as people think have the wind completely knocked out of them by the fact that you haven't been able to bring yourself to spell the word out. You realize it's "******", not "nigg**", right? Why strike the last couple of letters if it isn't offensive? Are we playing a very, very easy version of "guess that word" with the boards?

2) "About every black person I know". I love this sentence fragment here, because it's such a loaded one. How many black people do you know? I mean, talk to on more than a weekly basis, not counting the television. The black people I know are sick of two things- one, the idea that because a couple of ignorant hood rats use the word ****** as casual slang, that it's no longer a word with a highly offensive history, and two, the idea that all black people must think the same, because they're black, and obviously all black people think alike, just like all white people think alike.

3) If someone else does it, then that must make it ok for me!

Life would be incredibly easy for me if I took the lowest possible standard and said "other people aren't meeting this, so I shouldn't have to either!" Just because someone else does something doesn't mean that every possible analogue of that action (look it up, I use big words casually) is then permissible. So when I hear a kid- white, black, green or purple- going "***** this, ***** that" on a sidewalk, my instant reaction isn't "ALRIGHT! WE CAN SAY ****** NOW! Guys, it's OK! I HEARD A BLACK GUY SAY *****, IT'S AN OK WORD NOW!" It's actually more of "wow, that kid was raised like shit and he became shit." If setting a really low standard for yourself is how you meet goals, well, more power to you, I guess. Me personally, I prefer to aim high with my standards.

Your totally wrong and missed my point, my point was since JJ stated that honky was less offensive then n word and honky was accepted by the white people than that makes it ok for every one to call a white person a honky. So since i hear black people say ***** or ****** than it must be less offensive now since they use that word so much, so it must be fine for me to use that word now.

I Understand that the n word will always be more offensive because of it's origins, but what makes honky less offensive?
I Understand that the n word will always be more offensive because of it's origins, but what makes honky less offensive?

What history of violence is associated with honky vs. N word? That's why I said its less offensive. Regardless of how much black people want to use the word amongst themselves, it doesn't change the history of the word. You and i both know honky is less offensive that's laughable that you think it isn't. But regardless, I don't let it effect me.
Where in my post did I say racism is right? Where in any of my posts have i said blacks being racist towards whites was okay? I never did, my argument towards you is that the N word and honky cannot be weighed the same and that unless you are willing to start a movement against racism then learn to deal with it, its life. I'm tired of this debate with you because you are just not getting it. I've delt with racism, I keep going, why argument with someone that dislikes you because of your race? It's pointless. I just find it funny that you're offended when you weren't the victim.

OMG You don't see anything wrong with a black person calling a white person a honky? It doesn't matter if it was not directed towards me, you or anyone here, it's still a racial slur for white people. Honky was adopted as a pejorative in 1967 by black militants within Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee seeking a rebuttal for the term ******.

Therefore it is as racist as heeb, beaner, blugum, chink, coon, kike, sand ******, wetback etc..

The pope was wrong though, morgan and crimson isn't the biggest ignorant honkys he has ever seen, that award goes to you.
OMG You don't see anything wrong with a black person calling a white person a honky? It doesn't matter if it was not directed towards me, you or anyone here, it's still a racial slur for white people. Honky was adopted as a pejorative in 1967 by black militants within Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee seeking a rebuttal for the term ******.

Therefore it is as racist as heeb, beaner, blugum, chink, coon, kike, sand ******, wetback etc..

The pope was wrong though, morgan and crimson isn't the biggest ignorant honkys he has ever seen, that award goes to you.

I said in a previous post that morally it wasn't right, read. I just don't take offense because it directly didn't effect me. I know what honky means but again there isn't hundreds of years of violence associated with the word.
Six pages on a non-issue. That is impressive.

Here's the long and short of it:

We're debating a word said by Pope, one of the most useless wrestlers in history. I'm not surprised he said it as you could give me 2 lines of dialogue and it would take him 10 minutes to say with 15 "you know what I'm saying's" cutting off every 4 words. The guy can't speak and whatever message he was trying to convey came out as "honky". That said, it wasn't reacted to and didn't further the feud, probably because no one cares about the feud.

James Storm has said much more racist things and he matters. If it's fine for him, it's fine for Pope who no one will ever care about due to lack of talent, charisma, and the uncanny ability to butcher even the simplest of tasks.

