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R-Truth - Catch him Fridays Nights!

I like Killings so I have high hopes for him during his second run in the WWE. He knows the WWE style because he's been there before. He will be pushed to a US title victory and if he is good enough he will go into the Main Event. I think this move is a great thing for his career as TNA had nothing for him. I just hope the don't screw thisa up like the did with Monty Brown and they are doing with Chris Harris.
I ahve never seen the appeal of Killings in any company. He's a good sized guy that can move, but he's jsut been a midcarder to me his entire career. How did this guy become a two time TNA champion? He's ok in the ring but he just doesn't do it for me. He could be good in WWE but I can't picture him going beyond the midcard. His name is just ok, I'm not wild about R-Truth which I'm assuming is WWE's attempt to have everyone's name under their control. Overall, not that excited about him but he coudl suprise me as he's not bad, just not good either.
I'm excited about Killings coming to the WWE. I thought he was good in TNA and can ben used to build up the mid card division even more. He is a solid wrestler(although he relys on spots alot) and is a decent talker. Also it looks like WWE is ready for Killings to become a star since he is getting alot of promos on smackdown before he debuts whereas Chris Harris got nothin. In all Killings can help add to the mid card division and may become a main eventer is pushed properly.
First off R-Truth is a ******ed name in my opinion.

Ron Killings is a good performer. I wouldn't say he is great. I don't see him going past Mid Card. He seems like the new Booker T to me and if that is true he won't be getting a World Title anytime soon. But I read that he is supposed to be getting a Main Event level push. So this either going to fail or going to make it. Hopefully it makes it because SD needs more Main Eventers. They really only have 3 Undertaker, Edge, and Triple H. I don't see the WWE letting R-Truth bet Triple H or Undertaker. Maybe Edge though. Hopefully if he wins the World Title it'll be sometime like Judgment Day 09. I hope R-Truth makes it.
Killings is a good wrestler. He's not that great; He's just a midcarder. Knowing the WWE, this R-Truth gimmick will be really stuffed up in some way and it will get him nowhere. Best I and most other people can see him doing is staying at the midcard level, maybe getting a run at the US title. He doesn't excite me much; For me it'll just be another guy in the WWE roster who won't last that long.
in all honesty, will anyone care outside of the IWC? I think not. He's not "known" outside of the people that watch both E and TNA. Unless you remember him as K-Kwik? I think that was him.
His gimmick seems like a semi rip off of Kofi Kingston or even a rip off of Rikishi. Truth spent years locked up or w/e and now he wants to make an impact. No one will care and he will be nothing more than a Mid Carder who might get an IC or US Title.

Who knows though, he might have a good run in the WWE. He is a solid worker, and he can talk so that is always a plus but i still think nothing will come from this because Vince "usually" doesnt push guys who come from other wrestling promotions.
For everyone saying Killings wont last, your wrong. WWE would not waste there time with all these vids of him if they weren't expecting a lot of him. Hes not really changing his name, and as far as Vince not doing much with guys from other promotions, Killings was in WWE first. He will last because hes the got the athletics and personality, he can get over with the crowd, especially if he uses the Whats Up song from TNA. (Its his song, so he can use it.) And he is old for wrestling standards, 36, so he will get the push right away so they can get the best of him. Someone mentioned MVP. Do you not know he jobbed in TNA? Maybe for only one squash match, but that still proves that anyone can make it if they really want to. I think he will make a big impact on smackdown, it will be fun!
Something I thought of in my own brain just now.

HOOOWWWW...will MVP and R Truth interact?? Hence both of them having simular backgrounds, what with the prison time and all?? I can see us having at least a VIP lounge between the two. What with R Truth having gone the one way, and cleaining himsellf up and being all good and stuff, and MVP being the way he is, selfish and bitch ass, they could use a pretty dynamic clashing of characters with these two. I think with the simularities in the backgrounds of both guys, its almost inevitable.
R-Truth + MVP = Tag Team Gold. Hell, MVP by himself would be a better tag team champion than Zac Efron and Curt Ryder. I think Killings need to start out with singles competition though, but don't have him squashing jobbers, please. Have him in long, competitive matches with the midcarders.

