R-Truth and his role in the Nexus Storyline


Unregistered User
I was just reading Jack Hammer's RAW review as I was unable to watch last night, and he brought up a very interesting point: For someone who has been nowhere near the WWE Championship scene or overly involved with Nexus, he has spent an awful lot of time being a thorn in Barrett's side/supporting John Cena.

Now the most obvious explanation for R-Truth's role is also the simplest: He's just John Cena's friend, and thus has been sticking up for him. But that's not good enough for me, as Jack Hammer also pointed out that Truth wasn't in the parking lot last night in the RAW-Nexus brawl despite the fact he claimed to be foaming at the mouth for a fight with a Nexus member.

So what does this mean for Truth? Here are the possibilities I have conjured.

WWE didn't want him to get lost in the mix- The RAW crew that came to back up Cena wasn't exactly RAW's best and brightest. We had an upcoming star in Big Zeke, a few tag team guys in Kozlov and Mark Henry, and even a rare appearance by Darren Young... like I said, nobody who really stands out on a week to week basis. Perhaps WWE didn't want to have R-Truth in the mix lest he becomes one of "those" guys, which is basically face talent enhancement/storyline fodder.

A change in character for R-Truth- Truth has been a face since he's been in WWE, for better or for worse, and maybe WWE wants to test the waters with a heel R-Truth. Now I'm not suggesting he's in league with Nexus right now, but perhaps he is slowly becoming an all talk and nothing to show for it type of guy. Now that Miz has the grandest prize in all of the WWE, they need someone to fill that role right? Still, I think this is the least likely scenario.

R-Truth is in league with Wade Barrett- Though they have done battle multiple times over the past few months, perhaps R-Truth has started to gain respect for the young Englishman. There's no doubt that the other WWE stars must respect Wade's wrestling skills, but perhaps R-Truth is coming around on Wade's other talents, such as leadership and scheming. Maybe R-Truth has allied himself with Wade and his Nexus cohorts in order to get something out of it... like a title shot or a PPV match.

R-Truth is biding his time to take Cena's spot- There's no doubt that R-Truth played a subtle but big role in the whole Cena freed or fired storyline as his words probably affected Cena's decision. Perhaps Truth was trying to get Cena fired so he could become the next big hero. R-Truth asking for a fight with Nexus was just his first step in becoming the new John Cena, showing the fans that he was willing to pick up the mantle that John Cena left behind. However, when Cena stormed the ring, Truth realized that maybe John Cena isn't as removed from the WWE as he previously believed. When Cena was jumped in the parking lot, R-Truth was secretly hoping the Nexus would be able to defeat Cena, leaving him broken and unable to pull anymore stunts like the one he pulled earlier. Truth knew he couldn't go out there to join Nexus, as that would ruin his image, but he was secretly rooting for them. I personally think this would be a great storyline and eventual heel turn, but I don't know if WWE would be willing to commit to such a long-term storyline.

So what do you think? Is R-Truth's involvement in the Nexus plot just merely a way for him to kill time, or is there more to it than what meets the eye?
First I'd like to say that R Truth gets a lot of unwarranted hate. The guy is always solid in the ring, he is solid on the mic when given an opportunity, and outside of Cena and Orton he is the most over face on the entire RAW roster. He isn't spectacular at anything but he is solid at everything and over as fuck.

Now onto your question. I'm kind of confused on where they are going with Truth. At first it seemed like he may be turning heel with some of the things he was saying to Cena and how he was telling Orton not to trust Cena. Then last night it seemed like he was completely back to his old self with that promo, but like you pointed out he wasn't in the parking lot during the brawl. As of right now I'm going to say that we may just be looking to much into this and he is only involved because he is Cena's friend and it gives him something to do. However, as more information comes in my opinion may very well change.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing Truth as a heel. Because of how over he is a turn would really draw a lot of heat. It would also give him a chance to really show what he can do as a more serious character. I believe he was at his best when he first debuted with the coming out of the hood and overcoming the odds gimmick. His character has lost most of its substance since then and it would be nice to see a different side of him.
Good Post,

A few things seemed off when R-Truth first came out, no Eve, and his old "What's up" entrance music, not the new, even worse one that he has. Then, during his promo, the camera had an extreme close up on his face, it seemed like when he was finished talking about Cena and the fans, he was going to take credit for convincing Cena to do "the right thing", causing him to get fired, and that he was glad, and now he's getting "his shot", since Cena's gone.

The end part of course never happened, but it just seemed like it was heading there the whole time. And like you said, he was nowhere to be found in the parking lot during the Justin Gabriel beatdown.

I think a heel turn is imminent, be it as a new member of Nexus, or by himself, it's coming...
I think they just dont want him to get lost in the roster. I actually like having Morrison/Truth in a tag team. I think after having Sheamus go over, Morrison will get lost in the mid card (again) having the two as a team can be a good way to get either over as a heel in like 5-6 months when they break them up. They could feud for awhile and have the face go to Smackdown and the heel take Miz's spot as the 3rd or 4th heel on Raw.
This sounds a bit TNA, but I can see Nexus kidnapping Truth to get to Cena. As has been stated Truth has been quite a thorn in Nexus' side and has stated numerous times that Cena was his friend, what better way to get rid of Cena than taking out his best friend? It would draw Nexus even more heat than they already get each week and be interesting as all hell. Obviously Truth is going to play a bigger part in this whole storyline, he's been more involved than Randy Orton in all this and he was the WWE Champion. Whether it's only for something like this or something even bigger that would actually benefit Truth is still up in the air, this was just a thought I had on what might happen next.
This sounds a bit TNA, but I can see Nexus kidnapping Truth to get to Cena.

I certainly hope the WWE doesn't go that route. Although it's not entirely out of the question given the current storyline with Edge, Kane & Paul Bearer. Kidnapping angles just seem...well they just seem a tad bit stupid in this day and age. I know that enjoying wrestling is all about suspending disbelief but it's just extremely hard to do when it comes to kidnapping.

As for R-Truth, I'm not really sure what they're doing with him. Personally, I'm hoping that he'll be revealed to be in league with Nexus and that he'll be sprung as some sort of secret weapon against John Cena at just the right moment. I'm not really buying into the theory of the WWE putting him here just so he won't get lost in the shuffle because Truth hasn't been that big of a deal. He's pushing 40 and it's unlikely that he'll be taking John Cena's spot and it doesn't fit with the WWE's youth movement.
I certainly hope the WWE doesn't go that route. Although it's not entirely out of the question given the current storyline with Edge, Kane & Paul Bearer. Kidnapping angles just seem...well they just seem a tad bit stupid in this day and age. I know that enjoying wrestling is all about suspending disbelief but it's just extremely hard to do when it comes to kidnapping.

As for R-Truth, I'm not really sure what they're doing with him. Personally, I'm hoping that he'll be revealed to be in league with Nexus and that he'll be sprung as some sort of secret weapon against John Cena at just the right moment. I'm not really buying into the theory of the WWE putting him here just so he won't get lost in the shuffle because Truth hasn't been that big of a deal. He's pushing 40 and it's unlikely that he'll be taking John Cena's spot and it doesn't fit with the WWE's youth movement.
Why I didn't add this in earlier I don't know. But I had a second scenario involved with the kidnapping angle. They hold Truth hostage to get Cena to a certain place or have Cena do something to save Truth and Truth turns on him for his efforts. I wouldn't have him as a part of the Nexus, but more like he was incahoots with them because he was tired of Cena or something along those lines.

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