Let's just take this at what it is, a poor mic worker spouting out whatever comes to mind and everyone ignoring it for the most part because he doesn't matter.
First off, there's no such thing as reverse racism, it's just racism. Just because one is in the minority doesn't mean they can't be racist. It might not be as big of a deal to most if they are racist because they are in the minority, but that doesn't change the fact that they can be racist. Otherwise Newark NJ and Detroit would be racism free cities to live in if your white, which isn't the case.

With that said, while I think it's tasteless for TNA to have Pope say that line, it seems like it was a quick stupid line so I don't see the outrage. Now if Morgan called Pope a name in retaliation, then I could see the uproar.

And I agree, the n word is worse then any white slur, however there are other slurs that aren't necessarily worse that honkey could be compared with. And anyone using a slur should be punished equally.
Doesn't this fall squarely into the realm of much do about nothing? I wasn't remotely offended by the comment, and I cannot imagine any Caucasian would be. It wasn't offensive at all, if anything it was actually pretty lame.

Due to societal perceptions, it is simply a fact that a comment from a white man toward a black man will be viewed more harshly than the reverse. If a white man uses the N-word to describe a black man, even supposedly in jest, it will draw a much harsher response than if a black guy uses an expression to describe a white dude. That may or may not be right, but that is the truth.

Sometimes, people just need to lighten up. Pope's comments were not offensive, and there was no double standard here.
Time to be the asshole again, who the fuck gives an ass of a rat? Racism in wrestling is nothing new, hell let's just think about the whole entertainment world for a second. Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer with his whole blackface routine definitely something that many would not consider tasteful. And there were even "white folks" who played Asian master sleuth Charlie Chan. Ever sat down and watched a complete episode of the Chapelle Show? It wouldn't be a show without its racist humor (which I might add targeted several groups and not just one) and that's not counting the number of times pro wrestling has done tasteless stereotypes. And what The Pope said wasn't the first time that "white folks" have been "targeted"....

Let's think about characters like The Godwinns for a second, does that ring a bell? Circa the mid-90s of the WWF, a couple of toothless inbred looking yokels walking around with slop buckets and overalls on. Need I add anything else to that?

Eddie Guerrero
Colonel DeBeers
The Mexicools
Hillbilly Jim and Uncle Elmer
Razor Ramon
The Iron Sheik
Krusher Kruschev

Need I say anymore? When I read these threads I just groan because they are completely stupid and ridiculous, entertainment is entertainment, I am not a fan of everything I see in the entertainment world but it's not the place I go to for enlightenment or political correctness and that is especially true when we discuss the subject of professional wrestling.

My original reply to this was going to be "Oh for Christ's fucking sake....!" but then I thought to myself that it wouldn't be worth the spam infraction I would get.
Ever sat down and watched a complete episode of the Chapelle Show? It wouldn't be a show without its racist humor (which I might add targeted several groups and not just one)

Wasn't his show accepted by most? I mean some episodes were stupid, but his show made fun of everyone and everything. It's not racism if everyone is a target, it's only when there's discrimination based on race, or a feeling of superiority based on race that there's racism.
Wasn't his show accepted by most? I mean some episodes were stupid, but his show made fun of everyone and everything. It's not racism if everyone is a target, it's only when there's discrimination based on race, or a feeling of superiority based on race that there's racism.

Oh no doubt about that but a lot of the humor was based on the concept of race and how races interact amongst each other in society. Just like in the same way wrestling has played their race angles quite often, i.e. The Disciples Of Apocalypse vs The Nation of Domination vs Los Boriquas....people shouldn't kid themselves on that one, the idea of race was totally played in that angle since you had the DOA being repped by a bunch of white bikers, the NOD represented by militant black guys and Los Boriquas being put in there for the Hispanic (specifically Puerto Rican crowd).

Maybe I could have phrased it better but bottom line even if it might not seem racist to you, that doesn't mean that racial overtones aren't involved.
When are you treated unfairly? You are part of thr majority in this country. Let me repeat...YOU ARE PART OF THE MAJORITY. You own the banks, corporations, govetnmrnt and so on, you have a strong voixce. Even if you were a financially pior white man your voice would be more heard than a rich black man. Because again, you represent the majority. That is why you don't have groups defending your Civil Rights because your ehite ancestors created those laws/rights. You could wear spiked hear to a job interview and get the job, black male go on an interview with braids and they're instantly stereotyped and labeled a thug. Black person drives an expensive vehicle or a car with oversized rims and they're labeled a drug dealer. Another stereotype.