He's already proven that he's good and although his K-Kwik gimmick sucked, he's really become a better performer since he was last in WWE. He's received great build-up with the imaginative vignettes, so I hope WWE are gonna utilize Ron Killings to his full potential. And that's the truth.

(Jeez, that was cheesy, wasn't it.)
I hope to God he doesn't just come in and dominate jobbers for 2 months. He is infinitesimally better than he was as K-Kwik in is first WWE run and should be thrown into midcard right away. I could see him working very well with MVP, Shelton, Hardy, Kennedy..and after some time there and maybe even a U.S. title run, I'd think a Truth/MVP team would be awesome. They have similar backgrounds and I'd think together they could really propel each other into upper midcard status to stay.
WWE has the vignettes going for him and that normally is a good sign for guys cuz they end up being stars. Can't wait to see him back in action
WWE are apparently going to push R-Truth into the main event scene fairly quickly once he begins to wrestle on SmackDown. This in my opinion would be the right thing for WWE to do as SmackDown is in need of some fresher talent in the main event scene, as opposed to just seeing the same boring faces such as Triple H, Undertaker, Edge etc. R-Truth is also a better wrestler than 99% of the SmackDown roster, he will the majority of time pull of exciting matches due to his wrestling style and speed, and he will very likely be a huge hit with the crowd. I strongly expect R-Truth to be a World Champion in WWE.
I'm really getting tired of waiting on this guy. Based on what I've seen of him before, I'm not that impressed or anxious about his debut. He was ok in TNA, but he was never really that great. These vignettes have been going on almost a month now and I'm tired of seeing them every week. He needs to get out there sometime this month. If WWE is going to push him into the main event, he needs to get out there soon. He's just not that impressive that I'm willing to wait this long seeing promo after promo about him. Hurry up WWE.
They are realing pushing this guy so they must have huge expectations for him. I don't think he'll come out and squash jobbers, he'll jump right into a feud when he comes in. Possibly MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Brian Kendrick (most likely IMO...they would put on GREAT matches and cut nice fresh promos), or maybe even Ezekiel.
i got jus two words to say to this....GETTIN ROWDAY!!!!!! hell they shoulda payed for bg james to be roaddogg again they can do the tag team thing agaom and these edge clones (i choose not to remember their names) could lose the titles to a tagteam with some thing important i this buisness......no not long wavy blond hair, talent.
One word....


Punch, stomp like a motherfucker, rest hold, then a bunch of spinny shit from R Truth. pin. ehh.

Fairly decent charisma and pretty good selling from Truth, but nothing at all to get inspired from here, the match was enormously cookie cutter. It was basically "Here is R Truth, here are his signature moves" and that was about it. Seems as if he can carry himself well though, the booking of this was more the issue I would think. Pretty much impossible to evaluate after his first showing on SD!.
I don't know why people feel the need to do rest holds so continuously on their debut. It won't impress anyone, I would rather a short fast paced match where the match actually seems decent. If it's short and fast paced it at least gives the impression that "Wrestler A" is pretty good in the ring.

That being said, I guess they just didn't want to totally squash Kenny. R-Truth didn't impress me other than the few flippy moves, but he won't get over by only doing them a couple of times and the rest of the match being rest holds. Now that's the truth.