Although the Civil Rights movement happened, the fact is while laws were passed, the laws were not passed in many white peoples hearts. So when NAACP is standing up for blscks you remember that black people are the minority here obliging to white man made laws and NAACP is placed to see if the laws and rights are equal to blacks as well.

Want to know what's shoving something down black people's throats? In order for a black man to put dinner on their family's table they have to be an expert on white society. They cannot graduate from school without reading white people's literature, studying white people's music and art. They cannot make it without understanding white people's history. Every day that a black person wakes up they have to make judgments about what white people are going to do today simply in order to survive. White people do not have to understand or know what black people are doing in order to survive.

As a result of black expertise on white folks they know them better than they know themselves. In addition, the sad fact is that blacks know white people better than blacks know themselves. Blacks have a far greater capacity as African Americans to love and forgive white people than black people do to love and forgive ourselves. That they have not made white people the enemy in spite of all that they have inflicted on blacks. But you keep locking blacks out.

So blacks got it easy because now they can get a front table at Red Lobster, or can be city officials - while on the outside black and whites appear equal - on the inside it isn't. Let that sink in because I know black people dont have it easy, and i know that because i am black and live that "easy" life. You're a majority and you feel oppressed, yeah okay - try walking in my shoes for 34 years.

I hope you are still checking this thread, because i just got back to it to read this. Man you are a seriously deluded human being. I am probably considered middle class and that is a stretch. All of the things you mentioned are in the past and there is the source of the problem. I dont know where you live but every day i see African Americans with chips on their shoulders to the point of not wanting me to help them pick their groceries up that they dropped. I understand that is just one instance but there has been no forgiveness what so ever. I treat people based on the person not the color, but damn man seriously get the chip off you shoulder. When we start school be it black white green or pink we are all on equal ground. I didnt have any prior knowledge of history at the age of five so really to say the black man learns the white mans history is unfair. Its not like we have an unfair advantage there. How many programs are there for you to get money for school? Also being a person that hires and fires it becomes apparent that most people in my position are afraid to not hire blacks, and they sure as hell are afraid to fire them. Never have I seen a person discriminated against for having braids. Come on its 2011. Little white kids have braids. Thats not even relevant. Its conversations like this that make me want to close my mind. And for the record I never said i was oppressed, but if my boss screws me over i deal with it, if a black persons boss screws them over there must be some kind of racism involved. Everything leads back to racism. My original question that was not answered is when will you get over it
I hope you are still checking this thread, because i just got back to it to read this. Man you are a seriously deluded human being. I am probably considered middle class and that is a stretch. All of the things you mentioned are in the past and there is the source of the problem. I dont know where you live but every day i see African Americans with chips on their shoulders to the point of not wanting me to help them pick their groceries up that they dropped. I understand that is just one instance but there has been no forgiveness what so ever. I treat people based on the person not the color, but damn man seriously get the chip off you shoulder. When we start school be it black white green or pink we are all on equal ground. I didnt have any prior knowledge of history at the age of five so really to say the black man learns the white mans history is unfair. Its not like we have an unfair advantage there. How many programs are there for you to get money for school? Also being a person that hires and fires it becomes apparent that most people in my position are afraid to not hire blacks, and they sure as hell are afraid to fire them. Never have I seen a person discriminated against for having braids. Come on its 2011. Little white kids have braids. Thats not even relevant. Its conversations like this that make me want to close my mind. And for the record I never said i was oppressed, but if my boss screws me over i deal with it, if a black persons boss screws them over there must be some kind of racism involved. Everything leads back to racism. My original question that was not answered is when will you get over it

Black people remain crowded into the lowest rungs of the ladder - that is, if they can find work at all. While many of the basic industries that once employed Black people have closed down. I can provide you with a study that shows employers to be more likely to hire a white person with a criminal record than a Black person without one, and 50% more likely to follow up on a resume with a “white-sounding” name than an identical resume with a “Black-sounding” 2 name.

Black people face the highest levels of racial residential segregation in the world—shunted into neglected neighborhoods lacking decent parks and grocery stores and often with no hospitals at all. Black people, as well as Latinos, who had achieved home ownership had their roofs snatched from them. They were the ones hit hardest by the subprime mortgage crisis after having been targeted disproportionately by predatory lenders resulting in the greatest loss of wealth to people of color in modern U.S. history.

Black infants face mortality rates comparable to those in the 3rd world country of Malaysia, and African-Americans generally are infected by HIV at rates that rival those in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall the disparities in healthcare are so great that I once read had disparities been eliminated in health in the last century, there would have been 85,000 fewer black deaths overall in 2000.

Schools are more segregated than they have been since the 1960s 6 with urban, predominantly Black and Latino schools receiving fewer resources and set up to fail. These schools more and more resemble prisons with metal detectors and kids getting stopped and frisked on their way to class by uniformed police who patrol their halls. Often these schools spend around half as much per pupil as those in the well-to-do suburbs.

On top of all that, and reinforcing it, is an endlessly spouting sewer of racism in the media, culture and politics of this society—racism that takes deadly aim at the dreams and spirit of every black child. And who can forget the wave of nooses that sprung up around the country, south and north, in the wake of the 2007 struggle in Jena, Louisiana against the prosecution (and persecution) of six Black youth who had fought back against a noose being hung to intimidate them from sitting under a “whites only” tree at school?

All this lay beneath the criminal government response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. For reasons directly related to the oppression of Black people throughout the history of this country, and continuing today, blacks were disproportionately the ones without the resources to get out of the way of that storm, as well as the ones concentrated in the neighborhoods whose levees had gone unrepaired for years. Far from “mere” incompetence, the government responded with a combination of gun-in-your-face repression and wanton, murderous neglect. People were stuck on rooftops in scorching temperatures for days, with nothing to eat or drink. Prisoners were left locked in cells as waters rose to their necks. The protection of private property and social control was placed above human life. The governor of the state ordered cops and soldiers to shoot on sightootersthat is, people trying to survive and to help others. On at least one occasion, people trying to escape the worst-hit areas were stopped by police at gunpoint from crossing over to a safer area. When evacuations finally were carried out, they were done with the heartlessness of a cruel plantation owner. Families were separated, with children ripped away from parents. Tens of thousands were scattered all over the country with one-way tickets, sometimes not even told their destinations. Back home, bodies were left floating in water, or lying on sidewalks, underneath debris, decomposing and mangled, for months.

Through it all, politicians and commentators spewed out unrelenting racism. Who can forget Barbara Bush herself, the president’s mother, and her remark in a shelter for refugees from Katrina some separated from their families and having lost everything, including dear ones that “So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

Since then, 6 years since Katrina has passed with many parts of New Orleans still uninhabitable ghost towns. In the mostly Black 9th Ward, blocks of devastated houses have been razed a vast wasteland now dotted with occasional concrete steps going nowhere. When Black people have fought to stay in the projects which are still habitable, they have been driven out and when they have protested at City Council, they have been pepper sprayed and beaten. 12 Oil rigs and tourist areas are long since back up and humming, while rebuilding schools, hospitals, and childcare centers are pushed off the list. Through it all, cops and national guards continue to occupy poor neighborhoods like enemy territory.

But you're saying its not that bad and its 2011 and how you want to close your mind to these conversations. Well open your eyes because this is reality and that there above explains why there are so many black people with a chip on their shoulder.
Cerial? A 7 page post on pope saying Honky? Realy? And it's started to break down in a equality debate with people quot'n civil rights acts? What the hell is wrong with you people, WWE called sincara, (the fake one) Negro SinCara for like a month, no-one cared, then they took negro sincara and turned him in to a Latino ******** wanna be, and Pope saying honky offends you? The only thing offensive about TNA is the booking, but as 'all y'all folks wanna talk abo da racisms-hic!' (do I get 7 page thread now?) we shall have one,