He has charisma though, and I expect his push to continue for a while. I didn't really think his finisher was good either, it was like a scissors kick (which is a bad set-up IMO) with a flippy bit added on the end. Well if he makes his matches more than rest holds and a flip bit I will probably grow to like him.
i thought it was a decent debut. he couldnt do too much, because like danmen said, i dont think they wanted to squash kenny. its pretty much impossible to show a guys entire arsenal in one match.

that said, i think the most impressive thing from that match was kenny's promo beforehand. it was a great promo and also helped reinforce r-truth's street/felon gimmick

i think he'll get more impressive the more we see him
Yes, decent main television debut indeed. And Dykstra is going to get that push, I can see it. They really want him recognized and what a neat little promo he delivered for himself. His potential still shines even though R.Truth defeated him. It's just for Dykstra to make a shocking impact that will get him out there for sure. Back to R.Truth, nice to see him out there, looking forward to what he does next and how they use him.
So riddle me this. Ron "The Truth" Killings went for a name change to R-Truth, yet his entire gimmick is roughly one in the same that he had in T.N.A.. INCLUDING his theme music.

This is by far the first and likely only time we'll see a T.N.A. built (because K-Kwik doesn't count) Superstar, is being pushed as the same in W.W.E. I wonder if McMahon is so high up on his mountain, that he actually thinks Killings as K-Kwik was turned into R-Truth, and in actuality, it was them that built him.. not T.N.A. :lmao:

All in all, I'm happy to see this. Killings as the same type of gimmick can actually be a decent United States Champion, and depending on how well over he gets during that time, he could end up as a Jericho of sorts regarding the Heavyweight title picture. (in it from time to time, but rarely ever wins it)
I watched it again on a reply. And ya know what, I think I've changed my mind about all this. Before I said he wouldn't get over doing his few flippy moves, but I think he just might.

I heard the crowd reaction again, and it was pretty good. He has charisma, and if he does end up working a bit better, he could really go well in the WWE. I doubt he will ever make it WWE Championship material, unless he gets really over. The WWE champion scene is too crowded.

He could be okay for the US title though, and as long as he gets over he won't get released.
Apparently they edited the shit out of the actual 5-minute match to try and make Killings look good. So we got only 2 minutes and it’s hard to judge how far someone can or will go based on 2 minutes. Killings did a good job selling but didn’t get in much offense. His corkscrew flying elbow looks awkward and he needs a better finisher than the scissors kick (as Danmen said that’s a setup move). He’s in great shape, showed nice quickness and agility, and has solid mic skills as we’ve seen in the vignettes. I really think that dancing bit in his entrance needs to go though. All things considered, R-Truth’s debut was respectable but somewhat underwhelming.
True story from Amy on the dancing. Was I the only one who was expecting something a little more serious from a character stand point after the vingettes?? I expected a far more serious atmosphere from those things. Why do we get all this somber good guy stuff before, and then this wacky dancing sillyness?? He felt like someone that had a ton more character depth, and someone I could get behind with those vingettes, and now just seems like K-Kwik the deux. You mean to tell me after all these years and multiple title reighns later, this guys character has developed ZERO from the last time in the WWE??

He will most likely be moderately successfull with the new G rated stuff, lack of character depth, and his flippy moves. but IMO the somber, strong blue collar hero was better than break dancing and bug eyes.
It was very weird when he came out and started doing all of that dancing. I was hoping he's be a more serious character, which I guess he's supposed to be, but he isn't if he's dancing. It's part of the main reason why Rikishi didn't work as a main event heel. The dancing is good for a mid card interlude only.

I really can't believe he didn't make his debut the show after Unforgiven. Where is the MVP/Killings feud? One has rehabilitated from his time in prison, the other hasn't.
You know something is wrong when you've got J.R. insisting that the fans are on their feet. Truth comes through the crowd and nobody gives a shit, and he drops the dancing after only a week. The future isn't looking great for him.

So he's walking through a crowd of fans, and only a few get up. Usually when you go to an event and you sit towards the back, you see fans running to ringside just so they can touch wrestlers. Ron Killings nearly had to put dollar notes in his Team Pacman panties.
I think killings is good hes pretty charismatic and enjoyable to watch. He got the crowd sorta going with him theme song on smackdown last time. He'll make a good US champion i think

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