Firstly, Obamas ... Yaknow.. Colourd.. He's in the most powerful position in your country.. Don't talk crap about your people getting less than anyone else.. They get less cus people like you whine and cry and say our forefathers made urs slaves.. Get over it, am not condoning it, but the reason racism still exists is because so many idiots spew on about how it's negatively effected there life, it didn't, you lost nothing, maybe your great grandfather.. His grandfather maybe, not you, stop harping on like you have some Devine right to be treated equally because the only people who realy differ one from another are the people on that side saying the other is disrespectful the majority don't realy care, It's sad realy, that people from America, a country in financial crisis, that every other country in the world, (except myne cus u buttfuck us regualy and we seem love that shit, my country's soldiers die in your war, even via your soldiers) and a black guy, who once held street praising things, spent his congregations money on strippers, then got beat up by a angry white guy calling two steroided up white guys honkys gets your backs up? This is wrestling.. Entertainment.. Stop taking the entertainment out of it.. Go get some tapax a hanky, a hershey bar a 40 and watch the show and let's hope no1 calls crimson ginger.. Cus then you lot will be realy butthurt.. He'll crimson might go mad n start ripping the place apart.. Yaknow.. With that fiery ginger temper..
Black people remain crowded into the lowest rungs of the ladder - that is, if they can find work at all.

Same with whites, right now there aren't many good jobs out there, and there isn't really a middle class. Being in the majority doesn't mean you get anything just for being in the majority. If that were true, detroit and Newark Nj would have very little black poverty because the majority in both cities is indeed black. Well guess what? That isn't the case.

Black infants face mortality rates comparable to those in the 3rd world country of Malaysia, and African-Americans generally are infected by HIV at rates that rival those in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall the disparities in healthcare are so great that I once read had disparities been eliminated in health in the last century, there would have been 85,000 fewer black deaths overall in 2000.

Infant morality rates incorperate alot of stuff. As for hiv, a huge part of that is simply not taking precautions. That isn't a race thing, it's an individual thing. Better healthcare isn't going to stop you from getting hiv. Using protection will help decrease it. And I highly doubt the hiv thing is as horrible as your saying, I think by now most people, even blacks, know to use precaution when having sex.

Schools are more segregated than they have been since the 1960s 6 with urban, predominantly Black and Latino schools receiving fewer resources and set up to fail. These schools more and more resemble prisons with metal detectors and kids getting stopped and frisked on their way to class by uniformed police who patrol their halls. Often these schools spend around half as much per pupil as those in the well-to-do suburbs.

Are they truely underfunded? Or is it a case like Newark New Jersey where the politicians (mostly black) take alot of the funding given, where the school itself doesn't recieve enough funding? I dont' think it's a race thing, I think it's more cities have corrupt officials who are hurting the school systems by taking the funds for themselves. I bet you though, whites in those same schools do just as bad. Bad managing of the school system hurts everyone.

All this lay beneath the criminal government response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

The government messed up big time with katrinia, I won't argue against that at all. However that includes the city's government itself. The mayor had to give authority to the state to help, then they have to go to the feds. The feds and state can't just jump in without his permission. He choose to not go for help right away (and he was black, I don't know if he got relected since thing) so by the time it got to the feds it was already to late. It's how the system works, even in law enforcement.

The governor of the state ordered cops and soldiers to shoot on sightootersthat is, people trying to survive and to help others.

Many of them were looting and shooting at cops from guns stolen from stores, it wasn't like they were all unarmed innocents. It was a shitty situation all around.

Don't get me wrong, blacks overall do have it worse, but it's not like all whites are driving around in roys royces, they are in poverty also, everyone is getting hit with this ecomeny the way it is. The rich want us to fight over issues like this because it keeps us off of them. Also, the fact that obama is president does mean things have greatly improved, they aren't perfect, racism still exists, but just 40 years ago it would have never happened, but now it did.
Cerial? A 7 page post on pope saying Honky? Realy? And it's started to break down in a equality debate with people quot'n civil rights acts? What the hell is wrong with you people, WWE called sincara, (the fake one) Negro SinCara for like a month, no-one cared, then they took negro sincara and turned him in to a Latino ******** wanna be, and Pope saying honky offends you? The only thing offensive about TNA is the booking, but as 'all y'all folks wanna talk abo da racisms-hic!' (do I get 7 page thread now?) we shall have one,

Firstly, Obamas ... Yaknow.. Colourd.. He's in the most powerful position in your country.. Don't talk crap about your people getting less than anyone else.. They get less cus people like you whine and cry and say our forefathers made urs slaves.. Get over it, am not condoning it, but the reason racism still exists is because so many idiots spew on about how it's negatively effected there life, it didn't, you lost nothing, maybe your great grandfather.. His grandfather maybe, not you, stop harping on like you have some Devine right to be treated equally because the only people who realy differ one from another are the people on that side saying the other is disrespectful the majority don't realy care, It's sad realy, that people from America, a country in financial crisis, that every other country in the world, (except myne cus u buttfuck us regualy and we seem love that shit, my country's soldiers die in your war, even via your soldiers) and a black guy, who once held street praising things, spent his congregations money on strippers, then got beat up by a angry white guy calling two steroided up white guys honkys gets your backs up? This is wrestling.. Entertainment.. Stop taking the entertainment out of it.. Go get some tapax a hanky, a hershey bar a 40 and watch the show and let's hope no1 calls crimson ginger.. Cus then you lot will be realy butthurt.. He'll crimson might go mad n start ripping the place apart.. Yaknow.. With that fiery ginger temper..

I'm going to keep this simple...perhaps...maybe...you should live in this country to get a better understanding, or maybe even read. I gave him a legitimate response to why many black people feel the way they do, those weren't numbers I made up, those were facts. I don't pay any mind to the racism directed towards me in terms of getting offended...pretty sure I pointed that out in this subject. Just funny when 2-3 white people got offended and I was called racist. The generations that exist, no they didn't go through slavery but so many are denied jobs or employment opportunities because of their race and the Hurricane Katrina aftermath does upset me

Media targeted certain ones looting as opposed to the many that were seeking food and water. I know because I was down there for 3 weeks after the storm. Media is only going to capitalize what they see as good news to them. So "black looters in New Orleans" to them is more appealing to "black families seek food and water to feed their family".

Bottom line is you cannot comprehend what black folk go through unless you're black, keeping it real with you. On paper it may look like everything is equal, but reality it still exist. To quote Kanye West; "Racism still alive, they just be concealing it".

Think we all know the reasons why the invasion in Iraq took place. Unfortunately Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri wasn't caught and is remaining surviving leader of the Ba'ath Party.
Am going to keep it simple for you, your saying that white people make black people fell second class, and we do it in diffrent ways, then you continue to make points, valid points, but u object to being racist in what you say, were as if i came on here, and made points about the high percentage of black people making up your prision system, like yaknow, its because there guilty? its because they do things that put them in jail? and i understand that its mostly, because, when you give someone nothing, they will do what ever it takes to get somthing, and being a "Product of your Enviroment" i understand that, because that dosnt only happen in the USA, as much as youd like to say it, id like you to read a little bit about northern ireland before you say that i cant understand racism untill i live there, because maybe i dont understand what its like to be hated for the colour of my skin, i know what its like for people to HATE you because of were you were born, because of your relgion, because you wave a certain flag, dont tell me i dont, because id beg to differ that i know it maybe better than you do on a personal scale,

No one can get jobs, there is a fair few going, i have relatives in America, and one of those, out of 5 white males aged 22+ 1 has a job, with all having worked previously for years, and they live in Atlanta,

and the war started for oil, but thats a dif matter,

just to finish of my post, tbh, i quite like this debate, because you bring up valid points, you see the world tho trew some pretty tinted glasses imho, everyone needs to jump of there band waggon of racism and how its such a prominate part of life, its not, only for those who make it so, and sadly for us, no goverment, laws or bills can change that, sadly the only thing that can change it, is the human race, and i dont see that happening anytime soon,

"The Word Nig**r is Nothing Like Ni**a, Dont Sound Shit Alike, Like Game Like Jigga" i wantd to quote a rapper to, and Game>Kanye
Am going to keep it simple for you, your saying that white people make black people fell second class, and we do it in diffrent ways, then you continue to make points, valid points, but u object to being racist in what you say, were as if i came on here, and made points about the high percentage of black people making up your prision system, like yaknow, its because there guilty? its because they do things that put them in jail? and i understand that its mostly, because, when you give someone nothing, they will do what ever it takes to get somthing, and being a "Product of your Enviroment" i understand that, because that dosnt only happen in the USA, as much as youd like to say it, id like you to read a little bit about northern ireland before you say that i cant understand racism untill i live there, because maybe i dont understand what its like to be hated for the colour of my skin, i know what its like for people to HATE you because of were you were born, because of your relgion, because you wave a certain flag, dont tell me i dont, because id beg to differ that i know it maybe better than you do on a personal scale,

No one can get jobs, there is a fair few going, i have relatives in America, and one of those, out of 5 white males aged 22+ 1 has a job, with all having worked previously for years, and they live in Atlanta,

and the war started for oil, but thats a dif matter,

just to finish of my post, tbh, i quite like this debate, because you bring up valid points, you see the world tho trew some pretty tinted glasses imho, everyone needs to jump of there band waggon of racism and how its such a prominate part of life, its not, only for those who make it so, and sadly for us, no goverment, laws or bills can change that, sadly the only thing that can change it, is the human race, and i dont see that happening anytime soon,

"The Word Nig**r is Nothing Like Ni**a, Dont Sound Shit Alike, Like Game Like Jigga" i wantd to quote a rapper to, and Game>Kanye

I have nothing against white people, Natives or Latinos. I have lived in 7 different states; Michigan, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Washington, New Jersey and North Carolina. I can take you to my childhood home and neighborhood in Detroit where a former crime ridden neighborhood is full of boarded up houses and most of those homes have fell victim to bank foreclosure and are being sold for under $200 each? My childhood home was worth 60k now its listed on realtor.com for $1 because its surrounded by empty homes and crime. 5 tours between Afghanistan and Iraq, been to Italy and Germany. That's more that most can say in this thread. And out of all those states with exception of NC I have lived in terrible Ghettos, felt with vandalism, shoes stolen off my feet and many times walking from work in Washington being followed by police because I look suspicious? Tell me what is suspicious about walking down a public sidewalk at dusk wearing my wotk uniform wearing headphones and carrying a walkman, while I was going to visit my lady friend at the time who was Native. Or dealing with racism in Alabama where people would see you driving a decent vehicle and as soon as you go inside a restaurant or mall they'd spray paint "coon" on it. On my second your of Iraq I came back to California where I was living at the time, me and a group of friends targeted in our uniforms and yelled at because "******s in the Army is only place you can kill people and not go to jail". I've felt with racism all my life, but my perspective in this debate was given based upon how majority of black people really feel- I can't speak for all of them but i can speak for many. I'm racist? My 6 year old son is white/black and I love him equally to my other children.

I had two people tell me an anti-racist group such as NAACP is agenda cramming(I am a member if the NAACP and ADL). I've helped open 10 half way homes in western North Carolina through Oxford Homes which brings people together regardless of race to live under a roof together to overcome addictions.

I'm vwry much familiar with the racism towards the minorities in Northern Ireland, specifically geared towards Romanians. So my tinted glasses in actuality are clear lens bifocals.
After reading your post, I gained an amount of respect, and although I still think your opinion is wrong, and stick to my own, "you have to conceive racism for it to still be apart of life" ofc there's difrences, but not every white guy wants your shoes, not every white guy is gonna paint coon on your car, to me that's low, people who do it need exterminated like the rodants they are,

But then I lost it when you said in nortern Ireland we have a problem with Romanians, firstly the only foreign lot that are realy .. Oppressed? Are Muslims.. Because they can't wear there turbins in school/work.. So they complain, when I can wear
A fitted cap @ work I'll endorse there argument, second to that would be polish.. But when you get declined a job in your own country, one that salutes the union jack, sings the queen and pays awhole lot of dosh to her and her family because you can't speak the language of the rest of the production line, that should be catalyst for change! The problem here is, we have Irish people, who don't like the queen, who want Nortern Ireland to join them and make a united ireland, by anymeans nessicary, when the IRA was shipping guns to Gadfi and visversa (not sure how to spell his name and at 5:38 am google isn't my best freind) a political group of terrorists from our little country has the stroke to play with that shit it tells you something, and when the two leading representatives of southern ireland in our government are known members of the IRA I would say Romanians arnt our problem, not to mention us Ulster folks have a few terriost groups to, to combat the IRA, but our problems is that evolved that now, our own people, who once vowed to protect us from the bombs of evil now bomb our own, combat dosnt beat combat, they just cancel each other out, fighting racism will do nothing, but fuel the anger on both sides twords each other..

I remember reading a book, (the only book iv ever read) and am sure you seem like the kinda guy who also would of read this book, and trew all the speachs, the assignation of one of the worlds most inspiration people, one this stood out "why can't we all just get along?"

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